Mahmood-Ul-Quddus Ghaznavi

Doctor of Philosophy, (Knowledge Management)
Study Completed: 2014
Massey Business School


Thesis Title
Knowledge collaboration in the ego-centred networks of professionals: The role of reciprocity, interpersonal trust and transactive memory systems

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Across organisations, knowledge professionals face similar challenges so that sources of guidance may exist beyond their immediate colleagues. Individual employees’ time and effort can be saved by utilising the experience and expertise of others, including competitors. Mr Mahmood investigated how personal networks of professionals help to coordinate and integrate knowledge from diverse sources. He developed a model from theories of knowledge sharing and conducted a large-scale survey of professionals in New Zealand to investigate it. His findings suggest that effective knowledge collaboration through personal networking relies on knowledge coordination and integration structures. Such structures develop through understanding other people’s areas of expertise, trusting others’ knowledge and advice, and building the ability to engage others in problem solving.

Associate Professor Martin Perry
Associate Professor Paul Toulson
Dr Keri Logan