How to apply to go on student exchange overseas , Me pēhea e tono hei tauira whakawhiti ki tāwāhi

How to apply to spend a semester or a year of your study at a university in another country. Apply to become a Massey exchange student first and then we'll help you apply to the university you want to go to.

1, Get ready to apply

Contact our International Mobility Team

Our International Mobility Team can give you information about:

  • where you can study
  • what courses you can take
  • the host university you're interested in
  • the application process.

Email us to book an appointment. It's a good idea to do this before you start your application, so we can give you all the advice you need.


Make sure you qualify to go on exchange

To be chosen to go on exchange, you need to be studying for an undergraduate or postgraduate degree in any subject except:

  • Construction
  • Nursing
  • Social Work
  • Veterinary Science.

You also need to meet our requirements.


To be considered for exchange you need to:

  • be enrolled in a bachelor's degree or a bachelor's degree with honours
  • have completed one year (120 credits) of study at Massey – you can apply before you’ve met this requirement, as long as you'll meet it by the time you go
  • have a 5.0 Grade Point Average across all your Massey courses – this is about the same as a B
  • maintain this average until you leave for exchange.

Master's students

If you're studying for a master's, to qualify to go on exchange you must:

  • have finished your undergraduate degree at Massey University, with at least a 5.0 (B) Grade Point Average across all your courses
  • be enrolled in a master's qualification worth 180 or 240 credits
  • have permission from the Director of Teaching and Learning in your college and the supervisor of your master’s qualification.

Check the deadlines

The application deadlines are:

  • 15 June (of the year before) to go on exchange in Massey's Semester One
  • 1 October (of the year before) for exchange in Massey's Semester Two

Email us if you've missed the deadline – we can accept late applications for some universities.

2, Fill in Massey's application forms

Apply to go on student exchange overseas form


You'll need to give us details of two referees on your application form – these are people who can confirm you're a good candidate for exchange.

  • One of your referees should be a Massey academic staff member, like your personal tutor or a course coordinator.
  • Both of your referees need to be Massey academic staff members if any of the universities you're applying to is a partner through ISEP.

Learn more about going on exchange to an ISEP university

We'll check your application to make sure your referees meet our criteria. If they do, we'll give you a form to send to them.

It's wise to contact your referees before you send us your application – they'll appreciate being warned, and can let you know about any issues before you apply.

Choosing where to study

You'll need to list three universities you want to study at on your application form.

Make sure the universities you list offer the subjects you're studying at Massey, and have enough courses in your subjects to add up to 60 Massey credits in each semester.

Find universities that offer your subjects

Limited Placement Universities

Most of the universities we partner with have plenty of exchange places – but some can only take a few Massey students each semester. These are called Limited Placement Universities, and there are some extra things to remember if you are applying to one.

  • You can only apply to one Limited Placement University.
  • It needs to be listed as first choice on your application form.
  • We can only consider you for a place at a Limited Placement University if your application is submitted by the deadline.

Completion Advice Form

Book an appointment with an Academic Adviser to discuss your study while you're overseas. The Adviser will help you work out what type and level of course you should take at your host university.

Take the Completion Advice Form with you, and fill it in at the meeting. Get it signed by the Adviser, and send it to us with your application.

Get the Completion Advice Form

Course Selection Form

Use the Course Selection Form to let us know which courses you want to take at your host university. Fill in a separate form for each university you've listed on your application.

When you're filling in the forms, remember to:

  • list six to eight courses at each university – that way, you've got back-up options if there's a timetable or exam clash
  • check the courses you want to take are available to exchange students – some universities have restrictions on what exchange students can study.

Contact us if you need help. Email your forms to

Apply for pre-approval to transfer credit to your degree

Budgeting form

We want you to be sure you have enough money to pay for your exchange and get the most out of your time away. Use the Budget for your overseas exchange form to work out how much you'll need.

Fill in the Budget for your overseas exchange form

Check what you need to pay for while you're on exchange

We need to see the form before we can approve you as an exchange student – send it to us before your selection interview with the International Mobility team.

3, Wait for us to assess your application

The selection committee will look at your application, Massey grades and reference letters. You'll also have an interview, with members of the International Mobility Team and representatives from your college. We'll send you information about the interview once we have processed your application.

You'll find out whether you've been selected for exchange after the interview. The committee might wait until the current semester's results are released before they make a decision, to make sure your grades meet the requirements.

4, Apply to attend your host university

If we approve your application, you'll be invited to apply to your host university. Our International Mobility Team will help you apply, and send your application and documents for you.

It usually takes around two months for the host university to make a decision about your application. It's likely you'll be accepted – but don't book flights or accommodation until you get confirmation.

Applying for exchange at ISEP or USAC institutions

If you're going on exchange through the ISEP or USAC programmes, you won't apply directly to a host university.

After Massey approves you for exchange, you'll apply to the ISEP or USAC programmes. We'll send you information to help you do this.

Getting your academic record

You’ll need to send an official academic record that includes your grades in all your Massey courses along with your application. Some universities call this a “transcript”.

When you’re ordering your record, you:

  • don’t need to request an immigration letter or a faxed copy
  • don’t need to apply for a Certificate of Attainment
  • should answer 'no' to the questions about whether you want your record to be held until you’re eligible to graduate, or your exam results have been released.

If you’ve studied at another tertiary institution, like a university or wānanga, you’ll also need to send an academic record from that institution.

It’s quickest to get your academic record sent directly to us. We’ll scan it and email it to you, so you can use it in online applications.

Order your academic record

Proof of funds

Most universities will ask you to send evidence that you have enough money to support yourself while you are abroad.

The best evidence is bank statements for accounts that belong to you or your parents or carers.

If you will be getting a scholarship while you’re away, you can also send your scholarship letters.


StudyLink don’t guarantee future funding. If you plan to get StudyLink support for your exchange, you need to send other evidence that you have enough money to cover the cost of your exchange (like bank statements).

If you get a Student Loan Living Cost from StudyLink, your Loan Entitlement Advice (LEA) letter might qualify as evidence of financial support. Send it along with your bank statements.

Sending financial documents

Send copies of your bank statements, scholarship letters and other documents unless your host university asks for originals. Take the originals with you when you go.

If you’re going on exchange to the US, put the originals in your hand luggage when you travel – you may be asked to show them at the border.

Contact us for advice about applying.

International Mobility Team


0800 MASSEY (0800 627 739)

Phone from outside NZ

Physical and courier address

Office of Global Engagement
SST Level 6, Room 6.16
Massey University, Tennent Drive
Palmerston North 4474
New Zealand

Postal address

Office of Global Engagement (PN721)
Massey University
Private Bag 11 222
Palmerston North 4442
New Zealand