College of Health staff

Associate Professor Wyatt Page staff profile picture

Contact details +6449793467

Associate Professor Wyatt Page BE(Hons), PhD, ASNZ

Associate Professor/Deputy Head of School

Doctoral Supervisor
School of Health Sciences

Deputy Head of School

School of Health Sciences

Dr Page is Associate Professor of Acoustics and Human Health and Deputy Head of the School of Health Sciences at Massey University, Wellington Campus.  He is a key member of the Environmental Health team delivery that delivery a range of programmes at Massey.  Dr Page leads the research platform 'Noise and its effects on Human Health', and is active in acoustics and sound consultancy.  He is also the principal editor of the New Zealand Acoustics Journal.  Current research interests are diverse and include environmental, occupational and recreational noise exposure, acoustics of teaching spaces, immersive sound, and technology for hyper-instruments.

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Contact details

  • Ph: 0800 MASSEY Extn 63467 or +64 4 979 3467
    Location: 3C09, Block 3
    Campus: Wellington


  • Bachelor of Engineering - University of Auckland (1986)
  • Doctor of Philosophy - Massey University (1996)

Fellowships and Memberships

  • Member, Acoustical Society of New Zealand (Associate Member/Fellow) (2015)

Research Expertise

Research Interests

  • Noise and its Effects on People
  • Acoustics and its effect on human health
  • Immersive sound
  • Hyper-instrument interfaces


Health and Well-being

Area of Expertise

Field of research codes
Electrical and Electronic Engineering (090600): Engineering (090000):
Environmental Sciences (050000):
Human Movement and Sports Science (110600): Medical And Health Sciences (110000):
Signal Processing (090609):
Technology (100000)


Acoustics – Indoor/outdoor assessment and design, including learning spaces

Noise exposure assessment – environmental, occupational, recreational, community

General noise: test and measurement

Immersive sound

Technology for hyper-instruments.

