Development Studies library subject guide , Aratohu kaupapa mō te whakawhanake

This guide covers development studies resources.

Article databases

Search these databases for the articles you need in your study or research.


Searches across multiple  journal article databases simultaneously.  Includes Australia/New Zealand Reference Centre Plus and Business Source Complete.

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Multidisciplinary scholarly research database. Scopus maps items to particular United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

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Google Scholar

Google's academic search. Excellent coverage of scholarly journals.

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CAB Abstracts

Agricultural and rural development focus.

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Business Source Complete

Economics, business and finance focus.

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Searches full text New Zealand newspapers, magazines and radio transcripts.  Includes Index New Zealand.

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Pacific Islands News & Information

Newspapers, newsfeeds and journals specific to the Pacific Islands.

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Australia/New Zealand Reference Centre Plus

A good general source of information on Australian and New Zealand topics.

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OECD iLibrary

OECD statistics and publications. Browse by theme (including development with Sustainable Development Goals section), country and content type, or search all content.

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Newspaper Databases

A list of international and New Zealand newspaper databases.

Go to Newspaper Databases

Terms and conditions for library online resources

Legal guidelines about how and by whom Library-subscribed article databases may be used.

Books and ebooks

Find books and ebooks.

Search Discover

Search Discover to find Library books, journals, DVDs & other material. Note that "Developing countries" is an important search term for development topics.

Search Libraries Worldwide

For postgraduate students and staff to find and request books that are not held by any Massey University Library.

Books and Ebooks at Massey Library

Google Books

A huge range of part- and full-view online books. Useful for identifying material to request from the Library, if not available in full view.

Find theses and research reports

Locate Massey, New Zealand and international theses.

Massey University Development Studies Theses

Development organisations

Find New Zealand and international development organisations.

New Zealand Aid and Development Dialogues

Aotearoa New Zealand International Development Studies Network.

Aid and Development
The New Zealand government's international aid and development programme.

Development Gateway
Provides information, tools and services to support developing countries.

ODI - Overseas Development Institute
A British independent think-tank. The site includes full-text articles and working papers.

World Resources Institute
The WRI works with governments, companies, and civil society to build solutions to urgent environmental challenges. The site includes projects and publications.

Global Development Institute
A British institute working on policy to end world poverty. The site includes projects and publications.

More information

Find background, concepts, videos and research methods.

Background information


Includes International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences and International Encyclopedia of Human Geography. Search tip: search on your topic, then refine results to Encyclopedia.

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Sage Knowledge Reference

Concepts and definitions

Oxford Reference

Television programmes, video and documentaries


Recorded television programmes from New Zealand and selected international channels About this resource

Ethnographic Video Online

About this resource

Culture Unplugged.

Research methods

Sage Research Methods About this resource

Related subject guides

Social Sciences

This guide covers general social sciences topics, including human geography, politics, social anthropology, and sociology.

Finance and Economics

This guide covers finance, economics, banking, and property.

Business and Management

This guide covers the following areas: business, management, marketing, human resources, occupational safety and health.

Agriculture and Horticulture

Learn where to start your research in agriculture and horticulture.

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