School of Communication, Journalism and Marketing staff

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Prof Mohan Dutta B. Tech (Hons), MA, PhD

Dean's Chair in Communication

Massey Business School - Deputy PVC's Office

Based on his work on healthcare among indigenous communities, sex workers, migrant workers, farmers, and communities living in extreme poverty, Prof. Dutta has developed an approach called the culture-centered approach that outlines culturally-based participatory strategies of radical democracy for addressing unequal healthpolicies. Based on academic-activist collaborations, the culture-centered approach uses fieldwork, resistive strategies for performance and dialogue-based reflexive participation to create entry points for listening to the voices of communities at the global margins. At the core of his research agenda is the activist emphasis on provincializing Eurocentric knowledge structures, and de-centering hegemonic knowledge constructions through subaltern participation. He has received over $4 million in funding to work on culture-centered projects of health communication, social change, and health advocacy. Recently, he completed a $1.5 million grant funded by the Agency for HealthCare Research & Quality (AHRQ) to develop a culturally-centered health communication project on heart disease among African American communities in the Lake and Marion counties of Indiana. This community-grounded project interrogating the unhealthy structures that constrain the health and wellbeing of African American neighborhoods in the US became the basis for multiple organic projects rooted in the aspirations in the community for health and wellbeing. At NUS, he received over $2 million in funding to run culture-centered projects of health across Asia, including projects on food insecurity in West Bengal, poverty and health in Singapore, health among migrant workers in low skilled sectors, health of transgender sexworkers, health among Malays, and cardiovascular health and marginalization. At Massey, he looks forward to building the work of CARE in the areas of indigenous health, health and migration, and poverty.

The social impact in Mohan Dutta's work bridges activist interventions and academic knowledge production, delineating the tensions, divergences and convergences when academics, activists, and communities come together in co-creating transformative practices. He is interested in theorizing the nature of productive practices of academic performance situated at the intersections of subaltern politics, activist commitments, and academic research. Professor Dutta explores these tensions in academic-activist-community collaborations through his own experiments with collaboration and solidarity.

In addition to teaching, writing and conducting fieldwork in collaboration with activist groups, Prof. Dutta enjoys spending leisure time with his wife, children Shloke, Trisha, Soham, nieces and nephews, parents and siblings, and an extended family of performers and activists; stimulating conversations with his advisees, usually over meals; organizing opportunities in radical democracy with grassroots groups; and participating in creative production, script writing, and direction for 360 degree campaigns. In his most recent performance work, he has served as the visiting artistic director for Rittwick, a grassroots group in West Bengal, India working on performance for social change. He has also directed the "Singaporeans Left Behind" "Voices of Hunger" and "Respect our Rights" campaigns and documentary films. Prof. Dutta is the winner of the 2016 International Communication Association (ICA) Applied/Public Policy Communication Research Award, and the 2018 Outstanding Health Communication Scholar Award. He serves on the Advisory Panel of the World Health Organization (WHO) Cultural Contexts of Health (CCH) group.

Mohan J Dutta is Dean's Chair Professor of Communication.  He is the Director of the Center for Culture-Centered Approach to Research and Evaluation (CARE), developing culturally-centered, community-based projects of social change, advocacy, and activism that articulate health as a human right. Mohan Dutta's research examines the role of advocacy and activism in challenging  marginalizing structures, the relationship between poverty and health, political economy of global health policies, the mobilization of cultural tropes for the justification of neo-colonial health development projects, and the ways in which participatory culture-centered processes and strategies of radical democracy serve as axes of global social change. 

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  • Bachelor of Technology (Honours) - Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur (1995)
  • Master of Arts - North Dakota State University (2001)
  • Doctor of Philosophy - University of Minnesota (2001)

Research Expertise

Research Interests

Research on the culture-centered approach (CCA) to health communication explores the ways in which cultural meanings are co-constructed by participants in their interactions with the structures that surround their lives. It is through these co-constructions that subaltern participants discuss possibilities of resisting a healthcare system that continues to locate them at the peripheries of the mainstream, and co-create narratives of social change that transform the silences carried out by mainstream structures of knowledge production. Agency and context are two key threads that have flown through the research conducted in this area, utilizing combinations of ethnography, survey-based methodology and performance to engage with the symbolic and material spaces of social change across the globe. Scholarship focusing on the culture-centered approach has been published in Communication Theory, Health Communication, Human Communication Research, Health Education and Behavior, and Qualitative Health Research, in addition to being published as chapters in several books. The key concepts of the culture-centered approach are highlighted in the book “Communicating health: A culture-centered approach” published by Polity Press.

Formulated under the framework of the culture-centered approach, Professor Dutta’s research program explores the interactions among structure, culture and agency in the co-creation of transformative practices for challenging marginalizing communication practices in healthcare settings. The goals of this program of research are to understand (a) the location of communication within the complex interplay of structure and culture, (b) the ways in which individual and collective agencies are enacted within and in resistance to structural constraints, and (c) the interactions of human agency and communicative processes in bringing about social change and structural transformation. These research interests suggest theoretical insights regarding the ways in which communication structures, practices, and messages participate in the marginalization of certain sectors of the population, and draw attention to the processes through which these silencing structures are resisted by those that are typically disenfranchised. Ultimately, these theoretical entry points provide pragmatic guidelines for engaging with problems of marginalization and disenfranchisement, fostering spaces for listening to those voices that have historically been rendered silent by the institutional practices of policymakers, interventionists, and program evaluators. The emphasis is on co-creating theoretically grounded spaces of change by working dialogically with subaltern communities through participatory communication strategies.

Professor Dutta has published the book Communicating social change: Structure, culture, agency” in collaboration with Taylor & Francis, and more recently "Voices of Resistance" published by Purdue University Press. He was awarded the Lewis Donohew Outstanding Health Communication Scholar Award in recognition of this work. Also at Purdue, he was awarded the prestigious University Scholar Award for his research excellence. His most recent research involves a $1.5 million project funded by the Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality (AHRQ) to develop culturally-centered guides on heart disease for African Americans in the Lake & Marion counties of Indiana, and a $1.9 million Center on the Culture-Centered Approach to Research and Evaluation (CARE) ( funded by the National University of Singapore. Writing availaible on the following blog:


21st Century Citizenship, Design – for Commerce, Community and Culture, Health and Well-being, Future Food Systems

Area of Expertise

Field of research codes
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Studies (200201): Communication and Media Studies (200100): Communication Studies (200101): Cultural Studies (200200): Cultural Theory (200204):
Health Promotion (111712):
International and Development Communication (200103): Languages, Communication And Culture (200000):
Maori Health (111713): Medical And Health Sciences (110000):
Postcolonial Studies (200211):
Public Health and Health Services (111700)

Research Projects

Completed Projects

Project Title: Conditional Grant to support Family Violence and Sexual Violence prevention initiatives within diverse communities: Auckland Community Group

Date Range: 2022 - 2023

Funding Body: Ministry of Justice

Project Team:

