Current health research trials and studies , Ngā whakamātau rangahau o āianei

Our hauora and health research studies have real-world impact. Explore our current trials and studies, and find out if you or your children are suitable to participate.

Projects currently recruiting

Explore current research projects in the College of Health that are open to new participants.

The EPiC study

Combining dietary protein sources to improve amino-acid digestibility and net protein balance.

Healthy Active Learning

Healthy Active Learning is a nationwide initiative that aims to improve the wellbeing of children and young people through healthy eating, drinking and quality physical activity.

Pine Bark study

The Pine Bark study investigates how the New Zealand pine bark extract may be used to regulate blood glucose and insulin levels in humans.

Other hauora and health research studies

Read about other hauora and health research projects currently underway.

Pregnancy supplement study

The pregnancy supplement study explored dietary supplements taken by New Zealand women before, during and after pregnancy.

Taking part in Massey Nutrition Research?

Are you taking part in one of our Massey Nutrition Research studies? Find guidelines on completing your food record.