Wilson, S., & Zorn, T. (2021). Lessons in leadership in the post-truth era.
Gallerie. 23(2), 90-91 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Wilson, S., Zorn, T.Read Abstract:
Sillars, A., & Zorn, TE. (2021). Hypernegative Interpretation of Negatively Perceived Email at Work.
Management Communication Quarterly. 35(2), 171-200
[Journal article]Authored by: Zorn, T.Read Online:
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Halteh, J., Arrowsmith, J., Parker, J., Zorn, TE., & Bentley, T. (2018). The impact of technology on employment: a research agenda for New Zealand and beyond.
Labour and Industry. 28(3), 203-216
[Journal article]Authored by: Arrowsmith, J., Parker, J., Zorn, T.Read Online:
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Roper, J., Ganesh, S., & Zorn, TE. (2016). Doubt, Delay, and Discourse: Skeptics’ Strategies to Politicize Climate Change.
Science Communication. 38(6), 776-799
[Journal article]Authored by: Zorn, T.Read Online:
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Zorn, TE., Roper, J., & Richardson, M. (2014). Positive Employment Practices or Reputational Capital? Tensions Inherent in Third-Party Legitimation Processes.
Management Communication Quarterly. 28(3), 347-374
[Journal article]Authored by: Zorn, T.Read Online:
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Zorn, TE., Grant, S., & Henderson, A. (2013). Strengthening Resource Mobilization Chains: Developing the Social Media Competencies of Community and Voluntary Organizations in New Zealand.
Voluntas. 24(3), 666-687
[Journal article]Authored by: Zorn, T.Read Online:
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Zorn, TE., Roper, J., Weaver, CK., & Rigby, C. (2012). Influence in science dialogue: Individual attitude changes as a result of dialogue between laypersons and scientists.
Public Understanding of Science. 21(7), 848-864
[Journal article]Authored by: Zorn, T.Read Online:
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Richardson, M., & Zorn, TE. (2012). Interactions at the Elder-Organization Interface: Elders' Experiences.
Research on Aging. 34(6), 738-757
[Journal article]Authored by: Zorn, T.Read Online:
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Mansvelt, JR., & Zorn, TE. (2012). The problems and possibilities of mobility for home-based elders in New Zealand.
SITES: A Journal of Social Anthropology and Cultural Studies. 9(1), 107-132 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Mansvelt, J., Zorn, T.Read Online:
Read Abstract:
Simpson, M., Richardson, M., & Zorn, TE. (2012). A job, a dream or a trap? Multiple meanings for encore careers.
Work, Employment and Society. 26(3), 429-446
[Journal article]Authored by: Zorn, T.Read Online:
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Zorn, T. (2011). Trade Aid: taking fair trade into the future: Expert Opinion.
University of Auckland Business Review. 12(1), 6-6 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Zorn, T.
Zorn, TE., Flanagin, AJ., & Shoham, MD. (2011). Institutional and noninstitutional influences on information and communication technology adoption and use among nonprofit organizations.
Human Communication Research. 37(1), 1-33
[Journal article]Authored by: Zorn, T.Read Online:
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Ganesh, S., & Zorn, TE. (2011). Running the race: Competition discourse and broadband growth in aotearoa New Zealand.
Media, Culture and Society. 33(5), 725-742
[Journal article]Authored by: Zorn, T.Read Online:
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Zorn, T., Richardson, M., Weaver, CK., & Gilbert, E. (2010). Technology uptake among older, Mormon Maori: Themes, tensions and intersections.
Australian Journal of Communication. 37(1), 1-16
[Journal article]Authored by: Zorn, T.Read Abstract:
Zorn, T., Roper, J., Weaver, CK., & Rigby, C. (2010). Influence in science dialogue: Individual attitude changes as a result of dialogue between laypersons and scientists.
Public Understanding of Science. 21(7), 848-864 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Zorn, T.Read Online:
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Weaver, CK., Zorn, T., & Richardson, M. (2010). Goods not wanted: Older people's narratives of computer use rejection.
Information Communication and Society. 13(5), 696-721
[Journal article]Authored by: Zorn, T.Read Online:
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Simpson, M., Richardson, M., & Zorn, T. (2009). Researching elders' work in Aotearoa New Zealand: A bicultural response to local contexts.
Communication Journal of New Zealand. 10(2), 40-57 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Zorn, T.Read Abstract:
Zorn, TE., & Townsley, N. (2008). Introduction to the forum on meaning/ful work studies in organizational communication: Setting an agenda.
Management Communication Quarterly. 22(1), 147-151
[Journal article]Authored by: Zorn, T.Read Online:
Zorn, TE. (2007). Editing MCQ at the Dawn of the New Millennium.