Research Outputs


Elers, C., & Dutta, MJ. (2024). Theorising Māori Health and Wellbeing in a Whakapapa Paradigm: Voices from the Margins. Health Communication.
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ., Mahtani, R., Ho, V., Sherqueshaa, S., Thomas, S., Jalleh-Hosey, AA., . . . Elers, P. (2024). Culturally Centering the Voices of Transgender Sex Workers in Singapore: Health, Materiality and Violence. Health Communication.
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M., Elers, P.
Dutta, MJ. (2024). Digital platforms, Hindutva, and disinformation: Communicative strategies and the Leicester violence. Communication Monographs.
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ., Kaur-Gill, S., & Metuamate, S. (2024). Decolonizing Impact Through the Culture-Centered Approach to Health Communication: Mobilizing Communities to Transform the Structural Determinants of Health. Health Communication.
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ., Elers, P., Jayan, P., Rahman, M., Hashim, S., Liu, J., . . . Zorn, A. (2024). Preventing Violence in the Raced Margins: Alternate Rationalities, Possibilities, and Imaginaries. Management Communication Quarterly.
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M., Elers, P.
Dutta, MJ. (2024). Resisting an unfolding genocide: reflections from radical struggles in the Global South. Quarterly Journal of Speech. 110(2), 294-304
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Bouguettaya, A., Ahmed, R., Diers-Lawson, A., Dutta, MJ., & Team, V. (2023). Editorial: COVID-19: risk communication and blame. Frontiers in Communication. 8
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Salter, LA., & Dutta, MJ. (2024). Communication Inequality and the Technopolitical Structure of Platform Work: Aotearoa New Zealand Platform Workers During COVID-19. International Journal of Communication. 18, 1289-1308
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Elers, P., Dutta, MJ., Elers, S., Tau, TT., & Torres, R. (2024). Subaltern perspectives of developing communication campaigns: Re-examining the culture-centered approach in addressing health disparities. Journal of International and Intercultural Communication. 17(1), 39-55
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M., Elers, P.
Lewandowsky, S., Schmid, P., Habersaat, KB., Nielsen, SM., Seale, H., Betsch, C., . . . Danchin, M. (2023). Lessons from COVID-19 for behavioural and communication interventions to enhance vaccine uptake.. Commun Psychol. 1(1), 35
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Ramasubramanian, S., & Dutta, MJ. (2024). The CODE^SHIFT model: a data justice framework for collective impact and social transformation. Human Communication Research. 50(2), 173-183
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ. (2023). Applied communication, witnessing, and decolonizing futures. Journal of Applied Communication Research. 51(6), 579-581
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.Edited by: Dutta, M.
Elers, P., & Dutta, MJ. (2023). Situating Health Experiences: A Culture-Centered Interrogation. Health Communication.
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M., Elers, P.
Elers, CH., & Dutta, M. (2024). Local government engagement practices and Indigenous interventions: Learning to listen to Indigenous voices. Human Communication Research. 50(1), 39-52
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Salter, LA., & Dutta, MJ. (2023). The algorithmic big Other: using Lacanian theory to rethink control and resistance in platform work. Distinktion.
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Elers, P., Jayan, P., & Dutta, MJ. (2023). Foregrounding digital realities at the locked down raced margins: a culture-centered case study in Aotearoa. Review of Communication. 23(3), 293-307
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M., Elers, P.
Elers, C., & Dutta, M. (2023). Academic-community solidarities in land occupation as an Indigenous claim to health: culturally centered solidarity through voice infrastructures. Frontiers in Communication. 8
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Rahman, MM., & Dutta, MJ. (2023). The United Nations (UN) Card, Identity, and Negotiations of Health among Rohingya Refugees. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 20(4)
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Elers, P., & Dutta, MJ. (2023). Theorizing COVID-19 information retrieving from a culture-centered lens: Communication infrastructures for challenging disinformation. Communication Monographs. 90(2), 205-224
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M., Elers, P.
Dutta, MJ., & Rahman, MM. (2023). The city eats the worker: migrant negotiations of COVID-19 and resistance amidst the COVID-19 crisis. Consumption Markets and Culture. 26(3), 194-209
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Lee, ST., Dutta, MJ., Luk, P., Kaur-Gill, S., & Lin, J. (2023). Health Orientation as a Psychographic Framework for Understanding Physical Exercise Behavior. Health Communication. 38(3), 460-467
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ. (2022). Pandemic communication as transformation. Journal of Applied Communication Research. 50(6), 593-594
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.Edited by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ. (2022). Making and breaking boundaries. Journal of Applied Communication Research. 50(S1), S1-S2
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Gordon, C., Hunt, KP., & Dutta, MJ. (2022). Editorial: Food systems communication amid compounding crises: Power, resistance, and change. Frontiers in Communication. 7
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ., Jayan, P., Elers, P., Elers, C., Rahman, MM., & Pokaia, V. (2022). Receiving Healthcare Amidst Poverty During the COVID-19 Lockdowns: A Culture-Centered Interrogation. Health Communication. 37(12), 1503-1509
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M., Elers, P.
Dutta, MJ. (2022). Communication as raced practice. Journal of Applied Communication Research. 50(3), 227-228
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.Edited by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ. (2022). The Whiteness of the Rhetoric of Health and Medicine (RHM); A Culture-Centered Framework for Dismantling. Departures in Critical Qualitative Research. 11(1-2), 54-79
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Mika, JP., Dell, K., Elers, C., Dutta, M., & Tong, Q. (2022). Indigenous environmental defenders in Aotearoa New Zealand: Ihumātao and Ōroua River. AlterNative. 18(2), 277-289
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ. (2022). De-centering the whiteness of applied communication research: some editorial strategies. Journal of Applied Communication Research. 50(2), 109-110
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.Edited by: Dutta, M.
Elers, P., Dutta, MJ., & Elers, S. (2022). Culturally centring digital inclusion and marginality: A case study in Aotearoa New Zealand. New Media and Society. 24(2), 311-327
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M., Elers, P.
Sun, K., & Dutta, M. (2022). Grandparenting in rural China: A culture-centered approach (CCA) to understand economic inequality and rural labor change. Qualitative Social Work. 21(3), 602-620
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Doolan, DL., Kozlakidis, Z., Zhang, Z., Paessler, S., Su, L., Yokota, YT., . . . Zhang, SY. (2021). Editorial: Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19): Pathophysiology, Epidemiology, Clinical Management and Public Health Response. Frontiers in Public Health. 9
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Jayan, P., & Dutta, MJ. (2021). Nobody cares about us: COVID-19 and voices of refugees from Aotearoa New Zealand. Communication Research and Practice. 7(4), 361-378
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ. (2021). Culture-centred approach to digital health communication: Sustaining health, addressing inequalities, transforming structures. Catalan Journal of Communication and Cultural Studies. 13(2), 311-319
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, M., Ramasubramanian, S., Barrett, M., Elers, C., Sarwatay, D., Raghunath, P., . . . Zapata, D. (2021). Decolonizing Open Science: Southern Interventions. Journal of Communication. 71(5), 803-826
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, D., Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ., & Elers, P. (2021). Negotiating Community-Academic-Activist Relationships Amidst the Pandemic. Communication, Culture and Critique. 14(2), 381-384
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M., Elers, P.
Dutta, MJ. (2021). Migrant health as a human right amidst COVID-19: a culture-centered approach. International Journal of Human Rights in Healthcare. 14(3), 223-239
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ. (2021). Neoliberal Governmentality and Low-Wage Migrant Labour in India and Singapore. Journal of Creative Communications. 16(2), 139-152
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Elers, P., Elers, S., Dutta, MJ., & Torres, R. (2021). Applying the Cultured-Centered Approach to visual storytelling methods. Review of Communication. 21(1), 33-43
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M., Elers, P.
