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Prof Faruk Balli BA, PhD


Doctoral Mentor Supervisor
School of Accountancy and Finance

Faruk received his PhD from University of Houston in 2007. Prior to joining Massey University, he worked as a research Economist in Central Bank of Qatar, in Dubai University as Assistant Professor and in University of Houston as a Teaching Fellow. His research interests lie on the edge of international macroeconomics and international finance. His research areas mainly cover but not limited to the topics of international finance, macroeconomic aspects of international finance, international portfolio allocation, income and consumption smoothing, and modelling the volatility in asset prices. Currently, Faruk has a number of publications in the selected finance and economic journals including; Canadian Journal of Economics, Economics of Transition, World Economy, International Review of Finance, Empirical Economics, Economic Modelling and Applied Economics. He has acted as a referee more than 15 different journals and currently serves on the editorial boards on the editorial board of International journal of Bonds and Currency Derivatives. Some of his selected works have been presented at the European Finance Association, FMA Annual Meetings, and American Economic Association Meetings.

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  • Bachelor of Arts - Bogazici University (2002)
  • Doctor of Philosophy - University of Houston (2007)

Research Expertise

Research Interests

International Macroeconomics, International Finance,Financial Economics, and Tourism Economics.


Resource Development and Management, Design – for Commerce, Community and Culture

Area of Expertise

Field of research codes
Applied Economics (140200): Economics (140000): Financial Economics (140207): International Economics and International Finance (140210): Tourism Economics (140216)

