Gourab Sen Gupta

Doctor of Philosophy, (Engineering)
Study Completed: 2009
College of Sciences


Thesis Title
Autonomous agents in a dynamic collaborative environment

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Mr. Sen Gupta researched methods of improving the major factors that influence the behaviour of mobile robots when they are engaged in cooperative tasks, namely, fast vision processing, behaviour complexity, predictive movement and interception control. He proposed a new colour space and the use of discrete look-up-tables for very fast, robust colour segmentation and real-time identification of objects in the robot’s work space. Advanced filtering techniques were applied to the vision data for predictive identification of the position and orientation of moving targets, and for anticipatory interception control. He successfully used State Transition Based Control methodology to build a hierarchy of complex behaviour. A novel Triangular Targeting Algorithm was proposed for precise control of robots to position them behind an object aligned with a target. Mr. Sen Gupta’s findings have wide implications for multi-agent collaborative robotics.

Dr Chris Messom
Professor Serge Demidenko