Regulations for The Postgraduate Diploma in Science and Technology - PGDipScTech

Official rules and regulations for the Postgraduate Diploma in Science and Technology. These regulations are for the 2025 intake to this qualification.

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Qualification Regulations

Part I

These regulations are to be read in conjunction with all other Statutes and Regulations of the University including General Regulations for Postgraduate Degrees, Postgraduate Diplomas, and Postgraduate Certificates.

Part II


1. Admission to the Postgraduate Diploma in Science and Technology requires that the candidate will:

(a) meet the University admission requirements as specified; and

(b) have been awarded or qualified for a Bachelor’s degree or an equivalent qualification with a major in the intended postgraduate subject, or equivalent, with a grade average of at least a B- in the major 300 level courses; or

(c) have been awarded or qualified for a Postgraduate Certificate that includes at least 30 credits of courses from the Schedule to the Postgraduate Diploma in Science and Technology, or equivalent.

Qualification requirements

2. Candidates for the Postgraduate Diploma in Science and Technology shall follow a flexible programme of study, which shall consist of courses totalling at least 120 credits at 700 level, comprising:

(a) at least 90 credits from courses selected from the Schedule for the Qualification;

and including:

(b) attendance at contact workshops, block courses, field trips, studios, workshops, tutorials, and laboratories as required.

3. For candidates completing an endorsement, the remaining credits for the qualification will comprise a selection of courses approved by the Academic Board or delegate.

4. Notwithstanding Regulation 2, and with the approval of Academic Board or its delegate, students exiting from a relevant postgraduate qualification may substitute relevant 700 level courses for courses included in the Postgraduate Diploma in Science and Technology schedule beyond the normal limits permitted.


5. The Postgraduate Diploma in Science and Technology may be awarded with or without an endorsement.

6. Candidates may complete the postgraduate diploma without an endorsement only with the prior approval of a coherent programme of study by the Academic Board or their delegate.

7. Candidates may complete an endorsement by passing at least 75 credits in an endorsement. The requirements for each endorsement are set out in the Schedule for the Qualification.

8. The endorsements available for the Postgraduate Diploma in Science and Technology are: Agricultural Science, Animal Science, Biological Sciences, Conservation Biology, Earth Science, Horticultural Science, Plant Breeding, Psychology and Zoology.

9. The endorsements available for the Postgraduate Diploma in Science and Technology under Transitional Provisions are: Biochemistry, Chemistry, Computer Science, Ecology, Exercise and Sport Science, Genetics, Geography, Human Nutrition, Mathematics, Microbiology, Nanoscience, Physics, Physiology, Plant Biology, Soil Science and Statistics.

Student progression

10. In cases of sufficient merit, the Postgraduate Diploma in Science and Technology may be awarded with Distinction or Merit.

Completion requirements

11. The timeframes for completion as outlined in the General Regulations for Postgraduate Degrees, Postgraduate Diplomas, and Postgraduate Certificates will apply.

12. Candidates may be graduated when they meet the Admission, Qualification and Academic requirements within the prescribed timeframes. Candidates who do not meet the requirements for graduation may, subject to the approval of Academic Board, be awarded the Postgraduate Certificate in Science and Technology should they meet the relevant Qualification requirements.

Unsatisfactory academic progress

13. The general Unsatisfactory Academic Progress regulations will apply.

Transitional provisions

14. Subject to any Maximum Time to Completion regulations and the Abandonment of Study provisions specified in the Part I regulations to the diploma, candidates enrolled in the Postgraduate Diploma in Science and Technology prior to 1 January 2022 may substitute a relevant course or courses already completed towards the qualification for a course or courses of the same level and credit value within the Schedule, until 31 December 2024.

Schedule for the Postgraduate Diploma in Science and Technology

Course planning key

Courses that need to be completed before moving onto a course at the next level. For example, a lot of 200-level courses have 100-level prerequisite courses.
Courses that must be completed at the same time as another course are known as corequisite courses.
Some courses are restricted against each other because their content is similar. This means you can only choose one of the offered courses to study and credit to your qualification.
Key terms for course planning
Each qualification has its own specific set of courses. Some universities call these papers. You enrol in courses after you get accepted into Massey.
Course code
Each course is numbered using 6 digits. The fourth number shows the level of the course. For example, in course 219206, the fourth number is a 2, so it is a 200-level course (usually studied in the second year of full-time study).
Each course is worth a number of credits. You combine courses (credits) to meet the total number of credits needed for your qualification.
Some qualifications let you choose what subject you'd like to specialise in. Your major or endorsement is what you will take the majority of your courses in.

Schedule A: Endorsements

Agricultural Science (75 credits)

Subject courses

Course code: 117710 Reproduction, Lactation and Fertility 15 credits

An advanced course in the physiology and application of reproduction, lactation and fertility in domestic animal species

Restrictions: 117767, 117769

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Course code: 117711 Nutrition, Growth and Meat Science 15 credits

An advanced course in the physiology and application of nutrition, growth and meat science in domestic animal species

Restrictions: 117761, 117762, 117764

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Course code: 117765 Genetics and Breeding 15 credits

An advanced course in animal breeding and genetics designed to introduce aspects of breeding value estimation, index selection and maternal effects across herd/flock genetic evaluations, genotype by an environment interaction, major genes, applied molecular genetics, inbreeding, crossbreeding, physiological genetics and genomic selection.

Prerequisites: 117345

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Course code: 117768 Metabolism and Endocrinology 15 credits

An advanced course in the metabolism of carbohydrate, fat and protein in ruminants and/or non-ruminants. Endocrine control and nutrient flows in various physiological states.

Prerequisites: 117348

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Course code: 117785 Advanced Studies in Animal Production 15 credits

Advanced studies of major physiological systems and functions in animals and their relevance to animal production. These studies can be undertaken in any of the following topics: nutrition, growth, breeding, genetics, animal welfare and equine science.

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Course code: 117786 Advanced Studies in Animal Production 30 credits

Advanced studies of major physiological systems and functions in animals and their relevance to animal production. These studies can be undertaken in any of the following topics: nutrition, growth, breeding, genetics, animal welfare and equine science.

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Course code: 119710 Nutrient Management in Grazed Pasture Systems 30 credits

An advanced, integrated study of the environmental and management factors influencing the cycling of nutrients in grazed pasture production systems. Contemporary production systems are analysed and strategies devised to maximise the efficiency of nutrient use (including fertiliser recommendations) in pasture and supplementary feed production and animal nutrition. Financial risks associated with farm management strategies that minimise environmental risk are assessed.

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Course code: 119711 Nutrient Management in Arable Systems 15 credits

An advanced integrated course of study on the environmental and management factors, including soils, establishment systems and fertiliser application, influencing the cycling of nutrients in, and loss of nutrients from, arable production systems. Crop growth models. Crop decision support systems for nutrient management and fertiliser recommendations.

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Course code: 119728 Research Methods in Animal, Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences 15 credits

Research methods for students planning to undertake research in animal, veterinary, agricultural, horticultural or applied sciences, with a focus on experimental research designs. Topics include: philosophy of science; research ethics; literature search and review techniques; project development and management; scientific writing; oral presentation skills; vocabulary of statistics; introduction to quantitative data analysis; and completion of a research proposal.

Restrictions: 119729, 162760, 162761, 162762

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Course code: 119729 Research Methods 15 credits

Research methods for students whose research focuses on the human-science interface and human applications of science. The course includes foundations of science, ethics, the scientific method, and systems approaches to problem-solving and research; selection of appropriate research methods, including survey methods, case studies, enterprise/project analysis, and modelling; analysis and presentation of research results and communication skills.

Restrictions: 119728, 162760, 162761, 162762

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Course code: 162760 Research Methods and Communication in the Biosciences 30 credits

A directed course in research methodology and communication in biosciences. Assignments may include a research proposal, a literature review, scientific writing for a journal and a formal seminar presentation.

