Allan Morton

Doctor of Philosophy, (Fruit Science)
Study Completed: 2014
College of Sciences


Thesis Title
Kiwifruit (Actinidia spp.) vine and fruit responses to nitrogen fertiliser applied to the soil or leaves

Read article at Massey Research Online: MRO icon

High rates of nitrogen fertiliser applied to kiwifruit orchards could reduce fruit quality as well as having adverse environmental effects. However, Mr Morton found that high rates of nitrogen fertiliser applied to kiwifruit vines had only minor effects on fruit quality and instead increased the vegetative vigour of the vines by up to 150%. In contrast, foliar sprays of nitrogen increased fruit growth with no apparent effect on vegetative vigour. It is estimated that foliar-applied nitrogen could increase the financial returns from kiwifruit production by up to $15,000 per hectare depending on fruit size and yield. Therefore, foliar-applied nitrogen shows promise as an alternative way to manage the nitrogen nutrition of kiwifruit. Foliar application of nitrogen can also avoid some of the adverse environmental effects associated with the soil application of soluble nitrogen fertilisers.

Dr David Woolley
Dr Huub Kerckhoffs