School of Agriculture and Environment staff

Head of School

  • Prof Paul Kenyon

    Prof Paul Kenyon

    Head of School, School of Agriculture & Environment/Professor in Sheep Husbandry - School of Agriculture and Environment


    Ph: ext +6469518176


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  • Prof Chris Anderson

    Prof Chris Anderson

    Professor in Environmental Science/Director - Farmed Landscape Research Centre - School of Agriculture and Environment

     I define myself as a soil chemist, with specific expertise in the subject area of environmental geochemistry.

    I have significant experience in the application of new environmental chemistry techniques (analytical and technology-based) to current science and technology problems. A key focus of my research is the use of plants to extract, degrade or immobilise contaminants in soil. My research has been dominated by attention to trace elements, but extends to organic contaminants. Underpinning my research is a quest to understand the flux of contaminants within the soil-plant-animal biogeochemical system.


  • Dr Chris Andrews

    Dr Chris Andrews

    Lecturer in Animal Science - School of Agriculture and Environment

  • Fernando Avendano Veas

    Fernando Avendano Veas

    Research Officer in Catchment Science - School of Agriculture and Environment

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  • Associate Professor Penny Back

    Associate Professor Penny Back

    Associate Professor - School of Agriculture and Environment

  • Mohsen Bagheri

    Mohsen Bagheri

    Technician - School of Food Technology and Natural Sciences

    TECHNICIAN - SCIENCE - School of Agriculture and Environment

  • Tristan Bates

    Tristan Bates

    Dairy Farm Manager - School of Agriculture and Environment

  • Steven Bayler

    Steven Bayler

    Farm Manager- Tuapaka/Keebles Farms - School of Agriculture and Environment

  • Prof Mark Bebbington

    Prof Mark Bebbington

    Professor in Geostatistics - School of Agriculture and Environment

    Professor in Geostatistics/SB Group Leader - School of Mathematical and Computational Sciences

    I'm Professor in Geostatistics, in the Statistics Group and in Volcanic Risk Solutions at Massey University in Palmerston North, New Zealand. My research is focussed on estimation of hazard from volcanoes and earthquakes, with interests in related problems from survival analysis and process control.

    I moonlight as an Associate Editor for the Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics and for Statistics in Volcanology (, and am a member of the New Zealand Volcano Science Advisory Panel

  • Prof Hugh Blair

    Prof Hugh Blair

    Professor of Animal Science - School of Agriculture and Environment

  • Troy Bosher

    Troy Bosher

    Research Technician Manager - School of Agriculture and Environment

  • John Brophy

    John Brophy

    Stock Manager - School of Agriculture and Environment

  • Dr Ermanno Brosch

    Dr Ermanno Brosch

    Postdoctoral Fellow - School of Agriculture and Environment

  • Dr Jennifer Burke

    Dr Jennifer Burke

    Senior Lecturer - School of Agriculture and Environment

  • Associate Professor Lucy Burkitt

    Associate Professor Lucy Burkitt

    Associate Professor - School of Agriculture and Environment

    I have spent 20 years researching soil and nutrient management issues in agriculture, with a specific focus on water quality and phosphorus loss from intensive and hill country pasture systems and nutrient loss and attenuation/mitigation in hill country landscapes. I also co-ordinate the Intermediate and Advanced Freshwater Farm Planning professional development courses and teach in to both the Intermediate and Advanced Sustainable Nutrient Management courses at Massey University.

  • Dean Burnham

    Dean Burnham

    Technician - School of Agriculture and Environment

  • Karen Burrell

    Karen Burrell

    Technical Officer - Feline Unit - School of Agriculture and Environment

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  • Benjamin Carter

    Benjamin Carter

    Senior Research Field Technician - School of Agriculture and Environment

  • Dr Donita Cartmill

    Dr Donita Cartmill

    Senior Lecturer - Horticultural Science & Production - School of Agriculture and Environment

  • Dr Andrew Cartmill

    Dr Andrew Cartmill

    Trevor Ellett Senior Lecturer in Grassland Science - School of Agriculture and Environment

