Regulations for The Bachelor of Agribusiness - BAgribusiness

Official rules and regulations for the Bachelor of Agribusiness. These regulations are for the 2025 intake to this qualification.

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Qualification Regulations

Part I

These regulations are to be read in conjunction with all other Statutes and Regulations of the University including General Regulations for Undergraduate Degrees, Undergraduate Diplomas, Undergraduate Certificates, Graduate Diplomas, and Graduate Certificates.

Part II


1. Admission to the Bachelor of Agribusiness requires that the candidate will meet the University admission requirements as specified.

Qualification requirements

2. Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Agribusiness shall follow a flexible programme of study, which shall consist of courses totalling at least 360 credits, comprising:

(a) not more than 165 credits at 100 level;

(b) at least 75 credits at 300 level;

and including:

(c) the core courses as defined by Schedule A for the Qualification;

(d) completion of one major;

(e) attending field trips, studios, workshops, tutorials and laboratories as required.

3. Candidates who, in the opinion of the Academic Board, have passed with sufficient merit subjects for either a Diploma in Farm or Horticultural Management from a New Zealand university, or relevant subjects from some other recognised tertiary qualification, may be cross-credited with specified or unspecified courses not exceeding a total of 120 credits.


4. Candidates must complete a major by completing the requirements for a major set out in Schedule B for the Qualification.

5. No course may be credited to more than one major subject.

6. Majors available are Farm Management, Horticultural Management, International Agribusiness, and Rural Valuation.

7. Candidates who complete the Rural Valuation major must additionally meet the non-academic requirements specified by the Valuers Registration Board for eligibility to apply for registration.

8. Candidates may include a minor in the Bachelor of Agribusiness.

(a) A minor must include a minimum of 60 credits, including at least 45 credits above 100 level, of which at least 15 credits must be at 300 level.

(b) The requirements for each minor are set out in Schedule B for the Qualification.

(c) The minor must be in a different subject area from the major.

(d) Minors may be included from any undergraduate degree within the University for which recognised minors are specified.

(e) Where the minor is from another undergraduate degree the regulations of that programme for the minor will apply.

(f) No course may be credited to both a major and a minor.

(g) No course may be credited to more than one minor subject.

9. Minors available are: International Agribusiness, Māori Agribusiness and Rural Valuation.

Academic requirements

10. Candidates must complete to the satisfaction of the Academic Board a period of not less than 26 weeks of approved practical work experience and associated reports in accordance with the requirements of 119.150 Practicum I, and 119.250 Practicum II.

Completion requirements

11. Any timeframes for completion as outlined in the General Regulations for Undergraduate Qualifications will apply.

12. Candidates may be graduated when they meet the Qualification and Academic requirements within the prescribed timeframes. Candidates who do not meet the requirements for graduation may, subject to the approval of Academic Board, be awarded the Diploma in Science and Technology should they meet the relevant Qualification requirements.

Unsatisfactory academic progress

13. The general Unsatisfactory Academic Progress regulations will apply.

Transitional provisions

14. Subject to any Maximum Time to Completion regulations and the Abandonment of Studies provisions specified in the Part I regulations for the degree, candidates enrolled in the Bachelor of Agribusiness (Farm Management) who have successfully completed 123103 or 123104 may substitute one of these for 247111.

15. Candidates enrolled in the Bachelor of Agribusiness (Rural Valuation) who have successfully completed 123103 or 123104 may substitute one of these for 247111. Such candidates who have successfully completed 132221 may substitute this for 127378.

16. These transition arrangements expire 31 December 2026.

17. Subject to any Maximum Time to Completion and the Abandonment of Studies provisions specified in the Part I regulations for the degree, candidates enrolled in the Bachelor of Agribusiness (International Agribusiness) prior to 1 January 2024 may substitute 178358 if successfully completed for 178312, until 31 December 2026.

18. Subject to any Maximum Time to Completion and the Abandonment of Studies provisions specified in the Part I regulations for the degree, candidates enrolled in the Bachelor of Agribusiness (Farm Management or Rural Valuation) prior to 1 January 2025 may substitute an elective course that has been successfully passed for 112301, until 31 December 2027.