Restrictions: 162761, 162762, 119728, 119729

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Course code: 189730 Sustainable Land and Water Management 15 credits

Advanced theoretical and practical experience in the application of soil, water and GHG emission sciences to the sustainable management of New Zealand’s land, water and air resources. Sources and pathways for nutrient, contaminant and GHG transfer from soil to water and atmosphere will be analysed, and considered in the context of land use and potential in-field and edge-of-field attenuation technologies and practices.

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Course code: 189731 Advanced Studies in Soil Science 15 credits

A selection of modules from professional development courses: intermediate and advanced sustainable nutrient management; intermediate and advanced farm environment planning; farm dairy effluent system design and management; introduction to NZ agricultural greenhouse gas emissions and management. This course is targeted to students wanting an applied course in soils relevant to production agriculture and horticulture or to environmental management.

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Course code: 283702 Advanced Agronomy 30 credits

Advanced studies in agronomy based on a selection of two modules from within the following: seed technology, seed science, arable crop, pasture management, pasture science, weed science and forestry.

Prerequisites: 283301 or 283311 or 283305

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Course code: 283708 Quantitative Plant Breeding 30 credits

A career development course on the application of quantitative genetics and plant breeding. Topics include objective setting, plant genetic resources, base population development, quantitative genetic variation, selection efficiency, selection of multiple traits, GXE interactions, line development, backcross breeding, recurrent selection and variety development. Two block courses allow students to visit plant breeders, and encourage discussion and networking.

Prerequisites: One of 1203xx, 283305, 284301 or 284342 Restrictions: 171754

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Course code: 284703 Vegetable Production Science 15 credits

The science and production of quality vegetable products from establishment to harvest. Topics will align to student interests in vegetable crop science including: factors affecting productivity and quality, specialist production systems including root, tuber and leafy crops, crop nutrition, irrigation and harvest.

Restrictions: 171722; 171724; 284701; 284702

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Course code: 284704 Fruit Production Science 15 credits

Production of quality products of subtropical, warm and cool temperate fruits. Topics meet student interest and could include factors affecting productivity and quality; manipulation of tree, flower and fruit development; biological production systems; pre-harvest factors influencing product quality; quality management.

Restrictions: 171722; 171724; 284701; 284702

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Course code: 284741 Post-harvest Physiology 30 credits

Reviews the role of physiological principles in post-harvest systems. Topics covered depend upon class interests, and may include control of water loss, functions of cell walls and membranes; calcium; ethylene; chilling injury; genetic manipulation; modified atmospheres and non-chemical disease control.

Restrictions: 171749

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Course code: 285742 Topics in Advanced Plant Protection 30 credits

Selected topics in Advanced Plant Protection, including host defence and disease resistance mechanisms, weed control and herbicide activity, as well as principles and methods of integrated arthropod pest (insect and mite) management.

Prerequisites: 199310 or 283311 or 285301

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Animal Science (75 credits)

At least 30 credits from

Course code: 117710 Reproduction, Lactation and Fertility 15 credits

An advanced course in the physiology and application of reproduction, lactation and fertility in domestic animal species

Restrictions: 117767, 117769

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Course code: 117711 Nutrition, Growth and Meat Science 15 credits

An advanced course in the physiology and application of nutrition, growth and meat science in domestic animal species

Restrictions: 117761, 117762, 117764

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Course code: 117765 Genetics and Breeding 15 credits

An advanced course in animal breeding and genetics designed to introduce aspects of breeding value estimation, index selection and maternal effects across herd/flock genetic evaluations, genotype by an environment interaction, major genes, applied molecular genetics, inbreeding, crossbreeding, physiological genetics and genomic selection.

Prerequisites: 117345

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Course code: 117768 Metabolism and Endocrinology 15 credits

An advanced course in the metabolism of carbohydrate, fat and protein in ruminants and/or non-ruminants. Endocrine control and nutrient flows in various physiological states.

Prerequisites: 117348

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Subject courses

Course code: 117709 Biometrics for the Animal and Nutritional Sciences 15 credits

Study in applied statistics with emphasis on animal and nutritional sciences. Introduction to and extensive use of statistical packages, regression and multiple regressions analysis, analysis of variance of standard experimental designs, covariance analysis and general linear models

Restrictions: 151709

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Course code: 117783 Advanced Studies in Animal Science 15 credits

Advanced studies of major physiological systems and functions in animals and their relevance to animal science. These studies can be undertaken in any of the following topics: nutrition, growth, breeding, genetics, animal welfare and equine science.

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Course code: 117784 Advanced Studies in Animal Science 30 credits

Advanced studies of major physiological systems and functions in animals and their relevance to animal science. These studies can be undertaken in any of the following topics: nutrition, growth, breeding, genetics, animal welfare and equine science.

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Course code: 119728 Research Methods in Animal, Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences 15 credits

Research methods for students planning to undertake research in animal, veterinary, agricultural, horticultural or applied sciences, with a focus on experimental research designs. Topics include: philosophy of science; research ethics; literature search and review techniques; project development and management; scientific writing; oral presentation skills; vocabulary of statistics; introduction to quantitative data analysis; and completion of a research proposal.

Restrictions: 119729, 162760, 162761, 162762

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Course code: 122713 Advanced Topics in Biochemistry 15 credits

The course will involve use of the current literature to critically examine the experimental systems used to advance knowledge in Biochemistry.

Prerequisites: One of 122303, 122322, 122327, 123326, 203300, 203307, 203340, 203342

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Course code: 194732 Advanced Cell Physiology 30 credits

An advanced course on selected topics in cell physiology. The focus is on the processes involved in maintaining cell viability, the mechanisms involved in cell motility and trafficking, intracellular and intercellular signalling, the control of cell death and opportunities for therapeutic manipulations of these processes.

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Course code: 199714 Animal Behaviour 30 credits

How do animals choose a mate, rear their young, avoid predators, find a meal and communicate with each other? These problems and applications of behavioural ecology to pest control and conservation are investigated in detail through reading current literature and class discussions. Topics change from year to year and according to the interests of the participants.

Prerequisites: 199312

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Course code: 199717 Entomology 30 credits

An advanced course of study involving literature reviews, tutorials and personal research on selected aspects of insect evolution, physiology, behaviour and ecology. Topics could include the evolution of insect flight and sociality, pollination of native plants, courtship and mating behaviour, reproductive hormones and pheromones and insect dispersal, pest management and post-harvest disinfestation.

Prerequisites: 199310 or 285301

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Course code: 283702 Advanced Agronomy 30 credits

Advanced studies in agronomy based on a selection of two modules from within the following: seed technology, seed science, arable crop, pasture management, pasture science, weed science and forestry.

Prerequisites: 283301 or 283311 or 283305

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Biochemistry (75 credits)

No new enrolments

This qualification is not accepting new enrolments.

Compulsory course

Choose at least 30 credits from
Course code: 247712 Advanced Studies in Molecular Biosciences 30 credits

A modular course in which students will critically examine current literature on experimental systems used to advance knowledge in their fields of choice ranging from Plant Science, Microbiology, to Molecular and Cell Biology, Genetics and/or Biochemistry.

Prerequisites: One of 120303, 120306, 122301, 122303, 122322, 122327, 123326, 162301, 162304, 194342, 194346, 196318, 203300, 203307, 203310, 203311, 203340, 203341, 203342, 203343

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Subject courses

Course code: 122713 Advanced Topics in Biochemistry 15 credits

The course will involve use of the current literature to critically examine the experimental systems used to advance knowledge in Biochemistry.

Prerequisites: One of 122303, 122322, 122327, 123326, 203300, 203307, 203340, 203342

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Course code: 162760 Research Methods and Communication in the Biosciences 30 credits

A directed course in research methodology and communication in biosciences. Assignments may include a research proposal, a literature review, scientific writing for a journal and a formal seminar presentation.

