Regulations for The Master of Business Studies - MBS

Official rules and regulations for the Master of Business Studies. These regulations are for the 2025 intake to this qualification.

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Qualification Regulations

Part I

These regulations are to be read in conjunction with all other Statutes and Regulations of the University including General Regulations for Postgraduate Degrees, Postgraduate Diplomas, and Postgraduate Certificates.

Part II


1. Admission to the Master of Business Studies requires that the candidate will:

(a) meet the University admission requirements as specified; and

(b) have been awarded or qualified for a relevant Bachelor‘s degree or equivalent qualification, having achieved a grade average of at least a B- in the highest level courses.

Qualification requirements

2. Candidates for the Master of Business Studies shall follow a parts-based programme of study, which shall consist of courses totalling at least 180 credits comprising:

(a) Part One and Part Two as defined by the Schedule to the Degree

(b) completion of a subject.

3. Notwithstanding Regulation 2, candidates who have been awarded the Degree of Bachelor of Business Studies with Honours, or the equivalent degree of another recognised university, may apply for credit towards Part One of the qualification in accordance with the limits specified in the Recognition of Prior Learning regulations.


4. Candidates for the Degree of Master of Business Studies may complete a subject by passing at least 180 credits in a subject including:

(a) Thesis or Research Report of at least 60 credits;

(b) any compulsory courses identified in the Schedule to the Degree.

The requirements for each subject are set out in the Schedule for the Qualification.

5. Notwithstanding Regulation 4, candidates admitted under Regulation 3 may complete a subject by passing at least 120 credits in a subject including a Thesis or Research Report of at least 60 credits.

6. Subjects available in the Master of Business Studies are: Accountancy, Banking, Communication, Economics, Finance, Human Resource Management, Management, and Marketing.

Student progression

7. For progression from Part One to Part Two, candidates must have achieved a Grade Average of B- over 60 credits of the Part One courses, including the compulsory courses.

8. In cases of sufficient merit, the Degree of Master of Business Studies may be awarded with Distinction or Merit.

Completion requirements

9. The timeframes for completion as outlined in the General Regulations for Postgraduate Degrees, Postgraduate Diplomas, and Postgraduate Certificates will apply.

10. Candidates may be graduated when they meet the Admission, Qualification and Academic requirements within the prescribed timeframes. Candidates who do not meet the requirements for progression from Part One to Part Two, or who do not meet the requirements for graduation may, subject to the approval of Academic Board, be awarded the Postgraduate Diploma in Business or the Postgraduate Certificate in Business should they meet the relevant Qualification requirements.

Unsatisfactory academic progress

11. The general Unsatisfactory Academic Progress regulations will apply.

Transitional provisions

12. Subject to the Maximum Time to Completion and Abandonment of Studies provisions specified in the Part I regulations for the degree, candidates enrolled in the Human Resource Management subject prior to 1 January 2022 who have successfully completed 114.894 or 114.897 and 114.898 or 114.899 may substitute these for 152.896 (in the case of 114.894), 152.804 and 152.805 (in the case of 114.897 and 114.898) and 152.800 (in the case of 114.899). Candidates currently enrolled in 114.897 may enrol in 114.898 in 2022 and substitute it for 152.800. These transition provisions expire 31 December 2024.

Schedule for the Master of Business Studies

Course planning key

Courses that need to be completed before moving onto a course at the next level. For example, a lot of 200-level courses have 100-level prerequisite courses.
Courses that must be completed at the same time as another course are known as corequisite courses.
Some courses are restricted against each other because their content is similar. This means you can only choose one of the offered courses to study and credit to your qualification.
Key terms for course planning
Each qualification has its own specific set of courses. Some universities call these papers. You enrol in courses after you get accepted into Massey.
Course code
Each course is numbered using 6 digits. The fourth number shows the level of the course. For example, in course 219206, the fourth number is a 2, so it is a 200-level course (usually studied in the second year of full-time study).
Each course is worth a number of credits. You combine courses (credits) to meet the total number of credits needed for your qualification.
Some qualifications let you choose what subject you'd like to specialise in. Your major or endorsement is what you will take the majority of your courses in.


Accountancy (180 credits)

Part One

Compulsory course
Course code: 110717 Research Methods in Accounting 30 credits

This course explores a range of different conceptual approaches to researching accounting issues and examines tools and techniques that are available for research in accounting. As an integral part of the course, students are required to prepare and present a research proposal.

