Mr Julian Sutherland staff profile picture

Contact details +6449793158

Julian Sutherland

Subject Librarian


Kia ora

I’m Julian, one of three subject librarians based at Massey’s Wellington Campus. My focus is on the research and information needs of students and academics at the College of Creative Arts, and I’m able to help with other disciplines too.

If you’re a student I can help with your research questions, assist you in navigating databases and finding resources, and answer your questions about referencing and citations (including using Zotero).

If you’re an academic I can help you get started on a literature review, work with you to develop and deliver information literacy sessions for your courses, and advise you on how to raise your academic profile or find collaborators.

Ask me about:

  • Referencing tools 
  • Material for Stream
  • Managing your research data 
  • Support at each stage of your research

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Kia ora. I'm here to support the research and teaching activities of College of Creative Arts students and academic staff.

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Research Outputs


Sutherland, J. (2005). A sense of authority, learning and old world charm : a selective annotated bibliography concerning the history of the General Assembly Library of New Zealand : submitted to the School of Information Management Victoria University of Wellington in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Library and Information Studies. (Master's Thesis)
[Masters Thesis]Authored by: Sutherland, J.