  • Dr Kirsty Chidgey

    Dr Kirsty Chidgey

    Research Officer - School of Agriculture and Environment

  • Dr Christine Christensen

    Dr Christine Christensen

    Research Officer - School of Agriculture and Environment

  • Associate Professor Rene Corner-Thomas

    Associate Professor Rene Corner-Thomas

    Associate Professor - Sheep Research Centre - School of Agriculture and Environment

    Dr Rene Corner-Thomas is an Associate Professor in sheep production in the School of AGriculture and Environment. After completing a PhD at Massey University in 2007 she worked as a Research Officer at Estendart Ltd before returning to the University in 2012. Rene joined the Sheep Research Centre as a research officer to work on projects ranging from large flock studies of hogget breeding, to feeding hogget ewes on alternative herbages during lambing to an investigation of ewe longevity. 

  • Dr Lydia Cranston

    Dr Lydia Cranston

    Senior Lecturer in Sheep production Systems - School of Agriculture and Environment

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  • Dr Laura David

    Dr Laura David

    Postdoctoral Fellow in Poultry Nutrition - School of Agriculture and Environment

  • Dr Amelia De Almeida

    Dr Amelia De Almeida

    Senior Lecturer in Animal Science - School of Agriculture and Environment

    Passionate about sustainable agriculture, I specialize in ruminant nutrition and greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation strategies.

  • Shaun De Malmanche

    Shaun De Malmanche

    Technical Officer - School of Agriculture and Environment

  • Associate Professor Paul Dijkwel

    Associate Professor Paul Dijkwel

    Associate Professor - School of Agriculture and Environment

    Director - Academic Centre - Massey Genome Service

  • Prof Danny Donaghy

    Prof Danny Donaghy

    Professor of Dairy Production Systems and joint Deputy Head of School/ Director of Strategy - School of Agriculture and Environment

  • Hamish Doohan

    Hamish Doohan

    Operations & Sustainability Manager - School of Agriculture and Environment

  • Dr Ina Draganova

    Dr Ina Draganova

    Senior Lecturer in Animal Science - School of Agriculture and Environment

  • Dr Rao Dukkipati

    Dr Rao Dukkipati

    Senior Lecturer in Animal Breeding and Genetics - School of Agriculture and Environment

    Rao was born and brought up in an agricultural family in the state of Andhra Pradesh, India. After obtaining BVSc and MVSc (Genetics and Animal Breeding) degrees from Andhra Pradesh Agricultural University, he worked for over three years in the same university as Lecturer in Genetics and Animal Breeding. Rao came to New Zealand in 2002 to do PhD in Animal Science (Molecular Genetics) in IVABS, Massey University. After completion of PhD in early 2007, he worked as Research Officer in Johne's sub-unit vaccine project in IVABS until appointed to the current position at the beginning of 2011.

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  • Prof Andrew East

    Prof Andrew East

    Professor of Postharvest Engineering/Team Leader - Post Harvest Technology Team - School of Agriculture and Environment

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  • Prof Ian Fuller

    Prof Ian Fuller

    Professor in Physical Geography - School of Agriculture and Environment

    Focused in fluvial geomorphology, my research and teaching concentrates on: (i) river channel dynamics and interaction with river habitat; (ii) flood histories and catchment response to environmental change; (iii) slope-channel coupling and catchment connectivity. Within this platform of research there is considerable breadth and diversity, including hazard assessment and impacts on stream ecology. I co-direct Massey's Innovative River Solutions Centre. I also actively engage in pedagogic research and the scholarship of teaching, and was awarded a Vice Chancellor's Teaching Excellence Award in 2015.

  • Ian Furkert

    Ian Furkert

    Senior Technician - School of Agriculture and Environment

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  • Dr Elena Garnevska

    Dr Elena Garnevska

    Senior Lecturer in Agribusiness - School of Agriculture and Environment

  • Dr Miles Grafton

    Dr Miles Grafton

    Senior Lecturer in Precision Agriculture - School of Agriculture and Environment

    Miles Grafton worked as a Management Accountant and GIS technician in the agricultural aviation industry for a number of years. His Ph.D research was in identifying causes of material flow problems in aircraft. He has also been involved in  developing computer controlled automated delivery systems  for variable rate application of bulk solids from agricultural aircraft. 

