Regulations for The Bachelor of Construction - BConst

Official rules and regulations for the Bachelor of Construction. These regulations are for the 2025 intake to this qualification.

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Qualification Regulations

Part I

These regulations are to be read in conjunction with all other Statutes and Regulations of the University including General Regulations for Undergraduate Degrees, Undergraduate Diplomas, Undergraduate Certificates, Graduate Diplomas, and Graduate Certificates.

Part II


1. Admission to the Degree of Bachelor of Construction requires that the candidate will meet the University admission requirements as specified.

Qualification requirements

2. Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Construction shall follow a parts-based programme of study, which shall consist of courses totalling at least 360 credits, comprising:

(a) Parts One, Two, and Three as defined by the Schedule to the Degree;

and including:

(b) the compulsory courses listed in the Schedule for the Qualification;

(c) at least one major;

(d) attending field trips, studios, workshops, tutorials and laboratories as required.


3. Candidates may complete a major by completing the specified Part Two and Three for that major. The requirements for each major are set out in the Schedule for the Qualification.

4. Majors available are Quantity Surveying and Construction Management.

Academic requirements

5. Each candidate shall complete to the satisfaction of Academic Board a minimum of 600 hours of approved industry work experience relating to the chosen major and two associated reports in accordance with the requirements for:

(a) 218.110 Construction Industry Work Experience I; and

(b) 218.210 Construction Industry Work Experience II. Work experience must be completed in accordance with the requirements laid down by the Practical Work Office.

Student progression

6. Progression from Part One to Two and from Part Two to Three is on the basis of completion of the requirements of the prior part.

7. Notwithstanding Regulation 6, and at the discretion of Academic Board, Candidates may be permitted to enrol in courses from a later part while completing the unpassed courses from the prior part. Such permission will be granted where, in the opinion of Academic Board, both the academic record of the candidate shows proven merit, and the nominated courses from the later Part are from different areas of study to the unpassed courses in the prior part.

Completion requirements

8. Any timeframes for completion as outlined in the General Regulations for Undergraduate Degrees, Undergraduate Diplomas, Undergraduate Certificates, and Graduate Diplomas and Graduate Certificates will apply.

9. Candidates may be graduated when they meet the Admission, Qualification and Academic requirements within the prescribed timeframes; candidates who do not meet the requirements for graduation may, subject to the approval of Academic Board, be awarded the Diploma in Science and Technology should they meet the relevant Qualification requirements.

Unsatisfactory academic progress

10. The general Unsatisfactory Academic Progress regulations will apply.

Transitional provisions

11. Subject to the recommended time to completion and abandonment of studies provisions specified in the Part I regulations for the degree, candidates enrolled prior to January 2021 who have completed 120 credits or less may substitute a course or courses already taken for a course or courses listed in Part One, in order to fulfil Core requirements.

12. Candidates enrolled in the Bachelor of Construction prior to January 2021 who have completed more than 120 credits will fulfil the requirements of the major they were first enrolled in, as defined by Schedule B. Such candidates may substitute a course or courses already taken for those listed in Part One in order to fulfil Core requirements.

13. These transition arrangements expire 31 December 2025.

14. Subject to any Maximum Time to Completion and the Abandonment of Studies provisions specified in the Part I regulations for the degree, candidates enrolled in the Bachelor of Construction prior to 1 January 2023 who have successfully completed 160131 may substitute this for 218104 until 31 December 2027.

Schedule for the Bachelor of Construction

Course planning key

Courses that need to be completed before moving onto a course at the next level. For example, a lot of 200-level courses have 100-level prerequisite courses.
Courses that must be completed at the same time as another course are known as corequisite courses.
Some courses are restricted against each other because their content is similar. This means you can only choose one of the offered courses to study and credit to your qualification.
Key terms for course planning
Each qualification has its own specific set of courses. Some universities call these papers. You enrol in courses after you get accepted into Massey.
Course code
Each course is numbered using 6 digits. The fourth number shows the level of the course. For example, in course 219206, the fourth number is a 2, so it is a 200-level course (usually studied in the second year of full-time study).
Each course is worth a number of credits. You combine courses (credits) to meet the total number of credits needed for your qualification.
Some qualifications let you choose what subject you'd like to specialise in. Your major or endorsement is what you will take the majority of your courses in.

