Associate Professor Russell Prince staff profile picture

Contact details +6469516655

Associate Professor Russell Prince BA, BCom, MA, PhD,

Associate Professor

Doctoral Supervisor
School of People, Environment and Planning

Roles and Responsibilities

Geography Programme Coordinator

Treasurer, Manawatu Branch NZ Geographical Society

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Contact details

  • Ph: 2024
    Location: SST3.13, Social Sciences Tower
    Campus: Manawatu


  • Bachelor of Arts - University of Auckland (2002)
  • Bachelor of Commerce - University of Auckland (2002)
  • Master of Arts - University of Auckland (2004)
  • Doctor of Philosophy - University of Bristol (2009)

Fellowships and Memberships

  • Member, Higher Education Academy (Fellow) (2019)

Certifications and Registrations

  • Licence, Supervisor, Massey University

Research Expertise

Research Interests

·         The state and governmentality

·         Policy mobility and expertise

·         Neoliberalism and after

·         Geographies of political economy


21st Century Citizenship

Area of Expertise

Field of research codes
Economic Geography (160401): Human Geography (160400): Studies In Human Society (160000)


Economic Geography

Political Geography

Research Outputs


Prince, R. (2024). Mobile Keynesianism: Linking policy mobility and state transformation in New Zealand, 1930–70. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers.
[Journal article]Authored by: Prince, R.
Prince, R. (2020). Economic geography: A critical introduction. New Zealand Geographer. 76(1), 86-87Retreived from
[Book Review]Authored by: Prince, R.
Prince, R. (2020). The geography of statistics: Social statistics from moral science to big data. Progress in Human Geography. 44(6), 1047-1065
[Journal article]Authored by: Prince, R.
Mouat, MJ., Prince, R., & Roche, MM. (2019). Making Value Out of Ethics: The Emerging Economic Geography of Lab-grown Meat and Other Animal-free Food Products. Economic Geography. 95(2), 136-158
[Journal article]Authored by: Prince, R.
Henry, M., & Prince, R. (2018). Agriculturalizing finance? Data assemblages and derivatives markets in small-town New Zealand. Environment and Planning A. 50(5), 989-1007
[Journal article]Authored by: Henry, M., Prince, R.
Mouat, MJ., & Prince, R. (2018). Cultured meat and cowless milk: on making markets for animal-free food. Journal of Cultural Economy. 11(4), 315-329
[Journal article]Authored by: Prince, R.
Prince, R. (2017). Local or global policy? Thinking about policy mobility with assemblage and topology. Area. 49(3), 335-341
[Journal article]Authored by: Prince, R.
Prince, R. (2016). The spaces in between: Mobile policy and the topographies and topologies of the technocracy. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space. 34(3), 420-437
[Journal article]Authored by: Prince, R.
Prince, R. (2015). Economies of Expertise: Consultants and the Assemblage of Culture. Journal of Cultural Economy. 8(5), 582-596
[Journal article]Authored by: Prince, R.
Warbrick, I., Dickson, A., Prince, R., & Heke, I. (2016). The biopolitics of Māori biomass: towards a new epistemology for Māori health in Aotearoa/New Zealand. Critical Public Health. 26(4), 394-404
[Journal article]Authored by: Prince, R.
Prince, R. (2014). Calculative Cultural Expertise? Consultants and Politics in the UK Cultural Sector. Sociology. 48(4), 747-762
[Journal article]Authored by: Prince, R.
Prince, RJ., & Lewis, N. (2013). Quality as a governmental rationality in New Zealand wine. EchoGeo. 23(January/March), 1-13 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Prince, R.