Research Outputs


Billah, M., Shaik, M., Hadhri, S., & Balli, F. (2024). Unveiling the impact of oil price shocks on global sukuk markets: a focus on quantile coherence and time-frequency connectedness. Applied Economics.
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F.
Billah, M., Alam, MR., & Balli, F. (2024). Tail risk spillovers between Islamic sectoral equities and bond markets: a time-frequency domain approach. Applied Economics.
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F.
Kilic, I., & Balli, F. (2024). Measuring economic country-specific uncertainty in Türkiye. Empirical Economics. 67(4), 1649-1689
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F.
Billah, M., Hadhri, S., Shaik, M., & Balli, F. (2024). Asymmetric connectedness and investment strategies between commodities and Islamic banks: Evidence from gulf cooperative council (GCC) markets. Pacific Basin Finance Journal. 86
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F.
Dang, THN., Balli, F., Balli, HO., Gabauer, D., & Nguyen, TTH. (2024). Sectoral uncertainty spillovers in emerging markets: A quantile time–frequency connectedness approach. International Review of Economics and Finance. 93, 121-139
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F., Ozer Balli, H.
Billah, M., Hadhri, S., Balli, F., & Sahabuddin, M. (2024). Exploring the dynamic links, implications for hedging and investment strategies between Sukuk and commodity market volatility: Evidence from country level analysis. International Review of Economics and Finance. 93, 350-371
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F.
Billah, M., Hadhri, S., Hoque, ME., & Balli, F. (2024). A multi-dimensional connectedness and spillover between green bond and Islamic banking equity: Evidence from country level analysis. Pacific Basin Finance Journal. 83
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F.
Dang, THN., Balli, F., Balli, HO., & Nguyen, H. (2024). Firm productivity in the Energy-electricity sector over the last two decades with crisis: The role of cross-listing. Energy Economics. 130
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F., Ozer Balli, H.
Billah, M., Hoque, ME., Balli, F., Kaur, J., & Kumar, S. (2024). Downside risk connectedness between Islamic sectors and green bond markets: implications for hedging and investment strategies. Applied Economics. 56(59), 8900-8933
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F.
Chowdhury, MIH., Balli, F., & de Bruin, A. (2024). Investment styles of islamic equity funds. International Review of Economics and Finance. 89, 172-187
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F.
Kapar, B., Billah, SM., Rana, F., & Balli, F. (2024). An investigation of the frequency dynamics of spillovers and connectedness among GCC sectoral indices. International Review of Economics and Finance. 89, 1442-1467
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F.
Agyemang, A., Balli, F., Gregory-Allen, R., & Balli, HO. (2024). Cross-listing flows under uncertainty: an international perspective. Applied Economics. 56(19), 2357-2374
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F., Ozer Balli, H.
Vatsa, P., & Balli, F. (2024). How important are prices in long-haul travel? Evidence from New Zealand. Tourism Economics. 30(6), 1492-1507
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F.
Balli, F., Do, H., & Uqaili, H. (2024). The decomposition of tourism demand and tourism receipts. Tourism Economics. 30(5), 1339-1348
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F., Do, X.
Balli, F., O Balli, H., & Nguyen, TTH. (2023). Dynamic connectedness between crude oil and equity markets: What about the effects of firm's solvency and profitability positions?. Journal of Commodity Markets. 31
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F., Ozer Balli, H.
Balli, F., Balli, HO., Dang, THN., & Gabauer, D. (2023). Contemporaneous and lagged R<sup>2</sup> decomposed connectedness approach: New evidence from the energy futures market. Finance Research Letters. 57
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F., Ozer Balli, H.
Kumar, S., Jain, R., Narain, ., Balli, F., & Billah, M. (2023). Interconnectivity and investment strategies among commodity prices, cryptocurrencies, and G-20 capital markets: A comparative analysis during COVID-19 and Russian-Ukraine war. International Review of Economics and Finance. 88, 547-593
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F.
Billah, M., Balli, F., & Hoxha, I. (2023). Extreme connectedness of agri-commodities with stock markets and its determinants. Global Finance Journal. 56
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F.
Billah, M., Amar, AB., & Balli, F. (2023). The extreme return connectedness between Sukuk and green bonds and their determinants and consequences for investors. Pacific Basin Finance Journal. 77
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F.
Tabash, MI., Billah, M., Kumar, S., Alam, MK., & Balli, F. (2023). Analysis of the frequency dynamics of spillovers and connectedness among Islamic and conventional banks and their determinants: evidence from Gulf Cooperative Council (GCC) markets. Applied Economics. 55(50), 5895-5924
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F.
Balli, F., Billah, M., & Chowdhury, I. (2023). Impact of the Russia–Ukraine war on hospitality equity markets. Tourism Economics. 29(8), 2206-2215
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F.
Contractor, D., Balli, F., & Hoxha, I. (2023). Market reaction to macroeconomic anouncements: green vs conventional bonds. Applied Economics. 55(15), 1637-1662
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F.
Ozkan, A., & Balli, F. (2023). The predictors of intent to leave in the accounting and finance sector in Asia-Pacific countries: a cross-industrial meta-analysis study. Applied Economics. 55(5), 467-486
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F.
Balli, F., Nguyen, TTH., & Ozer Balli, H. (2023). Emigrants’ visit home and remittance inflows nexus. Tourism Economics. 29(5), 1405-1411
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F., Ozer Balli, H.
Naeem, MA., Hasan, M., Agyemang, A., Chowdhury, MIH., & Balli, F. (2023). Time-frequency dynamics between fear connectedness of stocks and alternative assets. International Journal of Finance and Economics. 28(2), 2188-2201
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F.
Shahzad, SJH., Bouri, E., Ahmad, T., & Naeem, MA. (2022). Extreme tail network analysis of cryptocurrencies and trading strategies. Finance Research Letters. 44
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F.
Balli, F., & Husman, JA. (2022). SHARIAH COMPLIANT FIRMS AND RISK SHARING UNDER PANDEMIC ERA. Journal of Islamic Monetary Economics and Finance. 8(3), 429-440
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F.
