Sandra Kim

Doctor of Philosophy, (Food Technology)
Study Completed: 2015
College of Health


Thesis Title
Rendering Complex Colour Inside 3D Printed Foods

Read article at Massey Research Online: MRO icon

3D-printed foods are foods produced on-demand according to customer needs for shape, texture, flavour, nutrition and appearance.  Producing a wide variety of colours as a 3D image inside these foods presents a new challenge for food technology.  Ms Kim applied techniques used in the printing, paint and textiles industries to colour a small range of simple foods.  She developed mathematical models for rapidly calculating the combinations of three primary coloured dyes that were needed to match target colours, and showed that the models can accommodate a variety of foods and situations.  As well as providing the basis for automated coloration in 3D food printing, these models are an advance on current, manual food coloration methods.  

Professor Richard Archer
Professor Matt Golding