James Martyn

Doctor of Clinical Psychology, (Psychology)
Study Completed: 2017
College of Humanities & Social Sciences


Thesis Title
Group Guided Low Intensity Self-Help for Community Dwelling Older Adults Experiencing
Low Mood

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Access to treatment for depression among older adults is limited, partly due to barriers that surround the delivery of mental health services. As such, low intensity self-help interventions have been developed to deliver therapeutic content, through mediums such as books, to promote earlier and more accessible treatment. Despite this, few low intensity interventions have been examined in New Zealand and none have focused on older adults. Mr Martyn investigated the efficacy of a group guided low intensity Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, called Living Life to the Full, with community dwelling older adults experiencing low mood and anxiety. He found participants experienced significant improvements in depression, anxiety, and quality of life. Research results therefore support the use of such programmes as an effective treatment option that may improve treatment access and choice, and support older adults to manage symptoms of depression and anxiety while remaining in communities of their choosing.

Associate Professor Paul Merrick
Professor Janet Leathem
Dr Peter Cannon