Physics tutor wins Lecturer of the Year title

Tuesday 29 November 2022

A senior physics tutor from the School of Natural Sciences has taken out the top prize at this year’s Albany Students’ Association Lecturer of the Year Award.

From left: ASA President Jake Law, ASA Engagement Officer Michaela Futter, Dr Patrick Bowman, ASA Advocacy Manager Penny Lyall.

The award was presented to Dr Patrick Bowman at an event held on the Auckland campus last week. Lecturer of the Year (LOTY) has been awarded annually since 2005, but due to COVID-19 restrictions the previous two events were held online.

Dr Bowman, who also received the top award for the College of Sciences, says it’s an honour to be recognised by his students.

"This was a really nice surprise. I will particularly value the certificate with the students' comments, not only because it's nice to get positive feedback, but as a reminder of some of this year's more 'distinctive personalities'. Students are right to demand excellent teaching and this sort of acknowledgement helps achieve that. Thanks to ASA for running this fine tradition, I know it's something that is widely appreciated."

A total of 114 lecturers based on the Auckland campus were nominated this year, which serves as an acknowledgement of Massey’s continued teaching excellence.

All nominees were invited to a festive luncheon, complete with a signature LOTY cocktail, and musical entertainment from student Fidel Pimentel on classical guitar. Each nominee receives a certificate showing the positive comments that students included with their nominations, a LOTY ribbon and a LOTY feather bookmark.

Some of the comments submitted on nominations for Dr Bowman included:

  • Patrick is always so enthusiastic about what he is teaching. Always answers any of our questions to the best of his ability. Is more than happy to go out of his way to help get the best results for his students and makes physics so much fun.
  • Patrick is amazingly helpful, gets really engaged with teaching and gets everyone in his class excited about and interested in physics.
  • Absolute legend of a lecturer.

Albany Students’ Association General Manager Jacqueline Adams says focusing on excellence in teaching is a great way to close out the year and nominees enjoy hearing about some of the fun and quirky things other lecturers do in their classes.

“A common theme during conversations at the luncheon is how much teaching staff have enjoyed seeing what students enjoy about other lecturer’s classes, as we show some of the comments given for each nominee. They tell us that it inspires them to keep teaching and adds to their toolbox of teaching skills.”

Albany Students’ Association Advocacy Manager Penny Lyall says it’s an immense pleasure and privilege to read the heartfelt, often hilarious, comments submitted by students for LOTY each year.

“This authentic student feedback and validation gives students the opportunity to thank and acknowledge the lecturers who have made a real difference to their learning and experience. The LOTY Awards are not based on the number of journals published, the title of Dr, Professor or something more illustrious, or even length of service. Rather, they are an acknowledgment of the immense effort, passion and commitment shown by nominees that have gone above the call of duty for their students.

“Over the years, LOTY has proved to be one of the most effective methods the advocacy service has to support quality teaching. Focusing on and recognising what is good, LOTY helps to cultivate a supportive environment in which to help lecturers to be the best educators that they can be,” she adds.

“What defines LOTY and makes it so incredibly special is that all nominees are recognised and applauded, not just the winners. In our minds and that of our students, all nominees are deserving of a great big thank you.”

College winners

College of Health: Jack Scanlan

College of Humanities and Social Sciences: Dr Chris McMillan

College of Sciences: Dr Patrick Bowman

Massey Business School: Professor Sasha Molchanov

You can view all the photos of the awards here.

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