Regulations for The Bachelor of Information Sciences (Honours) - BInfSc(Hons)

Official rules and regulations for the Bachelor of Information Sciences (Honours). These regulations are for the 2025 intake to this qualification.

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Qualification Regulations

Part I

These regulations are to be read in conjunction with all other Statutes and Regulations of the University including General Regulations for Postgraduate Degrees, Postgraduate Diplomas, and Postgraduate Certificates.

Part II


1. Admission to the Degree of Bachelor of Information Sciences (Honours) requires that the candidate will:

(a) meet the University admission requirements as specified; and

(b) have been awarded or qualified for the Bachelor of Information Sciences having achieved a B+ grade average over the 300-level majoring courses of the intended subject area; or

(c) have passed 240 credits towards the Degree of Bachelor of Information Sciences having achieved an A- grade average, and including at least 195 credits above 100 level and having met the requirements for at least one major.

Qualification requirements

2. Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Information Sciences (Honours) shall follow a flexible programme of study, which shall consist of courses totalling at least 120 credits, comprising:

(a) 120 credits at 700 level selected from the Schedule for the Qualification; and including:

(b) any compulsory courses listed in the Schedule for the Qualification;

(c) completion of a subject;

(d) attending workshops, block courses, tutorials or laboratories as required.


3. Candidates shall complete a subject by passing at least 120 credits in a subject including completion of a research or project course. The requirements for each subject are set out in the Schedule for the Qualification.

4. Approved subjects are: Computer Science, Information Technology.

5. Approved joint subject is Software Engineering.

Student progression

6. Candidates admitted to the Degree under Regulation 1(c) must maintain an A- grade average over the remaining Bachelor of Information Science requirements to remain in the programme.

Completion requirements

7. The timeframes for completion as outlined in the General Regulations for Postgraduate Degrees, Postgraduate Diplomas, and Postgraduate Certificates will apply.

8. Candidates may be graduated when they meet the Admission, Qualification and Academic requirements within the prescribed timeframes; candidates who do not meet the requirements for graduation may, subject to the approval of Academic Board, be awarded the Postgraduate Certificate in Science and Technology, or for candidates admitted under Regulation 1(c) the award of Bachelor of Information Sciences, should they meet the relevant Qualification requirements.

Unsatisfactory academic progress

9. The general Unsatisfactory Academic Progress regulations will apply.

Schedule for the Bachelor of Information Sciences (Honours)

Course planning key

Courses that need to be completed before moving onto a course at the next level. For example, a lot of 200-level courses have 100-level prerequisite courses.
Courses that must be completed at the same time as another course are known as corequisite courses.
Some courses are restricted against each other because their content is similar. This means you can only choose one of the offered courses to study and credit to your qualification.
Key terms for course planning
Each qualification has its own specific set of courses. Some universities call these papers. You enrol in courses after you get accepted into Massey.
Course code
Each course is numbered using 6 digits. The fourth number shows the level of the course. For example, in course 219206, the fourth number is a 2, so it is a 200-level course (usually studied in the second year of full-time study).
Each course is worth a number of credits. You combine courses (credits) to meet the total number of credits needed for your qualification.
Some qualifications let you choose what subject you'd like to specialise in. Your major or endorsement is what you will take the majority of your courses in.


Computer Science (120 credits)

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This qualification is not accepting new enrolments.

Compulsory courses

Choose 30 credits from
Course code: 159794 Project 15 credits
Course code: 159795 Project 15 credits

Specialist courses

Choose 90 credits from
Course code: 159709 Computer Graphics 15 credits

Graphics devices. Interactive graphics systems. Drawing algorithms. Lines and polygons. Curves and surfaces. Representation of 3-D objects. Perspective. Techniques for visual realism. The course will include practical programming work.

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Course code: 159731 Studies in Computer Vision 15 credits

Selected advanced topics including: low level digital image processing, 2D/3D image processing, image transforms, pattern recognition.

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Course code: 159732 Studies in Computer Programming 15 credits

Selected advanced topics including: programming paradigms; procedure; functional; declarative; object-oriented; compiler techniques.

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Course code: 159735 Studies in Parallel and Distributed Systems 15 credits

Selected advanced topics including: Parallel computing; network security; client-server computing; compression; web applications; wireless and mobile computing.

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Course code: 159736 Studies in Operating Systems and Architecture 15 credits

Selected advanced topics including: Concurrency; scheduling; API programming; real-time and embedded systems; fault tolerance; computer architecture; HDLs.

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Course code: 159738 Special Topic 15 credits
Course code: 159739 Special Topic 15 credits
Course code: 159740 Studies in Intelligent Systems 15 credits

Selected advanced topics including: knowledge-based systems; AI; agents; natural language processing; search and constraint satisfaction.

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Information Technology (120 credits)

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This qualification is not accepting new enrolments.

Compulsory courses

Choose 30 credits from
Course code: 158780 Information Technology Project Part 1 15 credits

An in-depth study of Information Technology research, exploring both research methods and project execution. This course provides a practical approach to the principles and practices of academic research, and incorporates a full execution of the preliminary parts of a project life cycle, including the proposal, literature review, methodology and pilot study.

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Course code: 158781 Information Technology Project Part 2 15 credits

A continuing study of information sciences research, exploring both research methods and project execution. This course provides a practical approach to the principles and practices of academic research, and incorporates a full execution of the latter parts of a project life cycle, including the research practicum, analysis of results and reporting of conclusions.