Dutta, MJ. (2021). Singapore’s Extreme Neoliberalism and the COVID Outbreak: Culturally Centering Voices of Low-Wage Migrant Workers. American Behavioral Scientist. 65(10), 1302-1322
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.Edited by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ. (2021). Communication as praxis. Journal of Applied Communication Research. 49(1), 1-2
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.Edited by: Dutta, M.
Vats, A., & Dutta, MJ. (2020). Locating freedom of speech in an era of global white nationalism. First Amendment Studies. 54(2), 156-180
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.Edited by: Dutta, M.
Elers, P., Dutta, MJ., & Elers, S. (2021). Engagement and the Nonprofit Organization: Voices from the Margins. Management Communication Quarterly. 35(3), 368-391
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M., Elers, P.
Elers, P., Te Tau, T., Dutta, MJ., Elers, S., & Jayan, P. (2021). Explorations of Health in Aotearoa New Zealand’s Low-income Suburbia. Health Communication. 36(12), 1453-1463
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M., Elers, P.
Kaur-Gill, S., & Dutta, MJ. (2021). Structure as Depressant: Theorizing Narratives of Mental Health among Migrant Domestic Workers. Health Communication. 36(12), 1464-1475
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Kaur-Gill, S., Pandi, AR., & Dutta, MJ. (2021). Singapore’s national discourse on foreign domestic workers: Exploring perceptions of the margins. Journalism. 22(12), 2991-3012
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ. (2020). COVID-19, Authoritarian Neoliberalism, and Precarious Migrant Work in Singapore: Structural Violence and Communicative Inequality. Frontiers in Communication. 5
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Kaur-Gill, S., Dutta, MJ., & Bashir, MB. (2020). A Community-Based Heart Health Intervention: Culture-Centered Study of Low-Income Malays and Heart Health Practices. Frontiers in Communication. 5
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ., Elers, C., & Jayan, P. (2020). Culture-Centered Processes of Community Organizing in COVID-19 Response: Notes from Kerala and Aotearoa New Zealand. Frontiers in Communication. 5
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ., & Pal, M. (2021). Theorizing from the global south: Dismantling, resisting, and transforming communication theory. Communication Theory. 30(4), 349-369
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Elers, C., Jayan, P., Elers, P., & Dutta, MJ. (2021). Negotiating Health Amidst COVID-19 Lockdown in Low-income Communities in Aotearoa New Zealand. Health Communication. 36(1), 109-115
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M., Elers, P.
Dutta, M., & Elers, P. (2020). Media narratives of kindness − a critique. Media International Australia. 177(1), 108-112
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M., Elers, P.
Dutta, MJ., Kaur, S., & Elers, P. (2020). Validity in interpretive methods: frameworks and innovations. Annals of the International Communication Association. 44(3), 185-200
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M., Elers, P.
Falnikar, A., & Dutta, MJ. (2021). Bt cotton and the voices of the widows in the face of farmer-suicides. Journal of International and Intercultural Communication. 14(2), 95-111
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ. (2020). Whiteness, internationalization, and erasure: decolonizing futures from the Global South. Communication and Critical/ Cultural Studies. 17(2), 228-235
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Habersaat, KB., Betsch, C., Danchin, M., Sunstein, CR., Böhm, R., Falk, A., . . . Butler, R. (2020). Ten considerations for effectively managing the COVID-19 transition. Nature Human Behaviour. 4(7), 677-687
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ., & Thaker, J. (2020). Sustainability, ecology, and agriculture in women farmers' voices: Culture-centering gender and development. Communication Theory. 30(2), 126-148
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Schraedley, MK., Bean, H., Dempsey, SE., Dutta, MJ., Hunt, KP., Ivancic, SR., . . . Sellnow, T. (2020). Food (in)security communication: a Journal of Applied Communication Research forum addressing current challenges and future possibilities. Journal of Applied Communication Research. 48(2), 166-185
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Kaur-Gill, S., & Dutta, MJ. (2020). Negotiating the (im)mobility of domestic work: Communicative erasures, disrupted embodiments, and neoliberal Asia. Journal of International and Intercultural Communication. 13(2), 130-150
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ., & Elers, S. (2020). Public relations, indigeneity and colonization: Indigenous resistance as dialogic anchor. Public Relations Review. 46(1)
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Chandanabhumma, PP., Duran, BM., Peterson, JC., Pearson, CR., Oetzel, JG., Dutta, MJ., . . . Wallerstein, NB. (2020). Space within the Scientific Discourse for the Voice of the Other? Expressions of Community Voice in the Scientific Discourse of Community-Based Participatory Research. Health Communication. 35(5), 616-627
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ. (2019). "No, you did not do me a favor": The whiteness games of merit. Departures in Critical Qualitative Research. 8(4), 50-56
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Rodriguez, A., Dutta, MJ., & Desnoyers-Colas, EF. (2019). Introduction to special issue on merit, whiteness, and privilege. Departures in Critical Qualitative Research. 8(4), 3-9
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.Edited by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ. (2019). What Is Alternative Modernity? Decolonizing Culture as Hybridity in the Asian Turn. Asia Pacific Media Educator. 29(2), 178-194
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Neyazi, TA., Kumar, A., & Dutta, MJ. (2019). Channel Complementarity or Displacement? Theory and Evidence from a non-Western Election Context. Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media. 63(4), 656-676
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, M., Pandi, AR., Zapata, D., Mahtani, R., Falnikar, A., Tan, N., . . . Sun, K. (2019). Critical Health Communication Method as Embodied Practice of Resistance: Culturally Centering Structural Transformation through Struggle for Voice. Frontiers in Communication. 4
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Falnikar, A., & Dutta, MJ. (2019). Voices of Farmer-Widows Amid the Agrarian Crisis in India. Women's Studies in Communication. 42(4), 432-451
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ. (2019). Digital Transformations, Smart Cities, and Displacements: Tracing the Margins of Digital Development. International Journal of Media Studies. 1(1), 1-21 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, U., & Dutta, MJ. (2019). Songs of the bauls: Voices from the margins as transformative infrastructures. Religions. 10(5)
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Falnikar, A., Lyn, TE., Ganchoudhuri, S., & Dutta, MJ. (2019). Discursive Constructions of Income Inequality in Neo-liberal Singapore. Journal of Creative Communications. 14(2), 132-146
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Wallerstein, N., Oetzel, JG., Duran, B., Magarati, M., Pearson, C., Belone, L., . . . Dutta, MJ. (2019). Culture-centeredness in community-based participatory research: Contributions to health education intervention research. Health Education Research. 34(4), 372-388
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ., & Thaker, J. (2019). ‘Communication sovereignty’ as resistance: strategies adopted by women farmers amid the agrarian crisis in India. Journal of Applied Communication Research. 47(1), 24-46
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ., Collins, W., Sastry, S., Dillard, S., Anaele, A., Kumar, R., . . . Bonu, T. (2019). A Culture-Centered Community-Grounded Approach to Disseminating Health Information among African Americans. Health Communication. 34(10), 1075-1084
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ., & Shome, R. (2018). Mobilities, Communication, and Asia. International Journal of Communication. 12, 3960-3978
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ., & Kaur-Gill, S. (2018). Precarities of Migrant Work in Singapore: Migration, (Im)mobility, and Neoliberal Governmentality. International Journal of Communication. 12, 4066-4084
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Thaker, J., Dutta, M., Nair, V., & Rao, VP. (2018). The Interplay between Stigma, Collective Efficacy, and Advocacy Communication among Men Who Have Sex with Men and Transgender Females. Journal of Health Communication. 23(7), 614-623
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Low, TT., Chan, SP., Wai, SH., Ang, Z., Kyu, K., Lee, KY., . . . Lam, CSP. (2018). The women's heart health programme: A pilot trial of sex-specific cardiovascular management. BMC Women's Health. 18(1)
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ. (2018). Culture-centered Approach in Addressing Health Disparities: Communication Infrastructures for Subaltern Voices. Communication Methods and Measures. 12(4), 239-259
