Certificate in Foundation Studies – CertFoundStud

Successful completion of this qualification will give you admission to New Zealand universities and prepare you for undergraduate study.

Type of qualification


Level of study

Pre-degree study

Pre-degree study lets you gain skills so you can study another certificate, diploma or degree.

More about study levels

NZQF level 4

Our courses follow the New Zealand Qualification Framework (NZQF) levels.

Find out more about NZQF levels

Time to complete

1 year full-time (120 credits)
Part-time available

Where you can study

Auckland campus
Distance and online
Wellington campus
Manawatū campus (Palmerston North)

International students

International students are not New Zealand citizens or residents.

Definition of New Zealand citizens and residents

Open to international students on campus in New Zealand, or studying online outside New Zealand
  • Creative Arts pathway based internally at the Wellington campus
  • International students with intended pathways other than Creative Arts should seek to enrol in the Foundation Certificate International (FCI).
  • You can take a maximum of two courses (30 credits) in Summer School.

Study a Certificate in Foundation Studies – CertFoundStud

Why do the Certificate in Foundation Studies?

If you have not met the academic requirements for admission to University, you can apply to enrol in the Certificate in Foundation Studies. This qualification will not only enable you to gain university entrance, but will also prepare you for undergraduate study.

On successful completion of the Certificate, you will be eligible for admission to unrestricted undergraduate qualifications at Massey University and other New Zealand universities. If you are intending to take an undergraduate degree with additional subject or portfolio requirements, you should contact us for advice, through the Get advice button on this page.

A CertFoundStud is a good fit if you:

  • would like to study at university, but do not have university entrance

Entry requirements

Admission to Massey

All students must meet university entrance requirements to be admitted to the University.

Specific requirements

To enter the Certificate in Foundation Studies you will:

  • have completed NCEA Level 2, or equivalent, and
  • have a minimum IELTS score of 5.5 overall, with a minimum of 5.0 in each band (or equivalent), if English is not your first language.

International students

Eligible students with an intended pathway to College of Creative Arts qualifications are permitted to enrol in the Creative Arts pathway within the Certificate in Foundation Studies qualification.

International students with intended pathways to other undergraduate qualifications will need to gain admission via this qualification:

Prior learning, credit and exemptions

For information on prior learning, exemptions and transfer of credit or other questions:

English language skills

If you need help with your English language skills before you start university, we have courses and qualifications that may help.

Official regulations

To understand what you need to study and must complete to graduate read the official rules and regulations for this qualification.

You should read these together with all other relevant Statutes and Regulations of the University including the General Regulations for Undergraduate Degrees, Undergraduate Diplomas, Undergraduate Certificates, Graduate Diplomas and Graduate Certificates.

Returning students

To find information on the regulations for these qualifications go to the Massey University Calendar.

Please contact us through the Get advice button on this page if you have any questions.

Structure of the Certificate in Foundation Studies

The Certificate is made up of eight 15-credit courses, including four compulsory courses that focus on academic language, study and research skills. You choose four elective courses from your intended pathway (the academic area you want to study at undergraduate level).

You can complete the Certificate in one year (2 semesters) of full-time study, or study part-time.

Schedule A courses

We recommend you complete 192012 and 192040 in your first semester.

Schedule B courses

Depending on your pathway, we recommend you choose among 150001, 192011, and 247009 for your first semester.

Core courses

  • 192040 Academic Language and Writing 1
  • 192043 Critical Academic Skills
  • 192012 Foundations of Tertiary Learning
  • 192013 Strategies for Undergraduate Success

Pathway courses

Business pathway

  • 192011 Foundation Communications
  • 115030 Foundation Business Studies
  • 247009 Foundation Analytical Thinking and Numeracy
  • 150001 Foundation Māori Culture 

Humanities / Social Sciences pathway

  • 150001 Foundation Māori Culture
  • 192011 Foundation Communications
  • 230001 Foundation Humanities
  • 230002 Foundation Social Sciences

Science pathway

  • 247009 Foundation Analytical Thinking and Numeracy
  • 247010 Foundation Applied Science
  • 247011 Foundation Natural Sciences
  • 150001 Foundation Māori Culture
  • 230002 Foundation Social Sciences   

Health pathway

  • 150001 Foundation Māori Culture
  • 192011 Foundation Communications
  • 214002 Foundation Social Sciences
  • 214004 Foundation Health Studies 
  • 247009 Foundation Analytical Thinking and Numeracy

Creative Arts pathway

  • 150001 Foundation Māori Culture
  • 192011 Foundation Communications
  • 293001 Foundation Drawing
  • 293002 Foundation Sound and Image
  • 293003 Foundation Fabricate

Pathways and courses are subject to availability at each campus. Massey staff can help you with course advice. 