Prince, R. (2014). Consultants and the global assemblage of culture and creativity. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers. 39(1), 90-101
[Journal article]Authored by: Prince, R.
Lovell, SA., Kearns, RA., & Prince, R. (2014). Neoliberalism and the contract state: Exploring innovation and resistance among New Zealand Health Promoters. Critical Public Health. 24(3), 308-320
[Journal article]Authored by: Prince, R.
Prince, R. (2012). Metaphors of policy mobility: Fluid spaces of "creativity" policy. Geografiska Annaler, Series B: Human Geography. 94(4), 317-331
[Journal article]Authored by: Prince, R.
Prince, R. (2012). Policy transfer, consultants and the geographies of governance. Progress in Human Geography. 36(2), 188-203
[Journal article]Authored by: Prince, R.
Prince, R. (2012). Marketing economic geography. Dialogues in Human Geography. 2(2), 138-141
[Journal article]Authored by: Prince, R.
Prince, R. (2010). Policy transfer as policy assemblage: Making policy for the creative industries in New Zealand. Environment and Planning A. 42(1), 169-186
[Journal article]Authored by: Prince, R.
Prince, R. (2010). Fleshing out expertise: The making of creative industries experts in the United Kingdom. Geoforum. 41(6), 875-884
[Journal article]Authored by: Prince, R.
Prince, R. (2010). Globalizing the creative industries concept: Travelling policy and transnational policy communities. Journal of Arts Management Law and Society. 40(2), 119-139
[Journal article]Authored by: Prince, R.
Prince, R., & Dufty, R. (2009). Assembling the space economy: Governmentality and economic geography. Geography Compass. 3(5), 1744-1756
[Journal article]Authored by: Prince, R.
Prince, R., Kearns, R., & Craig, D. (2006). Governmentality, discourse and space in the New Zealand health care system, 1991-2003. Health and Place. 12(3), 253-266
[Journal article]Authored by: Prince, R.
Prince, R. (2015). A student's introduction to geographical thought: Theories, philosophies, methodologies. NEW ZEALAND GEOGRAPHER. 71(2), 114-115
[Book Review]Authored by: Prince, R.
Prince, R. (2014). Corporate Sovereignty: Law and Government under Capitalism. ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY. 90(3), 345-346
[Book Review]Authored by: Prince, R.
Prince, R. (2014). Geographies of the Super-Rich. GEOGRAPHICAL RESEARCH. 52(1), 109-110
[Book Review]Authored by: Prince, R.
Prince, R. (2013). Disaggregating the state: Exploring interdisciplinary possibilities for the study of policy. POLITICAL GEOGRAPHY. , 60-62
[Book Review]Authored by: Prince, R.
Prince, R. (2012). Transnational Elites and the Geographies of Power. GEOPOLITICS. 17(2), 423-428
[Book Review]Authored by: Prince, R.
Prince, R. (2012). Mobile urbanism: Cities and policymaking in the global age. Eugene McCann and Kevin Ward, editors. Urban Geography. 33(1), 158-160
[Book Review]Authored by: Prince, R.
Prince, R. (2011). Constructions of neoliberal reason. NEW ZEALAND GEOGRAPHER. 67(3), 225-226
[Book Review]Authored by: Prince, R.
Prince, R. (2011). Envisioning Media Power: On Capital and the Geographies of Television. SOCIAL & CULTURAL GEOGRAPHY. 12(2), 207-209
[Book Review]Authored by: Prince, R.
Prince, RJ. (2009). Globalising worlds and new economic configurations. Economic Geography Research Group. , 1-1
[Book Review]Authored by: Prince, R.
Prince, RJ. (2006). Deconstructing the triumph of capitalism and igniting a politics of hope. Political Geography. , 863-867
[Book Review]Authored by: Prince, R.