    He works in Precision Agriculture (PA) and has been involved in modelling fertiliser ballistics for improved application accuracy and quantifying the benefits of PA.

  • Ross Gray

    Ross Gray

    Senior Research Technician in Catchment Science - School of Agriculture and Environment

  • Dr Gabriella Gronqvist

    Dr Gabriella Gronqvist

    Senior Research Programme Manager - School of Agriculture and Environment

    I am currently working as the Programme Manager for the Whenua Haumanu programme. I have a reserach background in production animal scienc, animal welfare and behaviour. I have also spent several years in industry, running GCP and GLP clinical veterinary studies. 

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  • Naomi Halford

    Naomi Halford

    Calf Rearing Manager - School of Agriculture and Environment

  • Bridget Haliburton

    Bridget Haliburton

    Agricultural Research Technician - School of Agriculture and Environment

  • Dr James Hanly

    Dr James Hanly

    Senior Lecturer in Soil Science - School of Agriculture and Environment

  • Tyler Harland

    Tyler Harland

    Head Shepherd - School of Agriculture and Environment

  • Dr Xiong Zhao He

    Dr Xiong Zhao He

    Senior Research Officer - School of Agriculture and Environment

  • Margreet Hekman

    Margreet Hekman

    Research Officer in Companion Animal Nutrition - School of Agriculture and Environment

    Technical Officer - School of Agriculture and Environment

  • Ernie Henderin

    Ernie Henderin

    Dairy Assistant - School of Agriculture and Environment

  • Dr Indika Herath

    Dr Indika Herath

    Postdoctoral Fellow - Life Cycle Assessment - School of Agriculture and Environment

  • Dr Katherine Holt

    Dr Katherine Holt

    Senior Research Officer - School of Agriculture and Environment

    I have been employed as Massey academic since completing my PhD in 2008, and was recently promoted to Senior lecturer at the start of 2016. I am the leader for the undergraduate Geography teaching programme here at Massey, and the Laboratory Manager for our Palynology lab. My research interests focus on pollen analysis (palynology) and reconstructing past environments. I have 12 years’ experience working with pollen, and I now provide commercial pollen analysis services, including analysis of honey samples.

  • Georgina Homs Aubia

    Georgina Homs Aubia

    Junior Research Officer - Seed Banking and Data Management - School of Agriculture and Environment

  • Prof David Horne

    Prof David Horne

    Professor - School of Agriculture and Environment

  • Dr Karen Hytten

    Dr Karen Hytten

    Senior Lecturer in Environmental Management - School of Agriculture and Environment

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  • Matthew Irwin

    Matthew Irwin

    Senior Tutor - School of Agriculture and Environment

    I specialise in Geospatial technology!

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  • Edward James

    Edward James

    Senior Technical Officer - School of Agriculture and Environment

  • Moutasim Jebrell

    Moutasim Jebrell

    Research Technician - Horticulture - School of Agriculture and Environment

  • Peter Jeffery

    Peter Jeffery

    Postharvest Technologist / Technical Infrastructure Manager - School of Agriculture and Environment

  • Dr Catriona Jenkinson

    Dr Catriona Jenkinson

    Research Technician - School of Agriculture and Environment

  • Dr Paramsothy (Jeya) Jeyakumar

    Dr Paramsothy (Jeya) Jeyakumar

    Senior Research Officer in Soil Chemistry - School of Agriculture and Environment

    I describe myself as a soil scientist, with specific expertise in the subject area of environmental chemistry. My research objectives align with enhancing the primary sector production and productivity while maintaining soil and water quality, and food safety. My current research projects study heavy metals and essential micronutrients in agricultural products and their effects on the food chain. I developed a great deal of expertise in using metal speciation to assess the bioavailability of trace elements (TE) in soil, and their effects on plants and soil microbial activity.

