Applied Biosystems Inc (ABI) sequencing and genotyping services

The ABI sequencing and genotyping service has operated through Massey's College of Sciences since 1997. Customers can log in to request this service.

Login or register to use our services.

ABI-3500XL-DNA-Sequencer 2 machine

Our service is cost-effective, reliable and competitive. Procedures now include sample preparation automation. Purchasing liquid handling instrumentation has improved our data quality.

Sequencing services

Details of our sequencing services, prices, standards and policies.

Full Sequencing Service

The Full Sequencing Service provides sequencing of:

  • plasmid
  • PCR products
  • cosmids
  • BACs
  • bacterial genomic DNA.

The full sequencing service includes:

  • preparing sequencing reactions using BigDye™ Sequencing Ready Reaction kit (or alternative Sanger sequencing product from ADS™) and cycle sequencing PCR
  • sequencing reaction cleanup using the ABI X-Terminator™ Cleanup kit (or alternative Sanger sequencing product from ADS™) to remove unincorporated fluorescent ddNTPs
  • capillary separation on the ABI 3730 and the ABI 3500xl DNA Analyzer
  • analysis and uploading of sequencing data to a server for your retrieval.

Costs and pricing

There is no 96 well plate pricing for the Full Sequencing Service. If you are submitting 96 sample in a 96 well plate for the Full Sequencing Service, then you will have to pay the Full Sequencing Service individual sample prices.

Sequencing Capillary Separation Service

The Sequencing Capillary Separation Service covers only:

  • capillary separation on the ABI 3730 and ABI 3500xl DNA Analyzer
  • analysis and uploading of sequencing data to a server for your retrieval.

With the Sequencing Capillary Separation Service you are responsible for:

  • the preparation of sequencing reactions using BigDye™ Sequencing Ready Reaction kit and cycle sequencing PCR
  • cleanup of products to remove unincorporated fluorescent ddNTPs.

Sequencing Plate Service

The Sequencing Plate Service is similar to the Sequencing Capillary Separation Service where you are responsible for:

  • the preparation of sequencing reactions using BigDye™ Sequencing Ready Reaction kit and cycle sequencing PCR
  • cleanup of products to remove unincorporated fluorescent ddNTPs.

But you can do your sequencing reactions in a 96-well reaction plate, and submit the dried down plate of sequencing reactions to the Massey Genome Service for capillary separation on the ABI 3730 and ABI 3500xl DNA Analyzer.

Enter the samples into the online spreadsheet in the following order:

  • A01, B01, C01 to H01
  • A02, B02, C02 to H02
  • up to A12, B12, C12 to H12.

Sequencing Capillary Separation Service with reaction cleanup

The Sequencing Capillary Separation Service with reaction cleanup is similar to the Sequencing Capillary Separation Service which covers:

  • capillary separation on the ABI 3730 and ABI 3500xl DNA Analyzer
  • analysis and uploading of sequencing data a server for customer retrieval.

The Massey Genome Service will also clean up your sequencing reactions using the ABI X-Terminator™ Cleanup kit (or alternative Sanger sequencing product from ADS™), which will remove any unincorporated fluorescent ddNTPs.

You will need to set up your sequencing reactions using BigDye™ Sequencing Ready Reaction kit and cycle sequencing PCR. Supply 10µl of each PCR-amplified sequencing reaction in either 0.2µl tubes or 0.2µl strip tubes.

Supply of plates

We provide you with 96-well plates at no charge for the Sequencing Plate Service and Sequencing Plate Service. Plates are sent in packs of 10.

To request plates for using these services, contact: Xiaoxiao Lin

Quality standards

We include a control sample on each run to assess the validity and quality for these services:

  • Full Sequencing Service
  • Sequencing Capillary Separation Service with reaction cleanup
  • Sequencing Plate Service with reaction cleanup

Acceptance criteria for sequencing runs

Our acceptance criteria are:

  • control sample has a quality score value ≥ 20 and a read length ≥ 600 bases
  • both quality score and read length value criteria must be met for the run to pass our quality checks

Customers can find the quality score value for the control sample for the run in the Analysis Report provided with all results.

