MOA 2019-LMC-001

Event Parameters

Internal ID:lmc9-R-3-6807
Discovery date:2019-10-16T21:45:00
Current assessment:cv
A late alert of a nova-like event in the LMC which escaped earlier notice due its brightness. It has just recently dropped below saturation levels.


Finder chart

Nearest catalogued stars


Last 5 photometry measurements

Observation dateI magseeing
2460246.139 (2023-Oct-28.639) 99.99 ± 99.99 2.69
2460246.972 (2023-Oct-29.472) 21.64 ± 9.83 3.85
2460247.030 (2023-Oct-29.530) 18.66 ± 0.45 3.00
2460247.094 (2023-Oct-29.594) 99.99 ± 99.99 4.41
2460247.149 (2023-Oct-29.649) 18.83 ± 1.28 3.77

Calibration: I = 27.40 - 2.5 log10(ΔF + 0.00)

Single lens fit parameters

tmax =JD 2458752.11 ± 0.01 UT (2019-Sep-25.61)
tE =1.06 ± 0.00 days
u0 =8.5559 ± 0.0167
Ibase =3.37 ± 0.10

External data

Gzipped FITS finder chart

All photometry data

Machine readable VOEvent notice