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Dr Joan Fleming BA, MA, PhD

Senior Tutor

School of Humanities Media and Creative Comm

I hold a PhD in Creative Writing from Monash University in Melbourne, Australia, a Masters in English Literature from Otago University in Dunedin, a Masters in Creative Writing from the IIML at Te Herenga Waka Victoria University of Wellinton, and a BA in English from Victoria University. I am the author of the post-collapse verse novel Song of Less (Cordite Books, 2022), the poetry collections Failed Love Poems (THWUP, 2015) and The Same as Yes (THWUP, 2011), and the pamphlets Some People's Favourites (Desperate Literature, 2019) and Two Dreams in Which Things are Taken (DUETS, 2010).

My creative nonfiction and essays on craft and auto-ethnography can be found in The Pantograph Punch, Verge, Westerly, Cordite Poetry Review, Reading Walking Writing and Correspondence 1.1 and 1.2 from The Physics Room, Island, and Bonsai: best small stories from AotearoaMy scholarship can be found in Meanjin, JEASA, Biography, Philosophy Activism Nature, and Truth and Beauty: Verse Biography in Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.  My poetry can be found in journals such as Poetry London, Westerly, Australian Book Review, Cordite, Cortland Review, Starling, Australian Poetry Journal, Sweet Mammalian, Minarets, Sport, Landfall, Hue & Cry, the Newcastle Poetry Prize anthology, The Best of Best New Zealand Poems, Essential New Zealand Poetry: Facing the Empty Page, The Everyday Poet: Poems to live by, The Unamuno Author Series Festival Anthology, Bonsai: best small stories from Aotearoa, and No Other Place to Stand: An Anthology of Climate Change Poetry. My honours include the Biggs Poetry Prize, the Verge Prize for Poetry, the Harri Jones Memorial Prize from the Hunter Writers' Centre, a Creative New Zealand writing fellowship, a Michael King Writers' Centre residency, and a poetry teaching residency in Honduras. In 2021 my manuscript Dirt was shortlisted for the Helen Anne Bell poetry bequest.

I am Pākeha/Kardiya, of English, Irish, Scottish, Australian and New Zealand ancestry. My pronouns are she/her. I live in Te Whaunganui-a-Tara Wellington. 

I hold a PhD in Creative Writing from Monash University in Melbourne, Australia, a Masters in English Literature from Otago University in Dunedin, and a Masters in Creative Writing from the IIML at Victoria University. I am the author of the verse novel Song of Less from Cordite Books, and two collections of poetry, Failed Love Poems and The Same as Yes from Te Herenga Waka University Press. I've taught for Massey since 2009 and am now based on the Pukeahu Wellington campus. 

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Contact details

  • Location: 7C 39, Block 7
    Campus: Pukeahu Wellington campus


  • Bachelor of Arts - Victoria University (2007)
  • Master of Arts (Distinction) - Victoria University (2008)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Creative Writing - Monash University (2018)

Research Expertise

Research Interests

I am interested in supervising Masters and PhD projects in poetry, creative nonfiction, and cross-genre fiction. My areas of research and supervision expertise are in cross-cultural theory traditions, auto-ethnography, modernist and contemporary poetics, feminist writing, ecocriticism, ecopoetics, and writing in the Anthropocene. 

Area of Expertise

Field of research codes
Languages, Communication And Culture (200000): Literary Studies (200500):
Studies In Creative Arts And Writing (190000)

Consultancy and Languages


  • Spanish
    Last used: 2023
    Spoken ability: Excellent
    Written ability: Average