Restrictions: 162761, 162762, 119728, 119729

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Biological Sciences (75 credits)

Subject courses

700 level from 120, 122, 162, 194, 196, 199, 203, 232, 247 prefixes

Chemistry (75 credits)

No new enrolments

This qualification is not accepting new enrolments.

Compulsory course

Course code: 123711 Research Methods in Chemistry and Nanoscience 30 credits

Four compulsory modules covering research project development and computational methods in science; two modules selected from: statistical methods for data acquisition/handling, BioNMR, single molecule techniques and polymer physics and/or a relevant topic to be negotiated.

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Subject courses

Course code: 123713 Advanced Chemical Synthesis 30 credits

A selection of modules (6 maximum) covering topics in advanced synthetic chemistry, peptides for biological applications, drug design and delivery, modified nucleic acids as probes in life sciences, activation of small molecules in chemistry and biological chemistry AND/OR a topic to be negotiated with the lecturer.

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Computer Science (75 credits)

No new enrolments

This qualification is not accepting new enrolments.

Subject courses

Course code: 159709 Computer Graphics 15 credits

Graphics devices. Interactive graphics systems. Drawing algorithms. Lines and polygons. Curves and surfaces. Representation of 3-D objects. Perspective. Techniques for visual realism. The course will include practical programming work.

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Course code: 159731 Studies in Computer Vision 15 credits

Selected advanced topics including: low level digital image processing, 2D/3D image processing, image transforms, pattern recognition.

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Course code: 159732 Studies in Computer Programming 15 credits

Selected advanced topics including: programming paradigms; procedure; functional; declarative; object-oriented; compiler techniques.

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Course code: 159735 Studies in Parallel and Distributed Systems 15 credits

Selected advanced topics including: Parallel computing; network security; client-server computing; compression; web applications; wireless and mobile computing.

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Course code: 159736 Studies in Operating Systems and Architecture 15 credits

Selected advanced topics including: Concurrency; scheduling; API programming; real-time and embedded systems; fault tolerance; computer architecture; HDLs.

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Course code: 159740 Studies in Intelligent Systems 15 credits

Selected advanced topics including: knowledge-based systems; AI; agents; natural language processing; search and constraint satisfaction.

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Conservation Biology (75 credits)

Compulsory courses

Choose 60 credits from
Course code: 232701 Conservation Biology 30 credits

A study of the multidisciplinary aspects of conservation biology under three key themes: importance of biodiversity, threats to biodiversity, and conservation actions. Theories, practices, and new developments in conservation biology will be explored including New Zealand case studies.

Restrictions: 196719

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Course code: 232703 Wildlife Management 30 credits

A problem-based course involving fieldwork, data analysis, and report writing. A range of research methods relevant to conservation managers will be explored using selected real-world problems. The problems will cover a diversity of techniques with a strong emphasis on gaining experience in conservation application and quantitative analytical methods.

Corequisites: 232701 or 196713 Restrictions: 199715

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Subject courses

Course code: 145739 GIS Principles and Applications 30 credits

A conceptual and operational understanding of Geographic Information Systems (GIS). This course provides a postgraduate-level introduction to fundamentals of spatial data creation, manipulation, management, visualisation and analysis.

Restrictions: 132738

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Course code: 158740 Location Systems: Spatial Databases, Tools and Applications 15 credits

This course will develop knowledge and skills in the use of geographic information science in an interdisciplinary context. Students will learn how to work with clients to identify requirements, model and collect data and create a location-based web application. A range of areas and a variety of different uses of geographic information will be covered using open source tools. An interdisciplinary group project will form part of the course.

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Course code: 158741 Location Data: Mapping, Analysis and Visualisation 15 credits

This course will develop knowledge and skills in the processing, analysis and visualisation of data that has a location on the earth. Location data is more and more readily available, and students will learn how to transform and integrate data from multiple sources, consider the impact of data uncertainty and privacy, and perform appropriate analysis for environmental, social and economic applications. Different data collection methods will be discussed, and a range of open source tools will be used.

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Course code: 161762 Multivariate Analysis for Big Data 15 credits

Research methods suitable for the analysis of big datasets containing many variables. The fundamentals of data visualisation, customer segmentation, factor analysis and latent class analysis with examples taken from business and health fields. Emphasis will be placed on achieving a conceptual understanding of the methods in order to implement and interpret the outcomes of multivariate analyses.

Restrictions: 161323, 161772

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Course code: 188764 Advanced Environmental Management I 15 credits

The course is made up of three parts. It develops project and programme management skills, strengthens students' knowledge of natural resources at an advanced level, and combines these two to produce integrative skills in Environmental Management.

Restrictions: 188763

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Course code: 188765 Advanced Environmental Management II 15 credits

This course examines current environmental issues and explores alternative approaches to environmental management. A case study approach is used to develop critical thinking skills, and an in-depth understanding of complex human-environment interactions and possible solutions to environmental problems.

Restrictions: 188763

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Course code: 199714 Animal Behaviour 30 credits

How do animals choose a mate, rear their young, avoid predators, find a meal and communicate with each other? These problems and applications of behavioural ecology to pest control and conservation are investigated in detail through reading current literature and class discussions. Topics change from year to year and according to the interests of the participants.

Prerequisites: 199312

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Course code: 235701 Māori Values and Resource Management 15 credits

In this applied course students will learn about Māori concepts and values associated with the management of natural resources. Students will gain an appreciation of the importance of indigenous values, and in particular Māori values and management approaches to sustainable resource management. Case studies will be undertaken to develop skills in the management of natural resources.

Restrictions: 188704

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Earth Science (75 credits)

Subject courses

Course code: 233712 Environmental Geographic Information Systems 15 credits

The application of geospatial analytical techniques within the environmental sciences is required as a key decision support tool in land management. This course will explore the way cartographic modelling, data fusion, database query, geostatistical analysis and image integration are applied to solve common environmental and resource management issues drawing on a range of software currently used in industry.

Restrictions: 233706

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Course code: 233713 Environmental Remote Sensing 15 credits

Remote sensing is the process of detecting and monitoring the Earth by measuring its reflected and emitted radiation, usually from satellites or aircraft. The course will focus on the use of digital analysis of remotely sensed imagery and data. The integration of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and digital elevation models (DEMs) with remotely sensed data will be used to highlight practical solutions in land management.

Restrictions: 233707

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Course code: 233714 Advanced Geoscience Techniques 15 credits

Studies utilising modern Geoscience techniques require the collection and analysis of complex data and datasets. In this advanced course experience will be gained in modelling and solving complex geoscience processes through advanced geological mapping and the collection of samples and data that will be analysed using specialised equipment and methods.

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Course code: 233715 Environmental and Geological Hazards 15 credits

One of the biggest issues facing the developed and developing world is exposure to environmental and natural hazards. Practical solutions to recognising, managing and mitigating environmental/natural hazard, risk and disasters will be explored in this course. Advanced quantification of natural hazards and how this informs modern day risk assessment, mitigation and management will be explored.

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Choose 15 credits from
Course code: 119728 Research Methods in Animal, Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences 15 credits

Research methods for students planning to undertake research in animal, veterinary, agricultural, horticultural or applied sciences, with a focus on experimental research designs. Topics include: philosophy of science; research ethics; literature search and review techniques; project development and management; scientific writing; oral presentation skills; vocabulary of statistics; introduction to quantitative data analysis; and completion of a research proposal.

Restrictions: 119729, 162760, 162761, 162762

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Course code: 119729 Research Methods 15 credits

Research methods for students whose research focuses on the human-science interface and human applications of science. The course includes foundations of science, ethics, the scientific method, and systems approaches to problem-solving and research; selection of appropriate research methods, including survey methods, case studies, enterprise/project analysis, and modelling; analysis and presentation of research results and communication skills.

