Harshakumari Sarvaiya

Doctor of Philosophy, (Management)
Study Completed: 2014
Massey Business School


Thesis Title
The relationship between CSR and HRM: A study of large New Zealand organisations

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Although there is growing interdependence between corporate social responsibility (CSR) and human resource management (HRM) in business organisations, there is a dearth of empirical research. Mrs Sarvaiya examined the links between CSR and HRM in large New Zealand organisations. She found that the CSR-HRM link is necessarily a two-way relationship; CSR is relevant to HRM and HRM has a role in CSR. She found that CSR has applicability to HRM as employee aspects (such as health-wellbeing, diversity-equality, work-life balance, and training-development) are addressed under CSR. HRM has significant involvement in the implementation of CSR by playing the roles of employee champion, change agent, and administrative expert. Her findings indicate that this two-way relationship results in integration between CSR and HR professionals. In addition, her findings suggest that the CSR-HRM relationship is not as straight forward as proposed in the literature, but is contingent upon a complex web of contextual factors.

Professor Gabriel Eweje
Professor James Arrowsmith