Prince, R., Morris, C., Henry, M., Gallagher, A., & Fitz Herbert, S. (2021). Putting markets in their place. In Markets in their Place: Context, Culture, Finance. (pp. 1 - 28).
[Chapter]Authored by: Gallagher, A., Morris, C., Prince, R.Edited by: Gallagher, A., Prince, R.
(2021). Markets in their Place: Context, Culture, Finance.
[Edited Book]Authored by: Gallagher, A., Morris, C., Prince, R.Edited by: Gallagher, A., Prince, R.
Prince, R., Morris, C., Henry, M., Gallagher, A., & FitzHerbert, S. (2021). Afterword: The Place of Markets. In Markets in their Place: Context, Culture, Finance. (pp. 215 - 219).
[Chapter]Authored by: Gallagher, A., Morris, C., Prince, R.Edited by: Gallagher, A., Prince, R.
Prince, R., Henry, M., Morris, C., Gallagher, A., & FitzHerbert, S. (Eds.) (2021). Markets in their Place: Culture, Context, Finance. London, United Kingdom: Routledge
[Edited Book]Contributed to by: Gallagher, A.Edited by: Gallagher, A., Henry, M., Morris, C., Prince, R.
Prince, R. (2020). The geography of policy-making: mobile policy, territory and state space. In Handbook on the Changing Geographies of the State: New Spaces of Geopolitics. (pp. 173 - 184).
[Chapter]Authored by: Prince, R.
Prince, R.A. Kobayashi (Ed.)December(pp. 185 - 189). DecemberMarchPrince, R.(pp. 185 - 189). JanuaryPrince, R.A. Kobayashi (Ed.)DecemberDecemberJanuaryDecember
[Reference Book]Authored by: Prince, R.
Prince, R. (2016). Neoliberalism everywhere: Mobile neoliberal policy. In Handbook of Neoliberalism. (pp. 331 - 339).
[Chapter]Authored by: Prince, R.
Roche, M., Mansvelt, J., Prince, R., & Gallagher, A. (2014). Connecting landscape, Lifecourse and Mobilities. In M. Roche, J. Mansvelt, R. Prince, & G. Gallagher (Eds.) Engaging Geographies: Landscapes, Lifecourses and Mobilities. (pp. 1 - 10). Newcastle Upon Tyne, United Kingdom: Cambridge Scholars Publishing
[Chapter]Authored by: Gallagher, A., Mansvelt, J., Prince, R.Edited by: Mansvelt, J., Prince, R.
Prince, R. (2017). Assuming everything, except responsibility: On blaming economists for neoliberalism. In Assembling Neoliberalism: Expertise, Practices, Subjects. (pp. 45 - 65).
[Chapter]Authored by: Prince, R.
Prince, RJ. (2016). Neoliberalism everywhere: Mobile neoliberal policy. In S. Springer, K. Birch, & J. MacLeavy (Eds.) The Handbook of Neoliberalism. (pp. 331 - 339). New York and London: Routledge
[Chapter]Authored by: Prince, R.
Roche, M., Mansvelt, J., Prince, R., & Gallagher, A. (Eds.) (2014). Engaging geographies: Landscapes, lifecourses and mobilities. Newcastle Upon Tyne, United Kingdom: Cambridge Scholars Publishing
[Edited Book]Edited by: Mansvelt, J., Prince, R.
Prince, RJ. (2014). Topologies of mobile policy: Neoliberalism and creativity. In . Roche, MM, . Mansvelt, . Prince, & A. Gallagher (Eds.) Engaging Geographies: Landscapes, Lifecourses and Mobilites. (pp. 191 - 206). Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing
[Chapter]Authored by: Prince, R.Edited by: Prince, R.


Prince, RJ. (2009). Assembling the 'creative economy': Epistemic communities, policy transfer and the geography of expertise. (Doctoral Thesis, University of Bristol)
[Doctoral Thesis]Authored by: Prince, R.