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ. (2018). Culturally centering social change communication: subaltern critiques of, resistance to, and re-imagination of development. Journal of Multicultural Discourses. 13(2), 87-104
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Lee, ST., Dutta, MJ., Lin, J., Luk, P., & Kaur-Gill, S. (2018). Trust Ecologies and Channel Complementarity for Information Seeking in Cancer Prevention. Journal of Health Communication. 23(3), 254-263
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Ray, S., & Dutta, MJ. (2018). Insecure peace: understanding citizen and local government relations in a Maoist-affected region in India. Critical Asian Studies. 50(1), 37-57
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ. (2018). Autoethnography as Decolonization, Decolonizing Autoethnography: Resisting to Build Our Homes. Cultural Studies - Critical Methodologies. 18(1), 94-96
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ., & Basu, A. (2018). Subalternity, Neoliberal Seductions, and Freedom: Decolonizing the Global Market of Social Change. Cultural Studies - Critical Methodologies. 18(1), 80-93
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ., Kaur, S., Luk, P., Lin, J., & Lee, ST. (2018). Health Information Seeking Among Singaporeans: Roles and Collective Contexts. Health Communication. 33(4), 433-442
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ., Comer, S., Teo, D., Luk, P., Lee, M., Zapata, D., . . . Kaur, S. (2018). Health Meanings among Foreign Domestic Workers in Singapore: A Culture-Centered Approach. Health Communication. 33(5), 643-652
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ., & Sun, K. (2017). Complex structures: Meaning formation amid China's new rural cooperative medical scheme. International Journal of Communication. 11, 1618-1634
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Rao, A., & Dutta, MJ. (2017). Repertoires of collective action in an “IT City”: Urban civil society negotiations of offline and online spaces in Bangalore. Communication Monographs. 84(2), 221-240
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Tan, N., Kaur-Gill, S., Dutta, MJ., & Venkataraman, N. (2017). Food Insecurity in Singapore: The Communicative (Dis)Value of the Lived Experiences of the Poor. Health Communication. 32(8), 954-962
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Lin, J., & Dutta, MJ. (2017). A Replication of Channel Complementarity Theory among Internet Users in India. Health Communication. 32(4), 483-492
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ. (2017). Migration and health in the construction industry: Culturally centering voices of Bangladeshi workers in Singapore. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 14(2)
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Sastry, S., & Dutta, MJ. (2017). Health Communication in the Time of Ebola: A Culture-Centered Interrogation. Journal of Health Communication. 22, 10-14
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ. (2016). Cultural Context, Structural Determinants, and Global Health Inequities: The Role of Communication. Frontiers in Communication. 1
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, M., & Rastogi, R. (2016). Deconstructing PRSP Measurement: Participation as Neoliberal Colonization. Journal of Creative Communications. 11(3), 211-226
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Gao, H., Dutta, M., & Okoror, T. (2016). Listening to Chinese Immigrant Restaurant Workers in the Midwest: Application of the Culture-Centered Approach (CCA) to Explore Perceptions of Health and Health Care. Health Communication. 31(6), 727-737
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, M., Sastry, S., Dillard, S., Kumar, R., Anaele, A., Collins, W., . . . Spinetta, C. (2017). Narratives of Stress in Health Meanings of African Americans in Lake County, Indiana. Health Communication. 32(10), 1241-1251
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Kaur, S., Tan, N., & Dutta, MJ. (2016). Media, Migration and Politics: The Coverage of the Little India Riot in The Straits Times in Singapore. Journal of Creative Communications. 11(1), 27-43
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ., Hingson, LR., Anaele, A., Sen, S., & Jones, K. (2016). Narratives of Food Insecurity in Tippecanoe County, Indiana: Economic Constraints in Local Meanings of Hunger. Health Communication. 31(6), 647-658
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ. (2016). Violence in Gaza: An Academic-Activist Agenda for Health Communication. Health Communication. 31(12), 1579-1581
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Sun, K., & Dutta, MJ. (2016). Meanings of Care: A Culture-Centered Approach to Left-Behind Family Members in the Countryside of China. Journal of Health Communication. 21(11), 1141-1147
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Rastogi, R., & Dutta, MJ. (2015). Neoliberalism, Agriculture and Farmer Stories: Voices of Farmers from the Margins of India. Journal of Creative Communications. 10(2), 128-140
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ. (2015). Decolonizing Communication for Social Change: A Culture-Centered Approach. Communication Theory. 25(2), 123-143
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ., & Acharya, L. (2015). Power, Control, and the Margins in an HIV/AIDS Intervention: A Culture-Centered Interrogation of the “Avahan” Campaign Targeting Indian Truckers. Communication, Culture and Critique. 8(2), 254-272
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Yehya, NA., & Dutta, MJ. (2015). Articulations of Health and Poverty Among Women on WIC. Health Communication. 30(12), 1223-1233
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ., Thaker, J., & Sun, K. (2014). Neoliberalism, neocolonialism, and communication for social change: A culture-centered agenda for the social sciences. Global Media Journal. 2014
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ. (2014). Development and participation: Turning the tables. Media Asia. 41(4), 288-301
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dillard, SJ., Dutta, M., & Sun, WS. (2014). Culture-Centered Engagement With Delivery of Health Services: Co-Constructing Meanings of Health in the Tzu Chi Foundation Through Buddhist Philosophy. Health Communication. 29(2), 147-156
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ., & Sen, S. (2014). Coverage of the Financial Crisis in English Language Print Media in India: Ideologies of Neoliberalism. Journal of Creative Communications. 9(3), 199-213
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ. (2014). A Culture-Centered Approach to Listening: Voices of Social Change. International Journal of Listening. 28(2), 67-81
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ., & Pal, M. (2014). Financialization, Communication, and New Imperialism: Meaning in Circuits of Flow. Global Media Journal. 2014
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Pal, M., & Dutta, MJ. (2013). "Land is Our Mother": Alternative Meanings of Development in Subaltern Organizing. Journal of International and Intercultural Communication. 6(3), 203-220
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, M. (2013). Communication, Power and Resistance in the Arab Spring: Voices of Social Change from the South. Journal of Creative Communications. 8(2-3), 139-155
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ., & Jamil, R. (2013). Health at the Margins of Migration: Culture-Centered Co-Constructions Among Bangladeshi Immigrants. Health Communication. 28(2), 170-182
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Ban, Z., Sastry, S., & Dutta, MJ. (2013). “Shoppers' Republic of China”: Orientalism in neoliberal U.S. news discourse. Journal of International and Intercultural Communication. 6(4), 280-297
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Sastry, S., & Dutta, MJ. (2013). Global Health Interventions and the "Common Sense" of Neoliberalism: A Dialectical Analysis of PEPFAR. Journal of International and Intercultural Communication. 6(1), 21-39
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ., Anaele, A., & Jones, C. (2013). Voices of Hunger: Addressing Health Disparities Through the Culture-Centered Approach. Journal of Communication. 63(1), 159-180
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Ban, Z., Sastry, S., & Dutta, MJ. (2013). "Shoppers' Republic of China": Orientalism in Neoliberal U.S. News Discourse. Journal of International and Intercultural Communication. 6(4), 280-297
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ. (2013). Disseminating HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis information in underserved communities. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 44(1 SUPPL. 2)
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ., & Dutta, U. (2013). Voices of the poor from the margins of bengal: Structural inequities and health. Qualitative Health Research. 23(1), 14-25
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ., & Dutta, D. (2013). Multinational Going Cultural: A Postcolonial Deconstruction of Cultural Intelligence. Journal of International and Intercultural Communication. 6(3), 241-258
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, D., Dutta, M.
Sastry, S., & Dutta, MJ. (2012). Public Health, Global Surveillance, and the "Emerging Disease" Worldview: A Postcolonial Appraisal of PEPFAR. Health Communication. 27(6), 519-532
