Tiyaporn Luangpipat

Doctor of Philosophy, (Biotechnology)
Study Completed: 2013
College of Sciences


Thesis Title
Photobioreactor production of microalgae for potential fuel oils

Read article at Massey Research Online: MRO icon

Miss Luangpipat examined the production of potential fuel oils using photosynthetic growth of microalgae in seawater. Effects of the growth conditions on oil content of the algal biomass and the productivity of the oil were examined. Starving the algae of certain nutrients was shown to enhance the oil content of the biomass and the productivity of the oil. Algal biomass containing more than 50% oil by weight could be produced. Potentially, algal oil may be made into renewable carbon-neutral transport fuels to displace at least some of the fuel now obtained from petroleum.

Professor Yusuf Chisti
Associate Professor Pak Yu