Management Communication Quarterly. 20(4), 451-457
[Journal article]Authored by: Zorn, T.Read Online:
Zorn, T. (2007). Intouch: Ted Zorn asks: Is green the new black?.
New Zealand Management. 54(2), 8-9 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Zorn, T.
Heath, RL., Pearce, WB., Shotter, J., Taylor, JR., Kersten, A., Zorn, T., . . . Deetz, S. (2006). The processes of dialogue: Participation and legitimation.
Management Communication Quarterly. 19(3), 341-375 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Zorn, T.Read Online:
Zorn, TE., Roper, J., Broadfoot, K., & Weaver, CK. (2006). Focus groups as sites of influential interaction: Building communicative self-efficacy and effecting attitudinal change in discussing controversial topics.
Journal of Applied Communication Research. 34(2), 115-140
[Journal article]Authored by: Zorn, T.Read Online:
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Zorn, T., & Campbell, N. (2006). Improving the writing of literature reviews through a literature integration exercise.
Business Communication Quarterly. 69(2), 172-183
[Journal article]Authored by: Zorn, T.Read Online:
Richardson, M., Weaver, CK., & Zorn, TE. (2005). 'Getting on': Older New Zealanders' perceptions of computing.
New Media and Society. 7(2), 219-245
[Journal article]Authored by: Zorn, T.Read Online:
Read Abstract:
Zorn, TE. (2005). Critiquing the Dominant Discourse on Change.
Organization. 12(6), 947-950
[Journal article]Authored by: Zorn, T.Read Online:
Holmes, P., Cockburn-Wootten, C., Motion, J., Zorn, TE., & Roper, J. (2005). Critical reflexive practice in teaching management communication.
Business Communication Quarterly. 68(2), 247-256
[Journal article]Authored by: Zorn, T.Read Online:
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Zorn, TE., & Gregory, KW. (2005). Learning the ropes together: Assimilation and friendship development among first-year male medical students.
Health Communication. 17(3), 211-231
[Journal article]Authored by: Zorn, T.Read Online:
Read Abstract:
May, SK., & Zorn, TE. (2003). Forum introduction.
Management Communication Quarterly. 16(3), 416-418
[Journal article]Authored by: Zorn, T.Read Online:
May, SK., & Zorn, TE. (2003). Forum introduction.
Management Communication Quarterly. 16(4), 595-598
[Journal article]Authored by: Zorn, T.Read Online:
Zorn, TE. (2003). Editor-s note.
Management Communication Quarterly. 16(4), 469-470
[Journal article]Authored by: Zorn, T.Read Online:
Zorn, TE. (2003). The emotionality of information and communication technology implementation.
Journal of Communication Management. 7(2), 160-171
[Journal article]Authored by: Zorn, T.Read Online:
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Zorn, TE. (2002). Forum introduction.
Management Communication Quarterly. 16(2), 237-241
[Journal article]Authored by: Zorn, T.Read Online:
Zorn, TE., & May, SK. (2002). Forum introduction: Current uses, critical appraisals, and future prospects.
Management Communication Quarterly. 15(3), 439-441
[Journal article]Authored by: Zorn, T.Read Online:
Zorn, TE. (2002). Converging within Divergence: Overcoming the Disciplinary Fragmentation in Business Communication, Organizational Communication, and Public Relations.
Business Communication Quarterly. 65(2), 44-53
[Journal article]Authored by: Zorn, T.Read Online:
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May, SK., & Zorn, TE. (2001). Forum: Introduction—gurus’ views and business news: Popular Management Discourse and Its Relationship to Management and Organizational Communication.
Management Communication Quarterly. 14(3), 471-475
[Journal article]Authored by: Zorn, T.Read Online:
Zorn, TE., & May, SK. (2001). Forum introduction.
Management Communication Quarterly. 14(4), 616-618
[Journal article]Authored by: Zorn, T.Read Online:
May, SK., & Zorn, TE. (2001). Forum introduction.
Management Communication Quarterly. 15(1), 100-102
[Journal article]Authored by: Zorn, T.Read Online:
Zorn, TE. (2000). Forum: Editors’ Introduction to the Forum on Management Communication in the Age of Globalization.
Management Communication Quarterly. 14(1), 129-131
[Journal article]Authored by: Zorn, T.Read Online:
Zorn, TE., & Page, DJ. (2000). Nuts about change: Multiple Perspectives on Change-Oriented Communication in a Public Sector Organization.
Management Communication Quarterly. 13(4), 515-566
[Journal article]Authored by: Zorn, T.Read Online:
Read Abstract:
Zorn, TE., & Ruccio, SE. (1998). The use of communication to motivate college sales teams.