Research Outputs


Page, W., & Hannah, L. (2023). A Purr-fect Ending for Smokey the Purring Cat. New Zealand Acoustics. 36(2), 12-14 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Page, W.
Hannah, L., Page, W., & Dyer, E. (2023). Construction Noise and Vibration Current Practice and Application: A New Zealand Perspective. New Zealand Acoustics. 36(1), 4-41 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Page, W.
McLaren, SJ., Sahli, MW., Selig, S., Masten, SJ., & Page, WH. (2022). The drinking water crises of Flint and Havelock North: a failure of public health risk management. Journal of Water and Health. 20(9), 1314-1328
[Journal article]Authored by: Page, W.
Rousseau, J., Page, W., & Lark, SD. (2022). Changes in Lower Limb Strength and Ankle Joint Range of Movement after One Year of Military Boot Wear/Modification de la force des membres inférieurs et de l’amplitude de mouvement de l'articulation de la cheville après une année de port de bottes militaires.. International Review of the Armed Forces Medical Services/Revue Internationale des Services de Santé des Forces Armées. 95(1), 19-29 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Page, W.
Bates, S., Page, W., & Sue, S. (2021). The impact of noise in early childhood settings: A New Zealand perspective. Early Childhood Folio. 25(1), 20-25 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Page, W.
Hannah, L., Page, W., Borich, M., & Cocking, W. (2021). Environmental Noise Law in Aotearoa. New Zealand Acoustics. 34(1 and 2), 4-35 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Page, W.Edited by: Page, W.
Yaghoubi, M., Fink, P., Page, WH., & Shultz, SP. (2021). Biomechanical Properties of Land Based and Shallow Water Wait: A Comparative Review of Literature A Comparative Review of Literature. International Journal of Aquatic Research and Education. 13(1), Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Page, W.
Hannah, L., & Page, W. (2020). World Health Organization Guidelines on Community Noise 1999 to 2018: Part II NZ Perspective. New Zealand Acoustics. 33(2), 4-27 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Page, W.Edited by: Page, W.
Page, W., & Hannah, L. (2020). World Health Organization Guidelines on Community Noise 1999 to 2018. New Zealand Acoustics. 33(1), 4-41 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Page, W.
Sattar, F., Driessen, PF., Tzanetakis, G., & Page, WH. (2020). A new event detection method for noisy hydrophone data. Applied Acoustics. 159
[Journal article]Authored by: Page, W.
Yaghoubi, M., Fink, PW., Page, WH., Heydari, A., & Shultz, SP. (2019). Kinematic comparison of aquatic- and land-based stationary exercises in overweight and normal weight children. Pediatric Exercise Science. 31(3), 314-321
[Journal article]Authored by: Page, W.
Yaghoubi, M., Fink, PW., Page, WH., & Shultz, SP. (2019). Stationary exercise in overweight and normal weight children. Pediatric Exercise Science. 31(1), 52-59
[Journal article]Authored by: Page, W.
Yaghoubi, M., Lark, SD., Page, WH., Fink, PW., & Shultz, SP. (2019). Lower extremity muscle function of front row rugby union scrummaging. Sports Biomechanics. 18(6), 636-648
[Journal article]Authored by: Page, W.
Hannah,, L., Page, WH., & McLaren, SJ. (2017). A review of AS/NZS 2107:2016 Acoustics - recommended design sound levels and reverberations times for building Interiors. New Zealand Acoustics. Vol.30(2), 4-7 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Page, W.Edited by: Page, W.
Page, WH. (2016). It's academic - noises off. Safeguard. (159), 58-58 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Page, W.
McLaren, SJ., & Page, WH. (2016). Common failings of interdisciplinary studies on noise and the potential solutions. New Zealand Acoustics. 29(2), 4-10 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Page, W.
Page, WH. (2016). Occupational noise law in New Zealand –Where will it go?. New Zealand Acoustics. 29(1), 40-43
[Journal article]Authored by: Page, W.Edited by: Page, W.
Laird, I., McBride, D., McLaren, SJ., Gardner, D., Hislop, R., Gray, J., . . . Page, WH. (2016). Noise sources, exposures and controls in small enterprises in New Zealand. New Zealand Acoustics. 29(1), 28-38 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Gardner, D., Laird, I., Page, W.
Hannah, L., Page, WH., & McLaren, SJ. (2016). A review of occupational noise in New Zealand. New Zealand Acoustics. 29(1), 4-26 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Page, W.
McLaren, SJ., & Page, WH. (2015). Noise and the implications for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder in mainstream education. Austin J Neurological Disorders and Epilepsy. 2(1), 02-06 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Page, W.
Hannah, L., Page, WH., & McLaren, SJ. (2014). Specialist Tools of the Trade: A Review of NZ Acoustic Standards - 1992 to 2010. Journal of the Acoustical Society of New Zealand. 27(2), 14-31 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Page, W.
Page, WH., Hannah, L., & McLaren, SJ. (2014). Tools of the trade: A review of New Zealand acoustic standards 1977 to 2010. Journal of Acoustical Society of New Zealand. 27(1), 14-29 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Page, W.
McLaren, SJ., Page, WH., Parker, L., & Rushton, M. (2013). Noise producing toys and the efficacy of product standard criteria to protect health and education outcomes. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 11(1), 47-66
[Journal article]Authored by: Page, W.
Page, WH., Hannah, L., & McLaren, S. (2012). The relationship between LA90 and LAEq Wind Turbine Sound Level Descriptors in New Zealand. New Zealand Acoustics. 25(3), 4-13 Retrieved from,_L_NZA2012.pdf
[Journal article]Authored by: Page, W.
Brodie, M., Walmsley, A., & Page, W. (2008). Fusion motion capture: A prototype system using inertial measurement units and GPS for the biomechanical analysis of ski racing. Sports Technology. 1(1), 17-28
[Journal article]Authored by: Page, W.
Brodie, MA., Walmsley, A., & Page, W. (2008). Dynamic accuracy of inertial measurement units during simple pendulum motion. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering. 11(3), 235-242
[Journal article]Authored by: Page, W.
Brodie, MA., Walmsley, A., & Page, WH. (2008). Technical note dynamic accuracy of inertial measurement units during simple pendulum motion. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering. 11(3), 235-242 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Page, W.
Brodie, MA., Walmsley, A., & Page, W. (2008). The static accuracy and calibration of inertial measurement units for 3D orientation. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering. 11(6), 641-648
[Journal article]Authored by: Page, W.
Brodie, MA., Walmsley, A., & Page, WH. (2008). Fusion motion capture: a prototype system using inertial measurement units and GPS for the biomechanical analysis of ski racing. Sports Technology. 1(1), 17-28 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Page, W.
Brodie, M., Walmsley, A., & Page, W. (2008). Comments on "Runners do not push off but fall forward via a gravitational torque" (Vol. 6, pp. 434-452). Sports Biomechanics. 7(3), 403-405
[Journal article]Authored by: Page, W.
Brodie, M., Walmsley, A., & Page, W. (2007). Fusion integration: COM trajectory from a force platform. Journal of Applied Biomechanics. 23(4), 309-314
[Journal article]Authored by: Page, W.
Macey, KE., Harper, RM., Page, WH., & Macey, PM. (2000). Quantifying amplitude modulation of breathing in infants using the wavelet transform. Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings. 1, 61-63
[Journal article]Authored by: Page, W.
Macey, KE., Page, WH., Harper, RM., Macey, PM., & Ford, RPK. (2000). Calculating rhythmicity of infant breathing using wavelets. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 4119(1), 1002-1010
[Journal article]Authored by: Page, W.
Rapley, BI., Rowland, RE., Page, WH., & Podd, JV. (1998). Influence of Extremely Low Frequency Magnetic Fields on Chromosomes and the Mitotic Cycle in Vicia faba L., the Broad Bean. Bioelectromagnetics. 19(3), 152-161
[Journal article]Authored by: Page, W.
Hodgson, RM., Chaplin, RI., & Page, WH. (1995). Biologically inspired image processing. IEE Conference Publication. (410), 11-15
[Journal article]Authored by: Page, W.
Podd, JV., Whittington, CJ., Barnes, GRG., Page, WH., & Rapley, BI. (1995). Do ELF magnetic fields affect human reaction time?. Bioelectromagnetics. 16(5), 317-323
[Journal article]Authored by: Page, W.