Naeem, MA., Billah, M., Marei, M., & Balli, F. (2022). Quantile connectedness between Sukuk bonds and the impact of COVID-19. Applied Economics Letters. 29(15), 1378-1387
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F.
Agyemang, A., Balli, F., Balli, HO., & Gregory-Allen, R. (2022). Specialization in national output and international cross-listing. Applied Economics. 54(37), 4241-4258
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F., Ozer Balli, H.
Balli, F., Billah, M., Balli, HO., & De Bruin, A. (2022). Spillovers between Sukuks and Shariah-compliant equity markets. Pacific Basin Finance Journal. 72
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F., Ozer Balli, H.
Billah, M., Balli, F., & Balli, HO. (2022). Spillovers on sectoral sukuk returns: evidence from country level analysis. Applied Economics. 54(38), 4402-4432
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F., Ozer Balli, H.
Balli, F., Agyemang, A., Gregory-Allen, R., & Ozer Balli, H. (2022). Corporate dividend smoothing: The role of cross-listing. Journal of Corporate Finance. 72
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F., Ozer Balli, H.
Vatsa, P., Balli, F., & Saleh, AS. (2022). A new perspective on the linkages between tourism demand and business cycles. International Journal of Tourism Research. 24(2), 282-297
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F.
Balli, F., Balli, HO., Hasan, M., & Gregory-Allen, R. (2022). Geopolitical risk spillovers and its determinants. Annals of Regional Science. 68(2), 463-500
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F., Ozer Balli, H.
Nguyen, TTH., Balli, F., Balli, HO., & Syed, I. (2022). Direct real estate, securitized real estate, and equity market dynamic connectedness. Applied Economics. 54(23), 2658-2677
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F., Ozer Balli, H., Syed, I.
Ghassan, HB., Alhajhoj, HR., & Balli, F. (2022). Bi-demographic and current account dynamics using SVAR model: evidence from Saudi Arabia. Economic Change and Restructuring. 55(3), 1327-1363
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F.
Hassan, MK., Chowdhury, MIH., Balli, F., & Hasan, R. (2022). A note on COVID-19 instigated maximum drawdown in Islamic markets versus conventional counterparts. Finance Research Letters. 46
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F.
Nguyen, TTH., Balli, HO., Balli, F., & Syed, IA. (2022). Immigration and regional housing markets: prices, rents, price-to-rent ratios and disequilibrium. Regional Studies. 56(3), 420-432
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F., Ozer Balli, H., Syed, I.
Naeem, MA., Qureshi, S., Rehman, MU., & Balli, F. (2022). COVID-19 and cryptocurrency market: Evidence from quantile connectedness. Applied Economics. 54(3), 280-306
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F.
Balli, F., Naeem, MA., & Ozer-Balli, H. (2022). Spillovers from tourism demand to tourism equity indices. Tourism Economics. 28(8), 2228-2235
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F., Ozer Balli, H.
Chowdhury, MIH., Balli, F., & de Bruin, A. (2022). Islamic equity markets versus their conventional counterparts in the COVID-19 age: Reaction, resilience, and recovery. International Review of Finance. 22(2), 315-324
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F.
Shahzad, SJH., Balli, F., Naeem, MA., Hasan, M., & Arif, M. (2022). Do conventional currencies hedge cryptocurrencies?. Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance. 85, 223-228
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F.
Balli, F., Chowdhury, MIH., & de Bruin, A. (2022). Transition to Islamic equities: Systematic risk and Shari'ah compliance. Global Finance Journal. 51
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F.
Balli, F., Hasan, M., Ozer-Balli, H., & Gregory-Allen, R. (2021). Why do U.S. uncertainties drive stock market spillovers? International evidence. International Review of Economics and Finance. 76, 288-301
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F., Ozer Balli, H.
Agyemang, A., Chowdhury, I., & Balli, F. (2021). Quantifying Return Spillovers in Global Real Estate Markets. Journal of Housing Economics. 52
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F.
Naeem, MA., Qureshi, F., Arif, M., & Balli, F. (2021). Asymmetric relationship between gold and Islamic stocks in bearish, normal and bullish market conditions. Resources Policy. 72
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F.
Balli, F., Ghassan, H., & Al Jeefri, EH. (2021). Sukuk and bond spreads. Journal of Economics and Finance. 45(3), 529-543
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F.
Balli, F., Billah, M., Balli, HO., & De Bruin, A. (2021). Spillovers to sectoral equity returns: do liquidity and financial positions matter?. Applied Economics. 53(27), 3097-3130
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F., Ozer Balli, H.
Nguyen, TTH., Naeem, MA., Balli, F., Balli, HO., & Syed, I. (2021). Information transmission between oil and housing markets. Energy Economics. 95
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F., Ozer Balli, H., Syed, I.
Karimov, J., Balli, F., Ozer-Balli, H., & de Bruin, A. (2021). Firm-level political risk and Shari’ah compliance: equity capital cost and payouts policy. Accounting and Finance. 61(3), 4639-4667
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F., Ozer Balli, H.
Chowdhury, MIH., Balli, F., & Hassan, MK. (2021). Network Connectedness of World's Islamic Equity Markets. Finance Research Letters. 41
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F.
Nguyen, TTH., Naeem, MA., Balli, F., Balli, HO., & Vo, XV. (2021). Time-frequency comovement among green bonds, stocks, commodities, clean energy, and conventional bonds. Finance Research Letters. 40
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F., Ozer Balli, H.
Naeem, MA., Farid, S., Balli, F., & Hussain Shahzad, SJ. (2021). Hedging the downside risk of commodities through cryptocurrencies. Applied Economics Letters. 28(2), 153-160
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F.
Naeem, MA., Farid, S., Faruk, B., & Shahzad, SJH. (2020). Can happiness predict future volatility in stock markets?. Research in International Business and Finance. 54
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F.
Balli, F., Pierucci, E., & Gan, J. (2020). Determinants of risk sharing via exports: Trade openness and specialisation. International Journal of Computational Economics and Econometrics. 10(4), 380-397
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F.
Karimov, J., Balli, F., Balli, HO., & de Bruin, A. (2020). Shari'ah compliance requirements and the cost of equity capital. Pacific Basin Finance Journal. 62
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F., Ozer Balli, H.
Balli, F., Nguyen, TTH., Balli, HO., & Syed, I. (2020). Consumption smoothing and housing capital gains: evidence from Australia, Canada, and New Zealand. Applied Economics. 52(56), 6145-6161