Part One: Core courses (Choose 120 credits from)

Choose 120 credits from
Course code: 115112 Accounting for Business 15 credits

An introduction to how accounting information is used for planning, monitoring and evaluating organisational performance.

Restrictions: 115102

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Course code: 115114 Finance Fundamentals 15 credits

This course introduces analytical techniques for evaluating personal and business investment and financing decisions, including coverage of the context and environment in which these decisions are made.

Restrictions: 115105

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Course code: 218101 Building Materials, Elements and Regulation 15 credits

The course introduces the basic principles of construction and building materials within New Zealand’s building codes context. Students will examine the basic properties, behaviours, performance and constraints of common construction materials. Students are introduced to key standards, guides and codes to building construction in New Zealand.

Restrictions: 218100

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Course code: 218102 Construction Technology and Services I 15 credits

This course will enable students to understand how components of residential buildings are assembled to create habitable and usable spaces. Students will explore the characteristics of various construction materials used in interior finishing. Students are introduced to the principles and applications of services and facilities for comfort and energy performance of residential buildings.

Restrictions: 218172

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Course code: 218103 Construction Design and Drawings 15 credits

This course introduces students to the production and interpretation of construction design and drawings. Students will learn basic design principles and produce two-dimensional technical drawings and three-dimensional models manually and using drafting software.

Restrictions: 218123

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Course code: 218104 Mathematics and Structural Principles 15 credits

The course is designed to improve student competency in construction-based mathematical calculations and tasks. It introduces basic structural principles and computations for structural integrity in building elements.

Restrictions: 160131, 160103

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Course code: 218105 Integrating Design and Delivery in Built Environment 15 credits

This course examines the nature and operations of the New Zealand construction industry. It examines the role and responsibilities of key industry players, their interactions and inter-relationships towards design and delivery of construction projects as a pre-cursor to implementing a collaborative working platform such as Building Information Modelling (BIM). The course reviews the legal position of the Treaty of Waitangi in relation to construction projects in New Zealand.

Restrictions: 218150

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Course code: 218106 Construction Health, Safety and Wellbeing 15 credits

This course examines the potential hazards and safety strategies of the construction workplace. Students will explore strategies for safe designs, hazard assessment and the implication of health and safety legislation. The course reviews construction-related health conditions and their mitigation strategies.

Restrictions: 218151

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Construction Management (240 credits)

Part Two: Compulsory courses

Choose 120 credits from
Course code: 127241 Property Market Principles 15 credits

A broad based introduction to property examined from both a New Zealand and international perspective. This course incorporates the use of technology in relation to all aspects of the property market.

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Course code: 152252 Project Management 15 credits

An introduction to the theory and methods employed in project management.

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Course code: 218201 Construction Technology and Services II 15 credits

This course covers the construction methods and materials used in commercial buildings. Students will examine installation of services and facilities for comfort and energy performance of commercial buildings including in a 3D digital environment.

Prerequisites: 218102 or 218172 Restrictions: 218271, 218273

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Course code: 218203 Principles of Measurement and Estimation 15 credits

The course covers the principles of measurement of building works. Students will integrate and apply preliminary and detailed estimating, and cost planning principles to make cost-related decisions.

Restrictions: 218211

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Course code: 218204 Construction Contracts and Legal Principles 15 credits

An introduction to basic legal principles and contexts that may affect construction projects in New Zealand including a basic introduction to the Treaty of Waitangi. It includes an introduction to Commonwealth legal systems and basic principles of the law of contract and tort. These are then extended to legal principles affecting construction contracts and an introduction to construction dispute resolution methods.

Restrictions: 218315

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Course code: 218224 Construction Technology and Services III 15 credits

The course covers the construction methods and materials used in infrastructure projects, including in 3D digital environment. Students will examine the design and installation of services and lifelines associated with infrastructure projects. The course will also describe the maintenance requirements for large infrastructure projects.