Page, WH., & McLaren, SJ. (2013). Noise issues in inclusive learning environments. In COEFRII. Education (Ed.) Inclusive Education: Perspectives on Professional Practice. (pp. 204 - 219). Auckland, New Zealand: Dunmore
[Chapter]Authored by: Page, W.
Brodie, MA., Walmsley, A., & Page, WH. (2008). Fusion motion capture: Can technology be used to optimise ski racing technique. In E. Muller, S. lindinger, & T. Stoggl (Eds.) Science and Skiiing IV. (pp. 162 - 174). Vienna: Meyer and Meyer Verlag
[Chapter]Authored by: Page, W.
Brodie, M., Walmsley, A., & Page, W. (2008). Fusion motion capture: Can technology be used to optimise alpine ski racing technique?. (pp. 825 - 831).
[Chapter]Authored by: Page, W.


McLaren, SJ., & Page, WH.(2015). Noise and communication in a large heavy industry workshop. Wellington: Massey Unviersity
[Technical Report]Authored by: Page, W.
Page, WH.(2015). Report on Analysis of Noise Levels during Firearms Evaluation Services Prepared for: Major Logan McLean, PPW Manager, In-Service Weapons Replacement/Upgrade Programme, Capability Branch, Headquarters, New Zealand Defence Force, Messines Defence Centre, Somme Road, Upper Hutt. Under NZDF contract # 12515.
[Technical Report]Authored by: Page, W.
Tilley, EN., Page, W., Balasubramanian, R., O'Meara, R., Gee, S., Hazou, R., . . . Soma, J. (2014). It's my life: Evaluation report. School of English & Media Studies, Massey University.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Brown, A., Hazou, R., Page, W., Tilley, E.Edited by: Tilley, E.
McLaren, SJ., Rushton, M., Parker, L., & Dickinson, P.(2009). Evaluation of noise producing toys and the product standard criteria. New Zealand
[Technical Report]Authored by: Page, W.