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Subject courses
Course code: 110710 Contemporary Issues in Financial Accounting 30 credits

An in-depth study of selected contemporary financial accounting and external reporting issues through a review of the relevant extant literature.

Prerequisites: 110309

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Course code: 110711 Advanced Accounting Theory 30 credits

This course is designed for students who wish to continue their search for truth in accounting at an advanced level. They will be introduced to various conceptual issues espoused in the accounting literature such as the historical development of accounting, the relationship between philosophy of science and accounting, and the theoretical foundation of some of the important issues currently facing accounting as a profession.

Prerequisites: 110309

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Course code: 110792 Special Topic 30 credits

Prerequisites: Appraisal Required

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Part Two
Choose at least 60 credits from
Course code: 110894 Research Report 60 credits

Candidates are required to conduct a piece of independent research under supervision and to produce a report of the research for examination.

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Course code: 110897 Thesis 120 Credit Part 1 60 credits

A supervised and guided independent study resulting in a published work.

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Course code: 110898 Thesis 120 Credit Part 2 60 credits

A supervised and guided independent study resulting in a published work.

Corequisites: 110897

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Course code: 110899 Thesis 120 credits

A supervised and guided independent study resulting in a published work.

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Course code: 115891 Thesis 90-Credit Part 1 45 credits

Candidates are required to conduct a piece of independent research under supervision and to produce a thesis for examination.

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Course code: 115892 Thesis 90-Credit Part 2 45 credits

Candidates are required to conduct a piece of independent research under supervision and to produce a thesis for examination.

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Course code: 115894 Research Report 60-Credit Part 1 30 credits

Candidates are required to conduct a piece of independent research under supervision and to produce a report of the research for examination.

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Course code: 115895 Research Report 60-Credit Part 2 30 credits

Candidates are required to conduct a piece of independent research under supervision and to produce a report of the research for examination.

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Communication (180 credits)

Part One

Compulsory course selection
Choose 30 credits from
Course code: 152781 Advanced Research Methods in Business 30 credits

Research approaches to management and organisation theory. Includes reading and designing research in these areas up to the preparation of research proposals.

Restrictions: 156776, 219790

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Subject courses
Course code: 219702 Management Communication 30 credits

This course examines the management of internal communication processes within organisations.

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Course code: 219703 Perspectives in Business Communication 30 credits

An exploration of the theory and practice of workplace communication in diverse organisational settings. Theory is linked to practice through the analysis of contemporary case studies.

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Course code: 219704 International and Intercultural Communication 30 credits

This course uses communication theory and research to explore ways of developing cross-cultural effectiveness, with an emphasis on communication in organisational settings.

Restrictions: 219304

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Course code: 219708 Political Communication 30 credits

This course is a critical and theoretical inquiry into the nature of contemporary political communication.

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Part Two
Choose at least 60 credits from
Course code: 115891 Thesis 90-Credit Part 1 45 credits

Candidates are required to conduct a piece of independent research under supervision and to produce a thesis for examination.

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Course code: 115892 Thesis 90-Credit Part 2 45 credits

Candidates are required to conduct a piece of independent research under supervision and to produce a thesis for examination.

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Course code: 115894 Research Report 60-Credit Part 1 30 credits

Candidates are required to conduct a piece of independent research under supervision and to produce a report of the research for examination.

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Course code: 115895 Research Report 60-Credit Part 2 30 credits

Candidates are required to conduct a piece of independent research under supervision and to produce a report of the research for examination.

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Course code: 219887 Research Report 60 credits

Candidates are required to conduct a piece of independent research under supervision and to produce a report of the research for examination.

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Course code: 219897 Thesis 120 Credit Part 1 60 credits

A supervised and guided independent study resulting in a published work.

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Course code: 219898 Thesis 120 Credit Part 2 60 credits

A supervised and guided independent study resulting in a published work.

Corequisites: 219897

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Course code: 219899 Thesis 120 credits

A supervised and guided independent study resulting in a published work.

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Economics (180 credits)

Part One

An approved 700-level Research Methods course
Subject courses
Course code: 178703 The Theory and Practice of Economics 30 credits

This course is a survey of developments in macroeconomic and microeconomic theory with extension into contemporary issues and practice.

Restrictions: '178.200 & 178.201', or their equivalent(s)

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Course code: 178712 International Monetary Economics 30 credits

This course is concerned with the monetary and macroeconomic relationships between countries. It deals with such issues as balance-of-payments problems and policies, the functioning of foreign exchange rate markets, the determination and causes of exchange-rate movements, the international monetary system, and derivative instruments including swaps, options and futures.

