Sheryl Bourke

Doctor of Philosophy, (Plant Physiology)
Study Completed: 2013
College of Health


Thesis Title
Perspectives on poverty

Read article at Massey Research Online: MRO icon

Kiwifruit growers strive for high yields of fruit with enhanced dry matter content (DMC) to increase taste and consumer satisfaction. Ms Boyd investigated several Gold kiwifruit management techniques with potential to increase fruit DMC. She found that trunk girdling prevents carbon movement from leaves to roots and movement of some minerals and growth regulators from roots to shoots and fruit. In addition, minimal pruning, low nitrogen input, and trunk girdling increased DMC. High nitrogen input reduced DMC, return bloom, and delayed maturation. Trunk girdling stimulated fruit number, yield, enhanced DMC (and hence taste) and advanced fruit harvest maturity. No long-term effects of girdling on vine performance were noted during five years. Girdling, in conjunction with pruning, crop load, and nitrogen input, is an effective tool for growers to manipulate carbon allocation between flowering and root growth within kiwifruit vines, with potential to increase yield and economic returns.

Dr Michael O'Brien
Associate Professor Grant Duncan