Ismail Mohammad Rashedi

Doctor of Philosophy, (Food Technology)
Study Completed: 2014
College of Sciences


Thesis Title
Effect of Mechanical Work on the Meat Used for Making Reformed Meat Products

Read article at Massey Research Online: MRO icon

Reformed meat is made by tumbling chunks of meat in a tumbler and then cooking them so they bind together in a mould. The work done on the meat in the tumbler is currently unquantifiable and its relationship with protein myosin extraction used for binding meat pieces is unknown.  Mr Fitry has developed and evaluated an instrument called the Impact and Friction Mechanical Robot (IFMR), which is able to repeatedly apply a desired impact and to vary the rate of repeated impacts and the time gap between each impact.  The degree of meat sample compression could also be varied.  The work done, as a consequence of the hitting process, can be calculated for each individual hit and summed to give the total work impacted on the meat.  Mr Fitry found out that by increasing the total work applied to meat pre-soaked in higher brine concentrations, more myosin was extracted thus increasing the binding strength between two meat pieces.  This study helps the understanding on what happens to the meat in the tumbler.

Professor Tony Paterson
Dr Roger Purchas
Associate Professor Brian Wilkinson