Regulations for The Master of Veterinary Medicine - MVM

Official rules and regulations for the Master of Veterinary Medicine. These regulations are for the 2025 intake to this qualification.

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Qualification Regulations

Part I

These regulations are to be read in conjunction with all other Statutes and Regulations of the University including General Regulations for Postgraduate Degrees, Postgraduate Diplomas, and Postgraduate Certificates.

Part II


1. Admission to the Degree of Master of Veterinary Medicine requires that the candidate will:

(a) meet the University admission requirements as specified; and

(b) shall have been awarded or qualified for the Bachelor of Veterinary Science or a veterinary degree considered by the Academic Board to be equivalent to the Massey University Bachelor of Veterinary Science.

Qualification requirements

2. Candidates for the Degree of Master of Veterinary Medicine shall follow a flexible programme of study, which shall consist of courses totalling at least 120 credits, comprising:

(a) courses selected from the Schedule to the Qualification;

(b) any compulsory courses identified in the Schedule to the Qualification.


3. The Degree of Master of Veterinary Medicine is awarded without a subject.

4. Notwithstanding Regulation 3, the following subjects, which are closed to new enrolments, are available in accordance with the transitional provisions outlined in Regulation 9: Companion Animal, Companion Animal Surgery, Production Animal, Equine, Veterinary Business Administration.

Student progression

5. In cases of sufficient merit, the Degree of Master of Veterinary Medicine may be awarded with distinction or merit.

Completion requirements

6. A candidate’s programme of study may not exceed five years from the date of first enrolment in the Master of Veterinary Medicine, unless a specified time of suspension or extension has been approved by the Academic Board or their delegate.

7. Candidates may be graduated when they meet the Admission, Qualification and Academic requirements within the prescribed timeframes; candidates who do not meet the requirements for graduation may, subject to the approval of Academic Board, be awarded the Postgraduate Certificate in Science and Technology should they meet the relevant Qualification requirements.

Unsatisfactory academic progress

8. The general Unsatisfactory Academic Progress regulations will apply.

Transitional provisions

9. Subject to any Maximum Time to Completion and the Abandonment of Studies provisions specified in the Part I regulations for the degree, candidates enrolled in the Master of Veterinary Medicine prior to 1 January 2025 who were enrolled in a subject, will be permitted to complete that subject.

10. This transition arrangement expires 31 December 2027.

Schedule for the Master of Veterinary Medicine

Course planning key

Courses that need to be completed before moving onto a course at the next level. For example, a lot of 200-level courses have 100-level prerequisite courses.
Courses that must be completed at the same time as another course are known as corequisite courses.
Some courses are restricted against each other because their content is similar. This means you can only choose one of the offered courses to study and credit to your qualification.
Key terms for course planning
Each qualification has its own specific set of courses. Some universities call these papers. You enrol in courses after you get accepted into Massey.
Course code
Each course is numbered using 6 digits. The fourth number shows the level of the course. For example, in course 219206, the fourth number is a 2, so it is a 200-level course (usually studied in the second year of full-time study).
Each course is worth a number of credits. You combine courses (credits) to meet the total number of credits needed for your qualification.
Some qualifications let you choose what subject you'd like to specialise in. Your major or endorsement is what you will take the majority of your courses in.

Schedule for the Master of Veterinary Medicine (Choose between 60 and 75 credits from)

Choose between 60 and 75 credits from
Course code: 118751 Canine and Feline Gastroenterology 15 credits

The principles of gastroenterology of dogs and cats for veterinary graduates. Pathophysiology, diagnosis and management of diseases of the alimentary system.

Restrictions: 195751

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Course code: 118752 Canine and Feline Endocrinology 15 credits

The principles of endocrinology of dogs and cats for veterinary graduates. Pathophysiology, diagnosis and management of diseases of the endocrine glands.

Restrictions: 195752

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Course code: 118753 Canine and Feline Oncology 15 credits

The principles of oncology of dogs and cats for veterinary graduates. Pathophysiology, diagnosis and management of neoplastic disease.

Restrictions: 195753

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Course code: 118754 Diagnostic Imaging for Small Animal Veterinarians 15 credits

The principles of diagnostic imaging in small animal practice for veterinary graduates. Principles of radiography and other imaging modalities. Radiologic interpretation of all body systems, primarily of dogs and cats, and integration with case management.

Restrictions: 195754

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Course code: 118755 Clinical Pathology in Small Animal Practice 15 credits

The principles of clinical pathology in dogs and cats for veterinary graduates. It includes the indications, application and interpretation of haematological, biochemical, urine, cytological and special testing of dogs and cats.

Restrictions: 195755

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Course code: 118756 Canine and Feline Neurology 15 credits

The principles of neurology in dogs and cats for veterinary graduates. Pathophysiology, diagnosis and management of diseases of the nervous system.

Restrictions: 195756

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Course code: 118757 Cardiorespiratory Medicine for Small Animal Veterinarians 15 credits

The principles and practice of cardiorespiratory medicine in dogs and cats for veterinary graduates. Pathophysiology, diagnosis and management of cardiac and respiratory disease.