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F., Ozer Balli, H., Syed, I.
Rehman, M., Khan, S., Hayat, Z., & Balli, F. (2020). A small open economy DSGE model with workers' remittances. Journal of Economic Studies. 47(6), 1339-1361
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F.
Balli, F., Balli, HO., Hasan, M., & Gregory-Allen, R. (2020). Economic policy uncertainty spillover effects on sectoral equity returns of New Zealand. Journal of Economics and Finance. 44(4), 670-686
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F., Ozer Balli, H.
Balli, F., Billah, M., Balli, HO., & Gregory-Allen, R. (2020). Economic uncertainties, macroeconomic announcements and sukuk spreads. Applied Economics. 52(35), 3748-3769
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F., Ozer Balli, H.
Naeem, MA., Hasan, M., Arif, M., Balli, F., & Shahzad, SJH. (2020). Time and frequency domain quantile coherence of emerging stock markets with gold and oil prices. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 553
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F.
Balli, F., De Bruin, A., Balli, HO., & Karimov, J. (2020). Corporate net income and payout smoothing under Shari'ah compliance. Pacific Basin Finance Journal. 60
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F., Ozer Balli, H.
Naeem, MA., Balli, F., Shahzad, SJH., & de Bruin, A. (2020). Energy commodity uncertainties and the systematic risk of US industries. Energy Economics. 85
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F.
Faruk, B., & Eleonora, P. (2020). Risk Sharing and Institutional Quality: Evidence from OECD and Emerging Economies. Scottish Journal of Political Economy. 67(1), 53-71
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F.
Balli, F., Ghassan, HB., & Al Jeefri, EH. (2020). Towards Understanding GCC Outbound International Tourism. Journal of Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure and Events. 12(2), 142-151
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F.
Balli, F., Hu, X., & Rana, F. (2020). Bond market integration of emerging economies and bilateral linkages. Accounting and Finance. 60(3), 2039-2062
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F.
Balli, HO., Balli, F., Flint-Hartle, S., & Yang, X. (2019). Towards understanding the volatility of housing prices and exploring the tourism demand impact. Tourism Analysis. 24(4), 453-465
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F., Ozer Balli, H.
Hayat, Z., Ahmed, J., & Balli, F. (2019). What monetary discretion can and cannot do under boom and bust cycles? Evidence from an emerging economy. Journal of Economic Studies. 46(6), 1224-1240
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F.
Balli, F., de Bruin, A., Chowdhury, MIH., & Naeem, MA. (2020). Connectedness of cryptocurrencies and prevailing uncertainties. Applied Economics Letters. 27(16), 1316-1322
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F.
Balli, F., de Bruin, A., & Chowdhury, MIH. (2019). Spillovers and the determinants in Islamic equity markets. North American Journal of Economics and Finance. 50
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F.
Balli, F., Naeem, MA., Shahzad, SJH., & de Bruin, A. (2019). Spillover network of commodity uncertainties. Energy Economics. 81, 914-927
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F.
Balli, F., Pierucci, E., & Fu, F. (2019). Risk sharing role of foreign aid in developing countries. Applied Economics. 51(53), 5753-5766
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F.
Balli, F., Balli, HO., Basher, SA., Karimova, A., & Wang, A. (2019). Determinants of sector of holders international equity holdings. International Review of Economics and Finance. 63, 329-338
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F., Ozer Balli, H.
Balli, F., Uddin, GS., & Shahzad, SJH. (2019). Geopolitical risk and tourism demand in emerging economies. Tourism Economics. 25(6), 997-1005
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F.
Balli, HO., Tsui, WHK., & Balli, F. (2019). Modelling the volatility of international visitor arrivals to New Zealand. Journal of Air Transport Management. 75, 204-214
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F., Ozer Balli, H.
Ozer Balli, H., Balli, F., & Tsui, WHK. (2019). International tourism demand, number of airline seats and trade triangle: Evidence from New Zealand partners. Tourism Economics. 25(1), 132-144
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F., Ozer Balli, H.
Balli, F., Balli, HO., Karimova, A., & Louis, RJ. (2018). Gulf cooperation council outbound tourism: The role of expatriates. Tourism Analysis. 23(3), 433-437
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F., Ozer Balli, H.
Hayat, Z., Balli, F., & Rehman, M. (2018). Does inflation bias stabilize real growth? Evidence from Pakistan. Journal of Policy Modeling. 40(6), 1083-1103
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F.
Ozer-Balli, H., Balli, FARUK., Karimova, A., & Jean-Louis, R. (2018). GCC Outbound Tourism: The Role of Expatriates. Tourism Analysis.
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F.
Balli, F., Curry, J., & Balli, HO. (2015). Inter-regional spillover effects in New Zealand international tourism demand. Tourism Geographies.
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F.
Balli, F., Hajhoj, HR., Basher, SA., & Ghassan, HB. (2014). An analysis of returns and volatility spillovers and their determinants in emerging Asian and Middle Eastern countries. International Review of Economics and Finance.
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F.
Ozer-Balli, H., Balli, F., & Jean Louis, R. (2013). Time-varying spillover effects on sectoral equity returns. International Review of Finance. 13(1), 67-91 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F.
Balli, F., & Mousa Elsamadisy, E. (2012). Modelling the currency in circulation for the State of Qatar. International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management. 5(4), 321-339
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F.
Jean Louis, R., Balli, F., & Osman, M. (2010). On the feasibility of monetary union among Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries: does the symmetry of shocks extend to the non-oil sector?. Journal of Economics and Finance. , 1-16
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F.
Balli, F., Basher, SA., & Balli, HO. (2011). Income insurance and the determinants of income insurance via foreign asset revenues and foreign liability payments. Economic Modelling.
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F.
Balli, F. (2009). Spillover effects on government bond yields in euro zone. Does full financial integration exist in European government bond markets?. Journal of Economics and Finance. 33(4), 331-363
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F.