Journal of Business Communication. 35(4), 468-499
[Journal article]Authored by: Zorn, T.Read Online:
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Zorn, TE., & Violanti, MT. (1996). Communication abilities and individual achievement in organizations.
Management Communication Quarterly. 10(2), 139-167
[Journal article]Authored by: Zorn, T.Read Online:
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Chiles, AM., & Zorn, TE. (1995). An Assessment of the Convergent Validity of the Checklist of Behavior Alteration Techniques: The Association Between Teachers’ Likelihood-of-use Ratings and Informants’ Frequency-of-use Ratings.
Journal of Applied Communication Research. 23(1), 1-25
[Journal article]Authored by: Zorn, T.Read Online:
Read Abstract:
Zorn, TE., & Violanti, MT. (1993). Measuring leadership style: A review of leadership style instruments for classroom use.
Communication Education. 42(1), 70-78
[Journal article]Authored by: Zorn, T.Read Online:
Zorn, TE., McKinney, MS., & Moran, MM. (1993). Structure of interpersonal construct systems: One system or many?.
International Journal of Personal Construct Psychology. 6(2), 139-166
[Journal article]Authored by: Zorn, T.Read Online:
Read Abstract:
Zorn, TE. (1991). Willy loman's lesson: Teaching identity management with death of a salesman.
Communication Education. 40(2), 219-224
[Journal article]Authored by: Zorn, T.Read Online:
Zorn, TE., & Leichty, GB. (1991). Leadership and identity: A reinterpretation of situational leadership theory.
Southern Communication Journal. 57(1), 11-24
[Journal article]Authored by: Zorn, T.Read Online:
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Zorn, TE. (1991). Construct system development, transformational leadership and leadership messages.
Southern Communication Journal. 56(3), 178-193
[Journal article]Authored by: Zorn, T.Read Online:
Read Abstract:
Zorn, TE. (1991). Measuring motivation-to-communicate in the classroom.
Communication Education. 40(4), 385-392
[Journal article]Authored by: Zorn, T.Read Online:
Zorn, TE. (1989). The Professor as Entrepreneur: The Challenges of Teaching the Organizational Communication Assessment Class.
Business Communication Quarterly. 52(3), 16-21
[Journal article]Authored by: Zorn, T.Read Online:
Zorn, TE., & Rosenfeld, LB. (1989). Between a rock and a hard place: Ethical dilemmas in problem-solving group facilitation.
Management Communication Quarterly. 3(1), 93-106
[Journal article]Authored by: Zorn, T.Read Online:
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Davenport, B., & Zorn, TE. (1988). Individual differences and construct system content in descriptions of liked and disliked co-workers.
International Journal of Personal Construct Psychology. 1(1), 37-51
[Journal article]Authored by: Zorn, T.Read Online:
Read Abstract:
Human Communication Research. 12(3), 420-431
[Journal article]Authored by: Zorn, T.Read Online:
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Zorn, TE., & Scott, J. (2021). Must We Change? The Dark Side of Change and Change Resistance. In
The Oxford Handbook of Organizational Change and Innovation. (pp. 766 - 790).
[Chapter]Authored by: Zorn, T.Read Abstract:
Zorn, TE. (2017). Management fashion/fad. In CR. Scott, & L. Lewis (Eds.)
The International Encyclopedia of Organizational Communication. (pp. 1476 - 1484). : John Wiley
[Chapter]Authored by: Zorn, T.Read Online:
Zorn, TE. (2017). Meaningful work. In CR. Scott, & L. Lewis (Eds.)
International Encyclopedia of Organizational Communication. (pp. 1499 - 1506). : John Wiley & Sons
[Chapter]Authored by: Zorn, T.Read Online:
Read Abstract:
Zorn, T., Comrie, M., & Fountaine, S. (2016). Crisis Communication Research in Aotearoa/New Zealand. In
The Handbook of International Crisis Communication Research. (pp. 347 - 356).
[Chapter]Authored by: Fountaine, S., Zorn, T.Read Abstract:
Pieczka, M., & Zorn, TE. (2013). The Reputation of Corporate Reputation: Fads, Fashions, and the Mainstreaming of Corporate Reputation Research and Practice. In
The Handbook of Communication and Corporate Reputation. (pp. 513 - 529).
[Chapter]Authored by: Zorn, T.Read Online:
Read Abstract:
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Cheney, G., & Zorn, T. (2012). What is the meaning of work and how do we make work meaningful?. In AK. Goodboy, & K. Shultz (Eds.)
