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Prof Giselle Byrnes


Office of the Provost

Professor Byrnes is an internationally recognised historian, with senior management experience in universities in Australia and in New Zealand, who joined Massey in January 2016. She has a Bachelor of Arts in History and English and a Master of Arts in History from the University of Waikato and a PhD in History is from the University of Auckland. She has worked for the Waitangi Tribunal, taught at Victoria University of Wellington and held academic and management roles at the University of Waikato and Charles Darwin University.
Professor Byrnes has been Fulbright scholar teaching New Zealand Studies at Georgetown University, Washington DC, and has served as President of the New Zealand Historical Association. She has a commitment to advancing the agenda around equity and access to higher education and is a strong advocate of the critical role played by modern universities in creating social, cultural and intellectual capital for public benefit and economic wellbeing.

Professor Byrnes is an internationally recognised historian, with senior management experience in universities in Australia and in New Zealand, who joined Massey in January 2016. She has a Bachelor of Arts in History and English and a Master of Arts in History from the University of Waikato and a PhD in History is from the University of Auckland. She has worked for the Waitangi Tribunal, taught at Victoria University of Wellington and held academic and management roles at the University of Waikato and Charles Darwin University.

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Contact details

  • Location: E1.01, University House
    Campus: Manawatu

Research Outputs


Byrnes, G., & Coleborne, C. (2023). Critical Family History and Migration: Introductory Essay. Genealogy. 7(3)
[Journal article]Authored by: Byrnes, G.Edited by: Byrnes, G.
Spiller, D., Byrnes, G., & Bruce Ferguson, P. (2013). Enhancing postgraduate supervision through a process of conversational inquiry. Higher Education Research and Development. 32(5), 833-845
[Journal article]Authored by: Byrnes, G.
Byrnes, G., & Coleborne, C. (2011). Editorial introduction: The utility and futility of 'the nation' in histories of Aotearoa New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of History. 45(1), 1-14
[Journal article]Authored by: Byrnes, G.
Byrnes, G. (2009). Nation and migration: Postcolonial perspectives. New Zealand Journal of History. 43(2), 123-132
[Journal article]Authored by: Byrnes, G.
Byrnes, G., & Ritter, D. (2008). Antipodean settler societies and their Complexities: The waitangi process in New Zealand and native title and the stolen generations in Australia. Commonwealth and Comparative Politics. 46(1), 54-78
[Journal article]Authored by: Byrnes, G.
Byrnes, GM. (1998). Jackals of the Crown? Historians and the treaty claims process in New Zealand. Public Historian. 20(2), 9-23
[Journal article]Authored by: Byrnes, G.
Byrnes, GM. (1994). “The imperfect authority of the eye”: Shortland's southern journey and the calligraphy of colonisation. History and Anthropology. 8(1-4), 207-235
[Journal article]Authored by: Byrnes, G.