Koong Foo

Doctor of Philosophy, (Psychology)
Study Completed: 2007
College of Humanities & Social Sciences


Thesis Title
"Comparing Characteristics, Practices and Skills of Mental Health Practitioners in New Zealand and Singapore: Implications for Chinese Clients and Cognitive Behaviour Therapy"

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Mr Foo’s thesis compared the characteristics, self-reported practices and experiential skills of mental health practitioners (MHPs) in New Zealand and Singapore with the aim of benefiting both nations in managing the mentally ill. Mr Foo sent mail questionnaires to 300 MHPs, including counsellors, psychiatrists, psychologists, psychotherapists, and social workers, in New Zealand and Singapore, and held structured interviews with 12 MHPs in each country. He found that MHPs in the two countries were trained similarly in Western therapies and interventions and that both groups had modified these therapies and interventions for their respective populations. This was particularly true with respect to treatments used with their Chinese clientele. Mr Foo also found that both groups of MHPs made extensive use of cognitive behaviour therapy. Finally, he found that both groups provided valuable experiential skills in the handling of therapist self-disclosure , religious/spiritual issues and the traditional healing systems of clients.

Associate Professor Paul Merrick
Dr Nikolaos Kazantzis