If you are starting in July, you will complete the qualification in June of the following year because enrolments are limited to a maximum of two courses (30 credits) in Summer School.

See the Courses and specialisations section for more information.

Courses and specialisations

Key terms

Each qualification has its own specific set of courses. Some universities call these papers. You enrol in courses after you get accepted into Massey.
Course code
Each course is numbered using 6 digits. The fourth number shows the level of the course. For example, in course 219206, the fourth number is a 2, so it is a 200-level course (usually studied in the second year of full-time study).
Each course is worth a number of credits. You combine courses (credits) to meet the total number of credits needed for your qualification.
Some qualifications let you choose what subject you'd like to specialise in. Your major or endorsement is what you will take the majority of your courses in.

Credit summary

120 credits

  • Compulsory courses – 60 credits
  • Pathway courses – 60 credits

Course planning key

Courses that need to be completed before moving onto a course at the next level. For example, a lot of 200-level courses have 100-level prerequisite courses.
Courses that must be completed at the same time as another course are known as corequisite courses.
Some courses are restricted against each other because their content is similar. This means you can only choose one of the offered courses to study and credit to your qualification.

Schedule A: Core courses

Course code: 192012 Foundations of Tertiary Learning 15 credits

An introduction to the development of resilience and confidence as an active learner within tertiary study.

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Course code: 192013 Strategies for Undergraduate Success 15 credits

An introduction to goal setting, life planning, and wellbeing in preparation for undergraduate studies.

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Course code: 192040 Academic Language and Writing 1 15 credits

An introduction to the features of effective academic writing and their application for undergraduate studies.

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Course code: 192043 Critical Academic Skills 15 credits

An introduction to critical thinking, reading, writing and numeracy skills essential for undergraduate studies.

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Schedule B: Specific courses Pathways

Business Pathway (Choose 60 credits from)

Choose 60 credits from
Course code: 115030 Foundation Business Studies 15 credits

An introduction to fundamental principles and theories in business studies. Additionally, the course aims to equip students with the ability to apply key foundation finance, marketing, management, economic and accounting concepts to practical scenarios, fostering their ability to analyse, interpret, and propose solutions in various contexts.

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Course code: 150001 Foundation Māori Culture 15 credits

An introduction to the significance of Māori culture, including the principles and implications of biculturalism and Te Tiriti o Waitangi.

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Course code: 192011 Foundation Communications 15 credits

An introduction to the skills necessary for successful communication both individually and in groups, and across a variety of contexts.

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Course code: 247009 Foundation Analytical Thinking and Numeracy 15 credits

An introduction to essential skills and knowledge in analytical thinking, numeracy, and algebra to effectively interpret, analyse, and solve problems across various academic disciplines and real-world contexts.

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Humanities/Social Sciences Pathway (Choose 60 credits from)

Choose 60 credits from
Course code: 150001 Foundation Māori Culture 15 credits

An introduction to the significance of Māori culture, including the principles and implications of biculturalism and Te Tiriti o Waitangi.

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Course code: 192011 Foundation Communications 15 credits

An introduction to the skills necessary for successful communication both individually and in groups, and across a variety of contexts.

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Course code: 230001 Foundation Humanities 15 credits

An introduction to humanities disciplines and subject areas through study of the underlying philosophies, concepts and perspectives of the humanities.

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Course code: 230002 Foundation Social Sciences 15 credits

An introduction to the concepts, methods and scope of the Social Sciences through study of contemporary social issues in Aotearoa/ New Zealand and in global contexts.

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Science Pathway (Choose 60 credits from)

Choose 60 credits from
Course code: 150001 Foundation Māori Culture 15 credits

An introduction to the significance of Māori culture, including the principles and implications of biculturalism and Te Tiriti o Waitangi.

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Course code: 230002 Foundation Social Sciences 15 credits

An introduction to the concepts, methods and scope of the Social Sciences through study of contemporary social issues in Aotearoa/ New Zealand and in global contexts.

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Course code: 247009 Foundation Analytical Thinking and Numeracy 15 credits

An introduction to essential skills and knowledge in analytical thinking, numeracy, and algebra to effectively interpret, analyse, and solve problems across various academic disciplines and real-world contexts.