Balli, F. (2009). Long-term reactions to large stock price declines and increases in the European stock market: A note on market efficiency. Journal of Economic and Finance. 215, 1-2
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F.
Balli, F. (2009). Co-movement of european equity markets after the euro. Journal Applied Financial Economics. 08, 1-1
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F.
Balli, F. (2009). Risk sharing from international factor income: Explaining cross-country differences. Journal of Development Economics. 92, 1-1
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F.
Balli, F., Shahzad, SJH., & Salah Uddin, G. (2018). A tale of two shocks: What do we learn from the impacts of economic policy uncertainties on tourism?. Tourism Management. 68, 470-475
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F.
Balli, F., Pericoli, FM., & Pierucci, E. (2018). Globalization and international risk-sharing: The role of social and political integration. European Journal of Political Economy. 55, 324-345
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F.
Anderson, HD., Balli, F., & Godber, C. (2018). The effect of macroeconomic announcements at a sectoral level in the US and European Union. Research in International Business and Finance. 44, 256-272
[Journal article]Authored by: Anderson, H., Balli, F.
Tsui, WHK., Balli, F., Tan, DTW., Lau, O., & Hasan, M. (2018). New Zealand business tourism: Exploring the impact of economic policy uncertainties. Tourism Economics. 24(4), 386-417
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F., Lau, C.
Balli, F., Uddin, GS., Mudassar, H., & Yoon, SM. (2017). Cross-country determinants of economic policy uncertainty spillovers. Economics Letters. 156, 179-183
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F.
Hayat, Z., Balli, F., & Rehman, M. (2017). The relevance and relative robustness of sources of inflation bias in Pakistan. Economic Modelling. 63, 283-303
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F.
Balli, F., Basher, S., Jean Louis, R., & Mahmud, AS. (2017). On the Global Determinants of Visiting Home. International Journal of Tourism Research. 19(1), 1-12
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F.
Tsui, WHK., & Balli, F. (2017). International arrivals forecasting for Australian airports and the impact of tourism marketing expenditure. Tourism Economics. 23(2), 403-428
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F.
Balli, F., Balli, HO., & Louis, RJ. (2016). The impact of tourism revenues on smoothing the domestic output shocks. Tourism Analysis. 21(5), 439-450
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F., Ozer Balli, H.
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F.
Hayat, Z., Balli, F., Obben, J., & Shakur, S. (2016). An empirical assessment of monetary discretion: The case of Pakistan. Journal of Policy Modeling. 38(5), 954-970
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F., Shakur, S.
Balli, F., Pericoli, FM., & Pierucci, E. (2016). Channels of Risk Sharing at Micro Level: Savings, Investments and Risk Aversion Heterogeneity. International Journal of Finance and Economics. 21(1), 90-104
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F.
Balli, F., Balli, HO., & Jean Louis, R. (2016). The impacts of immigrants and institutions on bilateral tourism flows. Tourism Management. 52, 221-229
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F., Ozer Balli, H.
Wang, A., Balli, F., & Li, X. (2015). Possible Best Currency Basket Selection from the Perspective of Real Effective Exchange Rate. Pacific Economic Review. 20(4), 635-650
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F.
Balli, F., Balli, HO., Jean Louis, R., & Vo, TK. (2015). The transmission of market shocks and bilateral linkages: Evidence from emerging economies. International Review of Financial Analysis. 42, 349-357
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F., Ozer Balli, H.
Balli, F., Hajhoj, HR., Basher, SA., & Ghassan, HB. (2015). An analysis of returns and volatility spillovers and their determinants in emerging Asian and Middle Eastern countries. International Review of Economics and Finance. 39, 311-325
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F.
Balli, F., Curry, J., & Balli, HO. (2015). Inter-regional spillover effects in New Zealand international tourism demand. Tourism Geographies. 17(2), 262-278
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F., Ozer Balli, H.
Balli, F., Balli, HO., & Hong, R. (2016). Spillover effects on the sectoral returns for australian and New Zealand equity markets. Journal of Economics and Finance. 40(3), 568-589
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F., Ozer Balli, H.
Balli, F., & Rana, F. (2015). Determinants of risk sharing through remittances. Journal of Banking and Finance. 55, 107-116
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F.
Balli, F., & Tsui, WHK. (2016). Tourism Demand Spillovers between Australia and New Zealand: Evidence from the Partner Countries. Journal of Travel Research. 55(6), 804-812
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F.
Balli, F., Civan, A., & Uras, O. (2015). The impact of the Hizmet movement on Turkey's bilateral trade. Economic Modelling. 45, 74-82
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F.
Balli, F., & Jean Louis, R. (2015). Modelling the tourism receipt’s volatility. Applied Economics Letters. 22(2), 110-115
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F.
Balli, F., Pericoli, FM., & Pierucci, E. (2014). Foreign portfolio diversification and risk-sharing. Economics Letters. 125(2), 187-190
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F.
Balli, F., Balli, HO., & Tangaroa, N. (2015). Research note: The impact of marketing expenditure on international tourism demand for the Cook Islands. Tourism Economics. 21(6), 1331-1343
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F., Ozer Balli, H.
Balli, F., & Jean Louis, R. (2014). Modelling the tourism receipt’s volatility. Applied Economics Letters.
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F.
Louis, R., & Balli, F. (2014). Oil price and stock market synchronization in gulf cooperation council countries. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade. 50(1), 22-51
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F.
Balli, F., Balli, HO., & Luu, MN. (2014). Diversification across ASEAN-wide sectoral and national equity returns. Economic Modelling. 41, 398-407
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F., Ozer Balli, H.
Balli, F., Basher, SA., & Rana, F. (2014). The determinants of the volatility of returns on cross-border asset holdings. Journal of International Money and Finance. 44, 1-23
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F.
Balli, F., Basher, SA., & Louis, RJ. (2013). Risk sharing in the Middle East and North Africa: The role of remittances and factor incomes Balli, Basher and Louis Risk sharing in the Middle East and North Africa. Economics of Transition. 21(1), 135-155