Turnaround times

All sequencing samples submitted to our service will be run in a timely manner. The current turnaround time is less than 48 hours from the time the samples arrive at our facility.

Please contact us if your results have not been uploaded to the server within the 48 hour turnaround time.

Delivery cut off time

For customers who hand deliver samples the delivery cut-off time is 10am (Monday to Friday). Samples that arrive after 10am will be processed the next working day.

Sequencing reruns policy

We will only provide a sequencing rerun free of charge if the samples fail due to problems with our reagents, processes or sequencing instrument.

For each 96 well sequencing plate at least three internal controls (two positive and one negative) are included. The service will not rerun samples when the internal controls are working. When the results are uploaded to the server, a ‘QC report’ will be generated and uploaded, along with the sequence files.

We will only sequence the original template submitted to us if we do a rerun. We will not sequence re-submitted samples.

If you need a repeat you must supply a larger volume of samples when the samples are first submitted. You will need to supply a total volume of 30µl of sample in 0.2ml PCR-tubes. Double the amount of DNA and primer will need to be submitted. Our technical bulletin has more information.

All client samples are stored frozen at -20 degrees for seven days. The service will only re-run the samples within this seven day time period. Please check your sequencing result as soon as possible.

Genotyping services

Details of our genotyping services.

Genotyping Capillary Separation Service

The Genotyping Capillary Separation Service covers only:

  • capillary separation of your fluorescently-labelled fragments on the ABI 3730 and ABI 3500xl Genetic Analyzer
  • fragment size calling and uploading of sequencing data to a server for customer retrieval.

With this service you are responsible for the fluorescent labelling of fragments.

Genotyping Plate Service

The Genotyping Plate Service is similar to the Genotyping Capillary Separation Service where the customer is responsible for the fluorescent labelling of fragments.

But you also need to:

  • supply the genotyping reactions in a 96-well plate
  • submit the plate of fluorescently-labelled reactions to us for capillary separation.

Please enter the samples into the online spreadsheet in the following order:

  • A01, B01, C01 to H01
  • A02, B02, C02 to H02 up to
  • A12, B12, C12 to H12.

Supply of 96-well plates

We provide you with 96-well plates at no charge for the Genotyping Plate Service. Plates are sent in packs of 10.

To request plates for using this service, contact: Xiaoxiao Lin


Sequencing services

Prices of sequencing services in New Zealand dollars (excluding GST)
Sequencing Price till 1 March 2024* Price from 1 March 2024*
Full Sequencing Service
(Plasmids/PCR Products)
$12 per sequencing reaction $12 per sequencing reaction
Full Sequencing Service
(Cosmids and BACs)
$19.00 per sequencing reaction $19.00 per sequencing reaction
Full Sequencing Service
(Bacterial Genomic DNA)
$33.00 per sequencing reaction $33.00 per sequencing reaction
Capillary Separation Sequencing
$8.00 per sequencing reaction $8.00 per sequencing reaction
Capillary Separation 96-well
Plate Sequencing Service
$520 per plate $520 per plate
Capillary Separation with
reaction cleanup Sequencing Service
$9 per sequencing reaction $9 per sequencing reaction
96-well Plate Service with
reaction cleanup Sequencing Service
$610 per plate $610 per plate
Sequencing Electropherogram
$1 per electropherogram per
$1 per electropherogram per

*All prices exclude GST and are in New Zealand dollars

Genotyping services

Prices of genotyping services in New Zealand dollars (excluding GST)
Genotyping Price till 1 March 2024* Price from 1 March 2024*
Genotyping Capillary Separation
$9 per genotyping reaction $9 per genotyping reaction
Genotyping Plate Service $630 per plate $630 per plate
Genotyping Chromatogram
$1 per chromatogram printout $1 per chromatogram printout

*All prices exclude GST and are in New Zealand dollars


Table of consumables prices
Purchasing Consumables Price till 1 March 2024* Price from 1 March 2024*
BigDye® Terminator v3.1 – 80ul
$240 $240
BigDye® Terminator v3.1 – 800ul
$2400 $2400
POP-7 polymer – 28mL bottle $1800 $1900
Overnight courier with dry ice# $65 $70
Overnight courier with ice
$55 $60


* All prices are excluding GST and are in New Zealand dollars.

