Food Manufacturing Principles

The design, development and on-going operation of manufacturing processes is central to the daily activities of most food technologists. This course explores the key variables that impact the design, development and operation of food manufacturing processes within the context of an applied project.

Course code

Qualifications are made up of courses. Some universities call these papers. Each course is numbered using six digits.



The fourth number of the course code shows the level of the course. For example, in course 219206, the fourth number is a 2, so it is a 200-level course (usually studied in the second year of full-time study).



Each course is worth a number of credits. You combine courses (credits) to meet the total number of credits needed for your qualification.



Food Technology

Course planning information

Course notes

A minimum of 40% is required in each of the assessments to pass the course. To pass the course students must submit/complete all assessments and attend all scheduled labs.

Prerequisite courses

Complete first
(123105 or 123172), (124104 or 124172), (160102 or 228172) and (141112 or 228112 or 228115)

You need to complete the above course or courses before moving onto this one.

Corequisite courses

Complete at the same time

You need to complete the corequisite course or courses listed above at the same time as, or before, doing this one.


Similar content

You cannot enrol in this course if you have passed (or are enrolled in) any of the course(s) above as these courses have similar content or content at a higher level.

General progression requirements

You must complete at least 45 credits from 100-level before enrolling in 200-level courses.

Learning outcomes

What you will learn. Knowledge, skills and attitudes you’ll be able to show as a result of successfully finishing this course.

  • 1 Develop a prototype that meets product and technical specifications.
  • 2 Apply science and engineering principles to the solution of a complex engineering problem - where complexity is defined by the variables associated with a manufacturing environment.
  • 3 Explain a manufacturing process as a system and be able to identify that system in terms of its component sub-systems.
  • 4 Apply logical processes to evaluate trade-offs in terms of defined product and manufacturing variables for the selection of an appropriate raw materials and manufacturing process.
  • 5 Evaluate optional manufacturing processes and select an appropriate process against identified constraints and criteria.
  • 6 Develop and implement a project plan accounting for time, costs and resources.
  • 7 Develop appropriate systems to ensure desired quality outcomes.
  • 8 Demonstrate practical laboratory and pilot plant skills.
  • 9 Evaluate one's progress towards meeting the graduate professional competencies.

Learning outcomes can change before the start of the semester you are studying the course in.


Assessment Learning outcomes assessed Weighting
Written Assignment 2 3 4 5 6 10%
Oral/Performance/Presentation 2 3 4 5 15%
Oral/Performance/Presentation 2 3 4 5 5%
Written Assignment 2 6 5%
Written Assignment 2 6 5%
Practical/Placement 1 2 10%
Practical/Placement 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10%
Written Assignment 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 30%
Written Assignment 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10%
Participation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0%

Assessment weightings can change up to the start of the semester the course is delivered in.

You may need to take more assessments depending on where, how, and when you choose to take this course.

Explanation of assessment types

Computer programmes
Computer animation and screening, design, programming, models and other computer work.
Creative compositions
Animations, films, models, textiles, websites, and other compositions.
Exam College or GRS-based (not centrally scheduled)
An exam scheduled by a college or the Graduate Research School (GRS). The exam could be online, oral, field, practical skills, written exams or another format.
Exam (centrally scheduled)
An exam scheduled by Assessment Services (centrally) – you’ll usually be told when and where the exam is through the student portal.
Oral or performance or presentation
Debates, demonstrations, exhibitions, interviews, oral proposals, role play, speech and other performances or presentations.
You may be assessed on your participation in activities such as online fora, laboratories, debates, tutorials, exercises, seminars, and so on.
Creative, learning, online, narrative, photographic, written, and other portfolios.
Practical or placement
Field trips, field work, placements, seminars, workshops, voluntary work, and other activities.
Technology-based or experience-based simulations.
Laboratory, online, multi-choice, short answer, spoken, and other tests – arranged by the school.
Written assignment
Essays, group or individual projects, proposals, reports, reviews, writing exercises, and other written assignments.

Textbooks needed

There are no set texts for this course.