  • Dr Neha Jha

    Dr Neha Jha

    Lecturer in Soil Science (Soil Carbon) - School of Agriculture and Environment

    I am a researcher at School of Agriculture and Environment at Massey University NZ currently leading a project to investigate the environmental benefits of planting shelterbelts on farm.  Highly motivated and hard-working person, with background in soil and water chemistry, biochemistry, microbiology, molecular ecology, and, environmental sciences. Passionate to continue research interests with scientific curiosity, proven skills, commitment, and enthusiasm. I am constantly upscaling myself to learn more about New Zealand agricultural systems and nutrient management on farms.

  • Dr Prashant Joshi

    Dr Prashant Joshi

    SENIOR TECHNICIAN - SCIENCE - School of Agriculture and Environment

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  • Prof Paul Kenyon

    Prof Paul Kenyon

    Head of School, School of Agriculture & Environment/Professor in Sheep Husbandry - School of Agriculture and Environment

  • Associate Professor Gabor Kereszturi

    Associate Professor Gabor Kereszturi

    Associate Professor - School of Agriculture and Environment

    My research focuses on geospatial mapping and quantifying geological and environmental processes using remote sensing and field-based approaches. In particular, I have shown strong research leadership in developing new hyperspectral remote sensing applications in Earth Science and Agriculture. Currently as a Rutherford Discovery Fellow, I have been working on understanding volcanic hydrothermal systems using hyperspectral remote sensing.

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  • Tamsin Laird

    Tamsin Laird

    Project Co-ordinator in Catchment Community Engagement & Outreach - School of Agriculture and Environment

  • Dr Mo Li

    Dr Mo Li

    Senior Research Officer in Postharvest Technology - School of Agriculture and Environment

    I am a research officer working at the Massey AgriTech Partnership, College of Sciences. I completed my PhD in Postharvest Technology at Massey University. My research focuses on applying nondestructive optical techniques and advanced machine learning methods to solve industrial problems in the horticulture sector. My PhD focused on predicting kiwifruit storage potential by developing mathematical predictive models based on nondestructive measurements of the same fruit. I am particularly interested in visible-near infrared (Vis-NIR) spectroscopy, hyperspectral imaging, laser backscattering imaging and optical coherent tomography (OCT). I am also currently investigating the performance of consumer scale sensors for fruit quality prediction.

  • Prof Matt Littlejohn

    Prof Matt Littlejohn

    Professor in Animal Genetics - School of Agriculture and Environment

  • Prof Peter Lockhart

    Prof Peter Lockhart

    Professor of Molecular Evolution - School of Agriculture and Environment

    Peter's reserach interests concern adaptation and plasticity of animal and plant populations, invertebrates from wetlands in Fiji and Samoa, and bioactive bacteria lurking in the caves of Oceania. His scientific achievements earned him an Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellowship and New Zealand Royal Society Fellowship.

  • Dr Thomas Lopdell

    Dr Thomas Lopdell

    Senior Research Officer - Bioinformatics - School of Agriculture and Environment

  • Associate Professor Ignacio Lopez Campbell

    Associate Professor Ignacio Lopez Campbell

    Associate Professor in Pasture Science - School of Agriculture and Environment

  • Prof Nicolas Lopez-Villalobos

    Prof Nicolas Lopez-Villalobos

    Professor - School of Agriculture and Environment

  • Prof Gert Lube

    Prof Gert Lube

    Professor in Volcanology and Research Lead - School of Agriculture and Environment

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  • Adjunct Professor Mark Macklin

    Adjunct Professor Mark Macklin

    Adjunct Professor of Fluvial Geomorphology - School of Agriculture and Environment

  • Dr Natalia Martin

    Dr Natalia Martin

    Lecturer in Animal Science - School of Agriculture and Environment

    Natalia completed an agronomy degree at the University of Buenos Aires in Argentina, and came to New Zealand to work in agriculture. She worked in technical and field research positions at Massey University’s sheep, beef and dairy farms for several years. She did a Masters in foetal development in sheep and completed a PhD evaluating the finishing performance of beef sires in a dairy–beef system. She started working as a Lecturer in Animal Science for the School of Agriculture and Environment in 2022. Her research interests include farm animal growth, meat quality, husbandry and genetics, with particular focus on cattle.

