Online exam checklist , Rārangi arowhai tuihono mō ngā whakamātautau

Most exams at Massey are online. Prepare by making sure you know how online exams work, getting the right equipment, finding a good place to do your exam and trying out our online exam supervision software.

Online exams make the exam process simple and fair for all our students. They're just as secure and easy to sit as in-person exams – but if you haven't done one before, you need to do some extra preparation ahead of time.

Check what type of online assessment you're doing

There are three types of online assessments:

  • Online Supervised Exams (OSEs)
  • Time Constrained Assessments (TCAs)
  • Other Assessment (OA).

Online Supervised Exams:

  • start and finish at a set date and time
  • have a time limit once you begin
  • are accessed in Stream
  • are supervised electronically.

Time Constrained Assessments:

  • start and finish at a set date and time
  • have a time limit once you begin
  • are accessed in Stream
  • aren't supervised.

Other Assessments:

  • are scheduled on your exam timetable in the student portal
  • are administered through the college, so you should contact your course coordinator if you have any questions or require assistance.

In your exam timetable in the student portal you can view:

  • exam start and finish dates and times
  • time limits
  • what type of exam it is.

Log in to the student portal

Find out what to expect in Stream

Use our support information in Stream to learn what it's like to do an assessment online.

Guidance includes:

  • information about how online assessments work
  • practice tests you can try as many times as you like
  • answers to common questions about online assessments.

Open the Online Supervised Exam Student Support Stream site (access only available to students sitting an OSE this semester)

Visit the Time Constrained Assessment Student Support Stream site

Find a place to sit your exams

You can sit your online exams where you choose. Choose a place that:

  • is quiet
  • is somewhere you won't be interrupted
  • has a secure, stable internet connection
  • has a power socket so you can plug your computer in
  • doesn't contain any materials that aren't allowed in the exam rules.

You might need to book a room in your local library or on a Massey campus if you don't have somewhere suitable at home. Do this early, so you're prepared for the day.

To book a room in a Massey campus library please email and mention the campus where you want to sit your exam. You can also make a booking at the Service Point of the library where you want to sit your exam. Limited rooms are available.

Make sure you have the right equipment

Ideally, you should do your exams on a Windows computer or a Mac. Make sure you use a device that:

  • can access Stream
  • has a keyboard so you can write your answers easily
  • has a webcam and microphone
  • has a reliable broadband internet connection.

You cannot sit online exams on phones, tablets or touch screens.

Contact Assessment Services at if you have any questions about sitting exams online.

Find out what materials you're allowed to use

If you see the letters OB next to your exam title on your timetable, your exam is open book.

This means you can use certain reference materials in the exam, like notes or books. Contact your course coordinator to find out what you're allowed to bring with you.

Check what materials you're allowed in your exam

Visit OWLL to find out how to prepare for open book exams

Know where to get study tips, guidance and support

We have resources and services to help you prepare for exams, and can give you support if you're feeling anxious.

Find study advice in OWLL

The Online Writing and Learning Link (OWLL) contains lots of advice to help you prepare for tests and exams, and strategies that will help you on the day. There’s information about:

  • studying for tests and exams
  • types of exam question
  • organising your time in an exam.

See exam advice and tips on OWLL

Book an appointment with a Learning Adviser

A Learning Adviser can give you advice about preparing for exams, either one-on-one or in a small group.

Find out more about Learning Advisers and other study support services

Get support for exam anxiety

We know exams can be stressful. You can get support to help you fight exam stress and anxiety from the Student Health and Counselling Services at our Auckland and Manawatū campuses.

Make an appointment to see a counsellor, or email to ask a question, discuss a worry or get advice.

Student Health and Counselling service (Auckland) email:

Student Health and Counselling service (Manawatū) email:

Student Health and Counselling service (Wellington) email:

If you’re a distance student, contact the Student Health and Counselling service at the Massey campus nearest you.

Technical troubleshooting

Contact us if you have technical issues in an online exam. You may be able to get extra time to finish your exam.

We are open from Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 4.30pm. If you call outside these times during an exam period your call will be redirected to Assessment Services between the hours of 7am to 10pm. Or email exams@massey and this will be dealt with on the next working day.

Stream problems

See our guide to Stream. If you have issues with Stream please contact us.