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Acharya, L., & Dutta, MJ. (2012). Deconstructing the Portrayals of HIV/AIDS Among Campaign Planners Targeting Tribal Populations in Koraput, India: A Culture-Centered Interrogation. Health Communication. 27(7), 629-640
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Koenig, CJ., Dutta, MJ., Kandula, N., & Palaniappan, L. (2012). "All of Those Things We Don't Eat": A Culture-Centered Approach to Dietary Health Meanings for Asian Indians Living in the United States. Health Communication. 27(8), 818-828
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Jamil, R., & Dutta, MJ. (2012). A Culture-Centered Exploration of Health: Constructions From Rural Bangladesh. Health Communication. 27(4), 369-379
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ. (2012). Hunger as Health: Culture-Centered Interrogations of Alternative Rationalities of Health. Communication Monographs. 79(3), 366-384
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Basnyat, I., & Dutta, MJ. (2012). Reframing motherhood through the culture-centered approach: articulations of agency among young Nepalese women. Health Communication. 27(3), 273-283
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dempsey, S., Dutta, M., Frey, LR., Goodall, HL., Madison, DS., Mercieca, J., . . . Miller, K. (2011). What is the role of the communication discipline in social justice, community engagement, and public scholarship? A visit to the CM café. Communication Monographs. 78(2), 256-271
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Sastry, S., & Dutta, MJ. (2011). Postcolonial constructions of HIV/AIDS: Meaning, culture, and structure. Health Communication. 26(5), 437-449
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ. (2011). Health, Human Rights, and Performance: Interrupted Stories. Health Communication. 26(7), 679-682
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Basu, A., & Dutta, MJ. (2011). 'We are mothers first': Localocentric articulation of sex worker identity as a key in HIV/AIDS communication. Women and Health. 51(2), 106-123
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Basnyat, I., & Dutta, MJ. (2011). Family planning (re)defined: how young Nepalese women understand and negotiate contraceptive choices. Asian Journal of Communication. 21(4), 338-354
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Basu, A., & Dutta, MJ. (2010). Born into Brothels: Neocolonial moves and unheard voices. Feminist Media Studies. 10(1), 101-105
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Yehya, NA., & Dutta, MJ. (2010). Health, religion, and meaning: A culture-centered study of druze women. Qualitative Health Research. 20(6), 845-858
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ. (2010). The critical cultural turn in health communication: Reflexivity, solidarity, and praxis. Health Communication. 25(6), 534-539
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Thompson, TL., Stephenson, MT., Southwell, BG., & Dutta, MJ. (2010). The nuts and bolts of publication in health communication. Health Communication. 25(6), 512-515
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ., Pfister, R., & Kosmoski, C. (2010). Consumer evaluation of genetic information online: The role of quality on attitude and behavioral intentions. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication. 15(4), 592-605
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Paek, HJ., Lee, AL., Jeong, SH., Wang, J., & Dutta, MJ. (2010). The emerging landscape of health communication in asia: Theoretical contributions, methodological questions, and applied collaborations. Health Communication. 25(6), 552-559
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, M., & Pal, M. (2010). Dialog theory in marginalized settings: A subaltern studies approach. Communication Theory. 20(4), 363-386
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Gelders, D., Patesson, R., Vandoninck, S., Steinberg, P., Van Malderen, S., Nicaise, P., . . . Vander Laenen, F. (2009). The influence of warning messages on the public's perception of substance use: A theoretical framework. Government Information Quarterly. 26(2), 349-357
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Kim, I., & Dutta, MJ. (2009). Studying Crisis communication from the subaltern studies framework: Grassroots activism in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. Journal of Public Relations Research. 21(2), 142-164
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Basu, A., & Dutta, MJ. (2009). Sex workers and HIV/AIDS: Analyzing participatory culture-centered health communication strategies. Human Communication Research. 35(1), 86-114
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Pal, M., & Dutta, MJ. (2008). Public relations in a global context: the relevance of critical modernism as a theoretical lens. Journal of Public Relations Research. 20(2), 159-179
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Bodie, GD., & Dutta, MJ. (2008). Understanding health literacy for strategic health marketing: Health literacy, health disparities, and the digital divide. Health Marketing Quarterly. 25(1-2), 175-203
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ., & Basnyat, I. (2008). The radio communication project in Nepal: A culture-centered approach to participation. Health Education and Behavior. 35(4), 442-454
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ., & Basnyat, I. (2008). The case of the radio communication project in Nepal: A culture-centered rejoinder. Health Education and Behavior. 35(4), 459-460
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ., & King, AJ. (2008). Communication choices of the uninsured: Implications for health marketing. Health Marketing Quarterly. 25(1-2), 97-118
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ. (2008). Health Marketing Quarterly: Editorial. Health Marketing Quarterly. 25(1-2), 1-7
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ., & Basu, A. (2008). Meanings of health: Interrogating structure and culture. Health Communication. 23(6), 560-572
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Basu, A., & Dutta, MJ. (2008). The relationship between health information seeking and community participation: The roles of health information orientation and efficacy. Health Communication. 23(1), 70-79
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ., & De Souza, R. (2008). The past, present, and future of health development campaigns: Reflexivity and the critical-cultural approach. Health Communication. 23(4), 326-339
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Basu, A., & Dutta, MJ. (2008). Participatory change in a campaign led by sex workers: Connecting resistance to action-oriented agency. Qualitative Health Research. 18(1), 106-119
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
DeSouza, R., & Jyoti Dutta, M. (2008). Global and local networking for HIV/AIDS prevention: The case of the Saathii e-forum. Journal of Health Communication. 13(4), 326-344
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ., & Basu, A. (2007). Health among men in rural Bengal: Exploring meanings through a culture-centered approach. Qualitative Health Research. 17(1), 38-48
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Basu, A., & Dutta, MJ. (2007). Centralizing context and culture in the co-construction of health: Localizing and vocalizing health meanings in rural India. Health Communication. 21(2), 187-196
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ., & Feng, H. (2007). Health orientation and disease state as predictors of online health support group use. Health Communication. 22(2), 181-189
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ., & Boyd, J. (2007). Turning "smoking man" images around: Portrayals of smoking in men's magazines as a blueprint for smoking cessation campaigns. Health Communication. 22(3), 253-263
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ. (2007). Health information processing from television: The role of health orientation. Health Communication. 21(1), 1-9
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ. (2007). Communicating about culture and health: Theorizing culture-centered and cultural sensitivity approaches. Communication Theory. 17(3), 304-328
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta-Bergman, MJ. (2006). Community participation and internet use after September 11: Complementarity in channel consumption. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication. 11(2), 469-484
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ., & Bodie, G. (2006). Health orientation as a predictor of exercising: A psychographic approach. Social Marketing Quarterly. 12(4), 3-18
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta-Bergman, MJ. (2006). U.S. public diplomacy in the Middle East: A critical cultural approach. Journal of Communication Inquiry. 30(2), 102-124
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ. (2006). Theoretical approaches to entertainment education campaigns: A subaltern critique. Health Communication. 20(3), 221-231
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Zollinger, TW., Saywell, RM., Overgaard, AD., Przybylski, MJ., & Dutta-Bergman, M. (2006). Antitobacco media awareness of rural youth compared to suburban and urban youth in Indiana. Journal of Rural Health. 22(2), 119-123