Restrictions: 119728, 162760, 162761, 162762

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Ecology (75 credits)

No new enrolments

This qualification is not accepting new enrolments.

Choose at least 60 credits from
Course code: 196712 Aquatic Ecology 30 credits

This course presents an historical and theoretical perspective to the study of freshwaters, building on the general introduction in 196.313. Topics covered include stream ecosystem structure and function, aquatic macrophytes, plankton, freshwater fish, disturbance and land use impacts, and the implications of the Resource Management Act to aquatic ecology.

Prerequisites: 196313 or 121313

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Course code: 196713 Ecology 30 credits

This course explores contemporary issues in ecology, emphasising a functional outlook on the role of species in communities. It will focus on biodiversity and the interactions of organisms as stimuli for biodiversity. Topics include diversity and ecosystem function, patterns of species diversity, keystone species, herbivory, community structure, assembly roles and food web studies.

Prerequisites: 1963xx or 1993xx

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Subject courses

Course code: 120713 Advanced Topics in Plant Biology 30 credits

The course will involve use of the current literature to critically examine the experimental systems used to advance knowledge in Plant Biology.

Prerequisites: 1203xx

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Course code: 120715 Advanced Topics in Evolutionary Genetics 30 credits

The course covers the history of landmark discoveries and progression of theory in genetics over the last century.

Prerequisites: One of 1203xx or 2033xx or 1963xx

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Course code: 199714 Animal Behaviour 30 credits

How do animals choose a mate, rear their young, avoid predators, find a meal and communicate with each other? These problems and applications of behavioural ecology to pest control and conservation are investigated in detail through reading current literature and class discussions. Topics change from year to year and according to the interests of the participants.

Prerequisites: 199312

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Course code: 199717 Entomology 30 credits

An advanced course of study involving literature reviews, tutorials and personal research on selected aspects of insect evolution, physiology, behaviour and ecology. Topics could include the evolution of insect flight and sociality, pollination of native plants, courtship and mating behaviour, reproductive hormones and pheromones and insect dispersal, pest management and post-harvest disinfestation.

Prerequisites: 199310 or 285301

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Course code: 232701 Conservation Biology 30 credits

A study of the multidisciplinary aspects of conservation biology under three key themes: importance of biodiversity, threats to biodiversity, and conservation actions. Theories, practices, and new developments in conservation biology will be explored including New Zealand case studies.

Restrictions: 196719

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Course code: 232703 Wildlife Management 30 credits

A problem-based course involving fieldwork, data analysis, and report writing. A range of research methods relevant to conservation managers will be explored using selected real-world problems. The problems will cover a diversity of techniques with a strong emphasis on gaining experience in conservation application and quantitative analytical methods.

Corequisites: 232701 or 196713 Restrictions: 199715

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Exercise and Sport Science (75 credits)

No new enrolments

This qualification is not accepting new enrolments.

Course code: 234724 Research Seminar in Sport and Exercise 15 credits

Through student and staff presentation and discussion, this course will acquaint students with selected research topics, conducting and disseminating research in this field, and preparation for research endeavours at the postgraduate level.

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Course code: 234725 Athletic Conditioning 30 credits

An advanced focus on physical conditioning as it pertains to athlete performance, with an emphasis on research-led and evidence-based practice.

Restrictions: 234716

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Course code: 234726 Exercise and Sport Science 30 credits

An advanced, research-led focus on human physiology, motor control, and biomechanics as it relates to the integrative science underpinning sport and exercise.

Restrictions: 234720, 234721, 234722, 234723

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Course code: 234727 Physical Activity for Compromised Health 30 credits

An advanced, integrative focus on physical activity and its impact on compromised health, with particular reference to examining disease aetiology, and the assessment, monitoring and prescription of exercise for a range of non-communicable diseases (e.g. cardiorespiratory, metabolic, musculoskeletal, cancer).

Restrictions: 234717, 234718, 234719

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May include 15 credits from

Choose no more than 15 credits from
Course code: 117709 Biometrics for the Animal and Nutritional Sciences 15 credits

Study in applied statistics with emphasis on animal and nutritional sciences. Introduction to and extensive use of statistical packages, regression and multiple regressions analysis, analysis of variance of standard experimental designs, covariance analysis and general linear models

Restrictions: 151709

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Course code: 119728 Research Methods in Animal, Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences 15 credits

Research methods for students planning to undertake research in animal, veterinary, agricultural, horticultural or applied sciences, with a focus on experimental research designs. Topics include: philosophy of science; research ethics; literature search and review techniques; project development and management; scientific writing; oral presentation skills; vocabulary of statistics; introduction to quantitative data analysis; and completion of a research proposal.

Restrictions: 119729, 162760, 162761, 162762

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Course code: 119729 Research Methods 15 credits

Research methods for students whose research focuses on the human-science interface and human applications of science. The course includes foundations of science, ethics, the scientific method, and systems approaches to problem-solving and research; selection of appropriate research methods, including survey methods, case studies, enterprise/project analysis, and modelling; analysis and presentation of research results and communication skills.

Restrictions: 119728, 162760, 162761, 162762

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Genetics (75 credits)

No new enrolments

This qualification is not accepting new enrolments.

Compulsory course selection

Choose at least 60 credits from
Course code: 247712 Advanced Studies in Molecular Biosciences 30 credits

A modular course in which students will critically examine current literature on experimental systems used to advance knowledge in their fields of choice ranging from Plant Science, Microbiology, to Molecular and Cell Biology, Genetics and/or Biochemistry.

Prerequisites: One of 120303, 120306, 122301, 122303, 122322, 122327, 123326, 162301, 162304, 194342, 194346, 196318, 203300, 203307, 203310, 203311, 203340, 203341, 203342, 203343

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Subject courses

Course code: 120715 Advanced Topics in Evolutionary Genetics 30 credits

The course covers the history of landmark discoveries and progression of theory in genetics over the last century.

Prerequisites: One of 1203xx or 2033xx or 1963xx

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Course code: 122713 Advanced Topics in Biochemistry 15 credits

The course will involve use of the current literature to critically examine the experimental systems used to advance knowledge in Biochemistry.

Prerequisites: One of 122303, 122322, 122327, 123326, 203300, 203307, 203340, 203342

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Course code: 161744 Statistical Genetics 15 credits

Statistical methods for biological sequence analysis, analysis of gene expression data, and inference of biological networks. Applications will also be described in evolution and population genetics.

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Course code: 162760 Research Methods and Communication in the Biosciences 30 credits

A directed course in research methodology and communication in biosciences. Assignments may include a research proposal, a literature review, scientific writing for a journal and a formal seminar presentation.

Restrictions: 162761, 162762, 119728, 119729

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Course code: 162762 Grant Writing and Oral Communication in Biosciences 15 credits

A directed course in applying for funding and oral communication in biosciences. Assignments may include a research proposal and a formal seminar presentation.

Restrictions: 162760 119728, 119729

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Geography (75 credits)

No new enrolments

This qualification is not accepting new enrolments.

Subject courses

Course code: 145707 Economic Geography 30 credits

Several themes are examined in relation to the geography of advanced capitalism at global, national and intra-urban scales. Within this broad framework students are encouraged to develop personalised courses of study which reflect their individual interests.

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Course code: 145710 Consumption and Place 30 credits

This course explores consumption processes, practices and places. Using a number of themes it encourages students to engage with relationships between production and consumption, cultural and economic change, and matters of identity and ethics.

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Course code: 145711 Foundations in Human Geography 30 credits

An advanced exploration of the history of geographical thought, critically assessing key debates that have shaped the field and examining geographical theory and methodology.

Restrictions: 145706

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Course code: 145712 Frontiers in Human Geography 30 credits

An advanced examination and exploration of contemporary issues and debates in human geography.