  • Craig McGill

    Craig McGill

    Senior Research Officer - School of Agriculture and Environment

    Craig Is a Senior Research Officer in Seed Science and Technology with a research focus on seed of both introduced and indigenous plant species. Craig’s work on indigenous flora centres around seed conservation though ex situ storage of seed as part of the New Zealand Indigenous Seed Bank project, for which Craig is project leader. This work includes research into seed desiccation tolerance, storage and germination, and the use of imaging technologies for seed quality asurance. Craig also has expertise in seed biosecurity and the movement of seed nationally and internationally. 

  • Prof Sarah McLaren

    Prof Sarah McLaren

    Professor in Life Cycle Management - School of Agriculture and Environment

    Sarah is Director of the New Zealand Life Cycle Management Centre (NZLCM Centre), and Associate Professor in Life Cycle Management at Massey University.  Her research focuses on development and application of Life Cycle Assessment
    (LCA) and related approaches such as carbon and water footprinting, and particularly on (a) methods for LCA and related techniques and (b) the relationship between LCA and decision-making. 
    Currently Sarah is Chair of the Standards New Zealand International Review Group on LCA, New Zealand representative on the ISO 14046 Water Footprint Working Group, and a Committee member of the Life Cycle Association of New Zealand (LCANZ).

  • Trish McLenachan

    Trish McLenachan

    Technician - School of Agriculture and Environment

  • Dr Stuart Mead

    Dr Stuart Mead

    Senior Lecturer - School of Agriculture and Environment

  • Dr Carl Mesarich

    Dr Carl Mesarich

    Senior Lecturer - School of Agriculture and Environment

    Dr. Carl Mesarich was appointed as a lecturer and project leader in plant pathology at Massey University in 2016. He obtained his M.Sc. (Biological Sciences) and Ph.D. (Molecular Plant Pathology) degrees from the University of Auckland, New Zealand, in 2007 and 2012, respectively. Following completion of his Ph.D., he held postdoctoral postpositions at Wageningen University, The Netherlands (Laboratory of Phytopathology, 2012–2014) and The New Zealand Institute for Plant and Food Research Limited, Auckland, New Zealand (Bioprotection Group, 2015).

  • Associate Professor James Millner

    Associate Professor James Millner

    Associate Professor in Agronomy and Academic Lead - School of Agriculture and Environment

    Research interests

    Crop production: Yield and quality of cereal grain crops; forage crops including cereals, maize for silage and brassica crops; seed production of crop and herbage species.

    Farm forestry:Trees in sustainable hill country production systems.  Plantation manuka (Leptospermum scoparium) for production of high methylglyoxal (UMF) honey.


    Undergraduate:Teaching in the 283 and 119 series papers in the BAgriScience degree. Emphasis on crop agronomy, agricultural systems and trees on farms. As BAgriScience director I provide advice and guidance to students in the programme.

    Postgraduate:Supervision and teaching of postgraduate students at masterate and PhD level.

  • Shannen Mills

    Shannen Mills

    Junior Research Officer - School of Agriculture and Environment

  • Dr Anja Moebis

    Dr Anja Moebis

    Senior Technician - Soil and Earth Sciences - School of Agriculture and Environment

    Technician at the School of Agriculture and Environment, Soil and Earth Sciences, Massey University, Palmerston North. As a technician, I am responsible and manager of the Earth Science Laboratories (e.g., microscopes, PSDA, EMP, FTIR, pycnometer, XRF, rock-cutting saws), teaching of undergraduate students during lab-classes, teaching of postgraduate students on specific instruments, support with their filed work and help during sample preparation and data interpretation.

  • Dr Asyraf Mohd Amnan

    Dr Asyraf Mohd Amnan

    Postdoctoral Fellow - Molecular Biosciences - School of Agriculture and Environment

  • Prof Patrick Morel

    Prof Patrick Morel

    Professor - School of Agriculture and Environment

  • Prof Stephen Morris

    Prof Stephen Morris

    Professor - School of Agriculture and Environment

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  • Sue Nicholson

    Sue Nicholson

    Research Technician - School of Agriculture and Environment

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  • Mark Osborne

    Mark Osborne

    Technician Manager - School of Agriculture and Environment

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  • Dr Sarah Pain

    Dr Sarah Pain

    Senior Lecturer in Pastoral Livestock Production - School of Agriculture and Environment