Page, W.Questions and answers in environmental noise assessment at an undergraduate level. . Wellington, New Zealand
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Page, W.
Boulic, M., Wang, Y., Phipps, R., Chitty, C., Cunningham, C., Moses, A., . . . Palfroy, C.A breath of fresh air: Engaging school-aged students with air quality science in New Zealand schools. 15th Conference of the International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate, INDOOR AIR 2018.
[Conference]Authored by: Boulic, M., Chitty, C., Cunningham, C., Page, W.
Rousseau, J., Page, W., & Lark, SD.(2017, November). Changes in balance and lower limb muscle activity after one year of military boot wear. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport. 20 (Supplement 2)(pp. S161 - S163). 1440-2440.
[Conference]Authored by: Page, W.
Rousseau, J., Page, W., & Lark, SD.(2017, November). Changes in lower limb strength and ankle joint range of movement after one year of military boot wear. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport. 20 (Supplement 2)(pp. S27 - S30). 1440-2440.
[Conference]Authored by: Page, W.
McLaren, SJ., Page, WH., & Chang, F. (2016). Soundfield technology in an Innovative Learning Environment. 2nd Australasian Acoustical Societies Conference, ACOUSTICS 2016. Vol. 2 (pp. 1039 - 1046).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Page, W.
Page, WH. (2016). Occupational noise law in New Zealand - Issues and future directions. 2nd Australasian Acoustical Societies Conference, ACOUSTICS 2016. Vol. 1 (pp. 513 - 520).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Page, W.
McLaren, SJ., & Page, WH. (2015). Noise in early education, at-risk children and practical solutions to mitigate noise. (pp. 9 - 9). , 2015 NZTC Research Conference Auckland: NZTC
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Page, W.
McLaren, SJ., & Page, WH. (2014). Common failings of inter-disciplinary studies on noise and the potential solutions. 16 November 2014. Australia: Internoise 2014 $3 rd International Congress on Noise Control Engineering
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Page, W.
Page, WH. (2014, July). What is being done overseas re: noise?. Presented at New Zealand Envrionmental Health. Massey University, Wellington, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Page, W.Edited by: Page, W.
Page, WH., & Hannah, L. (2014, April). A Semi-empirical Field Investigation into the Relationship between LA90 and LAeq Wind Turbine Sound Level Descriptors in New Zealand. Presented at New Zealand Wind Energy Conference. Wellington, New Zeland.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Page, W.
McLaren, SJ., & Page, WH. (2014). Common failings of inter-disciplinary studies on noise and the potential solutions. In J. Davy, C. Don, T. McMinn, & L. Dowsett (Eds.) (pp. 1 - 7). : 43rd International Congress on Noise Control Engineering
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Page, W.
Page, W., & Mclaren, S. (2014). New zealand code of practice for retail fireworks - Revision of the noise testing provisions: Experiences and findings. INTERNOISE 2014 - 43rd International Congress on Noise Control Engineering: Improving the World Through Noise Control.
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Page, W.
Jenkins, L., Page, W., Trail, S., Tzanetakis, G., & Driessen, P.An easily removable, wireless optical sensing system (Eross) for the trumpet. Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression. (pp. 352 - 357). 2220-4792.
[Conference]Authored by: Page, W.
Page, WH., & Mclaren, S.Invited Workshop on "Noise and its Effects on People" at the combined NZISM (New Zealand Institute of Safety Management) and NZOHNA (New Zealand Occupational Heath Nurses Association) conference..
[Conference Other]Authored by: Page, W.
Page, WH., Driessen, P., & Schmidt, B. (2013). Rendering sound and images together. Communications, Computers and Signal Processing (PACRIM), 2013 IEEE Pacific Rim Conference on. (pp. 395 - 399). : IEEE Pacific Rim Conference on Communications, Computers and Signal Processing
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Page, W.
Sattar, F., Driessen, PF., & Page, WH. (2013). Automatic event detection for noisy hydrophone data using relevance features. IEEE Pacific RIM Conference on Communications, Computers, and Signal Processing - Proceedings. (pp. 383 - 388).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Page, W.