Restrictions: 145701

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Horticultural Science (75 credits)

Subject courses

Course code: 119728 Research Methods in Animal, Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences 15 credits

Research methods for students planning to undertake research in animal, veterinary, agricultural, horticultural or applied sciences, with a focus on experimental research designs. Topics include: philosophy of science; research ethics; literature search and review techniques; project development and management; scientific writing; oral presentation skills; vocabulary of statistics; introduction to quantitative data analysis; and completion of a research proposal.

Restrictions: 119729, 162760, 162761, 162762

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Course code: 119729 Research Methods 15 credits

Research methods for students whose research focuses on the human-science interface and human applications of science. The course includes foundations of science, ethics, the scientific method, and systems approaches to problem-solving and research; selection of appropriate research methods, including survey methods, case studies, enterprise/project analysis, and modelling; analysis and presentation of research results and communication skills.

Restrictions: 119728, 162760, 162761, 162762

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Course code: 162760 Research Methods and Communication in the Biosciences 30 credits

A directed course in research methodology and communication in biosciences. Assignments may include a research proposal, a literature review, scientific writing for a journal and a formal seminar presentation.

Restrictions: 162761, 162762, 119728, 119729

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Course code: 283708 Quantitative Plant Breeding 30 credits

A career development course on the application of quantitative genetics and plant breeding. Topics include objective setting, plant genetic resources, base population development, quantitative genetic variation, selection efficiency, selection of multiple traits, GXE interactions, line development, backcross breeding, recurrent selection and variety development. Two block courses allow students to visit plant breeders, and encourage discussion and networking.

Prerequisites: One of 1203xx, 283305, 284301 or 284342 Restrictions: 171754

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Course code: 284703 Vegetable Production Science 15 credits

The science and production of quality vegetable products from establishment to harvest. Topics will align to student interests in vegetable crop science including: factors affecting productivity and quality, specialist production systems including root, tuber and leafy crops, crop nutrition, irrigation and harvest.

Restrictions: 171722; 171724; 284701; 284702

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Course code: 284704 Fruit Production Science 15 credits

Production of quality products of subtropical, warm and cool temperate fruits. Topics meet student interest and could include factors affecting productivity and quality; manipulation of tree, flower and fruit development; biological production systems; pre-harvest factors influencing product quality; quality management.

Restrictions: 171722; 171724; 284701; 284702

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Course code: 284741 Post-harvest Physiology 30 credits

Reviews the role of physiological principles in post-harvest systems. Topics covered depend upon class interests, and may include control of water loss, functions of cell walls and membranes; calcium; ethylene; chilling injury; genetic manipulation; modified atmospheres and non-chemical disease control.

Restrictions: 171749

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Course code: 285742 Topics in Advanced Plant Protection 30 credits

Selected topics in Advanced Plant Protection, including host defence and disease resistance mechanisms, weed control and herbicide activity, as well as principles and methods of integrated arthropod pest (insect and mite) management.

Prerequisites: 199310 or 283311 or 285301

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Human Nutrition (75 credits)

No new enrolments

This qualification is not accepting new enrolments.

Compulsory courses

Choose 60 credits from
Course code: 117709 Biometrics for the Animal and Nutritional Sciences 15 credits

Study in applied statistics with emphasis on animal and nutritional sciences. Introduction to and extensive use of statistical packages, regression and multiple regressions analysis, analysis of variance of standard experimental designs, covariance analysis and general linear models

Restrictions: 151709

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Course code: 151708 Nutritional Research Methods 15 credits

Experimental design in nutrition; methods and approaches in human and animal nutrition research including assessment of food and nutrient intake, assessment of energy expenditure and assessment of body composition.

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Subject courses

Course code: 151704 Human Nutrition 15 credits

A selection of nutrition topics related to the human lifecycle and nutrients of concern.

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Course code: 151717 Selected Topics in Public Health Nutrition 15 credits

Public health nutrition is the promotion of good health through the prevention of nutrition-related illness in the population. This course will examine a selection of nutrition-related public health problems and describe how research-based evidence is used to develop effective promotion strategies.

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Mathematics (75 credits)

No new enrolments

This qualification is not accepting new enrolments.

Subject courses

Course code: 160702 Advanced Algebra 15 credits

A selection of topics in advanced algebra which may include the following: isomorphism theorems, series of groups, Sylow theorems, classification of finitely generated abelian groups, free groups, group representations, matrix representations and characters of groups; extension fields, Galois correspondence, solvability of polynomial equations; semigroups, Green's equivalence, regular semigroups, inverse semigroups.

Prerequisites: 160302

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Course code: 160703 Advanced Analysis 15 credits

A selection of advanced topics from real, complex, abstract and functional analysis, with applications, e.g. Fourier series, approximation theory.

Prerequisites: 160301

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Course code: 160704 Studies in Theoretical Mathematics 15 credits

Selected advanced topics from geometry, topology, number theory, analysis and combinatorics.

Prerequisites: 160301 and 160302

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Course code: 160715 Advanced Computational Methods 15 credits

Advanced study of computational solution methods with topics selected from approximation theory, sparse linear systems, matrix eigenproblems, initial value problems and boundary value problems in ordinary differential equations and partial differential equations.

Prerequisites: 160211 and 160318

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Course code: 160733 Methods of Applied Mathematics 15 credits

A selection of topics which may include asymptotic analysis, the calculus of variations, integral equations and partial differential equations. Some applications to problems in engineering and physics will be discussed.

Prerequisites: 160301 and 160318

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Course code: 160734 Studies in Applied Differential Equations 15 credits

Topics in the advanced study of ordinary and partial differential equations selected from dynamical systems, chaos, Lie symmetries, and applications to mathematical modelling, physics and engineering.

Prerequisites: 160211, 160301, 160318

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Course code: 160737 Studies in Mathematical Physics 15 credits

Studies of the mathematical formulation of the physical principles required for the development of modern theories in mathematical physics. A topic or topics will be selected from areas such as Lie groups and algebras, analytical mechanics, electrodynamics, quantum mechanics and kinetic theory, together with suitable applications.

Prerequisites: Two of 160301, 160302, 160318, 124332

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Course code: 160783 Mathematics Project 30 credits

Microbiology (75 credits)

No new enrolments

This qualification is not accepting new enrolments.

Compulsory courses

Choose 60 credits from
Course code: 162704 Current Topics in Microbiology 30 credits

Current topics in microbiology covering topics in pathogenicity, biofilms, host interactions and industrial applications.

Prerequisites: Two of 141311, 162301, 162303, 162304, 162307, 162312 or 203300 Restrictions: 162702

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Course code: 162760 Research Methods and Communication in the Biosciences 30 credits

A directed course in research methodology and communication in biosciences. Assignments may include a research proposal, a literature review, scientific writing for a journal and a formal seminar presentation.

Restrictions: 162761, 162762, 119728, 119729

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Subject course

Course code: 122713 Advanced Topics in Biochemistry 15 credits

The course will involve use of the current literature to critically examine the experimental systems used to advance knowledge in Biochemistry.

Prerequisites: One of 122303, 122322, 122327, 123326, 203300, 203307, 203340, 203342

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Course code: 247712 Advanced Studies in Molecular Biosciences 30 credits

A modular course in which students will critically examine current literature on experimental systems used to advance knowledge in their fields of choice ranging from Plant Science, Microbiology, to Molecular and Cell Biology, Genetics and/or Biochemistry.

Prerequisites: One of 120303, 120306, 122301, 122303, 122322, 122327, 123326, 162301, 162304, 194342, 194346, 196318, 203300, 203307, 203310, 203311, 203340, 203341, 203342, 203343

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Nanoscience (75 credits)

No new enrolments

This qualification is not accepting new enrolments.

Compulsory course

Course code: 123711 Research Methods in Chemistry and Nanoscience 30 credits

Four compulsory modules covering research project development and computational methods in science; two modules selected from: statistical methods for data acquisition/handling, BioNMR, single molecule techniques and polymer physics and/or a relevant topic to be negotiated.