  • Michelle Pearce

    Michelle Pearce

    Administrator - School of Agriculture and Environment

  • Prof Diane Pearson

    Prof Diane Pearson

    Prof of Environmental Management & Postgrad Co-ordinator & Director of Env Management - School of Agriculture and Environment

  • John Pecho

    John Pecho

    Dairy Assistant - School of Agriculture and Environment

  • Fraser Ponsford

    Fraser Ponsford

    Farm Manager Dairy 4 Unit - School of Agriculture and Environment

  • Prof Jonathan Procter

    Prof Jonathan Procter

    Group Leader Earth Sci, Prof in Natural Hazards, Joint Deputy HoS, Dir of Strategy - School of Agriculture and Environment

    Associate Dean - Maori - College of Sciences

  • Geoff Purchas

    Geoff Purchas

    Technician - School of Agriculture and Environment

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  • Associate Professor Thiagarajah Ramilan

    Associate Professor Thiagarajah Ramilan

    Associate Professor in Agribusiness - School of Agriculture and Environment

    Ramilan is an Associate  Professor  in Agribusiness, programme leader for Agribusiness Value Chains course for ASEAN region. and is the former  President for the New Zealand Agricultural and Resource Economics Society (NZARES) for 2020/21. He has many peer-reviewed outputs in the research areas of environmental policy, water economics, climate change and development agriculture. Besides New Zealand, he has worked in South Asia, East Asia, Africa and Australia. He was an international Scientist at CGIAR and currently a senior Honorary fellow at the University of Melbourne.  He develops bioeconomic models to evaluate the implications of technology change in Agri-food value chains.

  • Chris Rawlingson

    Chris Rawlingson

    Senior Technician - School of Agriculture and Environment

    Professional Biography

    Laboratory Manager and Senior Technician in the Agronomy and Horticulture Group.

    Technical support in teaching and research for horticultural Science, plant science and plant physiology.

    Specialist expertise – over 25 years working in plant physiology, particularly on plant water status, photosynthesis, plant hormone analysis, and the equipment/techniques used to measure these. Experiment development in undergraduate and post-graduate teaching.

    Special Projects and Interests: Source/Sink relationship in fruit trees. Secondary plant metabolite analysis. Kiwifruit physiology, particularly in respect to polyamines in fruit.

    Institute of Agriculture and the Environment Health and Safety Representative.

  • Dr Callum Rees

    Dr Callum Rees

    Lecturer in Soil Science (Pedology) - School of Agriculture and Environment

    I am a earth and environmental scientist from Whanganui in the lower North Island. I focus on understanding how soils and landscapes form through time, what their key characteristics are and how we can use them sustainably. I have experience in applying field mapping and geographic information system (GIS) techniques to produce maps and farm plans. My research to date has centered around mapping physical resources on farm in the Pohangina and Rangitīkei valleys. Currently, I am investigating erosion and landscape forming processes in the Rangitīkei Valley and how western science can compliment Mātauranga Māori.

  • Dr Janet Reid

    Dr Janet Reid

    Group Leader/Senior Lecturer - Agricultural Systems - School of Agriculture and Environment

  • Ali Reid

    Ali Reid

    Herd Manager - Dairy 4 - School of Agriculture and Environment

  • Rachael Richardson

    Rachael Richardson

    Technical Officer - School of Agriculture and Environment

  • Dr Javier Roca Fraga

    Dr Javier Roca Fraga

    Senior Research - Data Manager - School of Agriculture and Environment

    Javier completed his PhD in 2017 and is currently the Senior Research Data Manager for the Whenua Haumanu programme. His role involves developing and implementing systems, procedures, and policies for efficient data management, as well as providing support and guidance to colleagues and students on data-related tasks. He is particularly interested in using meta-analytic tools for research synthesis, which allows for comprehensive and robust analyses of combined study data, driving more informed and impactful research outcomes.