Prerequisites: 218201 or 218271 Restrictions: 218374

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Course code: 218228 Planning and Digital Built Environment for Construction Managers 15 credits

Students develop construction project-planning skills and apply these to the production of schedule-related information for decision-making. The practical application of schedule information to the digital approach to and digital simulation of design, construction and operation of buildings.

Restrictions: 218414 and 218226

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Course code: 218230 Construction Site Operations 15 credits

This course examines site practices, operations and control. Students will undertake planning and coordination of a construction site from project inception to completion. The course covers project documentation, compliance requirements and processes including health and safety management, stakeholder management, payment mechanisms, waste minimisation, and site layout optimisation based on a programme of works using digital simulation tools.

Restrictions: 218280

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Part Three

Choose 120 credits from
Course code: 218324 Integrating Building Information and the Supply Chain 15 credits

The course provides knowledge and skills on project information management processes based on Building Information Modelling (BIM) platforms across different construction organisations and the supply chain. Students will learn how to integrate digital technologies with the construction supply chain to collaborate and increase productivity.

Restrictions: 218313

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Course code: 218327 Sustainability and Construction Innovation 15 credits

This course introduces students to the broader concepts of sustainability and innovation applied to the entire building lifecycle. The course examines sustainable development goals, environmental legislation and their implications on building production during the pre-construction phase, use/re-use, recycle, waste and innovations to minimise environmental impacts during the construction phase, innovations for sustainable maintenance during the post-construction phase and also innovations in deconstruction and reclaiming during the demolition phase as a means to enable a circular economy.

Restrictions: 218313

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Course code: 218328 Construction Professional Practice and Ethics 15 credits

This course continues the study of basic principles of the law affecting construction contracts into the wider area of construction law. These include principles of professional ethics and the roles and liabilities of construction professionals. The course introduces both legal principles and practical aspects of construction contracts including construction contract administration. The course also includes an exploration into more common construction dispute resolution methods such as statutory adjudication.

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Course code: 218329 Facilities Management for Construction Managers 15 credits

The course covers the concepts and principles of managing built facilities. It covers strategic aspects of facilities management, space planning management, support services, building performance, and sustainability. Review of software applications in facility management to also enable 6D digital asset management.

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Course code: 218330 Construction Procurement and Tendering 15 credits

This course explores the process of procuring and tendering construction projects, including in a digital environment such as e-Procurement and e-Tendering. Students investigate the principles and processes of various traditional and non-traditional procurement and tendering methods, prepare tender and contract documents, undertake contractual risks assessments, and analyse tenders.

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Course code: 218331 Construction Quality Assurance 15 credits

The course develops knowledge on the principles and concepts of quality in construction. This includes implementation of quality management, a legal and regulatory environment; quality assurance practices (methods, processes and systems); quality costing; quality planning and quality management in construction projects and activities.

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Course code: 218335 Construction Management and Equipment 15 credits

The course covers concepts and functional application of major categories of construction equipment. Students will develop systems and procedures for the efficient management of construction equipment using underlying concepts in methods and operational characteristics; selection and utilisation; lifecycle analysis; economic and financial considerations; health and safety management; and sustainability.

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Course code: 218336 Construction Management Capstone 15 credits

This course provides students with the opportunity to consolidate and apply the knowledge and skills they have developed over the course of the degree

Prerequisites: At least 45 credits from 2182xx Corequisites: 2 x 2183xx courses Restrictions: 218326, 218340

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Schedule B: Construction Management available under Transitional Provisions

Part Two
Course code: 127241 Property Market Principles 15 credits

A broad based introduction to property examined from both a New Zealand and international perspective. This course incorporates the use of technology in relation to all aspects of the property market.

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Course code: 152252 Project Management 15 credits

An introduction to the theory and methods employed in project management.

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Course code: 153200 Introduction to Dispute Resolution 15 credits

An introduction to the modes of dispute resolution including negotiation, mediation and arbitration and the relevant law.

