Regulations for The Diploma in Facilities Management - DipFM

Official rules and regulations for the Diploma in Facilities Management. These regulations are for the 2025 intake to this qualification.

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Qualification Regulations

Part I

These regulations are to be read in conjunction with all other Statutes and Regulations of the University including General Regulations for Undergraduate Degrees, Undergraduate Diplomas, Undergraduate Certificates, Graduate Diplomas, and Graduate Certificates.

Part II


1. Admission to the Diploma in Facilities Management requires candidates to meet the University admission requirements as specified.

Qualification requirements

2. Candidates for the Diploma in Facilities Management shall follow a flexible programme of study, which shall consist of courses totalling 120 credits, comprising:

(a) courses listed in the Schedule for the diploma;

(b) attending contact workshops, block courses, field trips, studios, workshops, tutorials and laboratories as required.


3. The Diploma in Facilities Management is awarded without an endorsement.

Student progression

4. In cases of sufficient merit, the Diploma in Facilities Management may be awarded with distinction if completed in one year of full-time study or three years of part-time study.

Completion requirements

5. Any timeframes for completion as outlined in the General Regulations for Undergraduate Degrees, Undergraduate Diplomas, Undergraduate Certificates, Graduate Diplomas, and Graduate Certificates will apply.

6. Candidates may be graduated when they meet the Admission, Qualification and Academic requirements within the prescribed timeframes. Candidates who do not meet the requirements for graduation may, subject to the approval of the Academic Board, be awarded the Certificate in Science and Technology should they meet the relevant Qualification requirements.

Unsatisfactory academic progress

7. The general Unsatisfactory Academic Progress regulations will apply.

Schedule for the Diploma in Facilities Management

Course planning key

Courses that need to be completed before moving onto a course at the next level. For example, a lot of 200-level courses have 100-level prerequisite courses.
Courses that must be completed at the same time as another course are known as corequisite courses.
Some courses are restricted against each other because their content is similar. This means you can only choose one of the offered courses to study and credit to your qualification.
Key terms for course planning
Each qualification has its own specific set of courses. Some universities call these papers. You enrol in courses after you get accepted into Massey.
Course code
Each course is numbered using 6 digits. The fourth number shows the level of the course. For example, in course 219206, the fourth number is a 2, so it is a 200-level course (usually studied in the second year of full-time study).
Each course is worth a number of credits. You combine courses (credits) to meet the total number of credits needed for your qualification.
Some qualifications let you choose what subject you'd like to specialise in. Your major or endorsement is what you will take the majority of your courses in.

Compulsory Courses (Choose 120 credits from)

Choose 120 credits from
Course code: 115111 Communication Theory and Practice 15 credits

This course identifies key theories and strategies to enhance written, oral, visual, and interpersonal communication for different purposes and audiences. Students explore, discuss, critique, and practise communication for a business and global environment and recognise how world views, culture, and contexts shape communication.

Restrictions: 219100 and 219203

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Course code: 115112 Accounting for Business 15 credits

An introduction to how accounting information is used for planning, monitoring and evaluating organisational performance.

Restrictions: 115102

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Course code: 218102 Construction Technology and Services I 15 credits

This course will enable students to understand how components of residential buildings are assembled to create habitable and usable spaces. Students will explore the characteristics of various construction materials used in interior finishing. Students are introduced to the principles and applications of services and facilities for comfort and energy performance of residential buildings.

Restrictions: 218172

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Course code: 218106 Construction Health, Safety and Wellbeing 15 credits

This course examines the potential hazards and safety strategies of the construction workplace. Students will explore strategies for safe designs, hazard assessment and the implication of health and safety legislation. The course reviews construction-related health conditions and their mitigation strategies.

Restrictions: 218151

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Course code: 218141 Introduction to Facilities Management 15 credits

Understanding the language and basic concepts in facility management service delivery. The Facility Manager’s role in adding value to enhance assets, user experiences, wellbeing and productivity.

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Course code: 218143 Asset Management 15 credits

Identification and classification of assets and facilities. Asset lifecycle stages and deliverables. Facility Manager’s role in managing assets and stakeholders.

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Course code: 218146 Facilities Management Planning 15 credits

Concepts in operation, maintenance and management of assets. Use life stages, obsolescence and maintenance principles for achieving ‘fit for purpose’ use.

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Course code: 218147 Workplace Management 15 credits

Evolution of assets and space usage. Principles and practices in adaptation, change management, and future proofing. Management of multi-user facilities.

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