Michael Blewden

Doctor of Philosophy, (Politics)
Study Completed: 2014
College of Humanities & Social Sciences


Thesis Title
Why do evaluators intentionally seek process use? Exploring meaning and reason as explanation

Read article at Massey Research Online: MRO icon

Process use occurs when stakeholders learn through their involvement in the evaluation process. As a form of evaluation use, process use can enhance the value of evaluation and is more likely to occur when evaluators are intentional in achieving it. Mr Blewden therefore sought explanations for why evaluators in Aotearoa New Zealand seek process use and for the practices they adopt to achieve it. By examining the meaning and importance of process use for evaluators, his research showed that evaluators’ intent and practice was explained by multiple factors. Their intent and practice was also explained by their belief that process use is an essential part of good evaluation practice within the socio-cultural, organisational, and political contexts of their work. The findings demonstrate that process use should be understood and further examined as integral to contemporary evaluation practice. 

Associate Professor Robin Peace
Professor Helen Moewaka Barnes
Dr Pauline Dickinson