** Customers using the Sequencing Capillary Separation Service and Sequencing Plate Service, can purchase BigDye® Terminator v3.1 or its direct drop-in substitutes from the Massey Genome Service. Please contact our service for purchasing.

# Charges apply to customers who require the consumables to be delivered using overnight courier. Please make sure a purchase order for the courier service is sent with the sequencing request.

The MGS ABI Service Outline and Prices pdf below contains information on the following:

  • list of prices
  • service outline
  • sample requirements

Turnaround time

The ABI Service guarantees a turnaround time of:

  • 48 hours (two working days) for the Full Sequencing Service
  • 24 hours (one working day) for all the other sequencing and genotyping services

This is the time to have results delivered electronically via our web-based download system. You will get an e-mail when your results are ready to be downloaded from our web-based download system.

If there are any issues where the service is not able to meet the guaranteed turnaround times you will be notified by e-mail.

Results delivery

The Massey Genome Service has a web-based download system for delivering customer results.

Analysis reports

You can be sent an analysis report of your sequencing data. The report will show the success and/or failure of your sequencing data. This report is delivered via our web-based download system, along with the results. Contact us for more information about what is included.

Access rights

It's possible to give other people access to your request and results data. When registering with the service or changing your account details, you can specify a list of users who will be able to see your requests and download your results from their own Results page. You can use this to share results with others in a group or to give supervisors access to your work.

For security reasons we do not allow users to give themselves access to other users' data. However if you require access rights to be given to your data, please contact our manager:

Sample submission

Note: Sample delivery times

Make sure samples are delivered within a week after your request is submitted.

Less than 16 samples

If you have fewer than 16 samples, please submit them in 0.2ml PCR tubes. Make sure the lids are firmly closed. Seal tubes with parafilm and bubble wrap for shipping.

16 samples or more

If you have 16 sample or more submit them in:

  • 0.2ml 8-strip tubes or
  • 96 well PCR plates.

Make sure your samples are sealed. Strip tube caps should be parafilmed. If you are using plates, use strip flat cap lids to seal the plates. Please make sure strip caps are firmly sealed.

Where to send samples

Send the printout of the request form with your samples to the Massey Genome Service. The printout of the request form is needed for sample identification.

How to send samples

Samples are to be overnight couriered to:

Massey University
School of Food Technology and Natural Sciences
Inward Goods
Science Tower A1.19
Columbo Road
Palmerston North 4410
ATTN: Massey Genome Service

Phone the office

+64 6 951 9080 (external customer)

Extension 86080 (internal customer)

Phone the laboratory

+64 6 951 8735 (external customer)

Extension 85735 (internal customer)

Free courier service

The Massey Genome Service provides a free courier service for both our ABI sequencing and genotyping services. Prepaid courier bags can be mailed to New Zealand customers free of charge.

If you wish to use our free courier service, please send an email to Xiaoxiao Lin stating:

  • the number of courier bags to be sent to you
  • your courier address
  • your postal address
  • your contact phone number.

Instructions for sample supply

ABI Sequencing Services

Table of instructions for submitting ABI sequencing services
Service Instructions
Full Sequencing Service send your template and primers premixed in 0.2ml individual PCR tubes or 0.2ml strip tubes
Sequencing Capillary Separation Service and the Sequencing Capillary Separation Service with reaction cleanup Supply your samples in 0.2ml individual PCR tubes or 0.2ml strip tubes. Do not supply the samples in 0.5ml or 1.5ml microtubes.
Sequencing Plate Service and the Sequencing Plate Service with reaction cleanup Supply your samples in a 96 well plate, sealed with strip tubes (best result given), plastic seal or foil seal. Enter the samples into the online spreadsheet in the following order: A01, B01, C01 to H01, A02, B02, C02 to H02, and so on, up to A12, B12, C12 to H12.