Schedule for the Bachelor of Agribusiness

Course planning key

Courses that need to be completed before moving onto a course at the next level. For example, a lot of 200-level courses have 100-level prerequisite courses.
Courses that must be completed at the same time as another course are known as corequisite courses.
Some courses are restricted against each other because their content is similar. This means you can only choose one of the offered courses to study and credit to your qualification.
Key terms for course planning
Each qualification has its own specific set of courses. Some universities call these papers. You enrol in courses after you get accepted into Massey.
Course code
Each course is numbered using 6 digits. The fourth number shows the level of the course. For example, in course 219206, the fourth number is a 2, so it is a 200-level course (usually studied in the second year of full-time study).
Each course is worth a number of credits. You combine courses (credits) to meet the total number of credits needed for your qualification.
Some qualifications let you choose what subject you'd like to specialise in. Your major or endorsement is what you will take the majority of your courses in.

Schedule A: Core courses (Choose 135 credits from)

Choose 135 credits from
Course code: 112248 Food and Agribusiness Value Chains 15 credits

The study of the flow of food and agricultural products from the farm to the final consumer. Emphasis on successful value chain management applied to food and agribusiness. The course utilizes field trips to study local value chains.

Prerequisites: 119180

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Course code: 112301 International Food and Agribusiness Strategies 15 credits

Application of a broad range of business concepts - economic, financial and marketing - to international agri-food business and marketing. Emphasis is placed on international consumers and agri-food exports, including external environment, terms of trade, transportation, packaging, documentation, methods of payment, risk management and negotiation.

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Course code: 115112 Accounting for Business 15 credits

An introduction to how accounting information is used for planning, monitoring and evaluating organisational performance.

Restrictions: 115102

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Course code: 115113 Economics for Business 15 credits

The course examines the nature of the contemporary economic environment in which businesses operate, and considers how economics can aid in business decision-making.

Restrictions: 115106

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Course code: 115114 Finance Fundamentals 15 credits

This course introduces analytical techniques for evaluating personal and business investment and financing decisions, including coverage of the context and environment in which these decisions are made.

Restrictions: 115105

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Course code: 115211 Business Law 15 credits

The course will encompass an introduction to the key elements of the law within which business operates in New Zealand from a practical perspective.

Prerequisites: 90 credits at 100-level Restrictions: 115103, 155110

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Course code: 119120 Plants for Agriculture and Horticulture 15 credits

An introduction to the agricultural and horticultural species important to New Zealand's economy. Growth and development of agricultural and horticultural plants; their responses to the environment and management, and implications for production. Identification and biology of agricultural and horticultural plants, including weeds, pests and pathogens important to plant production.

Restrictions: 283101, 284101

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Course code: 119150 Practicum I 0 credits

Industry experience for at least ten consecutive weeks in a public or private business related to the land-based industries. A descriptive report demonstrating satisfactory observational, analytical and reporting skills is required.

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Course code: 119180 Introduction to Agribusiness 15 credits

An introduction to the organisation, structure and governance of New Zealand agribusiness in a global context. Examines the international and domestic macro environment and its impact on New Zealand agribusiness. Explores New Zealand farm systems within an agribusiness context.

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Course code: 119250 Practicum II 0 credits

Industry experience for at least ten consecutive weeks in a public or private business related to the land-based industries. A detailed, investigative report identifying and analysing opportunities, problems, policies and technical and research issues is required.

Prerequisites: 119150

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Course code: 119373 Integrative Studies 15 credits

An integrative course designed to emphasise the importance of the broad knowledge base gained in the degree and the value of multidisciplinary teams in addressing the issues and problems of importance to the industries served by the degree. Emphasis will be placed on the application of knowledge to problem-solving, group learning and problem-solving strategies and communication in the context of applied science. Real-world problems will be used.

Prerequisites: 119250

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Schedule B: Specialisations


Farm Management (165 credits)

Compulsory courses

Choose 120 credits from
Course code: 117153 Introduction to Animal Production in New Zealand 15 credits

An introduction to animals and animal science in New Zealand, covering a broad range of animal species and incorporating the principles of nutrition, reproduction, lactation, genetics and growth. A brief overview of New Zealand’s livestock production systems and consideration of animal ethics, welfare and biosecurity issues.

