Mustafa Hasanbulli

Doctor of Philosophy, (Mathematical Physics)
Study Completed: 2015
College of Sciences


Thesis Title
Confined Atomic Systems

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Confined atomic systems have been the focus of many researchers for decades. The study of atomic systems at high pressures is one of the key problems in modern physics, biology and astrophysics. These systems are vital to understanding, for instance, the structure of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and the state of the hydrogen atom at the centre of giant gas planets such as Jupiter and Uranus. Firstly Mr Hasanbulli systemically studied the hydrogen atom under varying pressure states and secondly introduced a brand new pressure control system to other atoms such as helium and argon which extended the current literature available. This not only allowed him to study more complex systems but opened a new way of studying these systems with varying pressure states.

Associate Professor Richard Fletcher
Associate Professor Matthew Shepherd
Associate Professor Shirley Julich