Anuroop Gaddam

Doctor of Philosophy, (Electronics Engineering)
Study Completed: 2012
College of Sciences


Thesis Title
Wireless Sensor Network Based Smart Home for Elder Care

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Mr. Gaddam’s research is on developmental issues of an intelligent wireless sensor network based smart home for elder care. With more and more people living longer, independent and active life, the importance of personal safety for elderly people is paramount. In New Zealand, the median age of the population is projected to rise from 36.6 in 2010 to 43.1 in 2050. This will put tremendous strainon national resources and the cost of elder care is only going to escalate. Elderly people, often frail and infirm, do however require constant monitoring so that medical help can be provided immediately in times of dire needs. The developed wireless sensors based monitoring system identifies the activities of daily living and life style of elderly person living alone. It will generate early warning message to family member or a care giver, when an unforeseen abnormal condition occurs. The developed system presents an alternative to sensors that are perceived by most people as invasive such as cameras and microphones. The developed wireless sensors are almost invisible to the user thereby increasing the acceptance level to use the system in a household environment. The results obtained from my research demonstrate the feasibility to build a smart monitoring system based on wireless sensors, to identify, and a possibility to distinguish between normal and abnormal situation of an elderly person living alone in a home. The wireless sensors based system does what a good neighbour does, if something goes wrong like a neighbour it will let someone informed.

Professor Subhas Mukhopadhyay
Dr Xiang Gui