Restrictions: 117152 and 117155 and 199101

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Course code: 119281 Decision Tools for Primary Industries 15 credits

Application of decision tools for farm systems analysis at the tactical level. Analytical frameworks to assist decision-making in finance, human resources, production and marketing.

Prerequisites: 119180 or 117155

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Course code: 119358 Farm Production Systems 15 credits

An interdisciplinary study of farm systems. Case studies are used to integrate students’ knowledge of the whole farm system, to identify strategic choices and evaluate these choices relative to the current farm system.

Prerequisites: 119381

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Course code: 119381 Decision-Making in Primary Industry 15 credits

A practical approach to the management of strategy, finance and tactics in primary industry. An exploration, through in-field case studies and business analysis, of planning under uncertainty.

Prerequisites: 119281

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Course code: 119382 Opportunity Analysis in Primary Industry 15 credits

An in-depth study of opportunities for agricultural/horticultural investments. An exploration, through in-field case studies, of alternative pathways to ownership, on-farm investment analysis and farm borrowing and lending. Relevant legislation affecting agricultural and horticultural businesses.

Prerequisites: 119381

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Course code: 161140 Agri-Statistics 15 credits

An introduction to statistics in an agricultural context, including the presentation, analysis and interpretation of quantitative data.

Restrictions: 161100, 161101, 161111, 161120, 161122, 161130, 115101, 195101, 297101

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Course code: 189151 Principles of Soil Science 15 credits

An integrated introductory course in soil science. An exploration of the interaction between soil and the environment, soil formation and morphology, soil physical, chemical, and biological properties and their influence on soil management, nutrient cycling, and soil-plant interactions.

Prerequisites: 247111 or 247113

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Course code: 247111 Science and Sustainability for Agriculture and Horticulture 15 credits

The pursuit of environmental sustainability is a complex societal issue. This is a problem-based course, where students will develop their critical thinking, communication and information literacy and management skills as they evaluate interdisciplinary approaches to the contemporary sustainability challenge of climate action. Students will explore the intersection of science and community through exemplars of partnership between research and Te Ao Māori (the Māori world) in the context of primary production in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Restrictions: 247177, 141111, 141112, 228111, 228112, 247155, 119155, 246102, 247112, 247113, 247114

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Choose 15 credits from
Course code: 119231 Agricultural and Horticultural Infrastructure 15 credits

Overview of agricultural and horticultural properties detailing the structures, electricity supply, water systems, site layout and wastewater management.

Restrictions: 138382, 218274, 138331

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Course code: 138255 Applied Engineering in Agriculture and Horticulture Systems 15 credits

Engineering principles underpinning the systems used in the growing, harvest and post-harvest treatment of agricultural and horticultural products. Emphasis is placed on deriving the system performance specification following consideration of capacity, product quality and safety, and ecological requirements.

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Course code: 152261 International Business 15 credits

A study of business and management from an international perspective. This course provides an introduction to the conduct of business in the global environment by exploring different forms of international business activity in the context of regionalism and globalism.

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Course code: 189251 Soil Fertility Management 15 credits

This course examines the influence of soil factors on plant nutrient cycling in agricultural production systems. The composition, properties and uses of fertilisers to improve soil fertility and the associated environmental issues arising from soil water relationships and interactions with plant nutrients. Methods for measuring nutrient levels in soils will also be covered.

Prerequisites: 189151

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Course code: 235312 Case Studies in Māori Agribusiness 15 credits

This course explores Māori agribusiness through a series of case studies in the field with an emphasis on the temporal understanding of Māori agribusiness. Each case study has an emphasis on analysis and decision making and is applied to a range of Māori agribusinesses.

Prerequisites: 119180

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Choose 15 credits from
Course code: 117201 Livestock Production Science 15 credits

Developing understanding of the important drivers underpinning New Zealand’s livestock and companion animal industries and how these can be altered to achieve the desired outcomes. Knowledge will be gained on the major animal welfare and environmental issues facing New Zealand agriculture and how these might be mitigated against.

Prerequisites: One of 117152, 117153, 117155, 194101, 199101, or 199103

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Course code: 285201 Understanding Plant Protection 15 credits

The importance of diseases, pests and weeds to horticultural, agricultural and forestry production, trade, gardening and conservation is outlined. The course introduces the biology of these organisms and gives an understanding of their management and control. An introduction to strategies available for chemical, non-chemical and integrated control methods is included together with examples. A course of practical work.