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta-Bergman, MJ. (2006). The demographic and psychographic antecedents of attitude toward advertising. Journal of Advertising Research. 46(1), 102-112
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ. (2006). The ten commandments of reviewing: The promise of a kinder, gentler discipline!. Health Communication. 20(2), 197-200
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta-Bergman, MJ. (2006). A formative approach to strategic message targeting through soap operas: Using selective processing theories. Health Communication. 19(1), 11-18
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta-Bergman, M. (2005). Depression and news gathering after September 11: The interplay of affect and cognition. Communication Research Reports. 22(1), 7-14
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta-Bergman, MJ. (2005). Civil society and public relations: Not so civil after all. International Journal of Phytoremediation. 21(1), 267-289
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Parker, RS., & Pettijohn, CE. (2005). Pharmaceutical drug marketing strategies and tactics: a comparative analysis of attitudes held by pharmaceutical representatives and physicians.. Health Mark Q. 22(4), 27-43
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta-Bergman, MJ. (2005). Psychographic profiling of fruit and vegetable consumption: The role of health orientation. Social Marketing Quarterly. 11(1), 19-35
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta-Bergman, MJ., & Pal, M. (2005). The negotiation of U.S. advertising among Bengali immigrants: A journey in hybridity. Journal of Communication Inquiry. 29(4), 317-335
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta-Bergman, MJ. (2005). The antecedents of community-oriented internet use: Community participation and community satisfaction. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication. 11(1), 97-113
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta-Bergman, MJ. (2005). Theory and practice in health communication campaigns: A critical interrogation. Health Communication. 18(2), 103-122
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta-Bergman, MJ. (2005). Access to the internet in the context of community participation and community satisfaction. New Media and Society. 7(1), 89-109
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta-Bergman, MJ. (2005). Developing a profile of consumer intention to seek out additional information beyond a doctor: The role of communicative and motivation variables. Health Communication. 17(1), 1-16
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta-Bergman, MJ. (2005). The relation between health-orientation, provider-patient communication, and satisfaction: An individual-difference approach. Health Communication. 18(3), 291-303
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta-Bergman, MJ. (2004). Describing volunteerism: The theory of unified responsibility. International Journal of Phytoremediation. 21(1), 353-369
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta-Bergman, MJ. (2004). The unheard voices of Santalis: Communicating about health from the margins of India. Communication Theory. 14(3), 237-263
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta-Bergman, MJ. (2004). Health attitudes, health cognitions, and health behaviors among Internet health information seekers: population-based survey.. Journal of medical Internet research. 6(2)
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta-Bergman, MJ. (2004). The readership of health magazines: The role of health orientation. Health Marketing Quarterly. 22(2), 27-49
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, M., Kapilashrami, MC., & Tiwari, VK. (2004). Knowledge, awareness and extent of male participation in key areas of reproductive and child health in an urban slum of Delhi. Health and Population: Perspectives and Issues. 27(2), 49-66
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta-Bergman, MJ. (2004). Developing a profile of consumer intention to seek out health information beyond the doctor. Health Marketing Quarterly. 21(1-2), 91-112
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta-Bergman, MJ. (2004). Health attitudes, health cognitions, and health behaviors among Internet health information seekers: Population-based survey. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 6(2)
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta-Bergman, MJ. (2004). Interpersonal communication after 9/11 via telephone and internet: A theory of channel complementarity. New Media and Society. 6(5), 659-673
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta-Bergman, MJ. (2004). The impact of completeness and web use motivation on the credibility of e-health information. Journal of Communication. 54(2), 253-269
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta-Bergman, MJ. (2004). Poverty, structural barriers, and health: A Santali narrative of health communication. Qualitative Health Research. 14(8), 1107-1122
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta-Bergman, MJ. (2004). Reaching unhealthy eaters: Applying a strategic approach to media vehicle choice. Health Communication. 16(4), 493-506
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta-Bergman, MJ. (2004). Primary sources of health information: Comparisons in the domain of health attitudes, health cognitions, and health behaviors. Health Communication. 16(3), 273-288
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta-Bergman, MJ. (2004). An alternative approach to social capital: Exploring the linkage between health consciousness and community participation. Health Communication. 16(4), 393-409
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta-Bergman, MJ. (2004). The unheard voices of Santalis: Communicating about health from the margins of India. COMMUNICATION THEORY. 14(3), 237-263
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta-Bergman, MJ. (2004). Idiocentrism, involvement, and health appeals: A social psychological framework. Southern Communication Journal. 70(1), 46-55
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta-Bergman, MJ. (2003). Demographic and psychographic antecedents of community participation: Applying a social marketing model. Social Marketing Quarterly. 9(2), 17-31
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta-Bergman, MJ. (2003). A descriptive narrative of healthy eating: A social marketing approach using psychographics in conjunction with interpersonal, community, mass media and new media activities. Health Marketing Quarterly. 20(3), 81-101
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta-Bergman, M. (2003). Trusted online sources of health information: Differences in demographics, health beliefs, and health-information orientation. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 5(3), 54-63
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta-Bergman, MJ. (2003). The linear interaction model of personality effects in health communication. Health Communication. 15(1), 101-116
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta-Bergman, MJ. (2003). Health Communication on the Web: The Roles of Web Use Motivation and Information Completeness. Communication Monographs. 70(3), 264-274
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta-Bergman, MJ. (2002). Beyond demographic variables: Using psychographic research to narrate the story of Internet users. SIMILE. 2(3)
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta-Bergman, MJ., & Wells, WD. (2002). The values and lifestyles of idiocentrics and allocentrics in an individualist culture: A descriptive approach. Journal of Consumer Psychology. 12(3), 231-242
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta-Bergman, MJ., & Wells, WD. (2002). The values and lifestyles of idiocentrics and allocentrics in an individualist culture: A descriptive approach. Journal of Consumer Psychology. 12(3), 231-242
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta-Bergman, MJ., & Doyle, KO. (2001). Money and meaning in India and Great Britain tales of similarities and differences. American Behavioral Scientist. 45(2), 205-222
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta-Bergman, MJ., & Doyle, KO. (2001). Money and meaning in India and Great Britain: Tales of similarities and differences. American Behavioral Scientist. (2), 205-222
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ., & Youn, S. (1999). Profiling healthy eating consumers: A psychographic approach to social marketing. Social Marketing Quarterly. 5(4), 4-21
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, PK., Upadhyay, A., Dutta, M., Urmil, AC., Thergaonkar, MP., & Ganguly, SS. (1990). A case control study of cancer cervix patients attending Command Hosptial, Pune. Indian Journal of Cancer. 27(2), 101-108
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, PK., Urmil, AC., Gund, SS., & Dutta, M. (1990). Utilisation of health services by "high risk" pregnant women in a semi urban community of Pune -- an analytical study.. Indian journal of maternal and child health : official publication of Indian Maternal and Child Health Association,. 1(1), 15-19
[Journal article]Authored by: Dutta, M.


