Psychology library subject guide , Aratohu kaupapa mō te mātai hinengaro

This guide covers psychology and counselling resources.

Article databases

Search these databases for the articles you need in your study or research.


Searches multiple journal article databases simultaneously. Databases include PsycINFO, Mental Measurements Yearbook, Business Source Complete, ERIC and Health Databases on EBSCOhost. Excellent starting point for undergraduates.

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Main database for psychology. Included in Discover searches.

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Multidisciplinary topics, includes Medline. Excellent coverage of scholarly journals. Excellent for citation searching.

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Google Scholar

Google’s academic search. Excellent coverage of scholarly journals and good for New Zealand topics.  Includes Pubmed.

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Health Databases on EBSCOhost

Includes health psychology topics.

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Business Source Complete

Business database with good coverage of industrial and organisational psychology.

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ERIC via EBSCOhost

Education database covering mostly American articles in the area of educational psychology.

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Sociological Abstracts

Scholarly international coverage of social psychology and sociology.

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Searches full text New Zealand newspapers, magazines and radio transcripts. Includes Index New Zealand.

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Index New Zealand

Covers psychology topics and other related disciplines in New Zealand-published journals such as New Zealand Journal of Psychology, New Zealand Journal of Counselling and New Zealand Medical Journal.

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Terms and conditions for library online resources

Legal guidelines about how and by whom Library-subscribed article databases may be used.

Background information

Background information and psychological tests.

Background information


Excellent comprehensive overview of psychology and counselling topics. Search tip: search on your topic, then refine results to Encyclopedia About this resource

APA Dictionary of Psychology

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders: DSM-5-TR

Corsini Encyclopedia of Psychology
Detailed full-text articles on psychology and counselling, including biological psychology, psychological tests, research methods and statistical procedures.

Psychological tests

Mental Measurements Yearbook
Full text reviews of commercially published tests from 1985 onwards. Note: there is a limit of 4 simultaneous users. Also available via Discover. About this resource

Print reviews of tests from 1940-1984.


Full text unpublished tests from 1980 onwards, including actual test instrument and links to the literature. Includes information about availability of some tests that are commercially available. About this resource

School of Psychology Test Library
Psychology students are able to borrow psychological tests (commercially published, non-commercial and unpublished) from the School of Psychology Test Library at the Manawatū Campus. Contact Hung Ton ( in the School of Psychology for more information.

More information

Videos, statistics, concepts and more.

Videos and documentaries


View videos of unscripted "live" therapy sessions with individuals, couples and families, as well as experts modelling a range of therapeutic approaches. Includes keyword searchable transcripts of the interviews. About this resource

Counseling and Therapy in Video

View videos of scripted therapy sessions and discussions of interview techniques. Includes keyword searchable transcripts of the interviews. About this resource


View recorded television programmes from New Zealand and selected international channels. About this resource


Ministry of Health

Concepts and definitions

Oxford Reference Online Premium

Includes A Dictionary of Psychology. About this resource

Drugs and medicines

Medicines Complete
Online access to key international drug references.

Medsafe Medicine Data Sheets
Prescribing information for specific medicines approved for distribution in New Zealand


An evidence based, peer reviewed, full text resource that contains information on more than 10,000 topics, access to Lexi-com drug monographs and interaction information for drugs and herbs. About this resource

Books and ebooks

Find books and ebooks.

Search Discover

To find books, journals, DVDs & other material held by Massey.

Search Libraries Worldwide

For postgraduate students and staff to find and request books that are not held by any Massey University Library.

Find books, ebooks and textbooks

Google Books

Searches across the full-text content of a huge range of books. You can then check by searching Discover to see if the book is held by Massey University Library. About this resource

Research Methods

Sage Research Methods

Full-text content relating to research methodologies from books, dictionaries, encyclopedias, handbooks, journals, and videos. About this resource

Search the Library for material on research methods in psychology


Find theses and research reports
Locate Massey, New Zealand and international theses.

Massey University Psychology Theses

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