Prerequisites: 119120 or 120101 or 283101 or 284101 Restrictions: 171284

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Choose 15 credits from
Course code: 283201 Pasture and Crop Agronomy 15 credits

The husbandry of agricultural plants and the management of plant communities at the farm level. Topics include balancing pasture growth and animal demand, pasture assessment, pasture establishment, cash crops, growth and utilisation of forage crops and control of weeds and pests.

Prerequisites: 283101 or 120101 or 119120 Restrictions: 171202

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Course code: 284201 Horticultural Production Systems 15 credits

An interdisciplinary study of the major vegetable and fruit production systems in NZ, and overseas. Different systems and subsystems will be analysed, using indicators including productivity, quality, profitability and sustainability.

Prerequisites: 119281 Restrictions: 119258

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Horticultural Management (180 credits)

Compulsory courses

Choose 135 credits from
Course code: 119281 Decision Tools for Primary Industries 15 credits

Application of decision tools for farm systems analysis at the tactical level. Analytical frameworks to assist decision-making in finance, human resources, production and marketing.

Prerequisites: 119180 or 117155

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Course code: 119381 Decision-Making in Primary Industry 15 credits

A practical approach to the management of strategy, finance and tactics in primary industry. An exploration, through in-field case studies and business analysis, of planning under uncertainty.

Prerequisites: 119281

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Course code: 161140 Agri-Statistics 15 credits

An introduction to statistics in an agricultural context, including the presentation, analysis and interpretation of quantitative data.

Restrictions: 161100, 161101, 161111, 161120, 161122, 161130, 115101, 195101, 297101

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Course code: 189151 Principles of Soil Science 15 credits

An integrated introductory course in soil science. An exploration of the interaction between soil and the environment, soil formation and morphology, soil physical, chemical, and biological properties and their influence on soil management, nutrient cycling, and soil-plant interactions.

Prerequisites: 247111 or 247113

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Course code: 247111 Science and Sustainability for Agriculture and Horticulture 15 credits

The pursuit of environmental sustainability is a complex societal issue. This is a problem-based course, where students will develop their critical thinking, communication and information literacy and management skills as they evaluate interdisciplinary approaches to the contemporary sustainability challenge of climate action. Students will explore the intersection of science and community through exemplars of partnership between research and Te Ao Māori (the Māori world) in the context of primary production in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Restrictions: 247177, 141111, 141112, 228111, 228112, 247155, 119155, 246102, 247112, 247113, 247114

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Course code: 284201 Horticultural Production Systems 15 credits

An interdisciplinary study of the major vegetable and fruit production systems in NZ, and overseas. Different systems and subsystems will be analysed, using indicators including productivity, quality, profitability and sustainability.

Prerequisites: 119281 Restrictions: 119258

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Course code: 284301 Horticultural Crop Development & Yield 15 credits

Physiological and applied aspects of monitoring, predicting and manipulating crop growth and development in production horticulture in order to optimize yield, quality and timeliness. Prediction of crop growth and development in response to changes in the environment and the associated decisions made by growers.

Prerequisites: 284201

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Course code: 284342 Horticultural Productivity and Quality 15 credits

The role of crop architecture and the modification of the aerial environment for optimising yield and pre-harvest product quality, as well as the factors affecting quality and shelf life of horticultural commodities through the handling chain.

Prerequisites: 120217 or 284201

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Course code: 285201 Understanding Plant Protection 15 credits

The importance of diseases, pests and weeds to horticultural, agricultural and forestry production, trade, gardening and conservation is outlined. The course introduces the biology of these organisms and gives an understanding of their management and control. An introduction to strategies available for chemical, non-chemical and integrated control methods is included together with examples. A course of practical work.

Prerequisites: 119120 or 120101 or 283101 or 284101 Restrictions: 171284

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Compulsory Course Selection

Choose 45 credits from
Course code: 119231 Agricultural and Horticultural Infrastructure 15 credits

Overview of agricultural and horticultural properties detailing the structures, electricity supply, water systems, site layout and wastewater management.