Page, W., Schmidt, B., & Driessen, P.Rendering sound and images together. IEEE Pacific RIM Conference on Communications, Computers, and Signal Processing - Proceedings. (pp. 395 - 399).
[Conference]Authored by: Page, W.
MacConnell, D., Trail, S., Tzanketakis, G., Driessen, P., & Page, WH. (2013). Reconfigurable autonomous novel guitar effects (RANGE). Proceedings of the Sound and Music Computing Conference 2013, SMC 2013, Stockholm, Sweden. (pp. 674 - 677). : Int. Conf. On Sound and Music Computing (SMC), 2013
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Page, W.
Page, WH., Jenkins, L., Trail, S., Tzanetakis, G., & Driessen, P. (2013). An Easily Removable, wireless Optical Sensing System (EROSS) for the trumpet. Proceedings of the international conference on new interfaces for musical expression. (pp. 352 - 357). : Int. Conf. On New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME)
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Page, W.
McLaren, SJ., Sivaraj, S., Sargunam, A., & Page, W. (2012). Orchestral musician’s sound environment and the risk of hearing loss. Poster session presented at the meeting of Euronoise 2012. Czech Technical University, Prague
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Page, W.
Sivaraj, S., Sargunam, A., Page, WH., & McLaren, SJ. (2012). Configuration and dips in pure tone audiograms in various age groups of orchestra musicians. Poster session presented at the meeting of Euronoise 2012. Czech Technical University, Prague
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Page, W.
Sivaraj, S., Sargunam, A., Page, W., Dickinson, P., & McLaren, S. (2012). Influence of individual susceptibility to music induced hearing loss in orchestra musicians. Proceedings - European Conference on Noise Control. (pp. 323 - 328).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Page, W.
Sivaraj, S., Sargunam, A., Page, W., Dickinson, P., & McLaren, S. (2012). Effects of orchestra music on hearing at various age groups of musicians. Proceedings - European Conference on Noise Control. (pp. 317 - 322).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Page, W.
Sivaraj, S., Sargunam, A., Page, W., Dickinson, P., & McLaren, S. (2012). Longitudinal analysis of hearing loss development in orchestra musicians with increased years of music exposure. Proceedings - European Conference on Noise Control. (pp. 312 - 316).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Page, W.
McLaren, SJ., Page, W., Dickinson, P., & Sivaraj, S. (2012). Acoustics and noise management in New Zealand early education environments. Proceedings - European Conference on Noise Control. (pp. 79 - 83).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Page, W.
McLaren, SJ., Page, WH., Parker, L., & Sivaraj, S. (2012). Evaluation of noise producing toys and the product standard criteria. Proceedings - European Conference on Noise Control. (pp. 306 - 311).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Page, W.
Sattar, F., Driessen, PF., Tzanetakis, G., Ness, SR., & Page, WH. (2011). Automatic event detection for long-term monitoring of hydrophone data. IEEE Pacific RIM Conference on Communications, Computers, and Signal Processing - Proceedings. (pp. 668 - 674).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Page, W.
Sattar, F., Driessen, PF., Tzanetakis, G., & Page, WH. (2011). A new method for classification of events in noisy hydrophone data. IEEE Pacific RIM Conference on Communications, Computers, and Signal Processing - Proceedings. (pp. 660 - 667).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Page, W.
Odowichuk, G., Trail, S., Driessen, P., Nie, W., & Page, W. (2011). Sensor fusion: Towards a fully expressive 3D music control interface. IEEE Pacific RIM Conference on Communications, Computers, and Signal Processing - Proceedings. (pp. 836 - 841).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Page, W.
Page, W. (2011, January). Technology for learning to hear better as our hearing declines. Presented at Assisted Aged Care Technology Workshop. Wellington New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Page, W.
Hannah, L., McLaren, S., & Page, W. (2011, March). The heat is on - heat pumps setting the tone for residential problems. Presented at New Zealand Institute of Environmental Health. Wellington, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Page, W.
