Introduction to New Zealand's Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Management

This course focuses on understanding greenhouse gas emissions from pastoral production systems and includes how to reduce and mitigate emissions.

Key facts

Cost: $2,000 + GST

Duration: 10 weeks

Delivery mode: Online

Time commitment: 65 hours, including a two-hour exam.


There is increasing international, national and public pressure to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions associated with agriculture and food production at the farm level. Consumers seek premium foods with lower greenhouse gas (GHG) footprints.

Understanding GHG emissions from pastoral production systems is therefore important as it is the first step to reducing and mitigating the emissions. Rural professionals with a grounding in the skills required to measure the GHG footprint are needed to guide farmers in developing emissions reduction plans for their farming business.

Course development was partially funded by DairyNZ’s Transforming the Dairy Value Chain Primary Group Partnership programme and draws on material from an earlier course funded by the Fertiliser Association of New Zealand and MPI.

Who this course is for

Rural professionals.

What you'll get

Successful participants will have five credits added to their academic records at Massey.


Participants must have completed Intermediate Sustainable Nutrient Management in New Zealand agriculture


have in the previous three years passed the Massey University course 189362 Integrated Farm and Environmental Management or the Lincoln University course SOSC340 Advanced Soil Management, with a B grade or higher.


if you can, show you are an experienced Overseer software user and have a science qualification in agricultural carbon and nitrogen cycles, our course controller may approve entry to the course.

Learning outcomes

On completion of this course, the rural professional will be able to:

  • understand the reasons for New Zealand’s commitment to reducing agricultural GHG emissions
  • advise farmers of management changes that will result in GHG emissions reduction for pastoral farming systems.

Course content and structure

This course presents New Zealand’s agricultural GHG emissions in the context of their contribution to global emissions and climate change. An introductory understanding of the GHG source/sink from the carbon and nitrogen cycles in NZ farming systems is developed, with an emphasis on pastoral and forestry systems.

The online study material, short course presentations and use of Overseer Nutrient budgeting software will introduce the participants to the skills required to develop emissions reduction plans for actual pastoral farming enterprises. The course will expose participants to the latest in GHG mitigation research for pastoral and arable farming.

This course aims to provide the rural professional with:

  • knowledge of the causes of global climate change, as well as the impacts of a changing climate on New Zealand agriculture with the contribution of the carbon and nitrogen cycles in New Zealand’s agricultural systems to global GHG emissions
  • an introduction to current New Zealand Government policy, accounting protocols and emissions trading scheme
  • an introduction to the skills to undertake GHG accounting for agricultural systems
  • an introduction to the advice required by farm managers on GHG emission mitigation practices.


Details of activities for Introduction to New Zealand Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Management short course.
Week Activity
1 Site opened to enrolled students only. Complete the lecture and readings on an Introduction to greenhouse gases. Attend the compulsory online lecture/tutorial.
2 Complete the lecture and readings on (i) Policy relating to New Zealand’s commitment to GHG reduction and (ii) New Zealand’s GHG accounting and inventory. Attend the compulsory online lecture/tutorial.
3 Complete the lecture and readings on New Zealand’s agricultural GHG emissions in a global and national context. New Zealand’s GHG emissions sectors. Attend the compulsory online lecture/tutorial.
4 Complete the lecture and readings on nitrogen excretion, nitrous oxide and ammonia volatilisation. Attend the compulsory online lecture/tutorial.
5 Complete the lecture and readings on methane production by ruminants: its synthesis and ways to mitigate it.
6 Complete the lecture and readings on the Basics of The New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme for forests. Attend the compulsory online lecture/tutorial.
7 Complete the lecture and readings on OVERSEER modelling scenarios to reduce GHG emissions and Dairy Case Study. Attend the compulsory online lecture/tutorial.
8 Complete the reading and brief report writing associated with Sheep and Beef farm Case Study using Overseer modelling scenarios to reduce GHG emissions. Attend the compulsory online lecture/tutorial.
9 Complete the lecture and readings on Contrasting Dairy Farm Systems. Attend the compulsory online lecture/tutorial.
10 Complete the lecture and readings on GHG Capability Building. Attend the compulsory online lecture/tutorial.
11 Study time. Sit examination (2 hours and 15 minutes).


A two-hour written examination at the end of the course is worth 100% of the course marks.

Requirements to successfully complete the course

To successfully complete the course you need to:

  • complete all recommended online study and report preparation
  • pass a quiz after each lecture in order to go to the following lecture
  • attend Zoom meetings
  • obtain a minimum of a C- grade (>50%) aggregate in the final 2-hour examination.

Course facilitators

The course will be delivered by science teams from AgResearch, Massey University and the New Zealand Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Research Centre and policy experts from the Ministry of Primary Industry (MPI).


For all course enquiries and to register your interest, please email Fiona Bardell at

Contact information

 Fiona Bardell

Fiona Bardell

School of Agriculture and Environment

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