Restrictions: 138382, 218274, 138331

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Course code: 119270 Policy, Regulation and Government in Primary Industry 15 credits

Legal responsibilities and compliance associated with primary production; obligations under Te Tiriti o Waitangi and examples of legislation including resource management, hazardous substances and new organisms, animal welfare, health and safety, food safety, biosecurity and employment. Central and local government, and industry systems. Implications for owners, managers and employees in the rural sector.

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Course code: 120219 Plants and People 15 credits

Plants as sources of food and beverage, medicine, fibres and dyes, with emphasis on their origin, domestication and the role of plant breeding to improve plants for human use. The physiological effects of active plant compounds on the body. The cultural and geographic origins of commercially important plants.

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Course code: 138255 Applied Engineering in Agriculture and Horticulture Systems 15 credits

Engineering principles underpinning the systems used in the growing, harvest and post-harvest treatment of agricultural and horticultural products. Emphasis is placed on deriving the system performance specification following consideration of capacity, product quality and safety, and ecological requirements.

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Course code: 152261 International Business 15 credits

A study of business and management from an international perspective. This course provides an introduction to the conduct of business in the global environment by exploring different forms of international business activity in the context of regionalism and globalism.

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Course code: 189251 Soil Fertility Management 15 credits

This course examines the influence of soil factors on plant nutrient cycling in agricultural production systems. The composition, properties and uses of fertilisers to improve soil fertility and the associated environmental issues arising from soil water relationships and interactions with plant nutrients. Methods for measuring nutrient levels in soils will also be covered.

Prerequisites: 189151

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International Agribusiness (165 credits)

Compulsory courses

Choose 105 credits from
Course code: 112302 Food and Agribusiness Strategies 15 credits

Extensive use of food industry and agribusiness case studies. Emphasis is placed on strategic analysis and decision making applied to New Zealand and international agribusiness

Prerequisites: 112248

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Course code: 115116 Introduction to Marketing 15 credits

The course provides an understanding of the core concepts and practices of marketing.

Restrictions: 115104

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Course code: 117153 Introduction to Animal Production in New Zealand 15 credits

An introduction to animals and animal science in New Zealand, covering a broad range of animal species and incorporating the principles of nutrition, reproduction, lactation, genetics and growth. A brief overview of New Zealand’s livestock production systems and consideration of animal ethics, welfare and biosecurity issues.

Restrictions: 117152 and 117155 and 199101

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Course code: 152261 International Business 15 credits

A study of business and management from an international perspective. This course provides an introduction to the conduct of business in the global environment by exploring different forms of international business activity in the context of regionalism and globalism.

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Course code: 156231 Strategic Marketing Management 15 credits

A study of the decisions required to allocate and manage marketing resources in a competitive business environment.

Prerequisites: 115116 or 156200

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Course code: 161140 Agri-Statistics 15 credits

An introduction to statistics in an agricultural context, including the presentation, analysis and interpretation of quantitative data.

Restrictions: 161100, 161101, 161111, 161120, 161122, 161130, 115101, 195101, 297101

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Course code: 178312 Globalisation and Trade 15 credits

An examination of selected economic concepts to the operation of global trade, agribusiness and financial markets.

Prerequisites: 115113 or 119180 Restrictions: 178352 and 178358

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Compulsory course selection

Choose 45 credits from
Course code: 125230 Business Finance 15 credits

The course provides students with a fundamental knowledge of financial theory and practice. In addition to valuation and capital budgeting, students will study working capital management, capital structure, the cost of capital, dividend policy and ethics in finance.

Prerequisites: 115114

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Course code: 152233 Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship and Innovation 15 credits

This introductory course develops understanding of the key concepts in entrepreneurship and innovation.

Restrictions: 152230

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Course code: 152355 Sustainability Issues, Challenges and Responses 15 credits

An examination of sustainability issues and challenges, how they relate to the business community, and the implications of sustainability for business policy and management.

Prerequisites: Any 200 level course from the 152 course prefix series Restrictions: 152392

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Course code: 156232 Consumer Behaviour 15 credits

A study of the theory and practice of changing consumer behaviour through marketing programmes. The course critically evaluates traditional cognitive models of consumer behaviour and alternative behaviourist approaches.