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F.
Jean Louis, R., & Balli, F. (2013). Low-inflation-targeting monetary policy and differential unemployment rate: Is monetary policy to be blamed for the financial crisis? - Evidence from major OECD countries. Economic Modelling. 30(1), 546-564
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F.
Balli, F., & Balli, HO. (2013). On the empirics of risk-sharing across MENA countries. Applied Economics. 45(23), 3370-3377
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F., Ozer Balli, H.
Balli, F., Basher, SA., & Balli, HO. (2013). International income risk-sharing and the global financial crisis of 2008-2009. Journal of Banking and Finance. 37(7), 2303-2313
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F., Ozer Balli, H.
Balli, F., Basher, SA., & Jean Louis, R. (2013). Sectoral equity returns and portfolio diversification opportunities across the GCC region. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money. 25(1), 33-48
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F.
Balli, F., Balli, HO., & Cebeci, K. (2013). Impacts of exported Turkish soap operas and visa-free entry on inbound tourism to Turkey. Tourism Management. 37, 186-192
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F., Ozer Balli, H.
Balli, HO., Balli, F., & Louis, RJ. (2013). Time-Varying Spillover Effects on Sectoral Equity Returns. International Review of Finance. 13(1), 67-91
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F., Ozer Balli, H.
Balli, F., & Elsamadisy, EM. (2012). Modeling the Currency in Circulation for the State of Qatar. International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management. 5(4), 321-339 Retrieved from,%20E&field1=Contrib
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F.
Balli, F., Kalemli-Ozcan, S., & Sorensen, BE. (2012). Risk Sharing through Capital Gains. Canadian Journal of Economics. 45(2), 472-492 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F.
Jean Louis, R., Balli, F., & Osman, M. (2012). On the feasibility of monetary union among Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries: Does the symmetry of shocks extend to the non-oil sector?. Journal of Economics and Finance. 36(2), 319-334
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F.
Osman, MA., Louis, RJ., & Balli, F. (2012). Estimating the output gap for the UAE: A production function approach. International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance. 5(1), 76-86
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F.
Balli, F., Basher, SA., & Jean Louis, R. (2012). Channels of risk-sharing among Canadian provinces: 1961-2006. Empirical Economics. 43(2), 763-787
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F.
Balli, F., Louis, RJ., & Osman, M. (2011). The patterns of cross-border portfolio investments in the GCC region: Do institutional quality and the number of expatriates play a role?. Journal of Economics and Finance. 35(4), 434-455
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F.
Jean Louis, R., Brown, R., & Balli, F. (2011). On the feasibility of monetary union: Does it make sense to look for shocks symmetry across countries when none of the countries constitutes an optimum currency area?. Economic Modelling. 28(6), 2701-2718
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F.
Balli, F., Balli, HO., & Jean Louis, R. (2011). Decomposing the Income Insurance Channel across OECD and Emerging Markets. International Review of Finance. 11(4), 515-535
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F., Ozer Balli, H.
Balli, F., Basher, SA., & Balli, HO. (2011). Income insurance and the determinants of income insurance via foreign asset revenues and foreign liability payments. Economic Modelling. 28(5), 2296-2306
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F., Ozer Balli, H.
Balli, F., & Balli, HO. (2011). Income and consumption smoothing and welfare gains across Pacific Island Countries: The role of remittances and foreign aid. Economic Modelling. 28(4), 1642-1649
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F., Ozer Balli, H.
Balli, F., Louis, RJ., & Osman, M. (2009). The patterns of cross-border portfolio investments in the GCC region: do institutional quality and the number of expatriates play a role?. Journal of Economics and Finance. , 1-22
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F.
Jean Louis, R., Balli, F., & Osman, M. (2012). On the choice of an anchor for the GCC currency: Does the symmetry of shocks extend to both the oil and the non-oil sectors?. International Economics and Economic Policy. 9(1), 83-110
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F.
Balli, F., & Balli, HO. (2011). Sectoral equity returns in the Euro region: Is there any room for reducing portfolio risk?. Journal of Economics and Business. 63(2), 89-106
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F., Ozer Balli, H.
Louis, RJ., Osman, M., & Balli, F. (2010). Is the us dollar a suitable anchor for the newly proposed gcc currency?. World Economy. 33(12), 1898-1922
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F.
Balli, F., Basher, SA., & Ozer-Balli, H. (2010). From home bias to Euro bias: Disentangling the effects of monetary union on the European financial markets. Journal of Economics and Business. 62(5), 347-366
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F., Ozer Balli, H.
Balli, F., Louis, RJ., & Osman, M. (2010). Income smoothing and foreign asset holdings. Journal of Economics and Finance. 34(1), 23-29
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F.
Osman, MA., Louis, RJ., & Balli, F. (2010). Which output gap measure matters for the Arab Gulf cooperation council countries (AGCC): The overall GDP output gap or the non-oil sector output gap?. International Research Journal of Finance and Economics. 35, 7-28
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F.
Faruk, B., Louis, RJ., & Osman, MA. (2009). International Portfolio Inflows to GCC Markets: Are There Any General Patterns?. Review of Middle East Economics and Finance. 5(2), 45-65
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F.
Balli, F., Louis, RJ., & Osman, M. (2009). International portfolio inflows to GCC markets: Are there any general patterns?. Review of Middle East Economics and Finance. 5(2), 45-65 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F.
Balli, F. (2009). Spillover effects on government bond yields in euro zone. Does full financial integration exist in European government bond markets?. Journal of Economics and Finance. 33(4), 331-363 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F.
Osman, M., Louis, RJ., & Balli, F. (2009). Output gap and inflation nexus: the case of United Arab Emirates. International Journal Economics and Business Research. 1(1), 119-134 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F.


