Green Prescription study

Exploring nutrition support in Aotearoa through Green Prescription

About this study

The aim of this study is to:

  • explore the experiences and perspectives of clients using community health support services like Green Prescription
  • identify successes, challenges, available support, and the wants and needs of people who use these services.

The insights we gain from this study will help to inform service provision, particularly nutrition support in the community.


The New Zealand population continues to demonstrate high levels of overweight and obesity, as well as chronic disease conditions such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and some cancers. Health and nutrition literacy are significant predictors for many of these disease conditions, and targeting information at an individual level can improve diets. There is a recognised need for nutrition support as a preventative measure in tier 1 health settings and there are significant cost-saving benefits to the health system by implementing this.

Several health support interventions, such as Green Prescription, receive referrals from tier 1 organisations for the purposes of improving diet and physical activity. Findings from a survey of Green Prescription personnel, conducted in 2021, indicate nutrition support is very important for clients during their health journey. Responses from the survey highlighted common topics for nutrition advice and how to provide this information.

To meet the needs of the community, health support organisations must consider feedback from their service users and clients. Usually, this is achieved by surveys, but these lack detail and limit the opportunity for clients to voice what is relevant and meaningful to their health and wellbeing.

Study procedures

We will undertake this research as a series of semi-structured, audio-recorded interviews with participants. We will analyse qualitative data to identify:

  • successes, challenges and benefits
  • future needs to provide nutrition counselling and advice to New Zealand adults and whānau.

Interviews will take up to one hour with shorter additional interviews of up to 30 minutes if required.

  • As far as possible, interviews will be conducted in-person in the regions of the 15 Green Prescription services in New Zealand.
  • Interviews may also be conducted by phone or online (video call) for persons who do not want to or are unable to meet in person.

The researchers will develop case studies from the interview data, in order to:

  • compare the similarities and differences in service provision between different localities
  • demonstrate the experiences of Māori and other clients.

Inclusion criteria

We are looking for participants who are:

  • aged 18 years or older
  • currently involved with Green Prescription, or have been in the past six months
  • able to participate in a verbal interview
  • able to provide written consent.

Incentives for participation

People who complete the interview process will be provided with a $30 grocery store voucher from a store available within that community to acknowledge the time given to participate.

Participant information sheet

Participants will be currently, or in the past six months have been, involved with one of the 15 Green Prescription health-support services identified in Aotearoa/New Zealand.

Participant recruitment will be through distribution of the information sheet and promotional flyer via communication channels of Green Prescription service providers such as newsletters, emails, social media platforms.

Register your interest

Contact the study team

Participants are welcome to contact either the researcher or any of the supervisors if they have any questions about the project.

Cherise Pendergrast

Researcher, School of Sport, Exercise and Nutrition

Professor Cath Conlon

Supervisor, School of Sport, Exercise and Nutrition

Professor Pamela von Hurst

Supervisor, School of Sport, Exercise and Nutrition

Associate Professor Kathryn Beck

Supervisor, School of Sport, Exercise and Nutrition

Dr Bevan Erueti

Supervisor, School of Health Sciences