Prince, R. (2019, August). The Geography of Statistics: From Moral Science to Big Data. Presented at Royal Geographical Society - Institute of British Geographers Annual Conference. Royal Geogrpahical Society, London, UK.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Prince, R.
Prince, R. (2019, April). The economy, expertise, and the geography of statistics. Presented at Association of American Geographers Annual Conference. Washington DC, USA.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Prince, R.
Mouat, MJ., Prince, RJ., & roche, . (2017, December). In Vitro Meat and Cowless Milk: On Making Markets for Synthetic Food. Presented at Cultural Studies Association of Australia and Aotearoa Annual Conference. Massey University, Wellington.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Prince, R.
Prince, RJ. (2017, December). Made to measure: inventing the New Zealand economy. Presented at Cultural Studies Association of Australia and Aotearoa. Massey University, Wellington.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Prince, R.
Henry, MG., prince, R., Morris, C., fitzherbert, S., lewis, N., gallagher, A., . . . legun, K. (2016, November). The Making Markets Project: Re-Peopling, Re-Placing, Re-Materialising. Presented at International Geographical Union New Resource Geographies. Palmerston North, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Gallagher, A., Henry, M., Morris, C., Prince, R.
Prince, RJ. (2013, April). Policy mobility and the economies of expertise: cultural consultants and the ‘creative economy’. Presented at Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting. Los Angeles.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Prince, R.
Prince, RJ. (2010, July). Knowing the creative economy: Epistemic communities and the transfer of 'creativity' policy. Presented at New Zealand Geographical Society Conference with the Institute of Australian Geographers. Christchurch, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Prince, R.
Prince, RJ. (2010, June). Knowing the creative economy. Presented at Assembled Cities: Comparison learning and mobility workshop. The Open University, UK.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Prince, R.
Prince, RJ. (2009, December). Finding welfare in a market society. Presented at Geography at 50, A Symposium to Mark 50 Years of Geography at Massey University. Palmerston North, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Prince, R.
Prince, RJ. (2008, April). Globalising policy knowledge? the circuit of creative policy and the possibility of global orthodoxy. Presented at Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting.. Boston, MA.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Prince, R.
Prince, RJ. (2007, June). The birth of a discipline? the creative industries and the intersection of policy and economic knowledge. Presented at Second Global Conference on Economic Geography. Beijing, China.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Prince, R.
Prince, RJ. (2007, April). Policy transfer and techno-politics in creative industries policy. Presented at Association Of American Geographers Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Prince, R.
Prince, RJ.(2007). Expecting the unexpected: negotiating international field research in graduate school. . San Francisco, CA
[Conference Other]Authored by: Prince, R.


Prince, R. (2019, November). Inventing the New Zealand Economy: making a world safe for GDP. Presented at Economic Geography Research Group, Geography Programme, University of Zurich.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Prince, R.
Prince, R. (2019, October). Inventing the New Zealand Economy: making a world safe for GDP. Presented at Centre for Space, Place and Society, Wageningen University, Netherlands.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Prince, R.
Prince, R. (2019, September). Inventing the New Zealand Economy: making a world safe for GDP. Presented at Geography Programme, University College Cork.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Prince, R.
Prince, RJ. (2017, August). Technocracy, neoliberlaism and the crisis of expertise. Presented at Manawatu Campus, Massey University.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Prince, R.
Prince, RJ. (2012, October). Sustainability in a Capitalist Democracy?. Presented at Palmerston North City Library.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Prince, R.
Prince, R. (2010). Cultural consultancies and the work of expertise. Presented at University of Manchester, United Kingdom.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Prince, R.
Prince, R. (2010). Cultural consultancies and the work of expertise: A research plan. Presented at Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Prince, R.
Prince, RJ. (2009, October). The global financial crisis. In NZDF Command and Staff College. Presented at Massey University, NZ.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Prince, R.
Prince, RJ. (2009). Making global policy? the emergence of creative industries policy at the transnational scale.. Presented at Massey University, Palmerston North, NZ.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Prince, R.
Prince, RJ. (2015). Is neoliberalism still a useful term?.
[Internet publication]Authored by: Prince, R.

Teaching and Supervision

Summary of Doctoral Supervision

Position Current Completed
Main Supervisor 1 1
Co-supervisor 0 3

Current Doctoral Supervision

Main Supervisor of:

  • Jose Miguel Alonso Trabanco - Doctor of Philosophy
    The Geopolitical Dimension of Digital Currencies and their Implications for the Field of Security

Completed Doctoral Supervision

Main Supervisor of:

  • 2024 - Daniel Ryland - Doctor of Philosophy
    The Social Construction of Housing Tenure in Aotearoa New Zealand, 1900 to 1990: Crisis, place, and the path to a dual tenure regime

Co-supervisor of:

  • 2024 - Jessica Halley - Doctor of Philosophy
    Coding the Self: Navigating Precarity in the Era of Platform Capitalism
  • 2023 - Michael Mouat - Doctor of Philosophy
    Assembling the land of milk and money: The work of money in New Zealand’s dairy industry
  • 2018 - Jessica Bignell - Doctor of Philosophy
    Political Messaging, Parliament, and People Or, Why Politicians Say What They Do: The Parliamentary Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand in 2013