Balli, F., Sorensen, B., & Kalemli-Ozcan, S.(2011). Risk Sharing through Capital Gains.
[Discussion Paper]Authored by: Balli, F.


Balli, F. (2007). Essays on financial integration and risk sharing among EMU members. (Doctoral Thesis, University of Houston, TX)
[Doctoral Thesis]Authored by: Balli, F.


Gill, R., Zorn, TE., Balli, F., Marsh, K., Caughey, T., Child, R., . . . O'Brien, R. (2016). Grow North: Smart innovation district. Massey Univeristy.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Balli, F., Zorn, T.


Balli, F., Ozer-Balli, H., & Louis, Rosmy Jean, . (2014, September). Risk Sharing Across Countries: The Importance of Tourism Activity. Presented at Massey University, School of Economics and Finance Seminar series. Palmerston North, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Balli, F., Ozer Balli, H.
Balli, F., & Ozer Balli, H.(2010). Income smoothing and welfare gains across Pacific Island countries: The role of remittances and financial aid and savings. . University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Balli, F.
[Conference]Authored by: Balli, F.
Ozer-Balli, H., Tsui, WHK., & Balli, F.(2017, February). The volatility of international visitor arrivals to New Zealand.
[Conference]Authored by: Balli, F.
Ozer-Balli, H., Tsui, W., & Balli, F.The volatility of international visitor arrivals to New Zealand. Paper presented at the meeting of Dunedin, New Zealand
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Balli, F., Ozer Balli, H.
Tsui, WHK., Balli, F., & Ozer-Balli, H.(2015). Forecasting Models for Visitor Arrivals to New Zealand. . Singapore
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Balli, F., Ozer Balli, H.
Ozer-Balli, H., & Balli, F.Beyond PhD-How to prepare for jobs and a successful career. . Palmerston North, New Zealand
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Balli, F.
Ozer-Balli, H., & Balli, F.Risk Sharing Across Countries: The Importance of Tourism Activity. . Palmerston North, New Zealand
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Balli, F., Ozer Balli, H.
Ozer-Balli, H., & Balli, F.Beyond PhD-How to prepare for jobs and a successful career. . Palmerston North, New Zealand
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Balli, F.
Balli, F., Balli, HO., & Louis, RJ. (2013). RISK SHARING ACROSS COUNTRIES: THE IMPORTANCE OF TOURISM ACTIVITY The 6th Knowledge Cities World Summit 9-12 September 2013, Istanbul, Turkey (KCWS 2013). PROCEEDINGS OF THE 6TH KNOWLEDGE CITIES WORLD SUMMIT (KCWS 2013). (pp. 766 - 787).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Balli, F., Ozer Balli, H.
Balli, F., Ozer-Balli, H., & Louis, Rosmy Jean, . (2013). Risk sharing across countries: The importance of tourism activity. In T. Yigitcanlar, & M. Bulu (Eds.) Proceedings The 6th Knowledge Cities World Summit (KCWS-2013). (pp. 766 - 780). : The 6th Knowledge cities world summit
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Balli, F., Ozer Balli, H.
Ozer-Balli, H., Balli, F., & Basher, SA.(2013). The Determinants of Bilateral Cross-Border Bond and Equity Flows: A Sectoral Analysis. . Istanbul, Turkey
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Balli, F., Ozer Balli, H.
Ozer-Balli, H., Balli, F., & Louis, RJ.(2013). Risk Sharing Across Countries: The Importance of Tourism Activity. . Istanbul, Turkey
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Balli, F., Ozer Balli, H.
Ozer-Balli, H., Balli, F., & Louis, RJ. (2013, September). Risk Sharing Across Countries: The Importance of Tourism Activity. Presented at The 6th Knowledge Cities World Summit. Istanbul, Turkey.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Balli, F., Ozer Balli, H.
Ozer-Balli, H., Balli, F., & Basher, SA. (2013, September). The Determinants of Bilateral Cross-Border Bond and Equity Flows: A Sectoral Analysis. Presented at Borsa Istanbul Finance and Economics Conference. Istanbul, Turkey.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Balli, F., Ozer Balli, H.
Ozer-Balli, H., Balli, F., & Basher, SA.(2012). Determinants of Sukuk Yield Spreads and Spillover Effects of Oil prices and Global Yield Returns on Sukuk Yield Spreads. . Chicago, USA
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Balli, F., Ozer Balli, H.
Ozer-Balli, H., Balli, F., Basher, SA., & Guo, J.(2012). Determinants of Sector Holders’ Bilateral Portfolio Investments. . Palmerston North, New Zealand
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Balli, F., Ozer Balli, H.
Ozer-Balli, H., Balli, F., & Basher, SA.(2012). International Income Risk-Sharing and the Global Financial Crisis of 2008—2009. . Istanbul, Turkey
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Balli, F., Ozer Balli, H.
Ozer-Balli, H., Balli, F., & Basher, SA.(2012). International Income Risk-Sharing and the Global Financial Crisis of 2008—2009. . Atlanta, USA
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Balli, F., Ozer Balli, H.
Ozer-Balli, H., Balli, F., & Basher, SA. (2012, October). International Income Risk-Sharing and the Global Financial Crisis of 2008—2009. Presented at FMA International Annual meetings. Atlanta, USA.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Balli, F., Ozer Balli, H.
Ozer-Balli, H., Balli, F., & Basher, SA. (2012, June). International Income Risk-Sharing and the Global Financial Crisis of 2008—2009. Presented at FMA European Annual meetings. Istanbul, Turkey.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Balli, F., Ozer Balli, H.
Ozer-Balli, H., Balli, F., Guo, J., & Basher, SA. (2012, July). Determinants of Sector Holders’ Bilateral Portfolio Investments. Presented at 53. NZAE Conference. Palmerston North, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Balli, F., Ozer Balli, H.
Ozer-Balli, H., Balli, F., & Basher, SA. (2012, January). Determinants of Sukuk Yield Spreads and Spillover Effects of Oil prices and Global Yield Returns on Sukuk Yield Spreads. Presented at Pre-MEEA/ASSA meetings. Chicago.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Balli, F., Ozer Balli, H.
Balli, F., Guven, C., Ozer Balli, H., & Gounder, R.(2011). The role of institutions, culture, and wellbeing in explaining bilateral remittance flows: Evidence both cross-country and individual-level analysis. . Denver, CO, United States
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Balli, F., Gounder, R., Ozer Balli, H.
Balli, F., Guven, C., Ozer Balli, H., & Gounder, R. (2011, January). The role of institutions culture and wellbeing in explaining bilateral remittance flows: Evidence both cross-country and individual-level analysis from Turkey. Presented at American Economic Association. Denver, Colorado, United States.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Balli, F., Gounder, R., Ozer Balli, H.
Balli, F., Basher, S., & Louis, R. (2011, January). Risk sharing and welfare gains from risk sharing across GCC members and MENA countries. Who gains more and from what?. Presented at American Economic Association. Denver Colarado, USA.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Balli, F.
Balli, F., Guven, C., Gounder, R., & Ozer Balli, H.(2010). Bilateral remittance flows, institutional quality and individual happiness: Macro and micro level analysis. . Dublin, Ireland
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Balli, F., Gounder, R., Ozer Balli, H.
Balli, F., Guven, C., Gounder, R., & Ozer Balli, H.(2010). Bilateral remittance flows, institutional quality and individual happiness: Macro and micro level analysis. . Wellington, New Zealand
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Balli, F., Gounder, R., Ozer Balli, H.
Balli, F., Kalemli-Ozcan, S., & Sørensen, BE.Risk sharing through capital gains.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Balli, F.
Balli, F., Kalemli Ozcan, S., & Sorensen, B.(2010). Risk sharing through capital gains. . Brussels, Belgium
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Balli, F.
Balli, F., & Ozer Balli, H.(2010). Sectoral equity returns in the Euro region: Is there any room for reducing the portfolio risk?. . University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Balli, F., Ozer Balli, H.
Balli, F., Guven, C., Gounder, R., & Ozer Balli, H. (2010, February). Bilateral remittance flows, institutional quality, and individual happiness: Macro and micro level analysis. Presented at First Annual Research Symposium. Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Balli, F., Gounder, R., Ozer Balli, H.
Balli, F., & Ozer Balli, H. (2010, February). Sectoral equity returns in the Euro region: Is there any room for reducing the portfolio risk?. Presented at 14th New Zealand Finance Colloquium. University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Balli, F., Ozer Balli, H.
Balli, F., Guven, C., Gounder, R., & Ozer Balli, H. (2010, June). Bilateral remittance flows, institutional quality and individual happiness: Macro and micro level analysis. Presented at 8th INFINITI Conference on International Finance. Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Balli, F., Gounder, R., Ozer Balli, H.
Balli, F., & Ozer Balli, H.(2010). Income smoothing and welfare gains across Pacific Island countries: The role of remittances and financial aid and savings. . Auckland, New Zealand
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Balli, F., Ozer Balli, H.
Balli, F., Guven, C., Gounder, R., & Ozer Balli, H.(2009). Patterns of bilateral remittance flows: Does institutional quality and individual happiness play a role?. . San Antonio, Texas, United States of America
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Balli, F., Gounder, R., Ozer Balli, H.
Balli, F., Guven, C., Gounder, R., & Ozer Balli, H. (2009, November). Patterns of bilateral remittance flows: Does institutional quality and individual happiness play a role?. Presented at 79th Southern Economic Association Annual Conference. San Antonio, Texas, United States of America.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Balli, F., Gounder, R., Ozer Balli, H.
Louis, R., Balli, F., & Osman, M. (2008). Monetary union amongst Arab gulf cooperation council (AGCC) countries: Does the symmetry of shocks extend to the non-oil sector?. Proceedings of the 15th Equity and Economic Research Forum Annual Conference.
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Balli, F.
Osman, M., Louis, R., & Balli, F. (2008). Output gap and inflation nexus: The case of United Arab Emirates. Proceedings of the Business and Economics Society International Conference. (pp. 118 - 135).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Balli, F.
Balli, F.(2006). Volatility spillover effects on government bond yield spreads in euro zone. . University of Missouri, Columbia, MO
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Balli, F.
Balli, F. (2006, June). Volatility spillover effects on government bonds yield spreads in euro zone.. Presented at 4th Infiniti Conference on International Finance. Dublin, Ireland.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Balli, F.
Balli, F.(2006). Spillover effects on government bonds yields in euro zone. Does full financial integration exist in European government bond markets. . Dublin, Ireland
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Balli, F.
Balli, F., & Sorensen, BE. (2006, July). The impact of the EMU on the channels of risk sharing between member countries. Presented at 81st Western Association Conference. San Diego, CA, United States of America.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Balli, F.
Balli, F., & Sorensen, BE.(2006). The impact of the EMU on the channels of risk sharing between member countries. . San Diego, CA, United States of America
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Balli, F.
Balli, F., & Sorensen, BE. (2006, May). The impact of the EMU on the channels of risk sharing between member countries. Presented at Proceedings of the First International Conference on Human and Economic Resources. Izmir, Turkey.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Balli, F.
Balli, F., & Sorensen, BE. (2006, November). The impact of the EMU on the channels of risk sharing between member countries. Presented at 76th Southern Economic Association Conference. Charlston, SC, United States of America.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Balli, F.
Balli, F., & Sorensen, BE.(2006). The impact of the EMU on the channels of risk sharing between member countries. . Charlston, SC, United States of America
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Balli, F.
Balli, F. (2006, November). Volatility spillover effects on government bonds yield spreads in euro zone. Presented at 76th Southern Economic Association Conference. Charlston, SC, United States.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Balli, F.
Balli, F.(2006). Spillover effects on government bond yields in euro zone. Does full financial integration exist in European government bond markets?. . Charlston, SC, United States of America
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Balli, F.
Balli, F. (2005, November). Bond yield differentials in the financial integration for european countries. Presented at Southern Economic Association Conference. Washington DC,.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Balli, F.
Balli, F.(2005). Bond yield differentials in the financial integration for European countries. . Washington DC
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Balli, F.