Prerequisites: 115116 or 156200

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Course code: 178360 Sustainability, Environmental and Climate Change Economics 15 credits

A survey of environmental and climate change issues and the application of economic analysis to these issues and policies to achieve sustainable outcomes.

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Course code: 235312 Case Studies in Māori Agribusiness 15 credits

This course explores Māori agribusiness through a series of case studies in the field with an emphasis on the temporal understanding of Māori agribusiness. Each case study has an emphasis on analysis and decision making and is applied to a range of Māori agribusinesses.

Prerequisites: 119180

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15 credits from

Course code: 119281 Decision Tools for Primary Industries 15 credits

Application of decision tools for farm systems analysis at the tactical level. Analytical frameworks to assist decision-making in finance, human resources, production and marketing.

Prerequisites: 119180 or 117155

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Course code: 138255 Applied Engineering in Agriculture and Horticulture Systems 15 credits

Engineering principles underpinning the systems used in the growing, harvest and post-harvest treatment of agricultural and horticultural products. Emphasis is placed on deriving the system performance specification following consideration of capacity, product quality and safety, and ecological requirements.

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Rural Valuation (165 credits)

Compulsory courses

Choose 165 credits from
Course code: 119281 Decision Tools for Primary Industries 15 credits

Application of decision tools for farm systems analysis at the tactical level. Analytical frameworks to assist decision-making in finance, human resources, production and marketing.

Prerequisites: 119180 or 117155

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Course code: 119381 Decision-Making in Primary Industry 15 credits

A practical approach to the management of strategy, finance and tactics in primary industry. An exploration, through in-field case studies and business analysis, of planning under uncertainty.

Prerequisites: 119281

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Course code: 119382 Opportunity Analysis in Primary Industry 15 credits

An in-depth study of opportunities for agricultural/horticultural investments. An exploration, through in-field case studies, of alternative pathways to ownership, on-farm investment analysis and farm borrowing and lending. Relevant legislation affecting agricultural and horticultural businesses.

Prerequisites: 119381

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Course code: 127100 Introduction to Property and Real Estate 15 credits

An introduction to the concepts and principles underlying the property market/industry in New Zealand. This course provides an overview of the regulatory, economics and evaluation framework for users and investors in property and real estate.

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Course code: 127242 Introduction to Property Valuation 15 credits

An introduction to the principles and methods of property valuation.

Restrictions: 127255

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Course code: 127356 Rural Valuation 15 credits

Application of the principles, methods and processes of valuation to rural and agribusiness properties.

Prerequisites: 189151, and either 127242 or 127255

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Course code: 127378 Property Economics and Planning 15 credits

A study of location theory, planning and the economic dynamics involved in the development of cities, using analysis of property space and asset class.

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Course code: 155201 Law of Property 15 credits

The law relating to the transfer and ownership of and other dealings in real property.

Prerequisites: 115211 or 115103 or 155202 Restrictions: 155216, 155700

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Course code: 189151 Principles of Soil Science 15 credits

An integrated introductory course in soil science. An exploration of the interaction between soil and the environment, soil formation and morphology, soil physical, chemical, and biological properties and their influence on soil management, nutrient cycling, and soil-plant interactions.

Prerequisites: 247111 or 247113

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Course code: 218102 Construction Technology and Services I 15 credits

This course will enable students to understand how components of residential buildings are assembled to create habitable and usable spaces. Students will explore the characteristics of various construction materials used in interior finishing. Students are introduced to the principles and applications of services and facilities for comfort and energy performance of residential buildings.

Restrictions: 218172

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Course code: 247111 Science and Sustainability for Agriculture and Horticulture 15 credits

The pursuit of environmental sustainability is a complex societal issue. This is a problem-based course, where students will develop their critical thinking, communication and information literacy and management skills as they evaluate interdisciplinary approaches to the contemporary sustainability challenge of climate action. Students will explore the intersection of science and community through exemplars of partnership between research and Te Ao Māori (the Māori world) in the context of primary production in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Restrictions: 247177, 141111, 141112, 228111, 228112, 247155, 119155, 246102, 247112, 247113, 247114

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International Agribusiness (60 credits)

Compulsory courses

Choose 45 credits from
Course code: 112301 International Food and Agribusiness Strategies 15 credits

Application of a broad range of business concepts - economic, financial and marketing - to international agri-food business and marketing. Emphasis is placed on international consumers and agri-food exports, including external environment, terms of trade, transportation, packaging, documentation, methods of payment, risk management and negotiation.