Prerequisites: 158780

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Specialist courses

Choose 90 credits from
Course code: 158738 Implementation and Management of Systems Security 15 credits

Security and privacy are important features of information systems, in particular with the case of free access, as in Web-based services or E-commerce systems. The goal is to restrict the access of information to legitimate users only. For this purpose techniques from cryptography and information theory have to be studied.

Restrictions: 157738

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Course code: 158750 Information Sciences Research Methods 15 credits

A study of information science research, its methods, practices, social context and relationships to other fields of study. Research skills including research design, literature evaluation, data collection, data analysis and publication are practised in this course.

Restrictions: 157750

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Course code: 158751 Object-Oriented Software Development - Theory and Practice 15 credits

A study of the object-oriented paradigm applied to software development and database design. The course includes practical work with an object-oriented analysis and design method, a UML CASE tool and an object-oriented programming language.

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Course code: 158753 Software Development Paradigms 15 credits

The course investigates the concept and practice of software development methodologies. It examines the commercial pressures which promote methodologies such as Agile and the theoretical frameworks which underpin a desirable methodology. Practical assignments will use appropriate software environments.

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Course code: 158755 Data Science - Making Sense of Data 15 credits

A study of the science of drawing knowledge and insights from data, including the concepts and techniques of data mining, machine learning and natural language processing. The course covers both theoretical and practical aspects using a range of software tools and algorithms.

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Course code: 158757 User Interface Design and Evaluation 15 credits

Focuses on the design and evaluation of human-computer interfaces (HCI) for computerised information systems covering: task analysis, the process of design, the use of rapid prototyping in HCI design, and formative and summative usability testing, as well as the integration of user interface design techniques into the SDLC. The approach is hands-on.

Restrictions: 157757

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Course code: 158762 Software Quality and Reliability 15 credits

An advanced study of software quality assurance and reliability analysis techniques used in Information Technology projects. The course provides an in-depth study of software validation and verification strategies using appropriate methods, metrics and models. Current tools and practices will be applied to representative software systems.

Restrictions: 157762

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Course code: 159738 Special Topic 15 credits
Course code: 159739 Special Topic 15 credits

Software Engineering (120 credits)

No new enrolments

This qualification is not accepting new enrolments.

Compulsory course selection

Choose 30 credits from
Course code: 158780 Information Technology Project Part 1 15 credits

An in-depth study of Information Technology research, exploring both research methods and project execution. This course provides a practical approach to the principles and practices of academic research, and incorporates a full execution of the preliminary parts of a project life cycle, including the proposal, literature review, methodology and pilot study.

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Course code: 158781 Information Technology Project Part 2 15 credits

A continuing study of information sciences research, exploring both research methods and project execution. This course provides a practical approach to the principles and practices of academic research, and incorporates a full execution of the latter parts of a project life cycle, including the research practicum, analysis of results and reporting of conclusions.

Prerequisites: 158780

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Course code: 159794 Project 15 credits
Course code: 159795 Project 15 credits

Computer Science component

Choose 45 credits from
Course code: 159709 Computer Graphics 15 credits

Graphics devices. Interactive graphics systems. Drawing algorithms. Lines and polygons. Curves and surfaces. Representation of 3-D objects. Perspective. Techniques for visual realism. The course will include practical programming work.

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Course code: 159731 Studies in Computer Vision 15 credits

Selected advanced topics including: low level digital image processing, 2D/3D image processing, image transforms, pattern recognition.

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Course code: 159732 Studies in Computer Programming 15 credits

Selected advanced topics including: programming paradigms; procedure; functional; declarative; object-oriented; compiler techniques.

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Course code: 159735 Studies in Parallel and Distributed Systems 15 credits

Selected advanced topics including: Parallel computing; network security; client-server computing; compression; web applications; wireless and mobile computing.

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Course code: 159736 Studies in Operating Systems and Architecture 15 credits

Selected advanced topics including: Concurrency; scheduling; API programming; real-time and embedded systems; fault tolerance; computer architecture; HDLs.

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Information Technology component

Choose 45 credits from
Course code: 158738 Implementation and Management of Systems Security 15 credits

Security and privacy are important features of information systems, in particular with the case of free access, as in Web-based services or E-commerce systems. The goal is to restrict the access of information to legitimate users only. For this purpose techniques from cryptography and information theory have to be studied.

Restrictions: 157738

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Course code: 158751 Object-Oriented Software Development - Theory and Practice 15 credits

A study of the object-oriented paradigm applied to software development and database design. The course includes practical work with an object-oriented analysis and design method, a UML CASE tool and an object-oriented programming language.

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Course code: 158753 Software Development Paradigms 15 credits

The course investigates the concept and practice of software development methodologies. It examines the commercial pressures which promote methodologies such as Agile and the theoretical frameworks which underpin a desirable methodology. Practical assignments will use appropriate software environments.

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Course code: 158755 Data Science - Making Sense of Data 15 credits

A study of the science of drawing knowledge and insights from data, including the concepts and techniques of data mining, machine learning and natural language processing. The course covers both theoretical and practical aspects using a range of software tools and algorithms.

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Course code: 158757 User Interface Design and Evaluation 15 credits

Focuses on the design and evaluation of human-computer interfaces (HCI) for computerised information systems covering: task analysis, the process of design, the use of rapid prototyping in HCI design, and formative and summative usability testing, as well as the integration of user interface design techniques into the SDLC. The approach is hands-on.

Restrictions: 157757

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Course code: 158762 Software Quality and Reliability 15 credits

An advanced study of software quality assurance and reliability analysis techniques used in Information Technology projects. The course provides an in-depth study of software validation and verification strategies using appropriate methods, metrics and models. Current tools and practices will be applied to representative software systems.

Restrictions: 157762

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