  • Prof Nick Roskruge

    Prof Nick Roskruge

    Professor in Ethnobotany - School of Agriculture and Environment

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  • Associate Professor Nicola Schreurs

    Associate Professor Nicola Schreurs

    Group Leader - Academic - School of Agriculture and Environment

  • Dr Acushla Sciascia

    Dr Acushla Sciascia

    Senior Research Officer - School of Agriculture and Environment

  • Emma Scott

    Emma Scott

    Senior Tutor in Animal Science - School of Agriculture and Environment

  • Prof Nicola Shadbolt

    Prof Nicola Shadbolt

    Professor of Farm & AgriBusiness Management - School of Agriculture and Environment

    Delivering farm and agribusiness management research and education - risk, strategy, business analysis, cooperatives; Elected director of Fonterra Cooperative; Director of the International Food & Agribusiness Management Association and represents NZ in the International Farm Comparison Network (IFCN) in Dairying.  Editor of International Food and Agribusiness Management Review and International Journal of Agricultural Management. Fellow of the New Zealand Institute of Primary Industry Management and the Australian Institute of Company Directors. An in-depth understanding of global farming and agribusiness. Awarded Officer of NZ Order of Merit for services to agribusiness in 2018.

  • Fiona Sharland

    Fiona Sharland

    Agricultural Research Technician - School of Agriculture and Environment

  • Associate Professor Ranvir Singh

    Associate Professor Ranvir Singh

    Associate Professor in Environmental Hydrology and Soil Science - School of Agriculture and Environment

    I define myself as an environmental hydrologist, with specific expertise in the subject area of catchment hydrology, water quality, irrigation and agricultural drainage systems, and water productivity and footprinting sciences. I specialize in integration of field observations, geographical information and hydrological models to study water use, attenuation of nutrient runoff and leaching from agricultural soils, and surface water and groundwater hydrology in rural and peri-urban landscapes

  • Michael Smith

    Michael Smith

    Kaitautoko Maori (Tutor) - School of Agriculture and Environment

  • Brian Smith

    Brian Smith

    Field Technician - School of Agriculture and Environment

  • Dr Nick Sneddon

    Dr Nick Sneddon

    Senior Lecturer in Animal Breeding & Genetics - School of Agriculture and Environment

    I Completed My PhD in animal breeding investigating the genetic and economic value of lactose to the New Zealand dairy industry in 2016.

    I spent 5 years working in Industry at Fonterra as a Senior Business Analyst analysing data from Soil to Factory gate, then as a Senior Research Scientist running a genomics lab. My research interests cover all aspects of animal breeding and genetics but more recently have been in genome mining.

  • Dr Svetla Sofkova-Bobcheva

    Dr Svetla Sofkova-Bobcheva

    Senior Lecturer in Horticulture Production - School of Agriculture and Environment

    Svetla is a Senior Lecturer in Production Horticulture at the School of Agriculture and Environment.  She holds a degree in Horticulture and Viticlture, and her PhD is in plant breeding and seed production. Her research interests lie in the area of plant breeding with a focus on horticultural crops and researches to understand how the genetic potential of a variety could be fully expressed by cultural and agrnomical menas. 

    Svetla is teaching production horticulture  and plant breeding  to undergraduate and postgraduate students. SHe is an acredited doctoral supervisor.  


  • Robert Southward

    Robert Southward

    Senior Tutor - School of Agriculture and Environment

  • Melissa Stephen

    Melissa Stephen

    Senior Research Officer - Quantitative Genetics - School of Agriculture and Environment

  • Dr Judith Stepper

    Dr Judith Stepper

    Senior Research Project Manager - School of Agriculture and Environment

  • Allan Still

    Allan Still

    General Manager - Ag and Hort Enterprises - School of Agriculture and Environment

  • Dr Vaughan Symonds

    Dr Vaughan Symonds

    Senior Lecturer in Plant Science - School of Agriculture and Environment

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  • Eru Tait-Jamieson

    Eru Tait-Jamieson

    Research Operations Manager - School of Agriculture and Environment

  • Associate Professor Jennifer Tate

    Associate Professor Jennifer Tate

    Associate Professor in Plant Systematics & Evolution - School of Food Technology and Natural Sciences

    Associate Professor in Plant Systematics & Evolution - School of Agriculture and Environment

    Our research focuses on understanding the nature of plant speciation and diversification using a variety of approaches.  We use molecular phylogenetics to test ideas of species relationships, taxonomy, biogeography, and character evolution.  We also use morphological and molecular tools to understand different evolutionary processes affecting plant speciation, including hybridization and polyploidy (whole genome doubling) and plant mating systems.  A recurrent theme of our research is to assess and understand the repeatability of evolution and its effects on morphological and genomic level traits.