Prerequisites: 178703 or 125700 or 125330 or Appraisal Required

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Course code: 178718 Health Economics 30 credits

Subject areas to be covered include microeconomics for healthcare, the economics of politics and bureaus, demand for healthcare, the supply and organisation of healthcare, hospital behaviour, moral hazard, cost-benefit analysis in health, private versus public provision of healthcare and contemporary policy issues.

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Course code: 178719 Climate Change Economics and Policy 30 credits

An analysis of the economics of climate change and evaluation of the mitigation options used by policy makers globally.

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Course code: 178732 Advanced Econometrics 30 credits

This course introduces students to advanced methods used in econometrics and forecasting. Topics include time-series analysis; testing and model selection; simultaneous equations; nonstationarity; vector autoregressive models; causality and exogeneity; binary choice models and panel data analysis.

Prerequisites: 125785 or any 300-level Econometrics course

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Course code: 178755 Economic Growth, International and Development Economics 30 credits

A critical assessment of topics from economic growth, international economics and the nature and measurement of development. There is an emphasis on the empirical and policy implications of development strategies including the relationship between managing development, role of the State, international economy, globalisation, trade theory and policy, global crises, and macroeconomic policy.

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Part Two
Choose at least 60 credits from
Course code: 115891 Thesis 90-Credit Part 1 45 credits

Candidates are required to conduct a piece of independent research under supervision and to produce a thesis for examination.

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Course code: 115892 Thesis 90-Credit Part 2 45 credits

Candidates are required to conduct a piece of independent research under supervision and to produce a thesis for examination.

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Course code: 115894 Research Report 60-Credit Part 1 30 credits

Candidates are required to conduct a piece of independent research under supervision and to produce a report of the research for examination.

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Course code: 115895 Research Report 60-Credit Part 2 30 credits

Candidates are required to conduct a piece of independent research under supervision and to produce a report of the research for examination.

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Course code: 178894 Research Report 60 credits

Candidates are required to conduct a piece of independent research under supervision and to produce a report of the research for examination.

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Course code: 178897 Thesis 120 Credit Part 1 60 credits

A supervised and guided independent study resulting in a published work.

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Course code: 178898 Thesis 120 Credit Part 2 60 credits

A supervised and guided independent study resulting in a published work.

Corequisites: 178897

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Course code: 178899 Thesis 120 credits

A supervised and guided independent study resulting in a published work.

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Finance (180 credits)

Part One

Compulsory course
Course code: 125785 Research and Analytics in Economics and Finance 30 credits

This course provides foundations for econometrics and data analytics from which students can understand and perform quality empirical research in economics and financial contexts.

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Subject courses
Course code: 125700 Managerial Finance 30 credits

A study of the theory of finance with an emphasis on managerial decision making.

Prerequisites: Appraisal Required Restrictions: 125330

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Course code: 125732 Advanced Corporate Finance 30 credits

Advanced Corporate Finance is a course with a quantitative base. It builds a theoretical foundation from which students can consider finance issues. Consideration of corporate financial management, capital markets and long-term financial strategy is undertaken with the objective of making corporate decisions more efficiently.

Prerequisites: 125700 or 125330 or Appraisal Required

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Course code: 125740 Advanced Investment Analysis 30 credits

This course provides a comprehensive coverage of advanced theory and practice regarding investments and portfolio management.

Prerequisites: 125700 or 125330 or Appraisal Required

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Course code: 125780 Advanced International Finance 30 credits

This course covers advanced topics in international finance, including an understanding of the institutions and evolution of the international financial structure, the foreign exchange market and derivatives. The additional complications of applying financial theory to multinational corporations, international funding, international investing, and capital budgeting are examined.

Prerequisites: Appraisal Required

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Course code: 125781 Advanced Financial Risk Management 30 credits

This course considers the roles of financial risk management in reducing risk and/or increasing returns in an organisation. Students will be exposed to advanced financial risk management from both theoretical and empirical perspectives.

Prerequisites: 125700 or 125330 or Appraisal Required Corequisites: 125700

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Part Two:
Choose at least 60 credits from
Course code: 115891 Thesis 90-Credit Part 1 45 credits

Candidates are required to conduct a piece of independent research under supervision and to produce a thesis for examination.

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Course code: 115892 Thesis 90-Credit Part 2 45 credits

Candidates are required to conduct a piece of independent research under supervision and to produce a thesis for examination.

