Sylvia Pack

Doctor of Philosophy, (Psychology)
Study Completed: 2016
College of Humanities & Social Sciences


Thesis Title
Racism in Aotearoa New Zealand : Analysing the talk of Maori and their Pakeha partners

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In the field of critical social psychology, studies on racism against Maori in Aotearoa New Zealand have focused mainly on Pakeha. Ms Pack instead analysed themes and language patterns in the accounts of Maori and their partners. Participants were asked if they had experienced racism, what had occurred, why they thought these incidents took place, and how racism could be reduced. A data driven induction approach underpinned by a social constructionist theory was employed to highlight participants’ insights and context. Themes and discourses included Pakeha ignorance of racism and Maori people, media promotion of negative stereotypes, a Pakeha sense of superiority, and institutionalised racism. Racism might be reduced by micro-level resistance, attention to structural racism and negative media stereotypes, anti-racism education, and becoming ‘Kiwi’ while practising mutual respect. Understanding through increased interaction was advocated and reflected in the study and its findings.

Associate Professor Keith Tuffin
Professor Antonia Lyons