  • Associate Professor David Thomas

    Associate Professor David Thomas

    Associate Professor in Companion Animal Science - School of Agriculture and Environment

  • Bob Toes

    Bob Toes

    Senior Technician - School of Agriculture and Environment

  • Mesu Tora

    Mesu Tora

    Junior Research Officer - Seed Collecting and Relationship Co-ordinator - School of Agriculture and Environment

  • Prof Peter Tozer

    Prof Peter Tozer

    Professor in Farm Management - School of Agriculture and Environment

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  • Dr Magdalena Urbanska

    Dr Magdalena Urbanska

    Postdoctoral Fellow - School of Agriculture and Environment

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  • Dr Isabel Vialoux

    Dr Isabel Vialoux

    Senior Tutor - School of Agriculture and Environment

  • Romulus Villones

    Romulus Villones

    Dairy Assistant - School of Agriculture and Environment

  • Milan Vladisavljevic

    Milan Vladisavljevic

    Tutor in Farm Management - School of Agriculture and Environment

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  • Ross Wallace

    Ross Wallace

    Technical Assistant - School of Agriculture and Environment

  • Prof Jason Wargent

    Prof Jason Wargent

    Professor in Plant Photobiology - School of Agriculture and Environment

    My research is principally focussed on understanding plant responses to environmental factors within the context of increased sustainability and quality in crop production. My key interest is focused on the role of sunlight, and ultraviolet (UV) radiation in particular. Whilst plant responses to UV are numerous, comparatively little is understood regarding the possible exploitation of such endpoints to drive quality within modern crop production. Our research encompasses fundamental plant science, and the application of that knowledge through commercialisation pathways. 


  • Karin Weidgraaf

    Karin Weidgraaf

    Research Technician - School of Agriculture and Environment

  • Associate Professor Tim Wester

    Associate Professor Tim Wester

    Associate Professor in Animal Nutrition and Metabolism - School of Agriculture and Environment

    I hold a BS-Agriculture from the University of Wisconsin-River Falls, and MS and PhD from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. I came to Massey in 2000 after postdocs in the US and Scotland. My expertise is in the effects of feed form and diet composition on nutrient digestion and metabolism. I've worked in many species including sheep, cows, crocodiles, and cats. I currently lead the Poultry Nutrition Research Team.

  • Dr Melody Whitehead

    Dr Melody Whitehead

    Research Officer - School of Agriculture and Environment

    Lecturer - School of Mathematical and Computational Sciences

  • Sam Wilson

    Sam Wilson

    Trevor Ellett Lecturer in Grassland Science - School of Agriculture and Environment

  • Rebekah Wood

    Rebekah Wood

    TECHNICIAN - RESEARCH - School of Agriculture and Environment

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  • Prof Georg Zellmer FHEA

    Prof Georg Zellmer FHEA

    Professor in Earth and Planetary Sciences - School of Agriculture and Environment

    With a PhD from the Open University (UK), Georg Zellmer worked as research fellow at the University of Bristol (UK), the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (USA), the University of Hawaii (USA), and Academia Sinica (ROC). At Massey University since 2013, Professor Zellmer investigates the timescales of magmatic processes, volatiles in subduction zones, and other fundamental aspects of igneous systems. He employs isotopic, geospeedometric, thermobarometric, and hygrometric methods to elucidate magmatism and at present devotes time to integrating geochemical and geophysical tools to aid volcanic hazard mitigation. Professor Zellmer is Executive Editor of the internationally renowned SCI Journal of Petrology.

  • Dr Anke Zernack

    Dr Anke Zernack

    Senior Research Officer - School of Agriculture and Environment

  • Pride Zimunya

    Pride Zimunya

    Horticulture Technician - School of Agriculture and Environment