Dutta, D., & Dutta, M. (2025). Discursive Construction of Race and Racism in India. In S. Roy (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Race, Ethnicity, and Communication..
[Chapter]Authored by: Dutta, D., Dutta, M.
Dutta, M. (2023). Culture-centered Method for Decolonization: Community Organizing to Dismantle Capitalist-colonial Organizing. In The Handbook of Critical Intercultural Communication: Second Edition. (pp. 407 - 418).
[Chapter]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ. (2023). Culture-centered Approach to Risk Communication. In Communicating Risk and Safety. (pp. 269 - 283).
[Chapter]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ. (2023). Theorizing southern strategies of anti-racism: Culturally centering social change. In The Routledge Handbook of Ethnicity and Race in Communication. (pp. 301 - 314).
[Chapter]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Jayan, P., & Dutta, MJ. (2023). Listening for Erasures as Method in Making Sense of Health Disparities: Culture-Centered Constructions of Health Among Refugees. In Migrants and the COVID-19 Pandemic: Communication, Inequality, and Transformation. (pp. 69 - 83).
[Chapter]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Kaur-Gill, S., & Dutta, MJ.(2023). Migrants and the COVID-19 Pandemic: Communication, Inequality, and Transformation.
[Authored Book]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ., Mandal, I., & Baskey, P. (2023). Culture-Centered Migrant Organizing at the Margins: Resisting Hate Amidst COVID-19. In Migrants and the COVID-19 Pandemic: Communication, Inequality, and Transformation. (pp. 217 - 235).
[Chapter]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Kaur-Gill, S., & Dutta, MJ. (2023). The COVID-19 Pandemic and Precarious Migrants: An Outbreak of Inequality. In Migrants and the COVID-19 Pandemic: Communication, Inequality, and Transformation. (pp. 1 - 25).
[Chapter]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Rahman, MM., & Dutta, MJ. (2023). The COVID-19 Pandemic’s Impact on the Health of Rohingya Refugees. In Migrants and the COVID-19 Pandemic: Communication, Inequality, and Transformation. (pp. 51 - 67).
[Chapter]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Kaur-Gill, S., & Dutta, MJ.(2023). Preface.
[Authored Book]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Croucher, SM., Nguyen, T., Ding, GG., Diers-Lawson, A., Spencer, A., Eskiçorapçi, N., . . . Gomez, O. (2023). Intergroup communication during the COVID-19 pandemic: A 20-nation analysis of prejudice. In Pandemic Communication. (pp. 174 - 196).
[Chapter]Authored by: Ashwell, D., Croucher, S., Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ. (2022). Migration and health in the construction industry: Culturally centering voices of Bangladeshi workers in Singapore. In Migrant Workers In Singapore: Lives And Labour In A Transient Migration Regime. (pp. 153 - 178).
[Chapter]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ. (2022). Health, safety and well-being: Listening to the voices of migrant workers in a pandemic. In Migrant Workers In Singapore: Lives And Labour In A Transient Migration Regime. (pp. 149 - 151).
[Chapter]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ. (2022). Culture-centered approach to communicating health and development: Communication, social justice, and social change. In The Handbook of Global Interventions in Communication Theory. (pp. 440 - 455).
[Chapter]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ. (2021). Communication inequality, structural inequality, and covid-19. In Communicating COVID-19: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. (pp. 85 - 98).
[Chapter]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Kaur-Gill, S., & Dutta, MJ. (2021). Strategic Communication Campaigns in Health. In The Handbook of Strategic Communication. (pp. 309 - 319).
[Chapter]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Ganesh, S., Dutta, M., & Hau, N. (2021). Building communities. In Handbook of Management Communication. (pp. 427 - 442).
[Chapter]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Pitaloka, D., & Dutta, MJ. (2021). PERFORMING SONGS AS HEALING THE: TRAUMA OF THE 1965 ANTI-COMMUNIST KILLINGS IN INDONESIA. In Traumatic Pasts in Asia: History, Psychiatry, and Trauma from the 1930s to the Present. (pp. 226 - 244).
[Chapter]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ., Jayan, P., & Elers, C. (2021). Culture-centered approach to communication for social change. In Handbook of Communication and Development. (pp. 100 - 119).
[Chapter]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Ganchoudhuri, S., & Dutta, MJ. (2021). Neoliberal hegemony and national HIV/AIDS policy in India. In Post-AIDS Discourse in Health Communication: Sociocultural Interpretations. (pp. 106 - 121).
[Chapter]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ. (2021). Universities, civility, and repression in the age of new media: Surveillance capital and resistance. In Civility, Free Speech, and Academic Freedom in Higher Education: Faculty on the Margins. (pp. 41 - 58).
[Chapter]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ., & Elers, P. (2020). Interpretive approaches. In DL. Worthington, & GD. Bodie (Eds.) Handbook of listening. (pp. 41 - 54). Hoboken, New Jersey, United States of America: John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
[Chapter]Authored by: Dutta, M., Elers, P.
Elers, P., Elers, S., & Dutta, M.(2020). Exploring challenges: A culture-centred approach (CCA) project in Glen Innes.
[Discussion Paper]Authored by: Dutta, M., Elers, P.
Dutta, MJ., Kaur-Gill, S., Tan, N., & Lam, C. (2018). mHealth, Health, and Mobility: A Culture-Centered Interrogation. In Mobile Communication in Asia. (pp. 91 - 107).
[Chapter]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ. (2018). Communicating public engagement, public interest and participation: Culturally centring community voices. In Public Interest Communication: Critical Debates and Global Contexts. (pp. 53 - 71).
[Chapter]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Thaker, J., Dutta, MJ., Nair, V., & Rao, VP. (2018). Media Portrayal Stigma Among Gender and Sexual Minorities. In MJ. Dutta, & DB. Zapata (Eds.) Communicating for Social Change: Meaning, Power, and Resistance. (pp. 383 - 407). Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan Singapore
[Chapter]Authored by: Dutta, M.Edited by: Dutta, M.
Thaker, J., & Dutta, MJ. (2018). Women farmers' voices on climate change adaptation in India. In Environmental Communication Among Minority Populations. (pp. 101 - 118).
[Chapter]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ. (2018). On Spivak: Theorizing resistance in public relations. In Public Relations and Social Theory: Key Figures, Concepts and Developments. (pp. 374 - 393).
[Chapter]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ. (2017). Culture-centered communication and social change: Listening and participation to transform communication inequalities. In Intercultural Communication. (pp. 309 - 327).
[Chapter]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, M., & Dutta, . (2017). Cultural intelligence, postcolonial critique. In The International Encyclopedia of Intercultural Communication. : John Wiley & Sons
[Chapter]Authored by: Dutta, D., Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ., & Basu, A. (2017). Subaltern resistance narratives and the culture-centered approach: Inverting public health discourse. In Thinking Through Resistance: A Study of Public Oppositions to Contemporary Global Health Practice. (pp. 22 - 38).
[Chapter]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ.(2017). Preface to part two.
[Authored Book]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ. (2017). Negotiating Health on Dirty Jobs: Culture-centered constructions of health among migrant construction workers in Singapore. In Culture, Migration, and Health Communication in a Global Context. (pp. 45 - 59).
[Chapter]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ.(2016). Neoliberal health organizing: Communication, meaning, and politics.
[Authored Book]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ., & Basu, A. (2016). Negotiating our postcolonial selves: From the ground to the ivory tower. In Handbook of Autoethnography. (pp. 143 - 161).
[Chapter]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Thaker, J., & Dutta, M. (2016). Millet in Our Own Voices: A Culturally-Centred Articulation of Alternative Development by DDS Women Farmers’ Sanghams. In Dynamics of Asian Development. (pp. 131 - 144).
[Chapter]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ. (2015). A postcolonial critique of public relations. In The Routledge Handbook of Critical Public Relations. (pp. 248 - 260).
[Chapter]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ. (2015). Foreword. (pp. xxiii - xxv).
[Chapter]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ., & Kumar, R. (2015). Culture-centered approach to public relations: Resistance in relational contexts. In Public Relations As Relationship Management: A Relational Approach To the Study and Practice of Public Relations: Second Edition. (pp. 258 - 277).
[Chapter]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta-Bergman, MJ. (2013). Media use theory and internet use for health care. In The Internet and Health Care: Theory, Research, and Practice. (pp. 83 - 104).
[Chapter]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Mitra, R., Green, RJ., & Dutta, MJ. (2013). Corporate Reputation in Emerging Markets: A Culture-Centered Review and Critique. In The Handbook of Communication and Corporate Reputation. (pp. 484 - 496).
[Chapter]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Acharya, L., & Dutta, MJ. (2013). The child reporters initiative in India: A culture-centered approach to participation. In Sustainability, Participation and Culture in Communication: Theory and Praxis. (pp. 219 - 238).
[Chapter]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ. (2013). Globalization, public relations, and activism for social change a culture-center approach. In Public Relations and Communication Management: Current Trends and Emerging Topics. (pp. 210 - 224).
[Chapter]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ. (2012). Critical interrogations of global public relations: Power, culture, and agency. In Culture and Public Relations. (pp. 202 - 217).
[Chapter]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ. (2012). Narratives of hunger: Voices at the margins of neoliberal development. In The Rhetoric of Food: Discourse, Materiality, and Power. (pp. 238 - 253).
[Chapter]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ. (2012). Narratives of hunger: Voices at the margins of neoliberal development. In The Rhetoric of Food: Discourse, Materiality, and Power. (pp. 238 - 253).
[Chapter]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Airhihenbuwa, CO., & Dutta, MJ. (2012). New Perspectives on Global Health Communication: Affirming Spaces for Rights, Equity, and Voices. In Obregon/The Handbook of Global Health Communication. (pp. 34 - 51).
[Chapter]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ.(2012). Voices of resistance: Communication social change.
[Authored Book]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Sastry, S., & Dutta, MJ. (2012). Reading HIV/AIDS in the Indian media: Social, cultural and economic constructions. In Liberalizing, Feminizing and Popularizing Health Communications in Asia. (pp. 59 - 76).
[Chapter]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, ., & Dutta, MJ. (2012). Science: 1900 to Present: South, Central and West Asia. In AL. Stanton, E. Ramasamy, P. Seybolt, & CM. Elliot (Eds.) Cultural Sociology of the Middle East, Asia, & Africa: An Encyclopedia. (pp. 284 - 287). : SAGE Publications
[Chapter]Authored by: Dutta, D., Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ., & Basnyat, I. (2012). The radio communication project in Nepal: Culture, power, and meaning in constructions of health. In Liberalizing, Feminizing and Popularizing Health Communications in Asia. (pp. 151 - 166).
[Chapter]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ.(2012). Critical interrogations of global public relations: Power, culture, and agency.
[Authored Book]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ.(2011). Communicating social change: Structure, culture, and agency.
[Authored Book]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ., & Pal, M. (2011). Public Relations and Marginalization in a Global Context: A Postcolonial Critique. In Public Relations in Global Cultural Contexts: Multi-paradigmatic Perspectives. (pp. 195 - 225).
[Chapter]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ., & Pal, M. (2011). Public relations and marginalization in a global context: A Postcolonial critique. In Public Relations in Global Cultural Contexts: Multi-Paradigmatic Perspectives. (pp. 195 - 225).
[Chapter]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Zoller, HM., & Dutta, MJ. (2011). Introduction. In Emerging Perspectives in Health Communication: Meaning, Culture, and Power. (pp. 358 - 364).
[Chapter]Authored by: Dutta, M., Powles, A.Contributed to by: Powles, A.
Sastry, S., & Dutta, MJ. (2010). Reading HIV/AIDS in the Indian media: Social, cultural and economic constructions. In Liberalizing, Feminizing and Popularizing Health Communications in Asia. (pp. 59 - 75).
[Chapter]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ., & Basnyat, I. (2010). The radio communication project in Nepal: Culture, power, and meaning in constructions of health. In Liberalizing, Feminizing and Popularizing Health Communications in Asia. (pp. 151 - 166).
[Chapter]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Kisselburgh, LG., & Dutta, MJ. (2009). The construction of civility in multicultural organizations. In Destructive Organizational Communication: Processes, Consequences, and Constructive Ways of Organizing. (pp. 121 - 142).
[Chapter]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, MJ. (2009). On Spivak: Theorizing resistance-applying Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak in public relations. In Public Relations and Social Theory: Key Figures and Concepts. (pp. 278 - 300).
[Chapter]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Bodie, GD., Dutta, MJ., & Basu, A. (2008). The integrative model of e-health use. In Handbook of Research on Distributed Medical Informatics and E-Health. (pp. 104 - 116).
[Chapter]Authored by: Dutta, M.