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Subject courses

Course code: 122713 Advanced Topics in Biochemistry 15 credits

The course will involve use of the current literature to critically examine the experimental systems used to advance knowledge in Biochemistry.

Prerequisites: One of 122303, 122322, 122327, 123326, 203300, 203307, 203340, 203342

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Course code: 123713 Advanced Chemical Synthesis 30 credits

A selection of modules (6 maximum) covering topics in advanced synthetic chemistry, peptides for biological applications, drug design and delivery, modified nucleic acids as probes in life sciences, activation of small molecules in chemistry and biological chemistry AND/OR a topic to be negotiated with the lecturer.

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Physics (75 credits)

No new enrolments

This qualification is not accepting new enrolments.

Subject courses

Course code: 123711 Research Methods in Chemistry and Nanoscience 30 credits

Four compulsory modules covering research project development and computational methods in science; two modules selected from: statistical methods for data acquisition/handling, BioNMR, single molecule techniques and polymer physics and/or a relevant topic to be negotiated.

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Physiology (75 credits)

No new enrolments

This qualification is not accepting new enrolments.

Subject courses

Course code: 119728 Research Methods in Animal, Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences 15 credits

Research methods for students planning to undertake research in animal, veterinary, agricultural, horticultural or applied sciences, with a focus on experimental research designs. Topics include: philosophy of science; research ethics; literature search and review techniques; project development and management; scientific writing; oral presentation skills; vocabulary of statistics; introduction to quantitative data analysis; and completion of a research proposal.

Restrictions: 119729, 162760, 162761, 162762

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Course code: 119729 Research Methods 15 credits

Research methods for students whose research focuses on the human-science interface and human applications of science. The course includes foundations of science, ethics, the scientific method, and systems approaches to problem-solving and research; selection of appropriate research methods, including survey methods, case studies, enterprise/project analysis, and modelling; analysis and presentation of research results and communication skills.

Restrictions: 119728, 162760, 162761, 162762

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Course code: 162760 Research Methods and Communication in the Biosciences 30 credits

A directed course in research methodology and communication in biosciences. Assignments may include a research proposal, a literature review, scientific writing for a journal and a formal seminar presentation.

Restrictions: 162761, 162762, 119728, 119729

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Course code: 194732 Advanced Cell Physiology 30 credits

An advanced course on selected topics in cell physiology. The focus is on the processes involved in maintaining cell viability, the mechanisms involved in cell motility and trafficking, intracellular and intercellular signalling, the control of cell death and opportunities for therapeutic manipulations of these processes.

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Plant Biology (75 credits)

No new enrolments

This qualification is not accepting new enrolments.

Compulsory courses

Choose 60 credits from
Course code: 120713 Advanced Topics in Plant Biology 30 credits

The course will involve use of the current literature to critically examine the experimental systems used to advance knowledge in Plant Biology.

Prerequisites: 1203xx

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Course code: 162760 Research Methods and Communication in the Biosciences 30 credits

A directed course in research methodology and communication in biosciences. Assignments may include a research proposal, a literature review, scientific writing for a journal and a formal seminar presentation.

Restrictions: 162761, 162762, 119728, 119729

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Subject courses

Course code: 120715 Advanced Topics in Evolutionary Genetics 30 credits

The course covers the history of landmark discoveries and progression of theory in genetics over the last century.

Prerequisites: One of 1203xx or 2033xx or 1963xx

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Course code: 162704 Current Topics in Microbiology 30 credits

Current topics in microbiology covering topics in pathogenicity, biofilms, host interactions and industrial applications.

Prerequisites: Two of 141311, 162301, 162303, 162304, 162307, 162312 or 203300 Restrictions: 162702

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Course code: 247712 Advanced Studies in Molecular Biosciences 30 credits

A modular course in which students will critically examine current literature on experimental systems used to advance knowledge in their fields of choice ranging from Plant Science, Microbiology, to Molecular and Cell Biology, Genetics and/or Biochemistry.

Prerequisites: One of 120303, 120306, 122301, 122303, 122322, 122327, 123326, 162301, 162304, 194342, 194346, 196318, 203300, 203307, 203310, 203311, 203340, 203341, 203342, 203343

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Plant Breeding (75 credits)

Compulsory courses

Choose 60 credits from
Course code: 283707 Molecular Plant Breeding 30 credits

An overview of methods used in plant breeding. Special emphasis is given to molecular breeding and breeding for tolerance to abiotic stress with topics including mapping, markers and QTL, transgenics, metabolomics, polyploidy, cytogenetics, tissue culture, IP and ethics. A block course allows students to see application of these techniques to plant breeding programmes in industry, and encourages discussion and networking.

Prerequisites: 283708

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Course code: 283708 Quantitative Plant Breeding 30 credits

A career development course on the application of quantitative genetics and plant breeding. Topics include objective setting, plant genetic resources, base population development, quantitative genetic variation, selection efficiency, selection of multiple traits, GXE interactions, line development, backcross breeding, recurrent selection and variety development. Two block courses allow students to visit plant breeders, and encourage discussion and networking.

Prerequisites: One of 1203xx, 283305, 284301 or 284342 Restrictions: 171754

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Subject courses

Choose at least 15 credits from
Course code: 119728 Research Methods in Animal, Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences 15 credits

Research methods for students planning to undertake research in animal, veterinary, agricultural, horticultural or applied sciences, with a focus on experimental research designs. Topics include: philosophy of science; research ethics; literature search and review techniques; project development and management; scientific writing; oral presentation skills; vocabulary of statistics; introduction to quantitative data analysis; and completion of a research proposal.

Restrictions: 119729, 162760, 162761, 162762

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Course code: 162760 Research Methods and Communication in the Biosciences 30 credits

A directed course in research methodology and communication in biosciences. Assignments may include a research proposal, a literature review, scientific writing for a journal and a formal seminar presentation.

Restrictions: 162761, 162762, 119728, 119729

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Psychology (75 credits)

Compulsory course

Course code: 175738 Psychological Research: Principles of Design 15 credits

An advanced study of the principles of research design in psychology. The course will provide a conceptual orientation to the integrated components of the design process. Through a meta-theoretical framework, various approaches to design will be explored to enable advanced engagement with psychological research from scientific, interpretivist and/or indigenous perspectives.

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Subject courses

Course code: 175718 Postmodernism and Psychology 15 credits

The course will focus on some of the ways in which the cultural phenomenon labelled as 'postmodernism' has impacted on/in psychology, with particular emphasis on the poststructuralist theories through which postmodern psychology is developing.

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Course code: 175719 Applied Criminal Psychology 15 credits

An advanced study of the aetiology of recurrent criminal behaviour with reference to cultural and ethnicity issues, familial and societal factors, and cognitive and psychopathological correlates. The underlying emphasis of the course is offender rehabilitation.

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Course code: 175720 Advanced Psychology of Women 15 credits

This course examines contemporary theoretical studies in the psychology of women. It is an advanced study of the history of women in psychology and critiques traditional approaches to research on women and girls. It includes three contemporary approaches focusing on specific areas of concern in the sub-discipline at present.

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Course code: 175721 Child and Family Therapy 15 credits

The course covers a variety of theoretical frameworks which are used in working with children and families. An in-depth case study approach will be used to develop students' skills in working with children and families. The course is designed to build on the students prior knowledge of developmental and abnormal psychology.

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Course code: 175722 Principles of Clinical Neuropsychology 15 credits

This course will focus on the principles of neuropsychological assessment, as they apply across the life span. Factors which influence neuropsychological functioning will be considered including neuroanatomy, cognitive functioning and the conditions that influence these factors.

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Course code: 175724 Advanced Experimental Psychology 30 credits

This course provides an advanced overview of the theoretical and methodological issues that define contemporary experimental psychology with particular focus on affective, cognitive, and social psychology.