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Course code: 125850 Research Report Part 1 30 credits

Candidates are required to conduct a piece of independent research under supervision and to produce a report of the research for examination.

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Course code: 125851 Research Report Part 2 30 credits

Candidates are required to conduct a piece of independent research under supervision and to produce a report of the research for examination.

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Course code: 125892 Research Report 60 credits

Candidates are required to conduct a piece of independent research under supervision and to produce a report of the research for examination.

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Course code: 125897 Thesis 120 Credit Part 1 60 credits

A supervised and guided independent study resulting in a published work.

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Course code: 125898 Thesis 120 Credit Part 2 60 credits

A supervised and guided independent study resulting in a published work.

Corequisites: 125897

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Course code: 125899 Thesis 120 credits

A supervised and guided independent study resulting in a published work.

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Human Resource Management (180 credits)

Part One

Compulsory course selection
Choose 30 credits from
Course code: 152781 Advanced Research Methods in Business 30 credits

Research approaches to management and organisation theory. Includes reading and designing research in these areas up to the preparation of research proposals.

Restrictions: 156776, 219790

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Subject courses
Course code: 114702 Human Resource Management and Workplace Relations 30 credits

This course introduces the area of Human Resource Management and Workplace Relations. Specifically, the focus of the course is on the principles and practices associated with organisational behaviour, employment relations, human resources management and development.

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Course code: 114709 Managing the Employment Relationship 30 credits

A general understanding of Employment Relations and Human Resource Management with an emphasis on contemporary theory and practice. This course provides the opportunity for critical reflection and analysis of theories and practices relating to managing the employment relationship in any organisation.

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Course code: 114722 Advanced Organisational Behaviour 30 credits

This course is an examination of applied psychology and sociology in the context of organisations. The content is based on a foundation of theory which students are expected to critically analyse. The course is designed so that students apply the theory to modern organisational situations.

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Course code: 114735 Competitive Advantage and HRM Strategy 30 credits

An examination of how strategic human resource management theory and practice contributes to competitive advantage in business enterprises. Particular reference is made to the environmental factors that influence talent management in New Zealand and globally.

Restrictions: 114725

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Course code: 114761 International Human Resource Management 30 credits

An examination of the management of employees from an international perspective, including comparative HRM, the practice of HRM in multinational firm, and developments in the emerging field of Strategic International Human Resource Management (SIHRM).

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Elective courses
Choose no more than 30 credits from
Course code: 251731 Advanced Occupational Health and Safety 30 credits

An examination of current issues in Occupational Safety and Health and issues commonly found in the work environment.

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Course code: 251770 Health and Safety Auditing 30 credits

A comprehensive examination and critical analysis of current theories and practice in relation to auditing and assessing organisational health and safety performance.

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Course code: 251772 Advanced Occupational Hygiene 30 credits

An advanced course studying the current issues in occupational safety and health, which involves the recognition, evaluation and control of health hazards in the work environment, including the study of noise, ventilation systems and air pollution.

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Part Two
Choose at least 60 credits from
Course code: 115891 Thesis 90-Credit Part 1 45 credits

Candidates are required to conduct a piece of independent research under supervision and to produce a thesis for examination.

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Course code: 115892 Thesis 90-Credit Part 2 45 credits

Candidates are required to conduct a piece of independent research under supervision and to produce a thesis for examination.

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Course code: 115894 Research Report 60-Credit Part 1 30 credits

Candidates are required to conduct a piece of independent research under supervision and to produce a report of the research for examination.

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Course code: 115895 Research Report 60-Credit Part 2 30 credits

Candidates are required to conduct a piece of independent research under supervision and to produce a report of the research for examination.

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Course code: 152800 Thesis 120 credits

A supervised and guided independent study resulting in a published work.

Prerequisites: 152781 and Appraisal Required

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Course code: 152804 Thesis 120 Credit Part 1 60 credits

A supervised and guided independent study resulting in a published work.

Prerequisites: 152781 and Appraisal Required

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Course code: 152805 Thesis 120 Credit Part 2 60 credits

A supervised and guided independent study resulting in a published work.

Prerequisites: 152781 and Appraisal Required Corequisites: 152804

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Course code: 152896 Research Report 60 credits

Candidates are required to conduct a piece of independent research under supervision and to produce a report of the research for examination.