Introduction to communication studies: Translating scholarship into meaningful practice. (pp. 315 - 322). United States of America: Kendall Hunt Publishing Company
[Chapter]Authored by: Zorn, T.
Cheney, G., Christensen, LT., Zorn, TE., & Ganesh, S.(2011).
Organizational communication in an age of globalization: Issues, reflections, practices. United States: Waveland Press
[Authored Book]Authored by: Zorn, T.Read Abstract:
Richardson, M., Zorn, T., & Weaver, CK. (2011). Older people and new communication technologies: Narratives from the literature. In CT. Salmon (Ed.)
Communication yearbook 35. (pp. 121 - 152). United States and United Kingdom: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group
[Chapter]Authored by: Zorn, T.Read Abstract:
Cheney, G., Christensen, LT., Theodore E Zorn, J., Ganesh, S., & Lair, D.(2010).
Organizational Communication in an Age of Globalization: Issues, Reflections, Practices.. : Waveland Pr Inc
[Authored Book]Authored by: Zorn, T.Read Abstract:
Zorn, TE., & Simpson, M. (2009). New Zealand and Australia: The state of the field. In
The Handbook of Business Discourse. (pp. 30 - 42).
[Chapter]Authored by: Zorn, T.Read Abstract:
Cheney, G., Zorn, T., Planalp, S., & Lair, DJ. (2008). Meaningful work and personal/social well-being: Organizational communication engages the meanings of work. In CS. Beck (Ed.)
Communication yearbook. (pp. 137 - 185). United States and United Kingdom: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group
[Chapter]Authored by: Zorn, T.Read Abstract:
Page, DJ., & Zorn, TE. (Eds.) (2007).
Management Communication: New Zealand and Australian Case Studies. New Zealand: Pearson Education
[Edited Book]Edited by: Zorn, T.
Zorn, T., Roper, J., & Weaver, CK. (2007). Attempting to improve stakeholder engagement. In DJ. Page, & T. Zorn (Eds.)
Management communication: New Zealand and Australian case studies. (pp. 178 - 185). New Zealand: Pearson Education New Zealand
[Chapter]Authored by: Zorn, T.Read Abstract:
Bentley, R., & Zorn, T. (2007). Getting buy-in on new information technology implementation. In DJ. Page, & T. Zorn (Eds.)
Management communication; New Zealand and Australian case studies. (pp. 99 - 105). New Zealand: Pearson Education New Zealand
[Chapter]Authored by: Zorn, T.Read Abstract:
Zorn, T., & Page, D. (2007). Introduction: Using case studies in teaching management communication. In DJ. Page, & T. Zorn (Eds.)
Management communication: New Zealand and Australian case studies. (pp. 12 - 15). New Zealand: Pearson Education New Zealand
[Chapter]Authored by: Zorn, T.Read Abstract:
Zorn, T., & Collins, E. (2007). Is sustainability sustainable? Corporate social responsibility, sustainable business and management fashion. In SK. May, G. Cheney, & J. Roper (Eds.)
The debate over corporate social responsibility. (pp. 405 - 415). United States: Oxford University Press
[Chapter]Authored by: Zorn, T.Read Abstract:
Page, D., & Zorn, T. (Eds.) (2007).
Management communication: New Zealand and Australian case studies. New Zealand: Prentice Hall New Zealand
[Edited Book]Authored by: Zorn, T.Edited by: Zorn, T.Read Abstract:
Cockburn-Wootten, C., Simpson, M., & Zorn, T. (2006). Managing a merger. In J. Keyton, & P. Shockley-Zalabak (Eds.)
Case studies for organizational communication: Understanding communication processes. (pp. 85 - 92). United States: Roxbury Publishing
[Chapter]Authored by: Zorn, T.Read Abstract:
Zorn, T. (2006). A decision to change. In J. Keyton, & P. Shockley-Zalabak (Eds.)
Case studies for organizational communication: Understanding communication processes. (pp. 255 - 269). United States: Roxbury Publishing
[Chapter]Authored by: Zorn, T.Read Abstract:
Zorn, TE., & Taylor, JR. (2003). Knowledge management and/as organizational communication. In
Key Issues in Organizational Communication. (pp. 96 - 112).
[Chapter]Authored by: Zorn, T.Read Online:
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Zorn, T., & Imbeau, JS.
Political polarization and communication in the workplace: A review and research agenda. . Toronto
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Imbeau, J., Zorn, T.Read Abstract:
Zorn, T.(2018, May). Understanding Diverse Perspectives as Preparatory to and Consequence of Public Dialogue: A Case Study of Trump Supporters and Detractors.
[Conference]Authored by: Zorn, T.Read Abstract:
Zorn, TE., & Sillars, A.