Restrictions: 195757

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Course code: 118758 Avian Medicine 15 credits

The principles and practice of avian medicine in companion birds and aviary collections, for veterinarians. Pathophysiology, diagnosis and management of diseases of birds.

Restrictions: 195758

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Course code: 118759 Ophthalmology in Small Animal Practice 15 credits

The principles of ophthalmology in dogs and cats for veterinary graduates. Pathophysiology, diagnosis and management of diseases of the eye.

Restrictions: 195759

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Course code: 118761 Canine and Feline Emergency Medicine 15 credits

The principles and practice of emergency medicine in dogs and cats for veterinarians. Pathophysiology, diagnosis and management of conditions seen in emergency practice.

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Course code: 118762 Dermatology for Small Animal Veterinarians 15 credits

The principles of dermatology in dogs and cats for veterinarians. Pathophysiology, diagnosis and management of skin diseases.

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Course code: 118763 Canine and Feline Orthopedic Surgery 15 credits

The principles and practice of orthopaedic surgery in dogs and cats for veterinarians. Pathophysiology, diagnosis and management of orthopaedic diseases.

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Course code: 118764 Canine and Feline Soft Tissue Surgery 15 credits

The principles and practice of soft tissue surgery in dogs and cats for veterinarians. Pathophysiology, diagnosis and management of soft tissue diseases.

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Course code: 118771 Advances in Ruminant Nutrition for Veterinarians 15 credits

An advanced course on ruminant nutrition and feeding practices for veterinarians. Principles of microbial digestion in the rumen, absorption and utilisation of nutrients. Practical nutrition for enhancement of animals’ performance and health, including critical study of the evaluation of feeds, feed intakes and nutrient requirements. Practical assessments of animal and feed resources; ration formulation. Current developments in ruminant feeding technologies, including genetic modification of feeds and rumen flora.

Restrictions: 151705, 117761

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Course code: 118772 Calf Medicine, Health and Management 15 credits

An advanced course on specific aspects of calf rearing, health management and medicine for veterinarians. A critical study of the systems and environments utilised in calf rearing, nutrient and health requirements with respect to disease prevention, herd biosecurity, health, welfare and productivity.

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Course code: 118775 Advanced Mastitis Management for the Production Animal Veterinarian 15 credits

An advanced course on mastitis for production animal veterinarians. This course will provide in-depth study of mastitis causing agents and their treatment and control within the herd and at an individual level. It will address the epidemiology of disease, mastitis prevention, herd biosecurity, herd/animal health, welfare and productivity.

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Course code: 118776 Lameness Investigation and Control for Cattle Veterinarians 15 credits

An advanced course on cattle lameness for veterinarians. This course will provide in-depth study of lameness diagnosis, treatment and control within the herd. It will address the epidemiology of disease, lameness prevention, herd biosecurity, welfare and productivity.

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Course code: 118777 Veterinary Clinical Reproduction and Fertility 15 credits

An advanced course on clinical reproduction for veterinarians. Comparative veterinary reproductive anatomy, physiology, and technology across a range of species. In-depth study of reproductive management in a nominated elective species. Use of scientific literature to inform decision making on reproductive issues.

Restrictions: 117767

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Course code: 118785 Introduction to Evidence-Based Practice 15 credits

Students will study the principles of veterinary epidemiology to provide them with the skills necessary to critically evaluate the literature for the purposes of evidence-based medicine. Examples and case studies will be drawn from a range of species including production animals, wildlife, companion animals and horses.

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Course code: 118786 Applied Veterinary Epidemiology 15 credits

Students will gain the skills necessary to design an epidemiological study in a clinical setting and investigate an outbreak of disease. Examples and case studies will be drawn from a range of species including production animals, wildlife, aquatic species, companion animals and horses.

Prerequisites: 118785 Restrictions: 118720, 118715, 118815

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Course code: 118791 Special Topic 15 credits
Course code: 118792 Special Topic 30 credits

Research courses (Choose between 45 and 60 credits from)

Choose between 45 and 60 credits from
Course code: 118851 Research Report (MVM) (45 credit) 45 credits

A detailed examination of a specific topic within the field of study of the candidate, approved by the course co-ordinator in advance, which may include aspects of original research, problem investigation, and/or study of pre-existing data or published literature.

Prerequisites: 2 x 1187xx

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Course code: 118852 Research Report (MVM) (60 credit) 60 credits

A detailed examination of a specific topic within the field of study of the candidate, approved by the course co-ordinator in advance, which may include aspects of original research, problem investigation, and/or study of pre-existing data or published literature.

Prerequisites: 2 x 1187xx

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Course code: 118853 Advanced Profession Practice in Veterinary Science 45 credits

A supervised placement in an approved setting of veterinary practice. Students will observe the work of experts in the selected area of veterinary practice, undertake some work under supervision, and gain experience in using the empirical literature to guide evidence-based decision making and writing reports in the discipline.

Prerequisites: 2 x 1187xx (B)

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