Salter, L., & Dutta, M.(2022). Experiences with COVID-19 Among Gig Workers.
[Technical Report]Authored by: Dutta, M.
Dutta, M.(2021). Cultural Hindutva and Islamophobia. (Report No. Issue 11). Palmerston North: Center for Culture-centered Approach to Research and Evaluation (CARE)
[Technical Report]Authored by: Dutta, M.


Dutta, D., & Dutta, M.Multinational going cultural: A postcolonial deconstruction of cultural intelligence.. . New Orleans, USA
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Dutta, D., Dutta, M.
Carpenter, E., Kim, I., Arns, L., Dutta-Berman, MJ., & Madhavan, K.Developing a 3D simulated bio-terror crises communication training module. Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, VRST. (pp. 342 - 345).
[Conference]Authored by: Dutta, M.

Consultancy and Languages


  • Bengali
    Last used: Currently
    Spoken ability: Excellent
    Written ability: Excellent
  • Hindi
    Last used: Currently
    Spoken ability: Average
    Written ability: Average

Teaching and Supervision

Teaching Statement

An award winning teacher at the graduate and undergraduate levels, Professor Dutta firmly believes that excellent teaching goes hand-in-hand with excellent research. His teaching is founded on the principles of dialogue, commitment, and intellectual growth. Philosophically, he notes that teachers are guides who catalyze our growth as human beings, and therefore grounds his pedagogy in an emphasis on growth, awareness, and self-reflection. Drawing upon the writings of Gayatri Spivak, he emphasizes the vital role of education is interrogating our privileges that both limit the possibilities that we can co-create with others and simultaneously open up new possibilities of transformations.

Professor Dutta’s modules embody the integration of theory and practice in the context of contemporary global problems. The emphasis on Critical, Postcolonial and Subaltern Studies theories is weaved through the courses taught by Dutta, situated amidst the articulation of entry points for structural transformations.

Therefore, there is a continuous interrelationship between theory and practice, with the goal of building higher order theory that is instructive in the co-creation of participatory spaces for listening to subaltern voices and for de-centering the West-centric hegemony of communication knowledge. There is a strong element of deconstruction that is built into Professor Dutta’s courses, coupled with an emphasis on reflexive and ethnographic methodologies for carving out spaces of solidarity with subaltern communities. The theoretical engagement with critical theory and the Subaltern Studies project creates an entry point for advocacy, politics of social change, and culture-centered praxis.

It is with this emphasis on advocacy and politics of change that Professor Dutta occasionally teaches service learning courses that engage undergraduate and graduate students in addressing the structures of inequity under neoliberalism.  Such courses result in projects of academic-community solidarity in addressing key policy and program issues faced by disenfranchised communities.

Summary of Doctoral Supervision

Position Current Completed
Main Supervisor 4 2
Co-supervisor 0 1

Current Doctoral Supervision

Main Supervisor of:

  • Shucen Yi - Doctor of Philosophy
    Exploring digital health among empty nest elderly in China - A Culture-Centered Approach
  • Samiksha Pattanaik - Doctor of Philosophy
    A culture-centered exploration of India’s Community Health Workers’ meanings of the Covid-19 pandemic and the role of mobile technology in response st
  • Mahbub Rahman - Doctor of Philosophy
    Construction of health among the Rohingya Refugees in Bangladesh: A Culture-Centred Approach
  • Pooja Jayan - Doctor of Philosophy
    Exploring meanings of health and wellbeing among migrant Indian nurses in New Zealand using a Culture-Centered Approach

Completed Doctoral Supervision

Main Supervisor of:

  • 2024 - Andrea Zorn - Doctor of Philosophy
    Entrepreneurship and its Meanings for Low-Income Women in Aotearoa: A Culture-Centred Approach
  • 2023 - Christine Elers - Doctor of Philosophy
    Theorising Maori meanings of health and wellbeing in a whakapapa paradigm: Voices from the margins

Co-supervisor of:

  • 2021 - Flora Galy-Badenas - Doctor of Philosophy
    Gender and ethnicity in politics: An intersectional approach to French and New Zealand media coverage

Media and Links

Other Links