Prerequisites: 175203 and either 175205 or 175206

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Course code: 175725 Applied Social Psychology 30 credits

This course adopts an applied orientation to social psychology in relation to complex socio-cultural issues.

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Course code: 175729 Psychology and Culture 15 credits

This course examines the wide-ranging influence culture has in people's lives, from their ideological beliefs and values to their behaviour patterns. How cultural influences have been considered in the theory, research, and practice of psychology will be examined.

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Course code: 175730 Professional Practice in Psychology 15 credits

The course provides an in-depth examination of the professional issues that impact on the practice of psychology. Models of practice, ethics, the statutes that affect practitioners, professional interrelationships and cultural issues are all analysed using a case-based approach.

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Course code: 175732 Psychological Well-being in Organisations 15 credits

This course examines the influence of organisational and work characteristics on staff well-being and performance. It covers stress and stress management, designing salutogenic workplaces, implications of disaster and crises for staff, families and communities, psychological aspects of promoting health and safety in organisations.

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Course code: 175733 Sustainable Livelihood 15 credits

According to the UN, Sustainable Livelihoods include not only access to shelter and food but also security, dignity, societal participation for groups and individuals. This course examines how workplaces potentially enable such capabilities, e.g., by respecting cultural foundations, enabling work-life-balance, providing decent work, and reducing inequality, through equitable partnerships between organizations along global supply chains, fair trade, living wages.

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Course code: 175734 Child Clinical Neuropsychology 15 credits

This course is designed to enable students to understand and use theories, research and skills involved in child neuropsychology. An emphasis will be placed on functioning in interdisciplinary teams.

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Course code: 175737 Occupational Psychology 15 credits

This course examines the relationship between people and organisations. Adopting a psychological perspective, it examines strategic aspects of staff development, job, social and cognitive approaches to task and role analysis, recruitment, selection, the training process, equal employment opportunities, industrial relations and performance assessment.

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Course code: 175739 Health Psychology: Understanding Health and Illness 15 credits

An examination of how psychological factors enhance physical health or increase the risk of illness and disease. Theoretical and methodological aspects of etiology are given particular emphasis using examples from such areas as cardiovascular diseases and psychoneuroimmunology.

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Course code: 175740 Occupational Health Psychology 15 credits

The application of psychological principles and theory to health and managing hazards in occupational settings. Students will learn critical skills in psychological evaluation, appropriate for the environmental, cultural and political contexts of the New Zealand workplace.

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Course code: 175741 Psychological Assessment in Organisations 15 credits

This course investigates the application of the principles and theory of psychological measurement in organisational contexts. It covers the development of psychological tests, the implications of organisational factors for latent psychological constructs, test characteristics and test evaluation, and the application of psychological tests for processes such as selection, promotion, performance appraisal.

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Course code: 175743 Health Psychology: The Social Context 15 credits

An examination of psychological theory and research on how social context shapes the experience of physical health and illness. An emphasis will be placed on the individual's understandings of health and experience of illness, and a critical consideration of research methods appropriate for examining these issues.

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Course code: 175744 Health Psychology: Promoting Health 15 credits

An analysis of psychological theories and methods as applied to health promotion and disease prevention, and consideration of their applications at group, community and population levels.

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Course code: 175746 Psychological Research: Quantitative Data Analysis 15 credits

An examination of how psychologists use quantitative data analysis techniques to address complex research problems involving multiple variables. Techniques including multiple regression, factor analysis and structural equation modelling are explored, with an emphasis on the relationships between analyses, research questions and design issues.

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Course code: 175747 The Psychology of Sport and Exercise 15 credits

The course will examine current psychological theories and related research in the sport and exercise domain. Specifically, the focus of the course is on how psychological factors influence involvement and performance in sport and exercise.

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Course code: 175748 The Psychology of Organisational Change 15 credits

This course examines psychological aspects of organisational change. It considers societal and organisational factors driving change and models of both planned and unplanned organisational change, illustrating these issues through the use of case studies of organisational change and psychologists' accounts of their experiences as change agents.

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Course code: 175751 Neuropsychological Rehabilitation 15 credits

This course is designed to enable students to understand and use theories, research, and skills involved in neuropsychological rehabilitation. This course will review interventions that arise from neuropsychological evaluation. An emphasis will be placed on functioning in interdisciplinary teams.

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Course code: 175761 Theory and Practice of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy 15 credits

This course provides a broad overview to the theory and practice of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy. Early research foundations and current empirical support will be examined. In addition to gaining an understanding of the generic cognitive model and its variants, practical experience in the use of basic assessment instruments and procedures for effective behavioural and cognitive intervention will be gained through demonstrations and roleplays.

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Course code: 175781 Understanding Mental Distress 15 credits

This course builds on undergraduate study of clinical psychology to provide an advanced understanding of mental distress across the lifespan. The focus is on recognising the most common experiences of mental distress and understanding their etiology using evidence-based theoretical frameworks, emphasising psychological approaches. Attention is given to recovery and lived experience perspectives, and contextual and cultural influences on understanding the experience of mental distress. A case study approach is taken to provide opportunities for applied learning.

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Course code: 175782 Clinical Psychology Assessment 15 credits

This course will examine a variety of standard objective and subjective clinical assessment instruments, and their use in diagnosis and treatment across the lifespan. Topics covered include cognitive, emotional and behavioural assessment; diagnosis-specific and population-specific instruments; and diagnostic interview systems. Principles of test administration, scoring and interpretation as well as ethical issues surrounding psychological testing will also be covered.

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Course code: 175783 Clinical Psychology Interventions 15 credits

The course emphasises empirically validated treatments and integration of psychotherapy research and practice across the lifespan. The course covers behavioural and cognitive-behavioural interventions, experiential and brief dynamic psychotherapies as well as other factors in therapy (e.g., the roles of therapist, client, and culture).

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Soil Science (75 credits)

No new enrolments

This qualification is not accepting new enrolments.

Subject courses

Course code: 119710 Nutrient Management in Grazed Pasture Systems 30 credits

An advanced, integrated study of the environmental and management factors influencing the cycling of nutrients in grazed pasture production systems. Contemporary production systems are analysed and strategies devised to maximise the efficiency of nutrient use (including fertiliser recommendations) in pasture and supplementary feed production and animal nutrition. Financial risks associated with farm management strategies that minimise environmental risk are assessed.

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Course code: 119711 Nutrient Management in Arable Systems 15 credits

An advanced integrated course of study on the environmental and management factors, including soils, establishment systems and fertiliser application, influencing the cycling of nutrients in, and loss of nutrients from, arable production systems. Crop growth models. Crop decision support systems for nutrient management and fertiliser recommendations.

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Statistics (75 credits)

No new enrolments

This qualification is not accepting new enrolments.

Compulsory course

Course code: 161705 Advanced Statistical Inference 15 credits

Properties of estimators: unbiasedness, consistency, efficiency and sufficiency. Methods of estimation with particular emphasis given to the method of maximum likelihood. Hypothesis testing and interval estimation. Nonparametric tests. Computationally intensive methods such as numerical likelihood estimation and Monte Carlo inference. Resampling methods.

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Subject courses

Course code: 161704 Bayesian Statistics 15 credits

Introduction to the Bayesian paradigm. Markov Chain Monte Carlo estimation using WinBUGS. Comparison with frequentist statistics. Noninformative and improper priors. Inference and model selection. Linear and generalized linear models. Hierarchical Bayes.

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Course code: 161709 Topic in Statistical Theory 15 credits

A topic in the theory of statistics, such as probability theory, Bayesian statistical theory, statistical decision theory, martingales and stochastic integrals.

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Course code: 161725 Statistical Quality Control 15 credits

Revision of statistical process control procedures, evaluation of control chart performance and statistical design of charts, control of high quality process, multivariate process control, new process capability indices, statistical intervals. Industrial experimentation topics, evolutionary operation, analysis of means (ANOM) etc. Revision of acceptance sampling, continuous and special purpose sampling plans. Use of statistical packages.