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Course code: 251271 Occupational Health and Safety I 15 credits

An introduction to Occupational Health and Safety and its application to workplaces in New Zealand. The course will explore the complex relationship between health and safety, factors in the working environment affecting health and safety and systems intended to regulate and manage the working environment.

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Part Three
Compulsory Courses
Specialisation Courses
Choose 15 credits from
Course code: 114254 Employment Relations 15 credits

An exploration of the theoretical frameworks used to analyse employment relations, including institutional processes and practices crucial to the workings of contemporary employment relations in New Zealand.

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Course code: 125230 Business Finance 15 credits

The course provides students with a fundamental knowledge of financial theory and practice. In addition to valuation and capital budgeting, students will study working capital management, capital structure, the cost of capital, dividend policy and ethics in finance.

Prerequisites: 115114

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Course code: 127341 Property Management and Development 15 credits

The application of analytical techniques to, and the appraisal of, the management and development of commercial real estate resources.

Prerequisites: 127241

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Course code: 178242 Land Economics 15 credits

The treatment of land resource questions in economics, including changing theoretical approaches to land and the income from the land, factors influencing the behaviour of land markets, environmental economics and land use, specific models of land use patterns, the question of the efficient use of land resources, estimating changing land use requirements, taxation in relation to land markets, location decision.

Prerequisites: Any 1781xx course or 115113 or 115106

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Quantity Surveying (240 credits)

Part Two

Choose 120 credits from
Course code: 127241 Property Market Principles 15 credits

A broad based introduction to property examined from both a New Zealand and international perspective. This course incorporates the use of technology in relation to all aspects of the property market.

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Course code: 152252 Project Management 15 credits

An introduction to the theory and methods employed in project management.

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Course code: 218201 Construction Technology and Services II 15 credits

This course covers the construction methods and materials used in commercial buildings. Students will examine installation of services and facilities for comfort and energy performance of commercial buildings including in a 3D digital environment.

Prerequisites: 218102 or 218172 Restrictions: 218271, 218273

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Course code: 218203 Principles of Measurement and Estimation 15 credits

The course covers the principles of measurement of building works. Students will integrate and apply preliminary and detailed estimating, and cost planning principles to make cost-related decisions.

Restrictions: 218211

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Course code: 218204 Construction Contracts and Legal Principles 15 credits

An introduction to basic legal principles and contexts that may affect construction projects in New Zealand including a basic introduction to the Treaty of Waitangi. It includes an introduction to Commonwealth legal systems and basic principles of the law of contract and tort. These are then extended to legal principles affecting construction contracts and an introduction to construction dispute resolution methods.

Restrictions: 218315

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Course code: 218220 Measurement I 15 credits

The course develops proficiency in the rules and basic processes of building measurement using appropriate Standard Method of Measurement of building works. Students will perform 2D quantity take-off to produce Bills of Quantities covering major trades and/or building elements using computer aided measuring and scheduling packages.

Restrictions: 218213

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Course code: 218224 Construction Technology and Services III 15 credits

The course covers the construction methods and materials used in infrastructure projects, including in 3D digital environment. Students will examine the design and installation of services and lifelines associated with infrastructure projects. The course will also describe the maintenance requirements for large infrastructure projects.

Prerequisites: 218201 or 218271 Restrictions: 218374

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Course code: 218226 Planning and Digital Built Environment for Quantity Surveyors 15 credits

Students develop construction project-planning skills and apply these to the production of cost-related information for decision-making. Students will cover practical application of cost information to the digital approach to and digital simulation of design, construction and operation of buildings.

Restrictions: 218414 and 218228

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Part Three

Choose 120 credits from
Course code: 218320 Civil & Services Measurement 15 credits

The course will develop proficiency in the measurement of civil engineering projects and building services using appropriate Standard Methods of Measurement. Students will perform 2D and 3D quantity take-off to produce Bills of Quantities for civil projects and for engineering services.

Prerequisites: 218323

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Course code: 218321 Construction Estimation & Risks 15 credits

The course develops further construction estimating skills for bill preparation, tendering and decisions. Students in this course will identify and mitigate construction risks in dealing with preliminaries and strategies for fixing margins for profit and overheads.