Read our ABI Sequencing Service technical information for details on template and primer concentration and quality requirements.

Go to ABI Sequencing Service technical information

ABI Genotyping Services

Service Instructions
Genotyping Capillary Separation Service Provide your pooled reactions in a volume of 1ul, in either 0.2ml individual PCR tubes or 0.2ml strip tubes.
Genotyping Plate Service Provide your pooled reactions in a volume of 1ul, in a 96 well plate, sealed with strip tubes (these are best), plastic seal or foil seal. Enter the samples into the online spreadsheet in the following order: A01, B01, C01 to H01, A02, B02, C02 to H02, and so on, up to A12, B12, C12 to H12.

Refer to ABI Genotyping Service Technical Information for details on sample requirements, fluorescent labelling of primers and primer design recommendations.

Go to ABI Sequencing Service technical information

Hand delivery of samples

Customers from outside the School of Food Technology and Natural Sciences who want to talk to staff and deliver samples directly to the Massey Genome Service must go to the administration office to sign for a temporary access card first. The office is on the fourth floor of Science Tower B, room ScB4.08.

Our laboratories must meet PC1/PC2 compliance to function as a containment facility. For compliance, our school has installed security doors throughout Science Towers C and D to restrict and control access to laboratories. A security door has been installed on level 3, right next to the Science Tower D lift, which restricts free access into the Massey Genome Service (MGS) laboratory.

The access card needs to be returned to the administration office before you leave the building.

Admin office contacts

Cynthia Cresswell: extension 84706

Ann Truter: extension 84703

Natisha Magan and Andy Trow will also be holding a supply of temporary access cards, which you can use:

  • Natisha Magan: location – ScB3.33, extension 84588
  • Andy Trow: location – ScA3.18, extension 84601

Please contact Natisha Magan or Andy Trow if you have any concerns.

Sample drop off without an access card

If you only need to drop off samples we have a small fridge you can put your samples in. The fridge is located on the 3rd floor of science Tower D, just outside the security doors and opposite the lift.

You do not need to sign in and get a temporary access card to use this fridge. Please leave the samples with a printout of the request form in the fridge.

International customer information

Purified DNA is not a restricted item for importation into New Zealand so no permit is required, but you need to follow these instructions to get the package through customs. You will need to cover the freight costs.

1, Attach the declaration letter

For customs clearance you need to attach the declaration letter below to the outside of the package and include a copy inside, including:

  • the date the package was sent
  • your name
  • your signature on the declaration letter (red type).

2, Address the parcel correctly

Address the parcel as stated on the letter.

3, Email us to let us know

When the parcel has been sent, e-mail Xiaoxiao Lin to let him know you are sending a parcel to the service. Include:

  • Your username
  • Your request ID number
  • Your institute name, address and contact numbers
  • The courier company you are using

Contact us

Log in to submit requests for ABI sequencing and genotyping services. For general enquiries, contact XiaoXiao Lin.

Xiaoxiao Lin

Laboratory/QA Manager

Massey Genome Service

Office phone

+64 6 951 9080 (external)

Extension 86080 (internal customers)

Laboratory phone

+64 6 951 8735 (external)

Extension 85735 (internal customers)


Physical address
Massey Genome Service
School of Food Technology and Natural Sciences
Room ScD3.15A, Riddet Road
Massey University
Turitea Campus
Palmerston North 4410
New Zealand

Postal address
Massey Genome Service
Massey University
Private Bag 11-222
Palmerston North 4442
New Zealand

Courier address
Massey Genome Service
School of Food Technology and Natural Sciences
Inward Goods
Science Tower A, Level 1,
Columbo Road, Massey University
Palmerston North 4410
New Zealand