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Course code: 112302 Food and Agribusiness Strategies 15 credits

Extensive use of food industry and agribusiness case studies. Emphasis is placed on strategic analysis and decision making applied to New Zealand and international agribusiness

Prerequisites: 112248

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Choose 15 credits from
Course code: 125230 Business Finance 15 credits

The course provides students with a fundamental knowledge of financial theory and practice. In addition to valuation and capital budgeting, students will study working capital management, capital structure, the cost of capital, dividend policy and ethics in finance.

Prerequisites: 115114

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Course code: 152233 Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship and Innovation 15 credits

This introductory course develops understanding of the key concepts in entrepreneurship and innovation.

Restrictions: 152230

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Course code: 156232 Consumer Behaviour 15 credits

A study of the theory and practice of changing consumer behaviour through marketing programmes. The course critically evaluates traditional cognitive models of consumer behaviour and alternative behaviourist approaches.

Prerequisites: 115116 or 156200

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Course code: 178360 Sustainability, Environmental and Climate Change Economics 15 credits

A survey of environmental and climate change issues and the application of economic analysis to these issues and policies to achieve sustainable outcomes.

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Māori Agribusiness (60 credits)

No new enrolments

This qualification is not accepting new enrolments.

Compulsory courses

Choose 60 credits from
Course code: 150201 Te Kawenata o Waitangi: The Treaty of Waitangi in New Zealand Society 15 credits

A study of the Treaty of Waitangi background, texts, principles, and application to contemporary New Zealand. There is a particular focus on land, legislation, court decisions, social policies, the environment, constitutional matters, claims to the Waitangi Tribunal and Treaty settlements. Differing perspectives of hapū/iwi/Māori and the Crown, as well as opportunities for resolution, are explored.

Restrictions: 269274

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Course code: 235211 Māori Agribusiness Systems 15 credits

An introduction to Māori agribusiness systems including the values, science and business processes aligned to these. Particular emphasis will be placed on the concepts of land and resource utility, kaitiakitanga and the relationship of these kaupapa Māori based systems to the present day. These systems will be discussed in context with Te Tiriti o Waitangi and present day legislation.

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Course code: 235311 Māori Policy and Agribusiness 15 credits

This course examines the key issues and practice of Māori agribusiness policy. The roles and responsibilities of policy agencies in relation to Māori policy, research and development, implementation and monitoring relative to agribusiness are considered. Alternative policy approaches to achieving Māori driven outcomes are examined and presented. These processes will be discussed in context with Te Tiriti o Waitangi and natural resource management.

Prerequisites: 150201

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Course code: 235312 Case Studies in Māori Agribusiness 15 credits

This course explores Māori agribusiness through a series of case studies in the field with an emphasis on the temporal understanding of Māori agribusiness. Each case study has an emphasis on analysis and decision making and is applied to a range of Māori agribusinesses.

Prerequisites: 119180

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Rural Valuation (60 credits)

Compulsory courses

Choose 45 credits from
Course code: 127356 Rural Valuation 15 credits

Application of the principles, methods and processes of valuation to rural and agribusiness properties.

Prerequisites: 189151, and either 127242 or 127255

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Course code: 155201 Law of Property 15 credits

The law relating to the transfer and ownership of and other dealings in real property.

Prerequisites: 115211 or 115103 or 155202 Restrictions: 155216, 155700

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Course code: 218102 Construction Technology and Services I 15 credits

This course will enable students to understand how components of residential buildings are assembled to create habitable and usable spaces. Students will explore the characteristics of various construction materials used in interior finishing. Students are introduced to the principles and applications of services and facilities for comfort and energy performance of residential buildings.

Restrictions: 218172

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Choose 15 credits from
Course code: 127378 Property Economics and Planning 15 credits

A study of location theory, planning and the economic dynamics involved in the development of cities, using analysis of property space and asset class.

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Course code: 132221 Planning Studies 15 credits

An introduction for non-planners to planning and practice in the New Zealand urban, rural and natural resource environment, including an introduction to the principles of the Resource Management Act 1991 and its administration.

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