Prerequisites: 152781 or 156776 or 168711 or 219790

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Management (180 credits)

Part One

Compulsory course selection
Choose 30 credits from
Course code: 152781 Advanced Research Methods in Business 30 credits

Research approaches to management and organisation theory. Includes reading and designing research in these areas up to the preparation of research proposals.

Restrictions: 156776, 219790

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Subject courses
Course code: 114722 Advanced Organisational Behaviour 30 credits

This course is an examination of applied psychology and sociology in the context of organisations. The content is based on a foundation of theory which students are expected to critically analyse. The course is designed so that students apply the theory to modern organisational situations.

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Course code: 152700 Organisation and Management 30 credits

A study of the theories of management and their application within organisations.

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Course code: 152702 Advanced Strategic Management 30 credits

An advanced study of the systems and techniques of strategic planning, policy formulation and implementation.

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Course code: 152704 Business and Sustainability 30 credits

An analysis of the relationships between the business community, the natural environment, and social and environmental sustainability. The course examines global debates on social and environmental issues, introduces theories of sustainability, and considers the implications of sustainability for business policy and management.

Restrictions: 115783

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Course code: 152707 Leading and Changing Organisations 30 credits

A study of the practices, methods and frameworks for leading and changing organisations.

Restrictions: 152709, 152705

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Course code: 152724 Advanced Services Management 30 credits

Focusing on the theory and principles of services management, this course critically reviews current services management research and analyses the issues for managers in adopting a service logic for their organisations.

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Course code: 152725 Building Export and Import Businesses 30 credits

Focuses on the first stage of international expansion by providing an introduction to the knowledge and skills required for managing import and export businesses and conducting international trade.

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Course code: 152726 Growing Multinational Enterprises 30 credits

Focuses on strategies and implementation challenges of foreign direct investment projects.

Prerequisites: 152725 or Appraisal Required

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Course code: 152727 Managing Multinational Enterprises 30 credits

An examination of management challenges commonly faced by firms that have already expanded internationally, addressing four different levels of internal organisational analysis: the individual, the cross-cultural project team, organisational units such as subsidiaries, and the relationship between the multinational organisation and its host country societies.

Prerequisites: 152725 or Appraisal Required

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Course code: 152728 Corporate Citizenship and Responsibility 30 credits

An advanced critique of the concepts of corporate social responsibility (CSR), business ethics, stakeholder management, and their implications for the management of business organisations.

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Course code: 152730 Advanced Contemporary Issues in Sustainability 30 credits

Students will critique the business case for sustainability and develop holistic sustainability strategies to address contemporary economic, ethical, environmental, and social concerns for business, including those relating to sustainable supply chain management, sustainable operations management, the UN Sustainable Development Goals, and ethical trade.

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Course code: 152731 Innovation and New Ventures 30 credits

A study of the theory and practice of innovation with special reference to the small business sector. The course will examine the dimensions of innovation and entrepreneurship with emphasis on the entrepreneur's contribution to existing organisations and new ventures.

Restrictions: 26441, 52731

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Course code: 152742 Health Systems Management 30 credits

The health care systems of New Zealand and selected nations are compared and critically analysed from a management perspective.

Restrictions: 250742

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Course code: 152743 Health Law and Policy 30 credits

The interrelationship between health law and health policy is examined with an emphasis on practical health care dilemmas.

Restrictions: 250743

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Course code: 152746 Contemporary Issues in Health Service Management 30 credits

Issues relevant to the efficient and effective delivery of health services are identified and examined.

Restrictions: 250746

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Course code: 152752 Project Management 30 credits

A comprehensive study of the theory and methods employed in project management.

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Course code: 157701 Health Information Management 30 credits

A study of the management of information and information systems relevant to the planning and delivery of high-quality healthcare.

Restrictions: 157711, 157733, 158759

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Course code: 157748 Advanced Management, Analytics, and Decision Making 30 credits

A comprehensive study of the techniques and issues involved in using data to support organisational decision making.

Restrictions: 157216

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Course code: 157749 Technology Innovation Management 30 credits

Initiate and develop innovative opportunities within the technology sector.

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Part Two
Choose at least 60 credits from
Course code: 115894 Research Report 60-Credit Part 1 30 credits

Candidates are required to conduct a piece of independent research under supervision and to produce a report of the research for examination.

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Course code: 115895 Research Report 60-Credit Part 2 30 credits

Candidates are required to conduct a piece of independent research under supervision and to produce a report of the research for examination.

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Course code: 152800 Thesis 120 credits

A supervised and guided independent study resulting in a published work.