Page, W., Driessen, P., Sakulkar, P., & Sattar, F. (2010). Environmental monitoring using arbitrary microphone arrays. In International Symposium on Sustainability in Acoustics(pp. 12 - 13). : International Symposium on Sustainability in Acoustics
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Page, W.
Page, W., Driessen, P., Sakulkar, P., & Sattar, F. (2010, August). Environmental monitoring using arbitrary microphone arrays. Presented at International Symposium on Sustainability in Acoustics. Auckland New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Page, W.
Page, W. (2010). The Sound Centre. Poster session presented at the meeting of Wellington Health & Biomedical Research Society - Poster Session. Wellington New Zealand
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Page, W.
Page, W. (2010). Technology for learning to hear better as our hearing declines. In Assisted Aged Care Technology Workshop(pp. 3 - 3). : Assisted Care Technology
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Page, W.
Brooks, TT., Bakker, HH., Page, WH., & Mercer, KA. (2006). Field coverage optimization using genetic algorithms. In R. Webb, & M. Hayes (Eds.) Proceedings of the 13th Electronics New Zealand Conference. (pp. 272 - 277).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Bakker, H., Page, W.
Brooks, TT., Bakker, HH., Page, WH., & Mercer, KA. (2006, November). Field coverage optimization using genetic algorithms. Presented at 13th Electronics New Zealand Conference. University of Canterbury, Christchurch, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Bakker, H., Page, W.
Brodie, M., Walmsley, A., Page, WH., Thorp, RM., & Graham, DF. (2006). Fusion motion capture: Roller blading analysis. In New Zealand Sports Medicine and Science Conference(pp. 35). : Sports Medicine New Zealand
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Page, W.
Brodie, M., Walmsley, A., Thorp, RM., Graham, DF., Turner, MP., & Page, WH. (2006). 3D anthropometry, the biomechanical man, and fusion motion capture. In New Zealand Sports Medicine and Science Conference(pp. 96). : Sports Medicine New Zealand
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Page, W.
Brooks, TT., Bakker, HH., Mercer, KA., & Page, WH. (2005). A review of synchronization methods in wireless sensor networks. In GS. Gupta, SC. Mukhopadhyay, & CHM. Eds (Eds.) 1st International Conference on Sensing Technology. (pp. 338 - 343). Palmerston North, NZ
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Bakker, H., Page, W.
Brooks, TT., Bakker, HH., Mercer, KA., & Page, WH. (2005). A review of position tracking methods. In GS. Gupta, SC. Mukhopadhyay, & CHM. Eds (Eds.) 1st International Conference on Sensing Technology. (pp. 54 - 59). Palmerston North, NZ
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Bakker, H., Page, W.
Bailey, D., O'Driscoll, RC., Plaw, C., Page, W., Nilson, R., & Mercer, K. (2001). Teaching electronics design through an integrative project. In R. Bradbeer (Ed.) Proceedings of the 8th Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers [IEEE] International Conference on Mechatronics and Machine Vision in Practice [M2VIP 2001]. (pp. 156 - 161). United States: 8th Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers [IEEE] International Conference on Mechatronics and Machine Vision in Practice [M2VIP 2001]
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Page, W., Plaw, C.
O'Driscoll, RC., Bailey, DG., Mercer, KA., Plaw, CJ., Page, WH., & Nilson, R. (2001). Duck for cover: An integrative approach to teaching electronics design. Proceedings of the 8th Electronics New Zealand Conference, ENZCon'01. (pp. 7 - 12). New Zealand: 8th Electronics New Zealand Conference [ENZCon 2001]
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Page, W., Plaw, C.
Bailey, D., Mercer, K., O'Driscoll, B., Plaw, C., Page, W., & Nilson, R. (2000). An integrative approach to teaching electronics design. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. Vol. 4228 (pp. 219 - 228).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Page, W., Plaw, C.
Rapley, B., Campanella, O., Page, W., Beale, I., & Glasgow, S.Testing a commercial water magnetizer: A study of viscosity. Proceedings of the International Conference on Bioelectromagnetism. (pp. 199 - 200).
[Conference]Authored by: Page, W.
Podd, J., Page, W., Rapley, B., & Beale, I.Bioelectromagnetic research and statistical power. Proceedings of the International Conference on Bioelectromagnetism. (pp. 197 - 198).
[Conference]Authored by: Page, W.


