Jayne Jackson

Doctor of Education, (Doctor of Education)
Study Completed: 2015
College of Humanities & Social Sciences


Thesis Title
Collaborative Support for Reading Development: Parent Partnership in Practice

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Mrs Jackson used a participatory method to develop and investigate the impact of a collaborative approach to reading improvement. Reading support strategies were developed in partnership with parents. This enabled individualised approaches to be designed which linked child assessment data, existing home literacy practices and research led literacy instruction. Parents were supported to implement the strategies through an iterative coaching process. The findings revealed factors which enhanced and inhibited the effectiveness of collaboration, the particulars of parental enactment of reading support, and the impact of parental reading support on the children''sreading skills. Her research presented a new way of conceptualising an intervention as a collaborative endeavour. She proposed a new term, home based pedagogy, to describe the way that family aspirations, priorities and practices together with research can be used to augment learning.

Professor Margaret Walshaw
Dr Brian Finch
Dr Elizabeth Doell