Kristin Murray

Doctor of Philosophy, (Human resource Management)
Study Completed: 2013
Massey Business School


Thesis Title
An empirical study of the characteristics of generational cohorts at work

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Ms. Murray’s research questions the popular depiction of what the different generational cohorts (veterans, baby boomers, generation X and generation Y) value in a job. She argues that the popular depictions lacked empirical evidence and conducted a study to explore whether any differences existed in reality. The results challenge the depiction of generational cohorts depicted in the popular literature and provide valuable insight into what the different generational cohort’s value in the workplace. The findings also identified more similarities than differences between the generational cohorts.  Her findings imply that if we are better able to understand the common aspirations of workers of each generational cohort and the motivations underlying them in the modern intergenerational workplace, employers will be better placed to tap into these motivators and gain the best from their employees.

Professor Stephen Legg
Associate Professor Paul Toulson