Prerequisites: 152781 and Appraisal Required

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Course code: 152801 Thesis 90 credits

An original piece of work that focuses on a significant issue in the Management discipline. Candidates will demonstrate an ability to formulate research questions and clearly answer them through the effective design of an investigation and the presentation of the research findings in a manner that is acceptable in the academic community.

Prerequisites: 152781 and Appraisal Required

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Course code: 152802 Thesis 90 Credit Part 1 45 credits

An original piece of work that focuses on a significant issue in the Management discipline. Candidates will demonstrate an ability to formulate research questions and clearly answer them through the effective design of an investigation and the presentation of the research findings in a manner that is acceptable in the academic community.

Prerequisites: 152781 and Appraisal Required

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Course code: 152803 Thesis 90 Credit Part 2 45 credits

An original piece of work that focuses on a significant issue in the Management discipline. Candidates will demonstrate an ability to formulate research questions and clearly answer them through the effective design of an investigation and the presentation of the research findings in a manner that is acceptable in the academic community.

Prerequisites: 152781 and Appraisal Required Corequisites: 152802

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Course code: 152804 Thesis 120 Credit Part 1 60 credits

A supervised and guided independent study resulting in a published work.

Prerequisites: 152781 and Appraisal Required

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Course code: 152805 Thesis 120 Credit Part 2 60 credits

A supervised and guided independent study resulting in a published work.

Prerequisites: 152781 and Appraisal Required Corequisites: 152804

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Course code: 152896 Research Report 60 credits

Candidates are required to conduct a piece of independent research under supervision and to produce a report of the research for examination.

Prerequisites: 152781 or 156776 or 168711 or 219790

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Marketing (180 credits)

Part One

Compulsory course selection
Choose 30 credits from
Course code: 152781 Advanced Research Methods in Business 30 credits

Research approaches to management and organisation theory. Includes reading and designing research in these areas up to the preparation of research proposals.

Restrictions: 156776, 219790

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Or an approved alternative research methods course
Subject courses
Choose 90 credits from
Course code: 156700 Essentials of Marketing 30 credits

An introduction to the theory and practice of marketing. This course assumes no previous background in marketing.

Restrictions: 156741, 115104, 115116

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Course code: 156742 Advanced Consumer Behaviour 30 credits

A study of the changing nature of consumer behaviour in a dynamic environment. Psychological, sociological and individual factors are investigated with reference to how they affect consumer behaviour. How the study of consumer behaviour is used by academics, practitioners and policymakers is explained.

Prerequisites: 156700 or Appraisal Required Corequisites: 156700

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Course code: 156756 Digital Marketing 30 credits

A study of theories and practical applications of digital marketing tools.

Prerequisites: 156700 or Appraisal Required Restrictions: 156755

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Course code: 156757 Marketing Strategy 30 credits

A study of theories and practical applications of marketing strategy across different contexts.

Prerequisites: 156700 or Appraisal Required Restrictions: 156743

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Course code: 156758 Marketing for Social Change 30 credits

A detailed study of the social marketing approach used to develop activities aimed at changing or maintaining people's behaviour for the benefit of individuals and society as a whole. The course examines questions about marketing and society; these issues include a consideration of how ‘socially desirable’ behaviours are marketed; how regulations affect marketing decision making; and how ethical issues can influence marketing decisions.

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Part Two
Choose at least 60 credits from
Course code: 115891 Thesis 90-Credit Part 1 45 credits

Candidates are required to conduct a piece of independent research under supervision and to produce a thesis for examination.

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Course code: 115892 Thesis 90-Credit Part 2 45 credits

Candidates are required to conduct a piece of independent research under supervision and to produce a thesis for examination.

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Course code: 115894 Research Report 60-Credit Part 1 30 credits

Candidates are required to conduct a piece of independent research under supervision and to produce a report of the research for examination.

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Course code: 115895 Research Report 60-Credit Part 2 30 credits

Candidates are required to conduct a piece of independent research under supervision and to produce a report of the research for examination.

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Course code: 156893 Research Report 60 credits

Candidates are required to conduct a piece of independent research under supervision and to produce a report of the research for examination.

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Course code: 156897 Thesis 120 Credit Part 1 60 credits

A supervised and guided independent study resulting in a published work.

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Course code: 156898 Thesis 120 Credit Part 2 60 credits

A supervised and guided independent study resulting in a published work.

Corequisites: 156897

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Course code: 156899 Thesis 120 credits

A supervised and guided independent study resulting in a published work.

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