Ronald Hutton

Doctor of Education
Study Completed: 2009
College of Education


Thesis Title
Enhancing teacher learning in inclusion

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Mr Hutton studied how two teachers were facilitated to enhance their pedagogy and become more inclusive. He formed a collaborative relationship with the teachers and worked with them in their classrooms for two years. Initially the focus was on what was happening in the classrooms and how the teachers were enabling their students to participate, contribute and learn. As well as observations of the classroom, information was obtained from parents, students and other staff members as well as the teachers themselves. Two major barriers to inclusive pedagogy were discovered. Following the gathering of the data, the teachers each completed active reflection journals and undertook an action research study in their classrooms, focusing on a learning challenge that they wished to research. The study demonstrated that in a small community of practice, classroom teachers can improve their pedagogical and inclusive practice through reflective thinking, critical dialogue and practitioner action research

Professor Jenny Poskitt
Dr Roseanna Bourke