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Course code: 161743 Statistical Reliability and Survival Analysis 15 credits

Lifetime data occur in a wide variety of contexts: medical, demographic, industrial, economic. This course gives an introduction to the theory and practice of analysing lifetime data, commonly called survival analysis in medical contexts and reliability analysis in engineering.

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Course code: 161744 Statistical Genetics 15 credits

Statistical methods for biological sequence analysis, analysis of gene expression data, and inference of biological networks. Applications will also be described in evolution and population genetics.

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Course code: 161770 Statistical Consulting 15 credits

Students are given the opportunity to serve as a consultancy intern with close supervision of staff involved in consultancy activities. Instruction and experience in consultant/client interaction, communication skills, statistical practice, statistical computation and technical writing.

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Subject courses

Choose no more than 15 credits from
Course code: 161762 Multivariate Analysis for Big Data 15 credits

Research methods suitable for the analysis of big datasets containing many variables. The fundamentals of data visualisation, customer segmentation, factor analysis and latent class analysis with examples taken from business and health fields. Emphasis will be placed on achieving a conceptual understanding of the methods in order to implement and interpret the outcomes of multivariate analyses.

Restrictions: 161323, 161772

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Course code: 161777 Practical Data Mining 15 credits

A practical approach to data mining with large volumes of complex data; prepare, cleanse and explore data; supervised and unsupervised modelling with association rules and market basket analysis, decision trees, multi-layer neural networks, k-nearest neighbours, k-means clustering and self-organising maps, ensemble and bundling techniques, text mining; use of leading software tools; business examples and research literature.

Restrictions: 161223 and 161324

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Without Specialisation (120 credits)

Schedule A: subject courses

Choose courses from Schedule A. See the qualification regulations for course details.
Schedule B: Elective courses
Course code: 119791 Special Topic 15 credits
Course code: 119792 Special Topic 15 credits
Course code: 119797 Special Topic 30 credits
Course code: 123711 Research Methods in Chemistry and Nanoscience 30 credits

Four compulsory modules covering research project development and computational methods in science; two modules selected from: statistical methods for data acquisition/handling, BioNMR, single molecule techniques and polymer physics and/or a relevant topic to be negotiated.

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Course code: 123713 Advanced Chemical Synthesis 30 credits

A selection of modules (6 maximum) covering topics in advanced synthetic chemistry, peptides for biological applications, drug design and delivery, modified nucleic acids as probes in life sciences, activation of small molecules in chemistry and biological chemistry AND/OR a topic to be negotiated with the lecturer.

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Course code: 247782 Special Topic 15 credits

A course of study which will be designed to either meet the individual requirements of a student in a special circumstance or be used to facilitate development of a new course.

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Course code: 247783 Special Topic 15 credits

A course of study which will be designed to either meet the individual requirements of a student in a special circumstance or be used to facilitate development of a new course.

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Course code: 247792 Special Topic 15 credits

A course of study which will be designed to either meet the individual requirements of a student in a special circumstance or be used to facilitate development of a new course.

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Course code: 247793 Special Topic 15 credits

A course of study which will be designed to either meet the individual requirements of a student in a special circumstance or be used to facilitate development of a new course.

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Course code: 502701 Workplace-based Learning in the Sciences 60 credits

Portfolio of study using technical and clinical experiences in the sciences

Prerequisites: Appropriate College approval (Director Academic)

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Course code: 502702 Extended Workplace-based Learning in the Sciences 60 credits

Portfolio of study using technical and clinical experiences in the sciences

Prerequisites: 502701 Appropriate College approval (Director Academic)

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Including up to 30 credits at 700-level from any other university qualification

Zoology (75 credits)

Compulsory courses

Choose 60 credits from
Course code: 199714 Animal Behaviour 30 credits

How do animals choose a mate, rear their young, avoid predators, find a meal and communicate with each other? These problems and applications of behavioural ecology to pest control and conservation are investigated in detail through reading current literature and class discussions. Topics change from year to year and according to the interests of the participants.

Prerequisites: 199312

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Course code: 199717 Entomology 30 credits

An advanced course of study involving literature reviews, tutorials and personal research on selected aspects of insect evolution, physiology, behaviour and ecology. Topics could include the evolution of insect flight and sociality, pollination of native plants, courtship and mating behaviour, reproductive hormones and pheromones and insect dispersal, pest management and post-harvest disinfestation.

Prerequisites: 199310 or 285301

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Subject courses

Course code: 162760 Research Methods and Communication in the Biosciences 30 credits

A directed course in research methodology and communication in biosciences. Assignments may include a research proposal, a literature review, scientific writing for a journal and a formal seminar presentation.

Restrictions: 162761, 162762, 119728, 119729

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Course code: 194732 Advanced Cell Physiology 30 credits

An advanced course on selected topics in cell physiology. The focus is on the processes involved in maintaining cell viability, the mechanisms involved in cell motility and trafficking, intracellular and intercellular signalling, the control of cell death and opportunities for therapeutic manipulations of these processes.

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Course code: 196713 Ecology 30 credits

This course explores contemporary issues in ecology, emphasising a functional outlook on the role of species in communities. It will focus on biodiversity and the interactions of organisms as stimuli for biodiversity. Topics include diversity and ecosystem function, patterns of species diversity, keystone species, herbivory, community structure, assembly roles and food web studies.

Prerequisites: 1963xx or 1993xx

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Course code: 232701 Conservation Biology 30 credits

A study of the multidisciplinary aspects of conservation biology under three key themes: importance of biodiversity, threats to biodiversity, and conservation actions. Theories, practices, and new developments in conservation biology will be explored including New Zealand case studies.

Restrictions: 196719

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Course code: 232703 Wildlife Management 30 credits

A problem-based course involving fieldwork, data analysis, and report writing. A range of research methods relevant to conservation managers will be explored using selected real-world problems. The problems will cover a diversity of techniques with a strong emphasis on gaining experience in conservation application and quantitative analytical methods.

Corequisites: 232701 or 196713 Restrictions: 199715

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Schedule B: Electives

Course code: 119791 Special Topic 15 credits
Course code: 119792 Special Topic 15 credits
Course code: 119797 Special Topic 30 credits
Course code: 123711 Research Methods in Chemistry and Nanoscience 30 credits

Four compulsory modules covering research project development and computational methods in science; two modules selected from: statistical methods for data acquisition/handling, BioNMR, single molecule techniques and polymer physics and/or a relevant topic to be negotiated.

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Course code: 123713 Advanced Chemical Synthesis 30 credits

A selection of modules (6 maximum) covering topics in advanced synthetic chemistry, peptides for biological applications, drug design and delivery, modified nucleic acids as probes in life sciences, activation of small molecules in chemistry and biological chemistry AND/OR a topic to be negotiated with the lecturer.

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Course code: 247782 Special Topic 15 credits

A course of study which will be designed to either meet the individual requirements of a student in a special circumstance or be used to facilitate development of a new course.

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Course code: 247783 Special Topic 15 credits

A course of study which will be designed to either meet the individual requirements of a student in a special circumstance or be used to facilitate development of a new course.

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Course code: 247792 Special Topic 15 credits

A course of study which will be designed to either meet the individual requirements of a student in a special circumstance or be used to facilitate development of a new course.

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Course code: 247793 Special Topic 15 credits

A course of study which will be designed to either meet the individual requirements of a student in a special circumstance or be used to facilitate development of a new course.

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Course code: 502701 Workplace-based Learning in the Sciences 60 credits

Portfolio of study using technical and clinical experiences in the sciences

Prerequisites: Appropriate College approval (Director Academic)

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Course code: 502702 Extended Workplace-based Learning in the Sciences 60 credits

Portfolio of study using technical and clinical experiences in the sciences

Prerequisites: 502701 Appropriate College approval (Director Academic)

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700 level from 151 prefix

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