McLaren, SJ., Page, WH., & Parker, L. (2013, October). Evaluation of noise producing toys and product standard criteria. Presented at Surfers Paradise, Queensland - Austrailia. : ICPSC.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Page, W.
McLaren, S., & Page, W. (2011). Noisy toys and at-risk children. Presented at Massey University, Wellington, New Zealand.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Page, W.
Page, W. (2010). Cherished Illusions II. (pp. 31 - 33).
[Other]Authored by: Page, W.
Page, W. (2010). Cherished illusions I. (pp. 31 - 33).
[Other]Authored by: Page, W.
Page, W., & McLaren, S. (2010). Submission - Acoustics criteria for classrooms and learning spaces. (pp. 1 - 2).
[Other]Authored by: Page, W.
McLaren, S., & Page, W. (2010). Justification for inclusion in G6 acoustical criteria for classroom and learning spaces. (pp. 1 - 6).
[Other]Authored by: Page, W.

Consultancy and Languages


  • February 2014 - July 2014 - Environmental Protection Authority (EPA)
    Revision of the HSNO approved Code of Practice for retail fireworks (HSNOCOP18) - Noise testing provisions.
  • March 2015 - April 2015 - NZDF (New Zealand Defense Forces)
    Analysis of noise levels during firearms evaluations service


  • English
    Spoken ability: Excellent
    Written ability: Excellent

Teaching and Supervision

Teaching Statement

I have over 25 years' experience in academia, teaching on a wide range of programmes including engineering, technology and health sciences.  I have been a key member of the Environmental Health Team at Massey since 2009.  I teach on a wide range of courses and topics, from Research Methods to Biophysical effects of noise and vibration.


Summary of Doctoral Supervision

Position Current Completed
Co-supervisor 1 5

Current Doctoral Supervision

Co-supervisor of:

  • Lara Tookey - Doctor of Philosophy
    Impact of Indoor Environmental Quality on Cognitive Function: An Analysis of Thermal Comfort and Carbon Dioxide Levels in New Zealand Primary Schools

Completed Doctoral Supervision

Co-supervisor of:

  • 2019 - Moss Jacob - Doctor of Philosophy
    Biomechanics of stationary exercise: An option for weight management
  • 2018 - Jacques Rousseau - Doctor of Philosophy
    Lower limb injury prevention in the New Zealand Army
  • 2012 - Timothy Brooks - Doctor of Philosophy
    Local area positioning of multiple moving objects
  • 2009 - Matthew Brodie - Doctor of Philosophy
    The development of fusion motion capture for optimization of performance in alpine skiing
  • 2001 - Nicholas Body - Doctor of Philosophy
    Image Processing and DSP Technology Applied to Remote Activity Monitoring.

Media and Links


  • 09 Jun 2014 - Magazine
    Toys that make a noise
    Consumer advice on noisy toys referencing or work