Mayooran Thevaraja

Doctor of Philosophy
Study Completed: 2023
College of Sciences


Thesis Title
Contributions to Food Safety Acceptance Sampling Plans

Associate Professor Sanjay Mathrani
Dr Nihal Jayamaha



Silva, C., Mathrani, S., Jayamaha, N., (2016). The Impact of ICT Usage on Collaborative Product Innovation Performance. International Journal of Innovation Management, 20(5).

Silva, C., Mathrani, S., & Jayamaha, N. (2014). The role of ICT in collaborative product development: A conceptual model based on information processing theory. International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology, 5(1), 43-49.


Silva, C., Mathrani, S., Jayamaha, N. (March, 2016). The Impact of ICT Usage on Collaborative Product Development Performance: A Conceptual Model and Industry Perspective. Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Silva, C., Mathrani, S., Jayamaha, N., (Dec., 2015). The Impact of ICT Usage on Collaborative Product Innovation Performance. Proceedings of the ISPIM (International Society for Professional Innovation Management) Innovation Summit, Brisbane, Australia.

Silva, C., Mathrani, S., Jayamaha, N., (Dec. 2014). The Impact of IT Usage on Collaborative New Product Development Performance. 25th Australasian Conference on Information Systems. Auckland, New Zealand.

Silva, C., Mathrani, S., & Jayamaha, N. (Mar. 2014). The role of ICT in collaborative product development: A conceptual model based on information processing theory. Presented at Journal Conference on Innovation Management and Technology. Penang, Malaysia.

Silva, C., Mathrani, S., & Jayamaha, N. (Jul. 2013). A framework to evaluate the impact of ICT usage on collaborative product development performance. Presented at 4th Annual New Zealand Information Systems Doctoral Consortium. Auckland, New Zealand.