Ozer-Balli, H., & Balli, F. (2014, November). Beyond PhD-How to prepare for jobs and a successful career. In Massey Business School PHD symposium.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Balli, F., Ozer Balli, H.
Ozer-Balli, H., & Balli, F. (2014, September). Beyond PhD- How to prepare for jobs and a successful career. In Massey University, School of Economics and Finance Seminar series.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Balli, F., Ozer Balli, H.
Balli, F., Kalemli-Ozcan, S., & Sorensen, B. (2011). Risk sharing through capital gains. (pp. 1 - 30). In USA: National Bureau of Economic Research(NBER)
[Working Paper]Authored by: Balli, F.

Teaching and Supervision

Summary of Doctoral Supervision

Position Current Completed
Main Supervisor 1 6
Co-supervisor 3 3

Current Doctoral Supervision

Main Supervisor of:

  • Tam Dang - Doctor of Philosophy
    Essays on Corporate Finance

Co-supervisor of:

  • Daming Liang - Doctor of Philosophy
    Essays on greenwashing issue
  • Nobinkhor Kundu - Doctor of Philosophy
    Building Resilience to Boost Crop Productivity, Price Stability, and Trade for Sustainable Global Food Security
  • Ajai Jayathilakan - Doctor of Philosophy
    Research on airline operations and regional air connectivity of India

Completed Doctoral Supervision

Main Supervisor of:

Co-supervisor of:

  • 2021 - Thi Thu Ha Nguyen - Doctor of Philosophy
    Essays on Dynamics of The Housing market
  • 2014 - Zafar Hayat - Doctor of Philosophy
    An empirical assessment of Pakistan's discretionary monetary policy strategy using novel discretion and inflation bias indicators
  • 2014 - Faisal Rana - Doctor of Philosophy
    Essays on International Risk Sharing

Media and Links


  • 17 Nov 2014 - Television
    My paper is featured in Mehtap TV of Turkey
    My paper entitled"The impact of Hizmet(Gulen) Movement on Turkey's Bilateral Trade.(with Oguz Uras and Abdulkadir Civan)" is featured in one TV program in Mehtap TV
  • 17 Dec 2014 - Newspaper
    My paper is featured in Zaman Newspaper of Turkey
    The impact of Hizmet(Gulen) Movement on Turkey's Bilateral Trade.(with Oguz Uras and Abdulkadir Civan) is featured in Zaman Newspaper of Turkey(biggest newspaper in terms of the subscriptions)

Other Links