Research impact stories , Ngā kōrero mō te pānga mai o te rangahau

Our researchers are committed to making a real difference for Aotearoa New Zealand and for the world. Read stories of the impact our research is having and how it can change lives.

Seeds treatment under UV-B lights.

Featured story: BioLumic science unlocks high-value traits in seeds

Discover the UV-B light research exploiting responses in natural plant genes for enhanced plant performance. The culmination of Professor Jason Wargent's research is BioLumic, an agricultural biotechnology company.

Regenerative agriculture in Taranaki

The Pivot Award supports regenerative agriculture and building relationships and capability in the Taranaki region.

Photo of Regen Ad researchers in field, November 2022 Photo of Regen Ad researchers in field, November 2022 Photo of Regen Ad researchers in field, November 2022 Photo of Regen Ad researchers in field, November 2022

Riddet Institute scientists’ innovation leads to Ferri-Pro acquisition by Nestlé

Riddet Institute scientists' groundbreaking food fortification technology, Ferri-Pro, is helping to combat iron deficiency thanks to its acquisition by Nestlé.

Te Ohu Rangahau Kai – Food Research Building on Massey's Manawatū campus Te Ohu Rangahau Kai – Food Research Building on Massey's Manawatū campus Te Ohu Rangahau Kai – Food Research Building on Massey's Manawatū campus Te Ohu Rangahau Kai – Food Research Building on Massey's Manawatū campus

Research partnership delivers

Celebrating ten years of successful Vision Mātauranga Capability Fund partnerships.

Young person holding a bucket inspects an item from the waterway. Young person holding a bucket inspects an item from the waterway. Young person holding a bucket inspects an item from the waterway. Young person holding a bucket inspects an item from the waterway.

Building capability to secure ngāi tipu taketake

Design, evolution and implementation of a seed banking partnership model. Celebrating ten years of successful Vision Mātauranga Capability Fund partnerships.

People collecting titoki seeds from trees. People collecting titoki seeds from trees. People collecting titoki seeds from trees. People collecting titoki seeds from trees.

F2F research partnership spreads seeds of local farming knowledge

The Farming to Flourish (F2F) project promotes regenerative food production via local ties, sustainability and consumption shift. Bashford-Nicholls Trust Pivot Award winners, F2F reimagined Taranaki's food systems and security.

Mātauranga Māori research opportunities a professional game-changer

Celebrating ten years of successful Vision Mātauranga Capability Fund partnerships.

People-driven, needs-based Pacific-indigenous psychology

Associate Professor Siautu Alefaio-Tugia's research and leadership on the Caring for Our Wisdom Bearers, her Saili Matagi review and continuing support, and the NIUPATCH founding show her ongoing socio-cultural impact.

Dr Hana Tuisano embraces Associate Professor Siautu Alefaio-Tugia at the Parliament-held book launch for Siautu in June 2023. Dr Hana Tuisano embraces Associate Professor Siautu Alefaio-Tugia at the Parliament-held book launch for Siautu in June 2023. Dr Hana Tuisano embraces Associate Professor Siautu Alefaio-Tugia at the Parliament-held book launch for Siautu in June 2023. Dr Hana Tuisano embraces Associate Professor Siautu Alefaio-Tugia at the Parliament-held book launch for Siautu in June 2023.

From board books to PhD and beyond

Ahorangi Tūhono Darryn Joseph's impact on reo Māori learning, literacy, creativity, intellectual development and output is immense.

Evidence-based veterinary medicine made easy

Professor Carolyn Gates is making her mark in animal health with research and educational initiatives designed for the real world.

Surgery in the student-run animal desexing clinic Surgery in the student-run animal desexing clinic Surgery in the student-run animal desexing clinic Surgery in the student-run animal desexing clinic

Mana-enhancing self testing for HPV

Dr Naomi Brewer and Professor John Potter's research promises to reduce cervical cancer in Māori, Pasifika and Asian women.

HPV self sampling logo HPV self sampling logo HPV self sampling logo HPV self sampling logo

Steering gamers from gambling harm

Dr Aaron Drummond's loot box research has led to increased protection for gamers vulnerable to gambling.

Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer

Transformed books & visual arts to spark the imagination

Dr Jess Richards weaves words and art together in quietly captivating ways to realise her long-held dream of a PhD.

Book Book Book Book

Vegetables from weaning to improve health & nutrition

Jeanette Rapson is creating a healthier future for kids with her passion for nutrition and translating complex science.

Jeanette Rapson Jeanette Rapson Jeanette Rapson Jeanette Rapson

From crisis to dreams: social change for the missing voices

James Cherrington brings the voices of whānau to his social work PhD as he researches social change.

A pill-sized robot for better health outcomes

Muhammad Rehan's wireless robotic capsule could save lives by diagnosing diseases earlier.

Muhammad Rehan Muhammad Rehan Muhammad Rehan Muhammad Rehan