Meaning embellishment in response to offensive emails at work: The role of power and organizational climate. . Philadelphia, United States of America
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Zorn, T.Read Abstract:
Haar, JM., & Zorn, T. (2013). The influence of team task conflict and team communication on employee life satisfaction: Beyond the effects of work-family conflict.
ANZAM 2013. (pp. 1 - 23). : Australia and New Zealand Academy of Management
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Haar, J., Zorn, T.
Richardson, M., Simpson, M., & Zorn, T. (2011). Elder-organisation interactions: An examination of positive and negative experiences and their consequences. In A. Henderson (Ed.)
Proceedings of the 2011 Australian and New Zealand Communiction Association Conference: Communication on the Edge. (pp. 1 - 15). New Zealand: Australian and New Zealand Communication Association Conference [ANZCA 2011]: Communication on the edge: Shifting boundaries and indentities
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Zorn, T.Read Abstract:
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Zorn, T., Ganesh, S., & Roper, J.
Doubt, delay and discourse: Communication and climate change denial. . New Orleans, LA, United States
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Zorn, T.Read Abstract:
Simpson, M., Richardson, M., & Zorn, T. (2009). Researching the elder-organisation interface in Aotearoa New Zealand: Conceptualising elders within discursive and bi-cultural 'spaces'.
Proceedings of OIL V. (pp. 63 - 71). New Zealand: Organisation, Identity and Locality (OIL)V: Exploring the local within the Aotearoa/New Zealand locality: A symposium on critical organisation studies in Aotearoa/New Zealand
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Zorn, T.Read Abstract:
Zorn, T., Hector, C., & Gibson, J. (2008). Perceived effects of information and communication technology adoption on quality of work life: An exploratory study. In
ICA 2008 Abstracts, 58th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association [ICA 2008] Canada: International Communication Association
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Zorn, T.Read Abstract:
Richardson, M., Weaver, CK., & Zorn, T. (2008). Learning to balance 'a two edged sword': A situated understanding of older Mormon Maori and computers. In
ICA 2008 Abstracts, 58th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association [ICA 2008] Canada: International Communication Association
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Zorn, T.Read Abstract:
Richardson, M., Zorn, T., & Weaver, CK.
Learning to balance 'a two edged sword': A situated understanding of older Mormon Maori and computers. . Montreal, Canada
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Zorn, T.Read Abstract:
Zorn, T., Grant, S., Weaver, CK., Richardson, M., & Ashton, H. (2008, September). Impact of ICTs on community and voluntary organisations. Presented at
IMPACT 08. The Social, Cultural & Ethical impact of ICT Innovation.. Access Grid Network Auckland University/ Waikato University/ Victoria University of Wellington/ Canterbury University.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Zorn, T.Read Abstract:
Hector, C., Gibson, J., & Zorn, T.
New Technology and the quality of working life in New Zealand. . Waikiki, Hawaii
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Zorn, T.Read Abstract:
Zorn, TE.Social and political influences on information technology adoption among civil society organisations in New Zealand: A preliminary report.
IMSCI 2007 - International Multi-Conference on Society, Cybernetics and Informatics, Proceedings. (pp. 413 - 418).
[Conference]Authored by: Zorn, T.
Zorn, T., Weaver, CK., & Roper, J. (2007). Attempting to improve stakeholder engagement. In
National Communication Association [NCA] Annual Conference: Communicating World Views: Faith-Intellect-Ethics: Abstracts, National Communication Association [NCA] Annual Conference: Communicating World Views: Faith-Intellect-Ethics United States: National Communication Association
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Zorn, T.Read Abstract:
Stewart, A., & Zorn, T. (2007). Responding to negatively emotive emails within organizations: Communicative strategies and their origins. In
National Communication Association [NCA] Annual Conference: Communicating World Views: Faith-Intellect-Ethics: Program and Abstracts, National Communication Association [NCA] Annual Conference: Communicating World Views: Faith-Intellect-Ethics United States: National Communication Association
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Zorn, T.Read Abstract:
Stewart, A., & Zorn, T.
Responding to negatively emotive emails within organizations: Communicative strategies and their origins. . Chicago, IL, United States
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Zorn, T.Read Abstract:
Zorn, T., & Collins, E. (2006). Green is the new black: Are CSR and sustainable business just fads?.
Proceedings of the 20th ANZAM Conference on Management: Pragmatism, Philosophy, Priorites. (pp. 1 - 22). Australia: 20th Australian New Zealand Academy of Management [ANZAM] 2006 Conference: Management: Pragmatism, Philosophy, Priorities
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Zorn, T.Read Abstract:
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