Sheridan, N., Hoare, K., Carryer, J., Mills, J., Hewitt, S., Love, T., . . . Stokes, T. (2024). Nurses’ work in relation to patient health outcomes: an observational study comparing models of primary care.
International Journal for Equity in Health. 23(1)
[Journal article]Authored by: Carryer, J., Sheridan, N.Read article at Massey Research Online:

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Sheridan, N., Jansen, RMK., Harwood, M., Love, T., & Kenealy, T. (2024). Hauora Māori – Māori health: a right to equal outcomes in primary care.
International Journal for Equity in Health. 23(1)
[Journal article]Authored by: Sheridan, N.Read article at Massey Research Online:

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Hewitt, SL., Mills, JE., Hoare, KJ., & Sheridan, NF. (2024). The process of nurses' role negotiation in general practice: A grounded theory study.
Journal of Advanced Nursing. 80(5), 1914-1926
[Journal article]Authored by: Sheridan, N.Read article at Massey Research Online:

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Sheridan, N., Love, T., Kenealy, T., Aguirre-Duarte, N., Arroll, B., Atmore, C., . . . Peck, C. (2023). Is there equity of patient health outcomes across models of general practice in Aotearoa New Zealand? A national cross-sectional study.
International Journal for Equity in Health. 22(1)
[Journal article]Authored by: Carryer, J., Sheridan, N.Read article at Massey Research Online:

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Stuart, J., Sheridan, N., Cloutier, P., Reid, S., Tse, S., Spettigue, W., . . . Gray, C. (2023). Pediatric emergency department physicians’ perceptions of virtual mental health assessments for urgent needs.
Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine. 25(3), 193-199
[Journal article]Authored by: Sheridan, N.Read Online:

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Sudarsan, I., Hoare, K., Sheridan, N., & Roberts, J. (2023). Navigating asthma—the immigrant child in a tug-of-war: A constructivist grounded theory.
Journal of Clinical Nursing. 32(13-14), 4009-4023
[Journal article]Authored by: Sheridan, N.Read article at Massey Research Online:

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Hewitt, S., Mills, J., Hoare, K., & Sheridan, N. (2022). Grounded Theory Method and Symbolic Interactionism: Freedom of Conceptualization and the Importance of Context in Research.
Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung. 23(3)
[Journal article]Authored by: Sheridan, N.Read article at Massey Research Online:

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Sudarsan, I., Hoare, K., Sheridan, N., & Roberts, J. (2022). Giving voice to children in research: The power of child-centered constructivist grounded theory methodology.
Research in Nursing and Health. 45(4), 488-497
[Journal article]Authored by: Sheridan, N.Read article at Massey Research Online:

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Sudarsan, I., Hoare, K., Sheridan, N., & Roberts, J. (2022). Positioning the researcher for studying Indian immigrant children's asthma in New Zealand: a reflective account.
Qualitative Research Journal. 22(3), 378-390
[Journal article]Authored by: Sheridan, N.Read Online:

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Sudarsan, I., Hoare, K., Sheridan, N., & Roberts, J. (2022). South Asian immigrants’ and their family carers’ beliefs, practices and experiences of childhood long-term conditions: An integrative review.
Journal of Advanced Nursing. 78(7), 1897-1908
[Journal article]Authored by: Sheridan, N.Read article at Massey Research Online:

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Philbrick, G., Sheridan, NF., & McCauley, K. (2022). An exploration of New Zealand mental health nurses’ personal physical activities.
International Journal of Mental Health Nursing. 31(3), 625-638
[Journal article]Authored by: Sheridan, N.Read article at Massey Research Online:

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Haskell, L., Tavender, EJ., O'Brien, S., Wilson, CL., Borland, ML., Cotterell, E., . . . Dalziel, SR. (2022). Can targeted interventions change the factors influencing variation in management of infants with bronchiolitis? A survey of Australian and New Zealand clinicians: A paediatric research in emergency departments international collaborative (PREDICT) study.
Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health. 58(2), 302-311
[Journal article]Authored by: Sheridan, N.Read Online:

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Hoare, K., McKee, T., Broome, L., Vaughan-Jones, R., Jansen, R., & Sheridan, N. (2021). An audit of nurses using standing order directives to administer medications to children at risk of contracting rheumatic fever.
New Zealand Medical Journal. 134(1547), 63-70
[Journal article]Authored by: Sheridan, N.Read Abstract:

Haskell, L., Tavender, EJ., O’Brien, S., Wilson, CL., Babl, FE., Borland, ML., . . . Dalziel, SR. (2021). Process evaluation of a cluster randomised controlled trial to improve bronchiolitis management – a PREDICT mixed-methods study.
BMC Health Services Research. 21(1)
[Journal article]Authored by: Sheridan, N.Read article at Massey Research Online:

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Haskell, L., Tavender, EJ., Wilson, CL., O’Brien, S., Babl, FE., Borland, ML., . . . Dalziel, SR. (2021). Development of targeted, theory-informed interventions to improve bronchiolitis management.
BMC Health Services Research. 21(1)
[Journal article]Authored by: Sheridan, N.Read article at Massey Research Online:

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Haskell, L., Tavender, EJ., Wilson, CL., O'Brien, S., Babl, FE., Borland, ML., . . . Dalziel, SR. (2021). Effectiveness of Targeted Interventions on Treatment of Infants with Bronchiolitis: A Randomized Clinical Trial.
JAMA Pediatrics. 175(8), 797-806
[Journal article]Authored by: Sheridan, N.Read article at Massey Research Online:

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Kidd, J., Cassim, S., Rolleston, A., Keenan, R., Lawrenson, R., Sheridan, N., . . . Hokowhitu, B. (2021). Hā Ora: Reflecting on a Kaupapa Māori Community-Engaged Co-design Approach to Lung Cancer Research.
International Journal of Indigenous Health. 16(2), 192-207 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Cassim, G., Sheridan, N.Read article at Massey Research Online:

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Hewitt, SL., Sheridan, NF., Hoare, K., & Mills, JE. (2021). Understanding the general practice nursing workforce in New Zealand: An overview of characteristics 2015-19.
Australian Journal of Primary Health. 27(1), 22-29
[Journal article]Authored by: Sheridan, N.Read article at Massey Research Online:

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Tan, E., Braithwaite, I., McKinlay, C., Riley, J., Hoare, K., Okesene-Gafa, K., . . . Dalziel, SR. (2020). Randomised controlled trial of paracetamol or ibuprofen, as required for fever and pain in the first year of life, for prevention of asthma at age 6 years: Paracetamol or ibuprofen in the primary prevention of asthma in Tamariki (PIPPA Tamariki) protocol.
BMJ Open. 10(12)
[Journal article]Authored by: Sheridan, N.Read Online:

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Wilson, RL., Carryer, J., Dewing, J., Rosado, S., Gildberg, F., Hutton, A., . . . Sheridan, N. (2020). The state of the nursing profession in the International Year of the Nurse and Midwife 2020 during COVID-19: A Nursing Standpoint.
Nursing Philosophy. 21(3)
[Journal article]Authored by: Carryer, J., Sheridan, N.Read Online:

Haskell, L., Tavender, EJ., Wilson, C., Babl, FE., Oakley, E., Sheridan, N., . . . Dalziel, SR. (2020). Understanding factors that contribute to variations in bronchiolitis management in acute care settings: A qualitative study in Australia and New Zealand using the Theoretical Domains Framework.
BMC Pediatrics. 20(1)
[Journal article]Authored by: Sheridan, N.Read article at Massey Research Online:

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Chatindiara, I., Sheridan, N., Kruger, M., & Wham, C. (2020). Eating less the logical thing to do? Vulnerability to malnutrition with advancing age: A qualitative study.
Appetite. 146
[Journal article]Authored by: Kruger, M., Sheridan, N.Read Online:

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Kuluski, K., Peckham, A., Gill, A., Gagnon, D., Wong-Cornall, CW., McKillop, A., . . . Sheridan, N. (2019). What is Important to Older People with Multimorbidity and Their Caregivers? Identifying Attributes of Person Centered Care from the User Perspective.
International Journal of Integrated Care. 19(3)
[Journal article]Authored by: Sheridan, N.Read Online:

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Moloney, W., Boxall, P., Parsons, M., & Sheridan, N. (2018). Which factors influence New Zealand registered nurses to leave their profession?.
New Zealand Journal of Employment Relations. 43(1), 1-13 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Sheridan, N.Read Abstract:

Shaw, J., Gray, CS., Baker, GR., Denis, JL., Breton, M., Gutberg, J., . . . Wodchis, W. (2018). Mechanisms, contexts and points of contention: Operationalizing realist-informed research for complex health interventions.
BMC Medical Research Methodology. 18(1)
[Journal article]Authored by: Sheridan, N.Read Online:

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Kuluski, K., Peckham, A., Gill, A., Arneja, J., Morton-Chang, F., Parsons, J., . . . Sheridan, N. (2018). "You've got to look after yourself, to be able to look after them" a qualitative study of the unmet needs of caregivers of community based primary health care patients.
BMC Geriatrics. 18(1)
[Journal article]Authored by: Sheridan, N.Read article at Massey Research Online:

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Sheridan, NF., Kenealy, TW., Fitzgerald, AC., Kuluski, K., Dunham, A., McKillop, AM., . . . Gill, A. (2019). How does it feel to be a problem? Patients’ experiences of self-management support in New Zealand and Canada.
Health Expectations. 22(1), 34-45
[Journal article]Authored by: Sheridan, N.Read article at Massey Research Online:

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Shaw, J., McKillop, A., Sheridan, N., Gray, CS., Carswell, P., Wodchis, WP., . . . Kenealy, T. (2018). Correction: Advancing Implementation Science for Quality and Safety in Primary Health Care: The Integrated Care for Older Adults with Complex Health Needs Study (iCOACH)(BMJ Quality and Safety (2017) DOI: 10.1136/bmjqs-2017-006696.2).
BMJ Quality and Safety. 27(8), e6
[Journal article]Authored by: Sheridan, N.Read Online:

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Wodchis, WP., Ashton, T., Baker, GR., Sheridan, N., Kuluski, K., McKillop, A., . . . Kenealy, T. (2018). A research program on implementing integrated care for older adults with complex health needs (iCOACH): An international collaboration.
International Journal of Integrated Care. 18(2)
[Journal article]Authored by: Sheridan, N.Read Online:

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Steele Gray, C., Barnsley, J., Gagnon, D., Belzile, L., Kenealy, T., Shaw, J., . . . Wodchis, WP. (2018). Using information communication technology in models of integrated community-based primary health care: Learning from the iCOACH case studies.
Implementation Science. 13(1)
[Journal article]Authored by: Sheridan, N.Read article at Massey Research Online:

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Haskell, L., Tavender, EJ., Wilson, C., O'Brien, S., Babl, FE., Borland, ML., . . . Dalziel, SR. (2018). Implementing evidence-based practices in the care of infants with bronchiolitis in Australasian acute care settings: Study protocol for a cluster randomised controlled study.
BMC Pediatrics. 18(1)
[Journal article]Authored by: Sheridan, N.Read Online:

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Steele Gray, C., Wodchis, WP., Baker, GR., Carswell, P., Kenealy, T., McKillop, A., . . . Sheridan, N. (2018). Mapping for conceptual clarity: Exploring implementation of integrated community-based primary health care from a whole systems perspective.
International Journal of Integrated Care. 18(1)
[Journal article]Authored by: Sheridan, N.Read article at Massey Research Online:

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Dowell, A., Stubbe, M., MacDonald, L., Tester, R., Gray, L., Vernall, S., . . . Dew, K. (2018). A longitudinal study of interactions between health professionals and people with newly diagnosed diabetes.
Annals of Family Medicine. 16(1), 37-44
[Journal article]Authored by: Sheridan, N.Read Online:

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Sheridan, NF., Kenealy, TW., Schmidt-Busb, JIG., & Rea, HH. (2015). Population health in New Zealand 2000–2013: From determinants of health to targets.
SAGE Open Medicine. 3
[Journal article]Authored by: Sheridan, N.Read Online:

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Sheridan, NF., Kenealy, TW., Kidd, JD., Schmidt-Busby, JIG., Hand, JE., Raphael, DL., . . . Rea, HH. (2015). Patients' engagement in primary care: powerlessness and compounding jeopardy. A qualitative study.
Health Expectations. 18(1), 32-43
[Journal article]Authored by: Sheridan, N.Read Online:

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Sheridan, NF., Kenealy, TW., Schmidt-Busby, JI., & Rea, HH. (2015). Population health in New Zealand 2000-2013: From determinants of health to targets..
SAGE Open Med. 3, 2050312115573654
[Journal article]Authored by: Sheridan, N.Read Online:

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Sheridan, NF., Kenealy, TW., Connolly, MJ., Mahony, F., Barber, PA., Boyd, MA., . . . Moffitt, A. (2011). Health equity in the New Zealand health care system: A national survey.
International Journal for Equity in Health. 10
[Journal article]Authored by: Sheridan, N.Read Online:

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Sheridan, N., Kenealy, T., Stewart, L., Lampshire, D., Robust, TT., Parsons, J., . . . Connolly, M. (2017). When equity is central to research: Implications for researchers and consumers in the research team.
International Journal of Integrated Care. 17(2)
[Journal article]Authored by: Sheridan, N.Read Online:

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Kuluski, K., Sheridan, N., Kenealy, T., Breton, M., McKillop, A., Shaw, J., . . . Wodchis, WP. (2017). “On the margins and not the mainstream:” Case selection for the implementation of community based primary health care in Canada and New Zealand.
International Journal of Integrated Care. 17(2)
[Journal article]Authored by: Sheridan, N.Read Online:

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Sheridan, N., Kenealy, T., Kuluski, K., McKillop, A., Parsons, J., & Wong-Cornall, C. (2017). Are patient and carer experiences mirrored in the practice reviews of self-management support (PRISMS) provider taxonomy?.
International Journal of Integrated Care. 17(2)
[Journal article]Authored by: Sheridan, N.Read Online:

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Eadie, IJ., & Sheridan, NF. (2017). Midwives’ experiences of working in an obstetric high dependency unit: A qualitative study.
Midwifery. 47, 1-7
[Journal article]Authored by: Sheridan, N.Read Online:

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Docherty, B., Sheridan, N., & Kenealy, T. (2016). Developing Brief Opportunistic Interactions: Practitioners facilitate patients to identify and change health risk behaviours at an early preventive stage.
Primary Health Care Research and Development. 17(4), 319-332
[Journal article]Authored by: Sheridan, N.Read Online:

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Day, K., Kenealy, TW., & Sheridan, NF. (2016). Should we embed randomized controlled trials within action research: Arguing from a case study of telemonitoring.
BMC Medical Research Methodology. 16(1)
[Journal article]Authored by: Sheridan, N.Read Online:

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Breton, M., Steele Gray, C., Sheridan, N., Shaw, J., Parsons, J., Wankah, P., . . . Wodchis, WP. (2017). Implementing community based primary healthcare for older adults with complex needs in Quebec, Ontario and New-Zealand: Describing nine cases.
International Journal of Integrated Care. 17(2)
[Journal article]Authored by: Sheridan, N.Read Online:

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Tenbensel, T., Miller, F., Breton, M., Couturier, Y., Morton-Chang, F., Ashton, T., . . . Wodchis, W. (2017). How do policy and institutional settings shape opportunities for community-based primary health care? A comparison of Ontario, Québec and New Zealand.
International Journal of Integrated Care. 17(2)
[Journal article]Authored by: Sheridan, N.Read Online:

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Wong-Cornall, C., Parsons, J., Sheridan, N., Kenealy, T., & Peckham, A. (2017). Extending “continuity of care” to include the contribution of family carers.
International Journal of Integrated Care. 17(2)
[Journal article]Authored by: Sheridan, N.Read Online:

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McKillop, A., Shaw, J., Sheridan, N., Gray, CS., Carswell, P., Wodchis, WP., . . . Kenealy, T. (2017). Understanding the attributes of implementation frameworks to guide the implementation of a model of community-based integrated health care for older adults with complex chronic conditions: A metanarrative review.
International Journal of Integrated Care. 17(2)
[Journal article]Authored by: Sheridan, N.Read Online:

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Kenealy, TW., Sheridan, NF., & Orr-Walker, BJ. (2017). Six new studies about diabetes: What can we learn that might benefit māori and pacific people?.
New Zealand Medical Journal. 130(1450), 8-11
[Journal article]Authored by: Sheridan, N.
Mckillop, A., Sheridan, N., & Rowe, D. (2013). New light through old windows: Nurses, colonists and indigenous survival.
Nursing Inquiry. 20(3), 265-276
[Journal article]Authored by: Sheridan, N.Read Online:

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Sheridan, N., Kenealy, T., Salmon, E., Rea, H., Raphael, D., & Schmidt-Busby, J. (2011). Helplessness, self blame and faith may impact on self management in COPD: A qualitative study.
Primary Care Respiratory Journal. 20(3), 307-314
[Journal article]Authored by: Sheridan, N.Read Online:

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Sheridan, N. (2013). Medical professionalism requires that the best interest of the patient must always come first: Yes.
Journal of Primary Health Care. 5(1), 74-75
[Journal article]Authored by: Sheridan, N.Read Online:

Parsons, JGM., Sheridan, N., Rouse, P., Robinson, E., & Connolly, M. (2013). A randomized controlled trial to determine the effect of a model of restorative home care on physical function and social support among older people.
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 94(6), 1015-1022
[Journal article]Authored by: Sheridan, N.Read Online:

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Barton, J., Dew, K., Dowell, A., Sheridan, N., Kenealy, T., Macdonald, L., . . . Stubbe, M. (2016). Patient resistance as a resource: candidate obstacles in diabetes consultations.
Sociology of health & illness. 38(7), 1151-1166
[Journal article]Authored by: Sheridan, N.Read Online:

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Daly, B., Arroll, B., Sheridan, N., Kenealy, T., & Scragg, R. (2016). Quantification of diabetes consultations by the main primary health care nurse groups in Auckland, New Zealand.
Primary Health Care Research and Development. 17(5), 524-529
[Journal article]Authored by: Sheridan, N.Read Online:

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Kenealy, TW., Parsons, MJG., Rouse, APB., Doughty, RN., Sheridan, NF., Harré Hindmarsh, JK., . . . Rea, HH. (2015). Telecare for diabetes, CHF or COPD: Effect on quality of life, hospital use and costs. A randomised controlled trial and qualitative evaluation.
PLoS ONE. 10(3)
[Journal article]Authored by: Sheridan, N.Read Online:

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Daly, B., Arroll, B., Kenealy, T., Sheridan, N., & Scragg, R. (2015). Management of diabetes by primary health care nurses in Auckland, New Zealand.
Journal of Primary Health Care. 7(1), 42-49
[Journal article]Authored by: Sheridan, N.Read Online:

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Kenealy, TW., Sheridan, NF., & Connolly, MJ. (2015). Healthpathways website: Making the right thing the easy thing to do?.
New Zealand Medical Journal. 128(1408), 6-9
[Journal article]Authored by: Sheridan, N.
Daly, B., Arroll, B., Sheridan, N., Kenealy, T., Stewart, A., & Scragg, R. (2014). Foot examinations of diabetes patients by primary health care nurses in Auckland, New Zealand.
Primary Care Diabetes. 8(2), 139-146
[Journal article]Authored by: Sheridan, N.Read Online:

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Daly, B., Arroll, B., Sheridan, N., Kenealy, T., & Scragg, R. (2014). Diabetes knowledge of nurses providing community care for diabetes patients in Auckland, New Zealand.
Primary Care Diabetes. 8(3), 215-223
[Journal article]Authored by: Sheridan, N.Read Online:

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Daly, B., Kenealy, T., Arroll, B., Sheridan, N., & Scragg, R. (2014). Do primary health care nurses address cardiovascular risk in diabetes patients?.
Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice. 106(2), 212-220
[Journal article]Authored by: Sheridan, N.Read Online:

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Daly, B., Arroll, B., Sheridan, N., Kenealy, T., & Scragg, R. (2013). Characteristics of nurses providing diabetes community and outpatient care in Auckland.
Journal of Primary Health Care. 5(1), 19-27
[Journal article]Authored by: Sheridan, N.Read Online:

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Daly, B., Kenealy, T., Arroll, B., Sheridan, N., & Scragg, R. (2013). Contribution by primary health nurses and general practitioners to the diabetes annual review (Get Checked) programme in Auckland, New Zealand.
New Zealand Medical Journal. 126(1380), 15-26
[Journal article]Authored by: Sheridan, N.Read Abstract:

Macdonald, L., Stubbe, M., Tester, R., Vernall, S., Dowell, T., Dew, K., . . . Raphael, D. (2013). Nurse-patient communication in primary care diabetes management: An exploratory study.
BMC Nursing. 12(1)
[Journal article]Authored by: Sheridan, N.Read Online:

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Parsons, M., Senior, H., Mei-Hu Chen, X., Jacobs, S., Parsons, J., Sheridan, N., . . . Kenealy, T. (2013). Assessment without action; a randomised evaluation of the interRAI home care compared to a national assessment tool on identification of needs and service provision for older people in New Zealand.
Health and Social Care in the Community. 21(5), 536-544
[Journal article]Authored by: Senior, H., Sheridan, N.Read Online:

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Parsons, J., Rouse, P., Robinson, EM., Sheridan, N., & Connolly, MJ. (2012). Goal setting as a feature of homecare services for older people: Does it make a difference?.
Age and Ageing. 41(1), 24-29
[Journal article]Authored by: Sheridan, N.Read Online:

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Kenealy, T., Rees, D., Sheridan, N., Moffitt, A., Tibby, S., & Homer, J. (2012). A 'whole of system' approach to compare options for CVD interventions in Counties Manukau.
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health. 36(3), 263-268
[Journal article]Authored by: Sheridan, N.Read Online:

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Finlayson, MP., Sheridan, NF., Cumming, JM., & Fowler, S. (2012). The impact of funding changes on the implementation of primary health care policy..
Primary health care research & development. 13(2), 120-129
[Journal article]Authored by: Sheridan, N.Read Online:

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Kenealy, T., & Sheridan, N. (2011). Protocol-based nurse management of type 2 diabetes did not differ from usual GP care for HbA<inf>1c</inf> levels.
Annals of Internal Medicine. 155(6)
[Journal article]Authored by: Sheridan, N.Read Online:

Connolly, MJ., Kenealy, T., Barber, PA., Carswell, P., Clinton, J., Dyall, L., . . . Sheridan, N. (2011). National variability in provision of health services for major long-term conditions in New Zealand (a report from the ABCC NZ study).
New Zealand Medical Journal. 124(1344), 16-35
[Journal article]Authored by: Sheridan, N.Read Abstract:

Sheridan, N., Kinealy, T., Salmon, E., Rea, H., Raphael, D., & Schmidt-Busby, J. (2011). COPD self-management in New Zealand: Patient attitudes and behaviours.
Journal of Primary Health Care. 3(4), 334-335
[Journal article]Authored by: Sheridan, N.
Rea, H., Kenealy, T., Adair, J., Robinson, E., & Sheridan, N. (2011). Spirometry for patients in hospital and one month after admission with an acute exacerbation of COPD.
International Journal of COPD. 6(1), 527-532
[Journal article]Authored by: Sheridan, N.Read Online:

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Rea, H., Kenealy, T., Sheridan, N., & Gorman, D. (2010). Invisible care: Do we need a Code of Rights to protect family and informal carers?.
New Zealand Medical Journal. 123(1317)
[Journal article]Authored by: Sheridan, N.
Rea, H., Kenealy, T., Horwood, F., Sheridan, N., Parsons, M., Wemekamp, B., . . . Degeling, P. (2010). Integrated systems to improve care for very high intensity users of hospital emergency department and for long-term conditions in the community.
New Zealand Medical Journal. 123(1320)
[Journal article]Authored by: Sheridan, N.Read Abstract:

Sankaran, S., Kenealy, T., Adair, A., Adair, V., Coster, H., Whitehead, N., . . . Rea, H. (2010). A complex intervention to support 'rest home' care: A pilot study.
New Zealand Medical Journal. 123(1308), 41-53
[Journal article]Authored by: Sheridan, N.Read Abstract:

Kenealy, T., Docherty, B., Sheridan, N., & Gao, R. (2010). Seeing patients first: Creating an opportunity for practice nurse care?.
Journal of Primary Health Care. 2(2), 136-141
[Journal article]Authored by: Sheridan, N.Read Online:

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Kenealy, TW., Eggleton, KS., Robinson, EM., & Sheridan, NF. (2010). Systematic care to reduce ethnic disparities in diabetes care.
Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice. 89(3), 256-261
[Journal article]Authored by: Sheridan, N.Read Online:

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Sheridan, N., Kenealy, T., Parsons, M., & Rea, H. (2009). Health reality show: Regular celebrities, high stakes, new game - A model for managing complex primary health care.
New Zealand Medical Journal. 122(1301), 31-42
[Journal article]Authored by: Sheridan, N.Read Abstract:

Neuwelt, P., Matheson, D., Arroll, B., Dowell, A., Winnard, D., Crampton, P., . . . Cumming, J. (2009). Putting population health into practice through primary health care.
New Zealand Medical Journal. 122(1290), 98-104
[Journal article]Authored by: Sheridan, N.Read Abstract:

Sheridan, N., Finlayson, M., & Jones, M. (2009). Position statement: Primary health care nursing.
Journal of Primary Health Care. 1(2), 95-97
[Journal article]Authored by: Sheridan, N.
Docherty, B., Sheridan, N., & Kenealy, T. (2008). Painting a new picture for practice nurses in a capitated environment: Who holds the brush?.
New Zealand Medical Journal. 121(1284)
[Journal article]Authored by: Sheridan, N.
Fransen, M., Woodward, M., Norton, R., Coggan, C., Dawe, M., & Sheridan, N. (2002). Risk factors associated with the transition from acute to chronic occupational back pain.
Spine. 27(1), 92-98
[Journal article]Authored by: Sheridan, N.Read Online:

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Wham, C., Sheridan, N., Kruger, M., & Chatindiara, I. (2020, October). Eating less the logical thing to do? Vulnerability to malnutrition with advancing age: A qualitative study. Presented at
Vision for Ageing in Aotearoa 2020 Conference. Wellington, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Kruger, M., Sheridan, N.Read Online:

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Kuluski, K., Peckham, A., Gill, A., Gagnon, D., Dumas, S., Sheridan, N., . . . Parsons, J.What is important to people with multimorbidity and their caregivers? Identifying attributes of person centred primary health care from the user perspective.
[Conference]Authored by: Sheridan, N.Read Online:

Baker, GR., Gray, CS., Shaw, J., Breton, M., Nji, PW., Kenealy, T., . . . Wodchis, W.Designing a survey assessing the scale and spread of integrated care in the iCOACH project.
[Conference]Authored by: Sheridan, N.Read Online:

Green, JK., Burrow, MS., Price, R., Adams, S., & Sheridan, N. (2019).
Incorporating a cultural framework, flipped classroom and team-based learning with case studies: A new approach to undergraduate education. Poster session presented at the meeting of ICN Congress 2019. Singapore
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Burrow, M., Green, J., Sheridan, N.Read Abstract:

Tenbensel, TG., Williams, AP., Breton, M., Couturier, Y., Miller, FA., Ashton, T., . . . Peckham, A.A comparison of the policy and institutional environment relevant to community-based primary health care in Ontario, Quebec and New Zealand.
[Conference]Authored by: Sheridan, N.Read Online:

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Gill, A., Kuluski, K., Peckham, A., Parsons, J., Sheridan, N., McKillop, A., . . . Arneja, J.Functional Limitations Experienced by Older Adults with Complex Care Needs and Its Impact on Access to Community Based Health and Social Care.
[Conference]Authored by: Sheridan, N.Read Online:

Kuluski, K., Gill, A., McKillop, A., Parsons, J., Peckham, A., Sheridan, N., . . . Wong-Cornall, C.The Unmet Needs of Patients and Carers within Community Based Primary Health Care.
[Conference]Authored by: Sheridan, N.Read Online:

Gray, CS., Barnsley, J., Gagnon, D., Belzile, L., Kenealy, T., Shaw, J., . . . Wodchis, WP.Using Information Communication Technology in Models of Integrated Community-Based Primary Health Care: Exploring ICT in the iCOACH Study.
[Conference]Authored by: Sheridan, N.Read Online:

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Shaw, J., Baker, GR., Gutberg, J., Barnsley, J., Gray, CS., Breton, M., . . . Kenealy, T.Managerial strategies for integrated care: Health care provider engagement in the iCOACH project.
[Conference]Authored by: Sheridan, N.Read Online:

McKillop, A., Shaw, J., Gray, CS., Sheridan, N., Carswell, P., & Kenealy, T.We know what to do, but how do we do it? A metanarrative review of implementation frameworks to guide the iCOACH project.
[Conference]Authored by: Sheridan, N.Read Online:

Kuluski, K., Gill, A., Peckham, A., Sheridan, N., Gagnon, D., & Belzile, L.What Factors Influence Patient and Carer Engagement in Community Based Primary Health Care? Insights from People with Complex Care Needs and their Carers.
[Conference]Authored by: Sheridan, N.Read Online:

Sheridan, N., Kenealy, T., Kuluski, K., McKillop, A., Parsons, J., & McKillop, CA.Are patient and carer experiences mirrored in the Practice Reviews of Self-Management Support (PRISMS) provider taxonomy?.
[Conference]Authored by: Sheridan, N.Read Online:

Gray, CS., Wodchis, WP., Baker, GR., Carswell, P., Sheridan, NF., Breton, M., . . . Parsons, J.Mapping for conceptual clarity: Exploring implementation of integrated community-based primary health care from a whole system perspective..
[Conference]Authored by: Sheridan, N.Read Online:

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Shaw, J., McKillop, A., Sheridan, N., Gray, CS., Carswell, P., Wodchis, WP., . . . Kenealy, T.Advancing Implementation Science for Quality and Safety in Primary Health Care: The Integrated Care for Older Adults with Complex Health Needs Study (iCOACH).
(5)(pp. 431 - 432). 2044-5415.
[Conference]Authored by: Sheridan, N.Read Online:

Sheridan, N., Kenealy, T., & iCOACH, PTT.Consumers with high complex needs co-create a relationship-based approach to care.
[Conference]Authored by: Sheridan, N.Read Online:

Sheridan, N., Kenealy, T., Schmidt-Busby, J., & Rea, H.Population health in New Zealand 2000-2013: Targets disrupt service integration from addressing health determinants.
[Conference]Authored by: Sheridan, N.Read Online:

Rea, HH., Kenealy, TW., Rolland, T-M., Naumann, C., Hou, T., & Sheridan, N.Enabling Integrated Health and Care.
[Conference]Authored by: Sheridan, N.Read Online: