Widchaporn Taipjutorus

Doctor of Philosophy, (Education)
Study Completed: 2014
College of Humanities & Social Sciences


Thesis Title
The relationship between learner control and online learning self-efficacy

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Self-efficacy is one of the key factor for online learner success.  By using an embedded-correlational mixed method design, Mrs. Taipjutorus constructed the online learning self-efficacy scales(OLSES) and a questionaire gathering information to examine the relationship between learner control and online learning self-efficacy.  Findings confirmed that learner control and computer skills for academic purpose were good predictors of online learning self-efficacy.  The result of the qualitative analysis not only supported the quantitative findings but also provided insight nature of self-efficacy in the online learning environment.  Derived from this study, the embedded framework for successful online learners was recommended for online course developers as well as a set of guidline, SUCCESS.

Associate Professor Sally Hansen
Professor Mark Brown