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Course code: 218323 Measurement II 15 credits

Students will use industry standard software packages for building measurement and for the production of professional level schedules and Bills of Quantities for complex buildings and structures

Prerequisites: 218213 or 218220 Restrictions: 218214

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Course code: 218325 Post Contract Financial Administration 15 credits

The financial administration of construction projects after a contract has been awarded. Evaluation and preparation of progress claims, variations and fluctuations, extension of time claims and final accounts. Collation and presentation of contract documentation.

Restrictions: 218311

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Course code: 218326 Quantity Surveying Capstone 15 credits

This course provides students with the opportunity to consolidate and apply the knowledge and skills they have developed over the course of the degree.

Prerequisites: At least 45 credits from 2182xx Corequisites: 2 x 2183xx courses Restrictions: 218336 and 218340

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Course code: 218327 Sustainability and Construction Innovation 15 credits

This course introduces students to the broader concepts of sustainability and innovation applied to the entire building lifecycle. The course examines sustainable development goals, environmental legislation and their implications on building production during the pre-construction phase, use/re-use, recycle, waste and innovations to minimise environmental impacts during the construction phase, innovations for sustainable maintenance during the post-construction phase and also innovations in deconstruction and reclaiming during the demolition phase as a means to enable a circular economy.

Restrictions: 218313

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Course code: 218328 Construction Professional Practice and Ethics 15 credits

This course continues the study of basic principles of the law affecting construction contracts into the wider area of construction law. These include principles of professional ethics and the roles and liabilities of construction professionals. The course introduces both legal principles and practical aspects of construction contracts including construction contract administration. The course also includes an exploration into more common construction dispute resolution methods such as statutory adjudication.

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Course code: 218330 Construction Procurement and Tendering 15 credits

This course explores the process of procuring and tendering construction projects, including in a digital environment such as e-Procurement and e-Tendering. Students investigate the principles and processes of various traditional and non-traditional procurement and tendering methods, prepare tender and contract documents, undertake contractual risks assessments, and analyse tenders.

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Schedule B: Quantity Surveying available under Transitional Provisions

Part Two
Choose 120 credits from
Course code: 127241 Property Market Principles 15 credits

A broad based introduction to property examined from both a New Zealand and international perspective. This course incorporates the use of technology in relation to all aspects of the property market.

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Course code: 152252 Project Management 15 credits

An introduction to the theory and methods employed in project management.

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Course code: 153200 Introduction to Dispute Resolution 15 credits

An introduction to the modes of dispute resolution including negotiation, mediation and arbitration and the relevant law.

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Part Three
Compulsory Courses
Specialisation Courses
Choose 15 credits from
Course code: 114254 Employment Relations 15 credits

An exploration of the theoretical frameworks used to analyse employment relations, including institutional processes and practices crucial to the workings of contemporary employment relations in New Zealand.

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Course code: 125230 Business Finance 15 credits

The course provides students with a fundamental knowledge of financial theory and practice. In addition to valuation and capital budgeting, students will study working capital management, capital structure, the cost of capital, dividend policy and ethics in finance.

Prerequisites: 115114

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Course code: 127341 Property Management and Development 15 credits

The application of analytical techniques to, and the appraisal of, the management and development of commercial real estate resources.

Prerequisites: 127241

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Course code: 155201 Law of Property 15 credits

The law relating to the transfer and ownership of and other dealings in real property.

Prerequisites: 115211 or 115103 or 155202 Restrictions: 155216, 155700

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Course code: 178242 Land Economics 15 credits

The treatment of land resource questions in economics, including changing theoretical approaches to land and the income from the land, factors influencing the behaviour of land markets, environmental economics and land use, specific models of land use patterns, the question of the efficient use of land resources, estimating changing land use requirements, taxation in relation to land markets, location decision.

Prerequisites: Any 1781xx course or 115113 or 115106

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Course code: 251271 Occupational Health and Safety I 15 credits

An introduction to Occupational Health and Safety and its application to workplaces in New Zealand. The course will explore the complex relationship between health and safety, factors in the working environment affecting health and safety and systems intended to regulate and manage the working environment.

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