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faq [2015/03/26 09:07]
admin [III. INTEL Composer XE]
faq [2015/03/27 14:04]
Line 70: Line 70:
 -------------------------------------- --------------------------------------
 +====== Orca ======
 +Orca is distributed as binary files only. A sample script could look like this
 +<code bash>
 +  #!/bin/bash
 +  #SBATCH --job-name=Au12Ih
 +  #SBATCH -t 999:00:00
 +  #SBATCH -N 1
 +  #SBATCH -n 4
 +  #SBATCH --mem=2G
 +  #SBATCH --mail-type=END
 +  #SBATCH --mail-type=FAIL
 +  #SBATCH -o path-to-error-file/​orca-%j
 +  #SBATCH -p sgi
 +  echo This job was submitted from the computer:
 +  echo and the directory:
 +  echo
 +  echo It is running on the compute node:
 +  echo
 +  ​
 +  module load intel/​compiler/​64/​15.0/​2015.1.133
 +  module load openmpi/​gcc/​64/​1.8.1
 +  echo Current directory:
 +  pwd
 +  echo
 +  echo "---- The Job is executed at "Fri Mar 27 13:36:01 NZDT 2015" on "​simurg"​ ----"
 +  /​cm/​shared/​apps/​orca/​orca /​home/​trombach/​test-simurg/​Au12/​ > /​home/​trombach/​test-simurg/​Au12/​Au12Ih.out
 +  echo "---- The Job has finished at "Fri Mar 27 13:36:01 NZDT 2015" ----"
 +Please note, that if you want run a parallel MPI job, you need to call the binary with its absolute path!
faq.txt ยท Last modified: 2015/03/27 14:05 by trombach