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Course code: 247010 Foundation Applied Sciences 15 credits

An introduction to the core principles and methodologies in mathematics, chemistry, and physics, equipping students with the necessary knowledge, skills, and interdisciplinary perspectives to succeed in their future undergraduate studies.

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Course code: 247011 Foundation Natural Sciences 15 credits

An introduction to areas within natural sciences by providing a foundational understanding of the interactions between biology, chemistry, and the environment, and fostering the development of essential skills for understanding current issues including climate change, invasive species, sustainable practices and protecting native environments.

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Health Pathway (Choose 60 credits from)

Choose 60 credits from
Course code: 150001 Foundation Māori Culture 15 credits

An introduction to the significance of Māori culture, including the principles and implications of biculturalism and Te Tiriti o Waitangi.

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Course code: 192011 Foundation Communications 15 credits

An introduction to the skills necessary for successful communication both individually and in groups, and across a variety of contexts.

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Course code: 214004 Foundation Health Studies 15 credits

A multidisciplinary introduction to factors that affect the health and wellbeing of ourselves and our communities. Suitable for students transitioning into discipline areas that require a broad understanding of the fundamentals of health.

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Course code: 230002 Foundation Social Sciences 15 credits

An introduction to the concepts, methods and scope of the Social Sciences through study of contemporary social issues in Aotearoa/ New Zealand and in global contexts.

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Course code: 247009 Foundation Analytical Thinking and Numeracy 15 credits

An introduction to essential skills and knowledge in analytical thinking, numeracy, and algebra to effectively interpret, analyse, and solve problems across various academic disciplines and real-world contexts.

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Creative Arts Pathway (Choose 60 credits from)

Choose 60 credits from
Course code: 150001 Foundation Māori Culture 15 credits

An introduction to the significance of Māori culture, including the principles and implications of biculturalism and Te Tiriti o Waitangi.

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Course code: 192011 Foundation Communications 15 credits

An introduction to the skills necessary for successful communication both individually and in groups, and across a variety of contexts.

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Course code: 293001 Foundation Drawing 15 credits

In this course students are introduced to working in a creative arts studio to develop skills in a variety of hand drawing and computer aided methods and materials. The drawing techniques taught will enable students to use drawing as a mode to generate, record and develop creative ideas.

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Course code: 293002 Foundation Sound and Image 15 credits

In this course students will be introduced to working in a creative studio environment, learning techniques and processes which will enable them to create their own video project. Students will be guided to set their own brief, developing initially from their own soundtrack and storyboard plan.

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Course code: 293003 Foundation Fabricate 15 credits

In this course students will be guided in the process of creating a character profile. Students will engage with ideation and analysis in developing their creative work. Students will work in a creative studio environment and be introduced to model-making, industrial sewing and 3D printing to develop a costume element, prop or character bust model.

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Fees and scholarships

Fees, student loans and free fees scheme

Your tuition fees may be different depending on the courses you choose. Your exact fees will show once you have chosen your courses.

There will also be some compulsory non-tuition fees and for some courses, there may also be charges for things such as study resources, software, trips and contact workshops.

Already know which courses you're going to choose?

You can view fees for the courses that make up your qualification on the course details pages.

Student loans (StudyLink) and Fees Free scheme

You may be eligible for a student loan to help towards paying your fees.

The New Zealand Government offers fees-free tertiary study for eligible domestic students. Find out more about the scheme and your eligibility on the Fees Free website. To use the site's eligibility checking tool, you will need your National Student Number.

Current and returning Massey students can find their National Student Number in the student portal.

Scholarship and award opportunities

Search our scholarships and awards

Fees disclaimer

This information is for estimation purposes only. Actual fees payable will be finalised on confirmation of enrolment. Unless otherwise stated, all fees shown are quoted in New Zealand dollars and include Goods and Services Tax, if any. Before relying on any information on these pages you should also read the University's Disclaimer Notice.

Accreditations and rankings

QS 5 stars rating for Online 2019

Massey has a 5 stars rating for Online in the QS World University Rankings.

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QS 5+ star rating

Massey was awarded 5+ stars by QS for the third consecutive time. This rating highlights our strengths independent of rankings. We received 5 stars in all assessed categories: employability, environmental impact, facilities, inclusiveness, innovation, internationalisation, research, subject ranking and teaching.

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